Help, Web Dynpro ABAP test failed

after logon,
500 Connection timed out
seems the app server need some config.(IDES ECC6.0)
Error: -5
Version: 7000
Component: ICM
Date/Time: Mon Jun 25 14:27:18 2007 
Module: icxxthr.c
Line: 2646
Server: OSBU-FS_IDS_02
Error Tag: {-}
Detail: Connection to partner timed out after 60s

what should I do next step?
          Application Server State
     HTTP Application Server Handler     
     ABAP Server operational        = TRUE
     J2EE Server configured         = FALSE
     J2EE HTTP port                 =
     J2EE HTTPS port                =
     J2EE Server operational        = FALSE
     Default root access handler    = ABAP
     URL Prefix Table loaded        = TRUE

Similar Messages

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    I saw a presentation by Thomas in which there is option of recording ecatt script on context menu in web dynpro abap application.we are on ECC 6.0 we are trying to record WDA applications and test them by using Ecatt but I am unable to see the option of recording the ecatt script in SE80 editor.
    Why could this be happening

    Thanks ,
    I saw that disappointing note ...any other way to automate web dynpro abap testing ? please advise.

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    Hi all,
    I am working on web dynpro (ABAP). After activating the whole object. When I test the web dynpro service. The browser gives me the following error.
    The server <server_name> is taking too long to respond.
    I am new to Web Dynpro ABAP, can anyone please help me telling, whether i have to configure system for testing the web dypro object. If yes then how to configure it.
    also in the view the layout is not showing the elements to be included in the service.
    Thanks & Regards

    hi ekta.....
               include your domain and port name in the host file that is present in the c:/.
      these are the configurations that has to be done.
       alex b justin

  • Search Help on Adobe Interactive Form with Web Dynpro ABAP

    Hi All,
    I have created Adobe Interactive Form with ZCI type and XML based interface type using Webdynpro ABAP.
    I placed a text field USER_NAME on the form ( data element is linked to search help USER_COMP ).
    Added Native WD UI element 'Value Help' to form to search for users and changed script
    *var fieldName = "INSERT_NAME_HERE*"; to var fieldName = "USER_NAME";
    The problem is that when I click on the value help button, nothing happens.
    Is any more additional steps required ?

    Check this
    F4 Value Help on Adobe Interactive Form with Web Dynpro ABAP

  • How to put dynamic search help in web dynpro ABAP.

    I have a table element with two columns in my web dynpro ABAP.Both the columns are F4 helps.
    Based on the value of the first column,the F4 help of second column must change dynamically.Kindly tell me how to do this.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi ,
    Use this code to dynamically assign search help and to deactivate search helps.
    data lo_nd_info type if_wd_context_node_info.
    lo_nd_info = lo_nd->get_node_info( ).
    CALL METHOD lo_nd_info->set_attribute_value_help
    name = 'ATTR1' " Your attribute Name
    value_help_mode = '121' " Valid value help mode
    value_help = 'Z187442'. " Search help name
    The various possible values that you can pass to value_help_mode are as shown below.
    deactivated 101
    automatic 111
    ddic 121
    ovs 131

  • How to create value help in web-dynpro-abap

    Hi ,
         can anybody tell me detailed step for creating value help in web-dynpro-abap .

    Web Dynpro provides two types of pre-implemented search helps :
    1. ABAP Dictionary Search help
    2. OVS
    Input Help for WDA
    There is  a blog on implementing OVS help in WDA. You can refer below link for sample code.
    In addition, you can also provide help through Drop Downs and Select options.
    Working with Select options in WDA
    Plz reward if helpful.

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    The "Web Dynpro ABAP Development in Detail" manual says that this can be done using only the Source attribute of the IMAGE UI control (see page 114) - that is,
       create an RFC Destination G-HTTP entry for the URL,
       type in that RFC Destination as $NAME$
       append any further extension of the URL as "/path in lower letters"
    I can enter an RFC Destination (ex., $UBERORBS$) which points directly to a single image file via its host/path and it is displayed in SE80's Layout Preview, but nothing displays at runtime.
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    Is this a bug?  or something wrong with our implementation?  We are at SAP_BASIS 700 level 0006.
    (Also, if the Source entry is not exactly correct, SE80 aborts following the entry with STRING_OFFSET_NEGATIVE.)

    Here's another piece of information.
    I am able to use the test app WDR_TEST_UI_ELEMENTS to display at runtime the $UBERORBS$ RFC Destination-absolute URL image.
    So, does this mean that there is a critical setting within my Web Dynpro component which must be set properly to permit this?

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    Also, i notice you can maintain a 'Help Link' for the application. Does anyone have any information on this as I can't find anything on the SAP Help website.

