Help with creating a list

I query id values from one of my table.
I need to come up with a list that looks like:
id='123' OR id='234' OR id='002' OR id='345' OR id='435'
I came up with 123,234,002,345,435 and '123' , '234' , '002' , '435' and also '123' OR '234' OR '002' OR '435'
but very frustrated with putting id= on each list element to come up with id='123' OR id='234' OR id='002' OR id='345' OR id='435'
Can anyone think of a technique to create such a list dynamically from a query result?

You could create a user defined function that converts a comma delimited list of values into one formatted with id's and OR's.
Here is a quick sample which has NOT been tested.
<cffunction name="customFormatOrList" returntype="string" output="no" hint="Converts comma delimited list to OR query string">
    <cfargument name="inputList" type="string" required="yes" hint="Comma delimited list" />
    <cfset var local=StructNew() />
    <cfset local.resultString="" />
    <cfloop list="#arguments.inputList#" index="local.idx">
        <!--- add 'OR' if this is not the first item --->
        <cfif Len(local.resultString) gt 0>
            <cfset local.resultString="#local.resultString# OR " />
        <cfset local.resultString="#local.resultString#id='#local.idx#'" />
    <cfreturn local.resultString />

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    HeadItems.Add(new HeadItem("Test Head", 0,2,0,0,1));
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    It isn't that simple I'm afraid! You cant make the datasource of a combobox a 'HeadItem' because it doesn't know what that is and it won't know how to handle it.
    There are a few different ways to do it. You can pass it an array, a dataset, a datatable to mention just a few.
    Probably the simplest way is this:
    foreach(HeadItem hi in HeadItems){
    comboBox1.Items.Add(hi[0]); //Depends on your setup

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    Every November, on the last Wednesday of the month, Salchester Primary School holds its annual school games competition. The school is very small and pupils from all classes belong to Houses which compete for the House Cup. Each pupil belongs to either the Green or Yellow House. The names of pupils and numbers in each class are provided for you, together with their House.
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    To allow results to be entered, the aim of the program is to
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    the student class which outlines all of the methods that i think are needed in the programme
    public class student
        private String name;
        private int c_lass;
        private int []game;
        private int [] oponent;
    public student(String n, int c)
            oponent=new int [18];
            game = new int [4];
            game[0] = -1;
            game[1] = -1;
            game [2] = -1;
            game[3] = -1;
            c_lass = c;
            name = n;
    public String getName()
          return name;     
    public int getC_lass()
          return c_lass;   
    public int getGame(int y)
          return game [y];     
    public int getOponent(int y)
          return oponent [y];     
    public void changeName (String y)
          name = y;     
    public void changeC_lass (int y)
          c_lass = y;     
    public void changeGame (int gindex, int oponent)
         game [gindex] = oponent;      
    public void eraseGame (int y)
         game [y] = -1;      
    public void eraseOponent (int y)
         oponent [y] = 0;      
    public void changeOponent (int y)
         oponent [y] = 1;      
      }and the student details, this class holds all of the ifnormation about the students, for example their name what colour their house is and the class number
    public class studentdetails
        private student [] gh = new student [18];
        private student [] yh = new student [18];
        public studentdetails()
    public void createstudentdetails ()
            //Class 1 Green house
        gh[0]=new student("Arnold",1);
        gh[1]=new student("Bertha",1);
        gh[2]=new student("Bella",1);
            //Class 2 Green house
        gh[3]=new student("Charles",2);
        gh[4]=new student("Denise",2);
            //Class 3 Green house
        gh[5]=new student("Edward",3);
        gh[6]=new student("Earl",3);
        gh[7]=new student("Freeda",3);
            //Class 4 Green house   
        gh[8]=new student("Genorge",4);
        gh[9]=new student("Gerry",4);
        gh[10]=new student("Hrriet",4);
        gh[11]=new student("Helen",4);
             //Class 5 Green house
        gh[12]=new student("Ian",5);
        gh[13]=new student("Issac",5);
        gh[14]=new student("Gerry",5);
            //Class 6 Green house
        gh[15]=new student("Keith",6); 
        gh[16]=new student("Kevin",6);
        gh[17]=new student("Leila",6);
            //Class 1 Yellow house
        yh[0]=new student("Albert",1);
        yh[1]=new student("Aswan",1);
        yh[2]=new student("Betty",1);
            //Class 2 Yellow house
        yh[3]=new student("Colin",2);
        yh[4]=new student("Debra",2);
            //Class 3 Yellow house
        yh[5]=new student("Elias",3);
        yh[6]=new student("Felicity",3);
        yh[7]=new student("Fiona",3);
            //Class 4 Yellow house
        yh[8]=new student("Gilbert",4);
        yh[9]=new student("Gwyn",4);
        yh[10]=new student("Hebe",4);
        yh[11]=new student("Hillary",4);
            //Class 5 Yellow house
        yh[12]=new student("Idris",5);
        yh[13]=new student("Jane",5);
        yh[14]=new student("Jasmine",5);
            //Class 6 Yellow house
        yh[15]=new student("Kenny",1);
        yh[16]=new student("Laura",2);
        yh[17]=new student("Linda",3);
    public void printstudentdetails()
    for(int i=0;i<18;i++)
            System.out.println (gh .getName () + " Class " + gh [i].getC_lass() + " Green House" );
    System.out.println (yh [i].getName () + " Class " + yh [i].getC_lass() + " Yellow House" );
    the problem is now in creating the match list. The match list is really hard and so far ive done the following but i cant get it to work, could anyone point me in the right direction.public class ListOfMatch
    private studentdetails SB=new studentdetails();
    public ListOfMatch()
    public void CreateMatch()
    for (int g=0;g<1;g++){
    for (int i=0;i<18;i++){
    if (SB.getsy (i).getGame(g)==-1){
    for(int j=0;j<18;j++){
    if (SB.getsy(i).getC_lass()!=SB.getsg(j).getC_lass()){

