Help! Upload file to server. How?

How do I upload a file from my local harddrive to a remote server? Please give me a code example.

Check out Apache HttpClient.
It has an example program
"" which demonstrates how
to use this API to do a file upload from pure Java.
To use Apache HttpClient you also need to download
"commons-codecs" and "commons-logging" and put the
jars in your classpath.
I put the jars into my project but still it cant find the following packages:
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.FilePart;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.MultipartRequestEntity;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.Part;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams;

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  • How to upload file on server

    Hi every1,
    I have the following problem:
    I need to store information in files on server, how can I upload a file to a server into a specified directory??
    Tnx in advance,

    //the server side
    ServerSocket acceptSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
    while(true) {
    Socket s = acceptSocket.accept();
    } // waits for client socket
    void Connect(Socket s) {
    in = new ObjectInputStream(s.getInputStream());
    } // you can create a file object on the client side and send it through an object stream. You should probably make sure that file objects are synchronized. They most likely are. I've never tried this, but there's no reason why it wouldn't work. Make sure to start the output stream before the input stream or you'll get a hang up.
    //the client side
    s = new Socket(InetAddress ip,int port);
    out = new ObjectOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());
    out.writeObject(File file); //write the file object to the output stream

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    Can I development program with EDK for uploading file to server?How to avoid same name of files?

    Hi ,
    thanks for the quick response.
    but the problem is supppose i have a excel sheet with 16 rows and 13 columns(so data).
    i am placing this file contents to appserver USING ABOVE fm.
    after that i am reading the file from appserver to create SO(idoc),i need  1row-3column data and 2row-2c that.
    in unix we will get row data(after uploading to app server) as #mprn#2345# like this so easy to separate when reading.but in  MS NT OS 1row data getting stored in different rows in difficult to read.
    so the above mentioned FM is OS dependent or is there any way (any other FM) to get same kind of data in different OS.

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  • How to upload file to server physical directory

    Dear Sir,
    My Software Details:
    Oracle9i Release 1
    Solaris 8
    I have a web application developed using PL/SQL.
    How do i upload a file from user to a server physical directory through Oracle9iAS without storing in database?
    I can do this if file is uploaded to a 9ias upload table.
    But i'm looking for solution on uploading file straight to the physical server directory.
    Please advise.
    Jap Boon Churn

    Hi Jap,
    You won't be able to do this with modplsql if that is what you are asking. modplsql only uploads file into the database.
    With that said, however, you can write your own CGI/Servlet/Perl program that does the uploading of files into the server physical directory. In your program, you will need to handle HTTP POST requests so that you can parse out the file contents and write it out onto the file system.
    I am sure there is already some CGI/Servlet/Perl program out there that does this. If you search on Google, you should be able to find some and modify it to your needs. Hope that helps. Thanks.

  • Help with Upload file to Server Examples

    I have been working with the examples for how to upload a file to the server. Though i got the example to work. there is one more thing i need to do. i need to allow the user to be able to select multiple files.  In the example when you click on Upload, it opens a MS window to allow you to select a file. This example does not allow you to select more then one file though. I found another example for selecting multiple files but this one differs very much in that the person who make it "Ryan Favro" created a whole new GUI window to select multiple files. those his example works great, i dont want a special window to select files, i want the MS window to do it.
    Is there a way to make the original example that uses the MS window to allow the user to select multiple files ?
    I have attached the example that uses the MS window.

