Help with drawing a wedge in postscript?

I'm using postscript for the first time and need to draw a simple wedge shape.
I will be using this wedge to translate and rotate and create a hazard symbol.
how do i draw a wedge?

I'm using postscript for the first time and need to draw a simple wedge shape.
I will be using this wedge to translate and rotate and create a hazard symbol.
how do i draw a wedge?

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    You should be buffering what the whiteboard is to draw, either as a BufferedImage or in some
    data structure so that you can refresh when asked to repaint. Are you doing that, or are you
    just drawing new graphics as it arrives from the server?

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    Hi there
    Personally, I'd use a Highlight Box to accomplish this. But that's just me.
    Here are the steps for a square drawing object. I'll assume you have already inserted the object and placed it and all you want are instructions for dealing with the fill.
    Look inside the properties inspector at the Fill & Stroke section. Click the Fill color and configure Alpha to 0%.
    Cheers... Rick
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  • Help with drawing strings on JFrame?!?!

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Mastermind extends JFrame
         public static void main(String args[])
              int master[] = new int[4];
              int win = 0;
              for(int x = 0; x<4; x++)
                   master[x] = (int)(Math.random()*10);
              do {
                   int guess[] = new int[4];
                   int countMaster[] = new int[4];
              String numguess = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your guess (4 digits, please)");
              for (int x = 0;x<4;x++)
                   guess[x] = (numguess.charAt(x)-48);
              int correctlyPlaced = 0;
              int correct = 0;
              for (int x = 0;x<4;x++)
                   if(master[x] == guess[x])
                        correctlyPlaced += 1;
              for (int x = 0; x<4;x++)
                             for (int y = 0; y<4;y++)
                                  if((guess[x]==master[y]) && (countMaster[y]==0)) {
              for (int x = 0;x<4;x++) {
              System.out.println("Correctly Placed:\t"+correctlyPlaced);
              if (correctlyPlaced==4) {
         } while(win<1);
         System.out.println("You win!");
    And here is the example code that my teacher gave me for how to draw a string on a JFrame:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Fonts extends JFrame {
         public Fonts()
              super("Using Fonts");
         public void paint(Graphics g)
              g.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 12));
              g.drawString("Serif 12 point bold.",20,50);
         public static void main(String args[])
              Fonts application = new Fonts();
              application.setDefaultCloseOperation (
    I would like to be able to put "Guess," "Correct," and "Correctly Placed," on a JFrame, with their respective variables. Any ideas? Thank you!!!

    800045 wrote:
    And DrClap, I get that, but I'm not sure how to put my existing code into the class file that uses the JFrame.You wouldn't put your existing code in there. Your existing code is designed to run as a console app and most of it is concerned with the machinery of getting input from the user. If you want to write it as a Swing app, then you wouldn't need any code which writes to a JFrame in the first place.
    So if your goal for learning on your own is to write GUI applications instead of console applications, then go off and read the Swing tutorials. Right now you're going down the wrong road. However if you're trying to learn something else on your own (I can't tell what that might be) then explain what it is you're trying to learn.

  • Need Help with drawing in Photoshop CC

    I am drawing a picture and want to select and copy an element but don't know how.  Can someone help me please?

    If element is on it's own layer, from Layers panel right click and select duplicate layer.
    Nancy O.

  • Need help with drawing shape and scrollbar

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    1. Can anyone show me to how to draw a equilateral penatgon, octagon, ( 5-10 sized shape) with polar cordinate.
    2. How to make the scrollbar back to their default state( work alone not together) after you use the "scrollbar1.setModel(scrollbar2.getModel())" method. For example I only want the scrollbar to work together when I choose circle as a shape after that I want the scrollbar to be back to normal when I pick another shape rectangle for example. When the scrollbar work together, how do I the make it so that the scrollbar move from bottom to top for vertical bar and from left to right for the horizontal bar when they work together instead of the default bar move from left(0) to right(max) for horizontal bar and from top(0) to bottom(max) for the vertical bar.