    IMO you are doing it wrong and not really OO
    Also please use Standard Java Coding Conventions ( and try use correct spelling)
    You should declare a Game class, a House class a classGroup class and a Student class
    To create the matchups you then can pick student from each classGroup.

  • I need help with Creating Key Pairs

    I need help with Creating Key Pairs, I generate key pais with aba provider, but the keys generated are not base 64.
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    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.*;
    class CreateKeyPairs {
    private static KeyPair keyPair;
    private static KeyPairGenerator pairGenerator;
    private static PrivateKey privateKey;
    private static PublicKey publicKey;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    if (args.length != 2) {
    System.out.println("Usage: java CreateKeyParis public_key_file_name privete_key_file_name");
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    pairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA","ABA");
    pairGenerator.initialize(1024, new SecureRandom());
    keyPair = pairGenerator.generateKeyPair();
    privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
    publicKey = keyPair.getPublic();
    private synchronized static void saveKey(String filename,PrivateKey key) throws Exception {
    ObjectOutputStream out= new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));
    private synchronized static void saveKey(String filename,PublicKey key) throws Exception {
    ObjectOutputStream out= new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(filename));
    the public key is:
    �� sr com.sun.rsajca.JSA_RSAPublicKeyrC��� xr com.sun.rsajca.JS_PublicKey~5< ~��% L thePublicKeyt Lcom/sun/rsasign/p;xpsr com.sun.rsasign.anm����9�[ [ at [B[ bq ~ xr com.sun.rsasign.p��(!g�� L at Ljava/lang/String;[ bt [Ljava/lang/String;xr com.sun.rsasign.c�"dyU�|  xpt Javaur [Ljava.lang.String;��V��{G  xp   q ~ ur [B���T�  xp   ��ccR}o���[!#I����lo������
    d ����"B��
    ^5���a����jw9�����D���D�)�*3/h��7�|��I�d�$�4f�8_�|���yuq ~
    How i can generated the key pairs in base 64 or binary????
    Thanxs for help me
    Luis Navarro Nu�ez
    South America.

    I don't use ABA but BouncyCastle
    this could help you :
    try org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider()); kg ="RSA","BC"); kp = kg.generateKeyPair(); pub = kp.getPublic(); pri = kp.getPrivate();
    System.out.println("pub: " + pub);
    System.out.println("pri: " + pri);
    byte[] pub_e = pub.getEncoded();
    byte[] pri_e = pri.getEncoded(); o; i; f;
    o = new"d:/pub64"));
    o.println(new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(pub_e));
    o = new"d:/pri64"));
    o.println(new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(pri_e));
    o.close(); br = new"d:/pub64"));
    StringBuffer keyBase64 = new StringBuffer();
    String line = br.readLine ();
    while(line != null)
    keyBase64.append (line);
    line = br.readLine ();
    byte [] pubBytes = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(keyBase64.toString ());
    br = new"d:/pri64"));
    keyBase64 = new StringBuffer();
    line = br.readLine ();
    while(line != null)
    keyBase64.append (line);
    line = br.readLine ();
    byte [] priBytes = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(keyBase64.toString ()); kf ="RSA","BC"); pubKey = kf.generatePublic(new;
    System.out.println("pub: " + pubKey); priKey = kf.generatePrivate(new;
    System.out.println("pri: " + priKey);
    catch(Exception e)
    e.printStackTrace ();