    Hi Nick,
    here's the link to the corresponding documentation:
    If you choose the Change/Edit button at the right side of the input field, you can navigate to the info object to which you want to set the link in the Knowledge Warehouse. 
    Of course, you need an info object in the correct context in the KW for this as well as a correctly maintained RFC destination to the Knowledge Warehouse system.
    Regards, Heidi

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    Can somebody tell me if its possible to submit some custom event round trip to back end SAP_PA and Generci Services after selection is made in the Search Help and "OK" selected. Right now it looks like its just closing help and can not submit any events automaticaly.

    Hi Oleg
    As mentioned on the blog, this functionality was in place but has been 'disturbed' by the latest support packs.  I have an OSS request in for this but only since yesterday.  Once I get a satisfactory reply, I'll post it here and on my blog.

  • F4 Value Help on Adobe Interactive Form with Web Dynpro ABAP

    I have created an Interactive Form with ZCI type.
    I placed a text field MATNR on the form.
    Then I placed a Native WD UI element 'Value Help' as mentioned in the below link:
    This form was then embeded into Web Dynpro ABAP view.
    The problem is that when I click on the F4 button, nothing happens.
    Is anything else needs to be done?

    Hi Amol,
    After binding the Context variable in the view, and in the Adobe Layout Designer from the Library go to WebDynpro Native Tab and drag and drop the Value Help and for this automatically JavaScript is being generated, go that script and edit the line
    Var fieldname = "yourfieldname";
    Note: Don't forget to link the context attribute to search help. ie. in the context properties of the attributes select the input help mode as dictionary search help and specify the name of the search help present in data dictionary.
    And now go to Utilities and click on u201CInsert Web Dynpro Scriptu201D.
    Also make sure that you specify the Layout as ZCI Layout in the Propertioes of the Adobe Form.
    Amol Patil.

  • How to configure SSO for web dynpro ABAP (not web dynpro Java)

    Hi Experts,
        I am testing SSO in IDES for web dynpro ABAP (Not for web dynpro Java / not for portal). When I am entering url of web dynpro application in web browser like internet explorer, then it should ask for user id and password first time, after login whenever user would access that url, it must not ask for user ID and password (url would be access web browser in mobile). For this I select to configure single sign-on for web dynpro ABAP. I have done below works:
    1). I have created a web dynpro application having url:<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/zadb_hello_world2
    2). I run TCode SICF and access service node to "Zadb_hello_world2". Double click on it, hit change. pressed "logon data" tab, select "Alternative logon
       Then deleted all logon procedure other than "SSO Authentication" and saved.
    3). Go to "STRUST" and create certificate, choosed "Environment==> Logon Ticket" fill the required parameters and execute. It is OK (no red traffic
    4). Execute TCode "RZ10" to change profile parameter, insert new parameter (indicated by red arrow)
    After all this settings I opened a browser enter above URL and hit enter but there is an error
    There is no login page. It directly showed this error page. No cookies is saving.
    Can anyone tell me what all the settings/configuration other than this I have to do. And is there any wrong setting done by me?
    How to set the for single sign-on?
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Piyush,
    Pls refer below links,
    Single Sign On with ABAP WebDynpro

  • NW 7.3 + iView from remote source wizard + R3 Web Dynpro ABAP, not working

    I think this forum is my last resort.
    I'm running NetWeaver 7.3 Enterprise Portal and also have an existing ECC6 on backend.
    Our ABAP Programmer has built some WD4A application on ECC, I'd like to made them available
    on EP as ABAP WebDynpro iView.
    From the document, I know the way to create ABAP WD iView is different since 7.3. I have to use "iView from remote source" to do it.
    On EP side, I have made an system alias (test ok) for ECC, assigned permission, provide mapping id/pwd, and test. 
    On ABAP side, all webdynpro app are activated (T-code sicf, /sap/bc/webdynpro, /sap/public/bc/webdynpro...). I can even test WAS by bringing up browser and access some sample ABAP webdynpro .
    However, I cannot success on "iView from remote source" wizard and it always show me "Nothing found. Check your search Criteria.".   Eventhough I use "*" as search criteria.
    Anyone has the similar situation ? I even doubt that it is a placeholder of a feature , not working for now. Anyone made it work on NW 7.3 ?
    More detail:
    My System Alias for ECC:   
          Application Host:
          SAP Client: 600
          SAP System ID:   DEV
          SAP System Number: 00
          Server Port:  <leave it blank>
          System Type: SAP_R3
          Logon Method:  UIDPW
          User Mapping Type: admin,user
          ICM Host:
          ICM Protocol: http
          ICM URL prefix: <leave it blank>
          SAP Netweaver AS Description: <leave it blank>
    All other fileds are leave it as default value
    I also assign a group to have "read" and "user" permission to this system
    Also assign Alias to the system.
    I also create a user belong to the group, assign his system mapping an ECC user ID & PWD to it.
    I tested the System alias, it is working (both WEB AS  test, and R3 test)
    Then I try to create an iView on EP, under a PCD folder , new->iview->iview from remote source. A wizard show up. Then I can select the ECC alias just created, and provide * as application search criteria, and then select "WEB DYNPRO ABAP" as the application type. Then "GO"
    as I mentioned, it always show "Nothing Found. Check your search crieteria"
    But I'm sure the web dynpro applications are activated on R3.
    OK, that's it, please help this one. Thanks
    Edited by: Wilson KU on Nov 14, 2011 10:42 AM
    Edited by: Wilson KU on Nov 14, 2011 10:46 AM