    Use this code. May be it helps u.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:com="test.*" layout="absolute"
        creationComplete="initApp()" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private const _strDomain:String = new String("http://localhost:8400/");
                private const _strUploadScript:String = new String(_strDomain + "ProcessFileUp/UploadFile");
                // Initalize
                private function initApp():void {
        <mx:Canvas width="400" height="300" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
                width="100%" height="100%"
                uploadComplete="'File(s) have been uploaded.', 'Upload successful')"
                uploadIOError="'IO Error in uploading file.', 'Error')"
                uploadSecurityError="'Security Error in uploading file.', 'Error')"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Panel xmlns:mx="" xmlns:com="*"
        layout="vertical" width="100%" minWidth="400" height="100%" minHeight="200"
        title="Upload Files" creationComplete="initCom()">
            [Event(name="uploadComplete", type="")]
            [Event(name="uploadProgress", type="")]
            [Event(name="uploadCancel", type="")]
            [Event(name="uploadIOError", type="")]
            [Event(name="uploadSecurityError", type="")]
                import mx.controls.*;
                import mx.managers.*;
                private var _strUploadUrl:String;
                private var _refAddFiles:FileReferenceList;   
                private var _refUploadFile:FileReference;
                private var _arrUploadFiles:Array;
                private var _numCurrentUpload:Number = 0;           
                // Set uploadUrl
                public function set uploadUrl(strUploadUrl:String):void {
                    _strUploadUrl = strUploadUrl;
                // Initalize
                private function initCom():void {
                    _arrUploadFiles = new Array();               
                // Called to add file(s) for upload
                private function addFiles():void {
                    _refAddFiles = new FileReferenceList();
                    _refAddFiles.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelectFile);
                // Called when a file is selected
                private function onSelectFile(event:Event):void {
                    var arrFoundList:Array = new Array();
                    // Get list of files from fileList, make list of files already on upload list
                    for (var i:Number = 0; i < _arrUploadFiles.length; i++) {
                        for (var j:Number = 0; j < _refAddFiles.fileList.length; j++) {
                            if (_arrUploadFiles[i].name == _refAddFiles.fileList[j].name) {
                                _refAddFiles.fileList.splice(j, 1);
                    if (_refAddFiles.fileList.length >= 1) {               
                        for (var k:Number = 0; k < _refAddFiles.fileList.length; k++) {
                        listFiles.dataProvider = _arrUploadFiles;
                        listFiles.selectedIndex = _arrUploadFiles.length - 1;
                    if (arrFoundList.length >= 1) {
              "The file(s): \n\n• " + arrFoundList.join("\n• ") + "\n\n...are already on the upload list. Please change the filename(s) or pick a different file.", "File(s) already on list");
                // Called to format number to file size
                private function formatFileSize(numSize:Number):String {
                    var strReturn:String;
                    numSize = Number(numSize / 1000);
                    strReturn = String(numSize.toFixed(1) + " KB");
                    if (numSize > 1000) {
                        numSize = numSize / 1000;
                        strReturn = String(numSize.toFixed(1) + " MB");
                        if (numSize > 1000) {
                            numSize = numSize / 1000;
                            strReturn = String(numSize.toFixed(1) + " GB");
                    return strReturn;
                // Called to remove selected file(s) for upload
                private function removeFiles():void {
                    var arrSelected:Array = listFiles.selectedIndices;
                    if (arrSelected.length >= 1) {
                        for (var i:Number = 0; i < arrSelected.length; i++) {
                            _arrUploadFiles[Number(arrSelected[i])] = null;
                        for (var j:Number = 0; j < _arrUploadFiles.length; j++) {
                            if (_arrUploadFiles[j] == null) {
                                _arrUploadFiles.splice(j, 1);
                        listFiles.dataProvider = _arrUploadFiles;
                        listFiles.selectedIndex = 0;                   
                // Called to check if there is at least one file to upload
                private function uploadCheck():void {
                    if (_arrUploadFiles.length == 0) {
                        btnUpload.enabled = false;
                        listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
                    } else {
                        btnUpload.enabled = true;
                        listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "on";
                // Disable UI control
                private function disableUI():void {
                    btnAdd.enabled = false;
                    btnRemove.enabled = false;
                    btnUpload.enabled = false;
                    btnCancel.enabled = true;
                    listFiles.enabled = false;
                    listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
                // Enable UI control
                private function enableUI():void {
                    btnAdd.enabled = true;
                    btnRemove.enabled = true;
                    btnUpload.enabled = true;
                    btnCancel.enabled = false;
                    listFiles.enabled = true;
                    listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "on";
                // Scroll listFiles to selected row
                private function scrollFiles():void {
                    listFiles.verticalScrollPosition = listFiles.selectedIndex;
                // Called to upload file based on current upload number
                private function startUpload():void {
                    if (_arrUploadFiles.length > 0) {
                        listFiles.selectedIndex = _numCurrentUpload;
                        // Variables to send along with upload
                        var sendVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
                        sendVars.action = "upload";
                        var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
               = sendVars;
                        request.url = _strUploadUrl;
                        request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
                        _refUploadFile = new FileReference();
                        _refUploadFile = listFiles.selectedItem.file;
                        _refUploadFile.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onUploadProgress);
                           _refUploadFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onUploadComplete);
                        _refUploadFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onUploadIoError);
                          _refUploadFile.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onUploadSecurityError);
                        _refUploadFile.upload(request, "file", false);
                // Cancel and clear eventlisteners on last upload
                private function clearUpload():void {
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onUploadProgress);
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onUploadComplete);
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onUploadIoError);
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onUploadSecurityError);
                    _numCurrentUpload = 0;
                // Called on upload cancel
                private function onUploadCanceled():void {
                    dispatchEvent(new Event("uploadCancel"));
                // Get upload progress
                private function onUploadProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {
                    var numPerc:Number = Math.round((event.bytesLoaded / event.bytesTotal) * 100);
                    var evt:ProgressEvent = new ProgressEvent("uploadProgress", false, false, event.bytesLoaded, event.bytesTotal);
                // Update progBar
                private function updateProgBar(numPerc:Number = 0):void {
                    var strLabel:String = (_numCurrentUpload + 1) + "/" + _arrUploadFiles.length;
                    strLabel = (_numCurrentUpload + 1 <= _arrUploadFiles.length && numPerc > 0 && numPerc < 100) ? numPerc + "% - " + strLabel : strLabel;
                    strLabel = (_numCurrentUpload + 1 == _arrUploadFiles.length && numPerc == 100) ? "Upload Complete - " + strLabel : strLabel;
                    strLabel = (_arrUploadFiles.length == 0) ? "" : strLabel;
                    progBar.label = strLabel;
                    progBar.setProgress(numPerc, 100);
                // Called on upload complete
                private function onUploadComplete(event:Event):void {
                    if (_numCurrentUpload < _arrUploadFiles.length) {
                    } else {
                        dispatchEvent(new Event("uploadComplete"));
                // Called on upload io error
                private function onUploadIoError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
                    var evt:IOErrorEvent = new IOErrorEvent("uploadIoError", false, false, event.text);
                // Called on upload security error
                private function onUploadSecurityError(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
                    var evt:SecurityErrorEvent = new SecurityErrorEvent("uploadSecurityError", false, false, event.text);
                // Change view state
                private function changeView():void {
                    currentState = (currentState == "mini") ? "" : "mini";
            <mx:State name="mini">
                <mx:SetProperty name="height" value="60"/>
                <mx:SetProperty name="minHeight" value="60"/>
                <mx:SetStyle target="{btnView}" name="icon" value="@Embed('assets/application_put.png')"/>
            <mx:Transition fromState="*" toState="*">
                <mx:Resize target="{this}" duration="1000"/>
        <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
            <mx:DataGrid id="listFiles" left="0" top="0" bottom="0" right="0"
                allowMultipleSelection="true" verticalScrollPolicy="on"
                draggableColumns="false" resizableColumns="false" sortableColumns="false">
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="File" dataField="name" wordWrap="true"/>
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Size" dataField="size" width="75" textAlign="right"/>
        <mx:ControlBar horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
            <mx:Button id="btnAdd" toolTip="Add file(s)" click="addFiles()" icon="@Embed('assets/add.png')" width="26"/>
            <mx:Button id="btnRemove" toolTip="Remove file(s)" click="removeFiles()" icon="@Embed('assets/delete.png')" width="26"/>
            <mx:ProgressBar id="progBar" mode="manual" label="" labelPlacement="center" width="100%"/>
            <mx:Button id="btnCancel" toolTip="Cancel upload" icon="@Embed('assets/cancel2.png')" width="26" click="onUploadCanceled()"/>
            <mx:Button label="Upload" toolTip="Upload file(s)" id="btnUpload" click="startUpload()" icon="@Embed('assets/bullet_go.png')"/>
            <mx:Button id="btnView" toolTip="Show/Hide file(s)" icon="@Embed('assets/application_get.png')" width="26" click="changeView()"/>