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    Look to the right under "More Like This". Your issue has been discussed many many times. The error you are seeing is because you do not have enough free "contiguous" space on your hard drive. Read the other threads that address this issue to find how to solve the issue.
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    // Represents a question (and its answer).
    public class Question implements Complexity
    private String question, answer;
    private int complexityLevel;
    // Sets up the question with a default complexity.
    public Question (String query, String result)
    question = query;
    answer = result;
    complexityLevel = 1;
    // Sets the complexity level for this question.
    public void setComplexity (int level)
    complexityLevel = level;
    // Returns the complexity level for this question.
    public int getComplexity()
    return complexityLevel;
    // Returns the question.
    public String getQuestion()
    return question;
    // Returns the answer to this question.
    public String getAnswer()
    return answer;
    // Returns true if the candidate answer matches the answer.
    public boolean answerCorrect (String candidateAnswer)
    return answer.equals(candidateAnswer);
    // Returns this question (and its answer) as a string.
    public String toString()
    return question + "\n" + answer;

    Do you know why this lazy f&#97;rt-&#97;ss is back? Because when he posted his homework last week, some sorry-assed idiot went and did it for him.
    He didn't even thank the poster.
    It's the same problem over and over again. You feed the bears and it only teaches them to come back for handouts.
    My polite suggestion to the original poster: please do your own f&#117;cking homework.

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    I wanted to ask for help with creating a brush (even a link to a tutorial will be goon enough ).
    I got this sample:
    I've created a brush from it, and i'm trying to get this kind of result:
    but it's only duplicates it and gives me this result:
    Can someone help me please understand what i need to define in order to make the brush behave like a continues brush instead of duplicate it?
    Thank you very much

    what you need to do is make a brush that looks like the tip of a brush. photoshop has several already but you can make your own that will be better.
    get a paintbrush and paint a spot kind of like what you did but dont paint a stroke. make it look kindof grungy. then make your brush from that, making sure to desaturate it and everything.
    oh, and if you bring the fill down to like 10-20% your stroke will look better

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    I can't find it.  I went into advanced and then document processing but no batch sequence is there and everything is grayed out.
    EDIT: I realized that you cant do batch sequences in standard.  Any other ideas?

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    I'm not sure if anyone around here can help me, but I'm trying to create a Numbers document and need some help with creating a formula/function.
    I have a column of amounts and I would like to create a formula which deducts a percentage (11.9%) and puts the result in another column.
    If anyone can help me, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is an example that shows one way to do this:
    The original data is in column A.  In column B we will store formulas to adjust the amounts:
    1) select the cell where you want to formula (in this case cell B2)
    2) Type the "=" (equal sign):
    3) click cell A2:
    4) now type the rest of the formula which is: "*(100-11.9)/100"  that is asterisk, then open parenthesis, 100 minus eleven point nine close parenthesis forward slash  one hundred
    The Asterisk is the multiply operator  (times) and the forward slash is the division operator (divide)
    now hit return.  select cell B2 and hover the cursor over the bottom edge of the cell:
    drag the little yellow dot down to "fill" the formula down as needed.

  • Help with UL navigation list

    Hello all, I need some help with a left navigation menu I
    have created, you can see the code below:
    the problem I have is when I am putting a link to the UL it
    doesn't work ( probably because I have a background image in my
    CSS) i was wondering if I can do it with another way..
    css code
    .treemenu {
    margin : 0px 20px;
    padding : 10px;
    list-style : none;
    width : 200px;
    .treemenu ul {
    list-style : none;
    margin : 0px 5px;
    padding : 0px 5px;
    .treemenu li {
    display : inline;
    .treemenu a {
    display : block;
    padding-left : 0px;
    text-decoration : none;
    .treemenu .treeopen {
    background-image : url('../img/open.gif');
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-position : left;
    .treemenu .treeclosed {
    background-image : url('../img/closed.gif');
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-position : left;

    Hello all, I need some help with a left navigation menu I
    have created, you can see the code below:
    the problem I have is when I am putting a link to the UL it
    doesn't work ( probably because I have a background image in my
    CSS) i was wondering if I can do it with another way..
    css code
    .treemenu {
    margin : 0px 20px;
    padding : 10px;
    list-style : none;
    width : 200px;
    .treemenu ul {
    list-style : none;
    margin : 0px 5px;
    padding : 0px 5px;
    .treemenu li {
    display : inline;
    .treemenu a {
    display : block;
    padding-left : 0px;
    text-decoration : none;
    .treemenu .treeopen {
    background-image : url('../img/open.gif');
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-position : left;
    .treemenu .treeclosed {
    background-image : url('../img/closed.gif');
    background-repeat : no-repeat;
    background-position : left;

  • Help with Creating Playlists or similar- Zen Visio

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    i did some web searching and found several references to the problem. one recommendation i found was to use windows media player to organize the zen vision instead. i toyed with it one evening and it seems like it will work well. things have been too busy lately for me to really take a good look at how flexible it will be.

