Help - Unwanted resizing buttons!

Hello All:
I want to have tiled buttons in a JScrollPane where the buttons are always the same size. My problem now is that when the main window is resized smaller, the buttons scale themselves down in order to fit in the JPanel. Since the buttons always resize themselves to fit in the pane the scroll bars never appear.
How can I get the following code to display fixed sized buttons (with ImageIcons), so that I can scroll through 2 columns and many rows of the same size button?
package net.nighthawk.iid.viewer;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
public class ImageThumbnailPanel extends JPanel
  private JPanel panel;
  private GridLayout buttonLayout = new GridLayout();
  private int rows = 4;
  private static final int COLS = 1;
  public ImageThumbnailPanel()
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    panel = new JPanel();
    ImageIcon anIcon = new ImageIcon("any.jpg");  
    // Here's where the problem is, adding more buttons causes them to resize to fit the pane
    for(int i = 0; i < rows*COLS; i++)
      addButton("hi", anIcon);
    Dimension buttonPanelDimension = new Dimension(300,300);
    // Setting the size of the panel does not fix the problem
    add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
    //Add the scroll pane to this panel.
   private void addButton(final String label, ImageIcon icon) // does final work?
      JButton button = new JButton(label, icon);
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
            System.out.println("Button label:>" + label);
  public static void main(String[] args)
    //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
    //Create and set up the window.
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("ImageThumbnailPanel");
    //Create and set up the content pane.
    ImageThumbnailPanel newContentPane = new ImageThumbnailPanel();
    //Display the window.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
class ImageThumbnailPanel extends JPanel
  private JPanel panel;
  private GridLayout buttonLayout = new GridLayout();
  private int rows = 9;
  private static final int COLS = 1;
  public ImageThumbnailPanel()
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    panel = new JPanel();
    ImageIcon anIcon = new ImageIcon("any.jpg");
    for(int i = 0; i < rows*COLS; i++)
      addButton("hi", anIcon);
    Dimension buttonPanelDimension = new Dimension(300,300);
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(panel);
   private void addButton(final String label, ImageIcon icon)
      JButton button = new JButton(label, icon);
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
            System.out.println("Button label:>" + label);
  public static void main(String[] args)
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("ImageThumbnailPanel");
    ImageThumbnailPanel newContentPane = new ImageThumbnailPanel();

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    Chances are the buttons are merely behind the Control Panel or your'e simply in Full Screen Mode.
    If your document is behind the Control panel, tap the Tab key to hide all panel, then move the document down so it's not behind the control panel.
    If you are in Full Screen Mode, tap the F key on the keyboard until you see the buttons again.


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    Error Report-
    HTTP Status 500 -
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException:
           if(var.equals("si")){ SELECT si FROM serviceTable }
          else if(var.equals("sc")){ SELECT sc FROM serviceTable}
          else if(var.equals("sr")){ SELECT sr FROM serviceTable}
          else if(var.equals("sb")){ SELECT sb FROM serviceTable}
          else if(var.equals("sa")){ SELECT sa FROM serviceTable}
          else if(var.equals("sh")){ SELECT sh FROM serviceTable}
    : Non supported SQL92 token at position: 57: SELECT
    root cause
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    rpofclt wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I need help with a button. I created a button and set it
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    you can't use the button itself if you want to maintain the
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    lives the HIT zone.
    Use movie clip instead and on press simply send it to a frame
    where there
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    Best Regards
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    Pl take alook at this<a href="">SAP Help</a>
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    Amarender Reddy B

        use  event
       at selection-screen on  HELP-REQUEST FOR 
    As with the addition ON VALUE-REQUEST the field psel_low_high  
    is either the name of a report parameter or of the form sel-LOW
    or sel-HIGH, where sel is the name of a selection criterion.   
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    KevinC & Others,
    This is a wide spread issue, caused by the recent Maintenance on the  Discussions system.
    See these previously posted Topics in Feedback About Discussions, posted below.
    Please review the responses.
    Error when attempting to click "Solved" button in forum
    Error when trying to mark a reply as "solved"
    Thank you for maintenance and another error
    This Thread ERROR when hitting the "helpful" or "solved" buttons
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    gotoAndStop(1, "Recipe");
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    gotoAndPlay(1, "MainMenu");
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    First, hopefully having all your code mushed onto the same line is a copy/paste error, otherwise it should look like...
    btn_recipe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
    function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
         gotoAndStop(1, "Recipe");
    If the intention is to click the buttons to make them work, then you should use CLICK instead of MOUSE_DOWN.  MOUSE_DOWN can be a persistent state whereas CLICK involves releasing it afterwards.
    As for the code to get you back home, where is it located on the timeline?  Are you getting any error messages when you try to use it?
    One thing you should learn to use is the trace() function.  It is useful for troubleshooting.  You can use it now to see if your second button is talking to the function at all...
    btn_home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouse5DownHandler);
    function mouse5DownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
         trace("the button works okay");
         gotoAndPlay(1, "MainMenu");
    If you don't get that message in the output panel, you'll know the button is not properly coded to work.
    Most folks here will recommend you get away from using scenes in a design that includes navigation--they have a history of being problematic.  Instead of using scenes, divide the one main timeline up into sections or use movieclips for the sections and manage their visibility... or do a bit of both.