  • How to name a uploaded file in server

    I am trying to upload files in to my server. Then save it with a unique name and process it.
    The following codes can upload the file but I dont know how to save the file with a unique name and then pick up the unique name and process the file.
    I need this because
    1# Multiple people will upload files at the same time. Therefore I need some mechanism to mark individual file and process it.
    Any help will be very much appreciated. Most importantly please be little collaborative. I am just one week old JSP boy :-).
    try {
                List fileItemsList = servletFileUpload.parseRequest(request);
                DiskFileItemFactory diskFileItemFactory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
                diskFileItemFactory.setSizeThreshold(102400); /* the unit is bytes */
                File repositoryPath = new File("/temp");
                /* Iterating through the uploaded file*/
                Iterator it = fileItemsList.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()){
                    FileItem fileItem = (FileItem);
                    /* Playing around with the uploaded file */
                    getName = fileItem.getName(); /*File name provided by the browser*/
                    fileSize = fileItem.getSize(); /*File size in Bytes*/
                    File saveTo = new File("/upload_files");

    merit wrote:
    Thanks. That should work but I was thinking of generating some thing random.
    I think what ever i enter into "someUniqueName" then file will always be named as "someUniqueName". What would happen if 2 or more people uploads different file at the same time?Use the name of the original file. If File#exists() returns true, then suffix it with a counter or so.
    You can find here an article about a file upload filter which contains under each a basic demonstration example with a servlet which does exactly that using FileUtil#uniqueFile(): [].