  • I need help with circular linked list

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    -> 9 -> 3 -> 7
    empty false
    empty false
    -> 7
    empty false
    Can someone take a look at it and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I could nto figure it out.
    Thanks.This is my code
    / A circular linked list class with a dummy tail
    public class CLL{
         CLLNode tail;
         public CLL( ){
              tail = new CLLNode(0,null); // node to be dummy tail
     = tail;
         public String toString( ){
         // fill this in. It should print in a format like
         // -> 3 -> 5 -> 7
    if(tail==null)return "( )";
    CLLNode temp =;
    String retval = "-> ";
         for(int i = 0; i < -999; i++)
    retval = (retval + temp.toString() + " ");
    temp =;
    retval+= "";}
    return retval;
         public boolean isEmpty( ){
         // fill in here
         if( == null)
              return true;
         return false;
         // insert Token tok at end of list. Old dummy becomes last real node
         // and new dummy created
         public void addAtTail(int num){
         // fill in here
         if (tail == null)
          = num;
                   CLLNode n = new CLLNode(num, null);
          = n;
                   tail = n;
         public void addAtHead(int num){
         // fill in here
         if(tail == null)
              CLLNode l = new CLLNode(num, null);
     = tail;
              tail =l;
              CLLNode l = new CLLNode(num, null);
     = l;
     = tail;
              tail = l;
         public int removeHead( ){
         // fill in here
         int num;
         if(!= null)
              tail =;
         public static void main(String args[ ]){
              CLL cll = new CLL ( );
              System.out.println("empty " + cll.isEmpty( ));
              System.out.println(cll.removeHead( ));          
              System.out.println("empty " + cll.isEmpty( ));
              System.out.println(cll.removeHead( ));          
              System.out.println("empty " + cll.isEmpty( ));
    class CLLNode{
         int data;
         CLLNode next;
         public CLLNode(int dta, CLLNode nxt){
              data = dta;
              next = nxt;

    I'm not going thru all the code to just "fix it for you". But I do see one glaringly obvious mistake:
    for(int i = 0; i < -999; i++)That says:
    1) Initialize i to 0
    2) while i is less than -999, do something
    Since it is initially 0, it will never enter that loop body.

  • Need help with creating template. Changes are not going through to index.html page

    Hi all,
    I have an issue with my template that I am creating and also a question about creating template Regions (Repeating and Editable).
    Somehow my changes to my index.dwt are not changing my index.html page.
    Also my other question is: For my top navigation bar and left navigation bar links, do I need to select and define each individual button or link as Repeating/Editable Region? or can I just select the whole navigation bar (the one on the top) etc...
    Below are my steps for creating my template...I am kinda fairly new to using DW and this is my first attempt to making a template following the DW tutorial CD that came with DW CS3.
    I appreciate any help with this...regards, Dano
    -Open my index.html file
    -File/save as template
    -update links - yes
    -Select Repeating and Editable Regions (I selected the whole top navigation bar and selected Repeating Region and Editable Region, same with the left side navigation links)
    -File close all
    -Open the index.dwt
    -Save as and selected the index.html and chose to overide it..
    When I make changes to my index.dwt it is not changing the index.html
    I feel that I am missing some important steps here.....
    Website address

    Figured out

  • Help with creating a layout.

    I need help creating a layout for my program, but am having tons of problems. I just an't that good at creating this, and it's been driving me insane.
    Here's the link to how I want it to look like.
    In panel 1... that will be a cartesian plain, so it will pretty much be empty until lines and stuff are drawn in there.
    In panel 2, there will be two drop down menus and a couple of buttons
    In panel 3, there will be a bunch of things, with two buttons on the bottom.... and this section has to be scrollable.
    Any help with the basic layout will be helpful... I can put in the buttons myself. For reference, the whole programs size is 400x800.

    Read this section from the Swing tutorial on [url]How to Use Layout Managers. You can combine multiple Layout Managers to get the effect your want. By default the content pane uses the BorderLayout, so one approach might be:
    JPanel center = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    center.add(panel1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    center.add(panel2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    getContentPane().add(center, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(panel3, BorderLayout.EAST);
    It turn you would layout panel1, panel2 and panel3 with the appropriate layout manager. Panel2 could be something like:
    JPanel panel2 = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
    panel2.add(comboBox1, BorderLayout.WEST);
    panel2.add(comboBox2, BorderLayout.EAST);
    JPanel bottom = new JPanel();
    panel.add(bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

  • Help with creating a flash banner

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    describe it.
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    horizontally. Each image covered the image to the left of it. When
    you moused over an image the image expanded to full size while the
    other remained contracted.
    How can I create something with the above description? Are
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    can provide me with a few tips/tricks for doing this?
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    flash is what has me stumped.
    Thanks in advance for any assitance.
    Hookah Life

    The banner on this template has an exact example of what I am
    shooting for.

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