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    I read what was written but still am confused. I am completely lost at this pointWhat is confusing you? A TreeMap is just a HashMap where the key is stored is sorted order.
    Read the Collections tutorial found [url]here.

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    Good day all!
    I need help making a button. This is what I want to happen.
    I have a bunch of text, One of the words "merino" is bule as
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    I know how to do this in "Flash" i.e just drop in the image
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    But I am willing to learn and maybe in time love???
    Thanks all!

    "satrop" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f0o4t7$954$[email protected]..
    > Good day all!
    > I need help making a button. This is what I want to
    > I have a bunch of text, One of the words "merino" is
    bule as to say there
    > is a
    > link hear! And I want an image of the "merino" to come
    up, like a "ALT"
    > box.
    > I know how to do this in "Flash" i.e just drop in the
    image on the over
    > state
    > of the button event. Easy as pie! This is why I cant get
    to grips with
    > Dreamweaver! I hate it!
    > But I am willing to learn and maybe in time love???
    HTML is a lot different from Flash! :-)
    I believe you could do this using DW's Show-Hide layer
    behavior - have
    mousing over the link trigger a layer with the image to
    appear. Someone else
    may have a better idea.
    Just FYI, having to mouse over a link in order to get more
    information about
    it isn't usually appreciated by users. You *might* want to
    re-think this
    Patty Ayers | Adobe Community Expert
    Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
    Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate

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    I indicated that I have this problem too, or at least a related one, but I wanted to add some details. In my case, using gmail, the resize button actually isn't even visible. But when I try to put the mouse on the line-scroll arrow at bottom right, the cursor changes to the resize cursor, and I can resize from there (with the mouse a good bit above where the resize button should be). So I think it's the same problem reported by this user. As indicated, it's impossible to use the line-scroll button in this mode. I don't seem to have the problem on other web pages, or at least not that I've noticed. I just obtained Firefox 4, so I think I've got an up-to-date copy, and I'm running on Windows XP, SP2. And other than this, I *really* like FF4--that tab organization feature is absolutely stunning in its usefulness. Oh, and, in case it matters, I'm also running the gmail under the "pinned tab" option.

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    For example, the input field is for entering the name of a table, and with the button i want to show all the tables that are elegibles for that field.
    Any suggestion?
    Message was edited by:
            Eric Hernandez Pardo

    Hi Uwe,
    What I want to know is how to call the search help when the button is pressed. (Like the one in SE80 Transaction)
    Message was edited by:
            Eric Hernandez Pardo

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    See if this helps you -
    If not, please provide screenshots of your issue.
    It is best to use a compressed image type like PNG or JPG to save the screenshot and make sure that you do not exceed a maximum file size of 1 MB.
    Then use the '''Browse ....''' button below the '''''Post a Reply''''' text box to upload the screenshot.

  • Help with Enabled Buttons

    I am looking for a way to enable/disable all buttons in a
    swf. I found this searching here but I don't understand it, and am
    looking for some of the many ways, as mentioned. =1240137&highlight_key=y&keyword1=enabled
    I am messing with having things load in what I call "windows"
    and when you close a window, basically it just collapses the .swf.
    The problem I have is that the cursor reacts to roll overs and I
    can still rollover buttons in the swf even though its collapsed. To
    see this prob go to:
    and open the gallery, then drag the gallery to the middle of
    the screen, close the gallery, then move the mouse around the
    outside of the "title bar" and watch the mouse change colors even
    though there is nothing there. I put a trace in the rollover
    handlers so I know which buttons are causing this. I just would
    like a broad sweep disable all buttons while the window is closed.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    OK, I lied to you. I meant to say I was setting the _height
    value of the swf to .1, not the y value. Any way the lie is that I
    was actually setting it to 0, which is what was causing my problem.
    I changed the resize value to .1 and the problem dissapeared. I am
    going to try out your suggestion though, for s&g. Thank you for
    the help.
    I am not gonna mark this answered cuz I am curious on the
    original question. Before your suggestion and me stumbling onto my
    own stupidity, I was trying out an array that stored button names
    and I would cycle through them enabling and diabling as I opened
    and closed. One thing I noticed was that my galleries contained 50+
    pics and the latency in my push loop may have become a problem.
    Thanks Again.

Maybe you are looking for