  • DW CS5 -- Issues with uploading files to server

    Hi everyone -- I recently took over control of a website that hasn't been updated in years. I am in charge of redesigning the site, but need to keep what we have up-to-date until the new site is ready to roll out. I received the FTP info for the server and got site files into local folders so I can make changes. I've made changes to one file (index.html) and am trying to put that file back onto the server; but in the file transfer process, the dependent files do not get uploaded (I get a message saying "'fileName' - same - not transferred"). The one file that I have changed, and Dreamweaver says has been uploaded, is not updating on the web. I checked the file on both my local and remote view and both reflect the changes I have made -- just not the actual site on the web.
    I'm sure that's a little confusing, so I'll try to summarize (with bulletts!):
    I have correct FTP info to server
    I downloaded site files from server to local folders
    I edited index page, and put the file to the server
    Dreamweaver indicates that the file has been successfully uploaded
    Local view shows edits I have made
    Remote view shows edits I have made
    Other dependent files have not been uploaded ("'fileName' - same - not transferred" error message)
    Actual website does not reflect changes made to index page
    What am I doing wrong????
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

    Filezilla is a free, open source FTP client. It's a standard desktop application. An FTP client connects to a server using the File Transfer Protocol and allows you to transfer files up to the server (upload) or download files from the server (download).
    Why use a separate FTP client rather then the FTP functionality built-in to Dreamweaver? Because, in my experience, it works better the Dreamweaver's sometimes flakey FTP functionality and it's easier to troubleshoot FTP issues.
    In Firefox, to clear the cache, go to Tools -> Advanced -> Click Network Tab -> Click "Clear Now" button. Hit F5 to refresh the page and see what changes (if caching was the issue). If nothing changes then for some reason your files are not being uploaded properly to the server. In that case I'd check to make sure you're loading your files to the correct directory on the server (usually a folder called "httdocs" or "www" - check with your hosting company to amke sure).
    Hope this helps.

  • Unable to upload files to server via Transmit (ftp client)

    Hi For some reason I am no longer able to upload files via Transmit to my website server. I have built several sites hosted on different servers and I cant access any of them, so it is obviously a problem at my end. The Message I get when I try to connect is .... 'Server said authentication failed'.
    I used to have no problems with access. The only thing that has physically changed in my setup is that I am now running my computer directly from the Modem (D-Link DSL 300T) through the Ethernet port as my airport express decided to blow up a couple of months ago. I have also done several apple software updates, so I dont know if this has affected it. My firewall is on, but I have ftp access ticked. Can anyone please help, I dont know what else to try.
    Many Thanks

    How would I access the server security logs?
    That would depend on the OS and your level of access. If it's a Linux server you would want to check the ftp entries in /var/log/secure as that is where authentication failures are logged. If it's a web hosting account on a shared server you may need to ask your support contact where your ftp logs are located.
    You might try connecting manually using the ftp command in the terminal window. If you can log in that way, the problem is most likely with your Transport settings. If you can't log in that way, you may at least get a more detailed error message.

  • Upload file to server problem

    I am trying to upload a file from my local machine to a
    server that hosts my website.
    I've been able to do this using a html form
    (simpleupload.html) and a php script (uploader.php). The user
    simply chooses a file from their local machine and then clicks
    upload. Upon a successful upload the file simply gets added to a
    folder named 'uploads' on my server.
    I have tried to set up an AIR application (FileUpload.mxml)
    that allows a user to do exactly the same thing. The code uses the
    same php script on the server side and completes successfully.
    However when I check the uploads folder on my server the file that
    should have been uploaded is nowhere to be found.
    Does anyone know why this is?

    Excellent! That's my problem exactly!
    The file name in my AIR app was 'File' but the file field in
    my php script was 'uploadedfile'. After changing the AIR app file
    name to 'uploadedfile' my upload worked and could be found on my
    Thank you very much for help ilsh you are a legend ;-)

  • File upload: problem with writing uploaded file to server-harddisk

    according to the example in the File upload tutorial, I tried to save an uploaded file to disk, but it didn't work (and also no messages / exceptions were thrown).
    The Javadoc for the function uploadedFile.write(filename) says that if the file should be written in an other directory than the servers' tmp-directory, the server.policy has to be adjusted.
    The following line is already included in my server.policy:
    permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read,write";
    So I have two questions:
    1) Where can I find the servers' tmp-directory?
    2) How should the sever.policy permission code look like?