    Thanks for the reply,
    [About Backend]
    I feel confident about the backend R3 system because I can use the WAS URL to access the sample WD4A application, for example, I can bring up the wd4a application ui in my browser. It is purely browser and R3 stuff, no EP involved.
    I also already activate all nodes and sub-nodes (in SICF Services) under /sap/bc/webdynpro as well as /sap/public/bc/webdynpro. (and some other nodes to make icon and include work)
    [About the system object in EP]
    I have done all kind of test on the system object (alias):
    1. In EP System Administration -> Landscape Configuration, I select the system object, click "Test Connection", It shows me a Check mark, and the detail message is SOE_DEV_600 connection
    2. Edit the System object, then click on "Connection Tests" page, I see two lines there, check both and click test, here is the result:
    SAP Web AS Connection:
    : Test Details:
    The test consists of the following steps:
    1. Check the validity of the system ID in the system object
    2. Check if the system can be retrieved
    3. Check if the system object has a valid system alias
    4. Check if an SAP system is defined in the system object
    5. Validate the following parameters: Web AS protocol; Web AS hostname
    6. Checks if the host name of the server can be resolved.
    7. Pings the Web AS Ping service (works only if the service is activated on the Web AS, and only on ABAP Web AS)
    8. Check HTTP/S connectivity to the defined back-end application
    1. The system ID is valid
    2. System retrieved successfully
    3. Retrieval of the default alias was successful
    4. The system object represents an SAP system
    5. The following parameters are valid: ICM Protocol (http) ICM Host Name (
    6. The host name ( was resolved successfully
    7. The Web AS ping service was pinged successfully
    8. An HTTP/S connection to was obtained successfully.
    Connection Test for Connectors:
    : Test Details:
    The test consists of the following steps:
    1. Retrieve the default alias of the system
    2. Check the connection to the back-end application using the connector defined in this system object
    Default alias retrieved successfully
    Connection successful

  • How to use HR Macros in Web Dynpro ABAP

    Hai All,
         Am new to Web dynpro Abap working in HR req.
           Can u pls help me how to import HR Macros in webdy ABAP.
            It will be very much helpful to me. Pls provide any link or doc if available.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Nalla,
    if you can't find any Function Modules or BAPIs as Kris suggested, you would basically do this (conceptionally):
    1. What is your business logic supposed to do (output)  and what information does it need (input) for processing.
    2. Build a class in se24 and implement static public methods with the business logic you defined in (1.).
    3. Call the static methods in your WD4A-Framework.
    If you are unfamiliar with the class builder, make a local class first in se80, in a test program or alike.
    Does this help you a bit?
    regards, Lukas

  • Problems creating new Web Dynpro ABAP application

    I am following this tutorial to create my first Web Dynpro ABAP application
    In this tutorial I was asked to create a component as Local object.
    But after giving the name of the component, I get an alert saying
    "Object can only be created in SAP Package"
    When I confirm this, I was shown a "Create Object Directory entry" dialog box which asks for attributes like Package.
    And this box has Local Object button, when clicked I get the message "Test Objects cannot be created in foreign namespaces".
    I found some other article through Google
    According to this, I tried to give $TMP as Package. But still have the same error
    "Test Objects cannot be created in foreign namespaces"
    Where am I and what should I do to create a new project?

    Thanks Abinav.
    My problem is with naming convention only. Component name starting with Z solved my problem.

  • Web Dynpro ABAP

    I would like to test Web Dynpro ABAP applications in ecc6.0 System.
    When I test its giving following error.
    Service cannot be reached
    What has happened?
    URL call was terminated because the corresponding service is not available.
    The termination occurred in system DEV with error code 403 and for the reason Forbidden.
    The selected virtual host was 0 .
    What can I do?
    Please select a valid URL.
    If you do not yet have a user ID, contact your system administrator.
    HTTP 403 - Forbidden
    Your SAP Internet Communication Framework Team
    How to resolve this?
    Please help me out.

    Hi Ram,
    Can you please check whether webdynpro service in SICF ttransaction is active...
    transaction :- SICF
    There are lot many threads in forum in this regard.. please search them
    Anuj Goyal

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