    The File Upload tutorial at has you save the uploaded file to disk. It also gives this information:
    The server holds the uploaded file in memory unless it exceeds 4096 bytes, in which case the server holds the file contents in a temporary file. You can change this threshold by modifying the sizeThreshold parameter for the UploadFilter filter entry in the web application's web.xml file. For more information on modifying the web.xml file, see the last section in this tutorial, Doing More: Modifying the Maximum File Upload Size.
    In cases where you want to retain the uploaded file, you have three choices:
    * Write the file to a location of your choosing, as shown in this tutorial.
    * Create an UploadedFile property in a managed bean and set it to the component's value before you exit the page (as in the button's action method).
    * Save the file to a database.
    By default, the File Upload component can handle files up to one megabyte in size. You can change the maximum file size by modifying the maxSize parameter for the UploadFilter filter entry in the application's web.xml file, as described in the last section in this tutorial, Doing More: Modifying the Maximum File Upload Size.

  • Dreamweaver will not upload file to Server

    I am having an issue uploading files to the server with Dreamweaver. I have been using Creative Cloud for 6 months and the issue started Monday.
    If I select a file, click put icon the FTP access connects to the server successfully. However, the FTP log says "file not transferred - same" and does not transfer the file to the server. The file has been edited, saved and shows the changes in Dreamweaver and in my browser locally.
    I have rebuilt the site cache in Dreamweaver going to Site -> Advanced -> Rebuild Site Cache. Did not resolve the issue.
    I deleted the file on the server (using another FTP program) and Dreamweaver still will not upload the .html file to the server, thus the file is missing. Then I have to upload via another FTP program.
    I am able to upload edited files successfully from another computer that is using Dreamweaver CS 6, so it is not a server problem.
    Does anyone know how to correct this?

    Are both computers on the same router? Can you move the computer that's failing to upload onto a different network?
    I ran into something similar to this a while back, only I couldn't get it to work from any machine on my home network, it was fine from the office, but it wouldn't upload anything at home. Turned out my router went bad and didn't like certain kinds of traffic. I ended up replacing it and everything worked fine.

  • Uploading File to server from local machine

    how to Upload the File to server from local machine.
    Using java applet, how to upload the file to secure server.
    I dont know how to proceed the steps for uploading
    Reply me ASAP.......

    Hi Ozkantr,
    The osql utility is installed by SQL Server. You need to make sure the utility is installed on your colleague machine.
    To run SSIS package outside the BIDS, only the DTExec utility which is a client tool is not enough, the server components for Integration Services Service (SSIS runtime) is also required. To install SSIS runtime and DTExec utility, we must install the Integration
    Services shared feature from the SQL Server install media. So, you need to install SSIS service on the machine where the SSIS packages jobs run.
    You need to install Integration Services, which installs the necessary bytes on your computer and the SSIS service as well. The service can be disabled though, you don't need it to run packages.
    I wrote a blog post about it some time ago:
    When is DTEXEC installed?
    ps: osql is deprecated. Better start using sqlcmd.
    MCSE SQL Server 2012 - Please mark posts as answered where appropriate.

  • Business Catalyst Help | Upload files to the site

    This question was posted in response to the following article:

    Hi Kevin,
    I assume that you have created your site through Muse. In this case, by default, File Manager is disabled to prevent the risk of accidental content overwrites since there is no roundtrip between Muse and the online editor.
    If you wish to enable the File Manager, edit your account settings (by clicking on your name on the top right corner and selecting My Details) and check the Enable online content editing box.
    This will enable several options into your menu, including the file manager.

  • How to upload file to server on specific path ?

    Hi ,
    Friends i have written code to check on local machine to upload , using apache commons file upload.
    its working good.
    but when i m giving path for web server it is not uploaded on server, what will be the reason ?
    dirName = request.getContextPath()+"/uploads" ;
    since i want to upload my all files to my : WebAPP_ROOT/uploads
    when i am printing using
    request.getContextPath( ) +"/uploads" its showing me correct path, but file is not uploading.
    I have another issue but might its not secure , as it is showing real physical path to dir
    dirName = application.getRealPath("/");
    also tell me how secure this is ?  it will take by default  ROOT HOME to :
    WebAPP_ROOT / build/web       instead  i want   WebAPP_ROOT/uploads
    provide me solution for this.

    I am asking about the following security issue.
    String picturefile =application.getRealPath("/" + request.getParameter("file"));
    String picturefile =getServletContext().getRealPath("/" + request.getParameter("file"));
    One important note: whenever you access local resources, be very careful to validate the incoming data. A hacker, or a careless
    user, can send bogus data to hack your site. For instance, consider what would happen if the value <code>file=../../../../etc/passwd</code> were entered. The user could in this way read your server's password file.

Maybe you are looking for