    Here's some code that builds regular polygonal icons.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class PolygonIcon implements Icon
         protected int height, width;
         protected int iheight, iwidth;
         protected int left, top, xc, yc, diam, idiam;
         protected Color background, foreground;
         protected double fract;
         protected int sides;
         protected int[] xp;
         protected int[] yp;
         PolygonIcon(int h, int w,  Color fc, Color bc, double fr, int s, boolean sym )
              sides = s;
              // save constructor args
              width = w;
              height = h;
              foreground = fc;
              background = bc;
              fract = fr;
              // define basic geometry
              diam = (width<height)?width:height;     // diameter
              xc = width/2;                              // x centre
              yc = height/2;                              // y centre
              int border = (int)(diam*.5*(1-fract));     // size of border
              idiam = diam-(border+border);                    // icon diameter
              if(sym)                                        // symetric case
                   top = (height-idiam)/2;               // top offset
                   left = (width-idiam)/2;               // left offset
                   iheight = idiam;                    // image height
                   iwidth = idiam;                         // image width
              else                                        // assymetric case
                   top = border;                         // top offset
                   left = border;                         // left offset
                   iwidth = width-(left+left);          // image width
                   iheight = height -(top+top);     // image height
              double srad = Math.toRadians(360.0/sides);
              int xs, ys;
              if(sym)xs = ys = diam/2;
                   xs = iwidth/2;
                   ys = iheight/2;
              xp = new int[sides];
              yp = new int[sides];
              double rad;
              for(int i = 0; i<sides; i++)
                   rad = srad*i;
                   xp[i] = xc+(int)(Math.sin(rad)*xs);
                   yp[i] = yc+(int)(Math.cos(rad)*ys);
         // set colors
         public void setForeground(Color fg){foreground = fg;}
         public void setBackground(Color bg){background = bg;}
         // methods required for Icon interface
         public int getIconWidth(){return width;}
         public int getIconHeight(){return height;}
         public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y)
              if(background != null  && c.isEnabled())
              if(foreground != null)
                   int [] xn = new int[sides];
                   int [] yn = new int[sides];
                   for(int i = 0; i<sides; i++)
                        xn[i] = x+xp;
                        yn[i] = y+yp[i];
                   Polygon p = new Polygon(xn,yn,sides);
    and an example of their use
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestI extends JFrame
              addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
              {public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt){System.exit(0);}});
              JLabel lbl1 = new JLabel(new PolygonIcon(50,100,Color.RED,Color.YELLOW,.90,6,true));
              JLabel lbl2 = new JLabel(new PolygonIcon(150,80,Color.BLUE,Color.GREEN,.75,8,true));
              JLabel lbl3 = new JLabel(new PolygonIcon(150,80,Color.BLUE,Color.GREEN,.75,3,false));
              Container cp = getContentPane();
              cp.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
         public static void main(String[] args)
              new TestI().show();

  • Need help to draw a graph from the output I get with my program please

    Hi all,
    I please need help with this program, I need to display the amount of money over the years (which the user has to enter via the textfields supplied)
    on a graph, I'm not sure what to do further with my program, but I have created a test with a System.out.println() method just to see if I get the correct output and it looks fine.
    My question is, how do I get the input that was entered by the user (the initial deposit amount as well as the number of years) and using these to draw up the graph? (I used a button for the user to click after he/she has entered both the deposit and year values to draw the graph but I don't know how to get this to work?)
    Please help me.
    The output that I got looked liked this: (just for a test!) - basically this kind of output must be shown on the graph...
    The initial deposit made was: 200.0
    After year: 1        Amount is:  210.00
    After year: 2        Amount is:  220.50
    After year: 3        Amount is:  231.53
    After year: 4        Amount is:  243.10
    After year: 5        Amount is:  255.26
    After year: 6        Amount is:  268.02
    After year: 7        Amount is:  281.42
    After year: 8        Amount is:  295.49
    After year: 9        Amount is:  310.27
    After year: 10        Amount is:  325.78
    After year: 11        Amount is:  342.07
    After year: 12        Amount is:  359.17
    After year: 13        Amount is:  377.13
    After year: 14        Amount is:  395.99
    After year: 15        Amount is:  415.79
    After year: 16        Amount is:  436.57
    After year: 17        Amount is:  458.40And here is my code that Iv'e done so far:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.RenderingHints;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.lang.Math;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class CompoundInterestProgram extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
        JLabel amountLabel = new JLabel("Please enter the initial deposit amount:");
        JTextField amountText = new JTextField(5);
        JLabel yearsLabel = new JLabel("Please enter the numbers of years:");
        JTextField yearstext = new JTextField(5);
        JButton drawButton = new JButton("Draw Graph");
        public CompoundInterestProgram() {
            super("Compound Interest Program");
            setSize(500, 500);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            amountLabel.setToolTipText("Range of deposit must be 20 - 200!");
            yearsLabel.setToolTipText("Range of years must be 1 - 25!");
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                 DecimalFormat dec2 = new DecimalFormat( "0.00" );
                CompoundInterestProgram cip1 = new CompoundInterestProgram();
                JFrame f = new JFrame();
                f.getContentPane().add(new GraphPanel());
                f.setSize(500, 500);
                Account a = new Account(200);
                System.out.println("The initial deposit made was: " + a.getBalance() + "\n");
                for (int year = 1; year <= 17; year++) {
                      System.out.println("After year: " + year + "   \t" + "Amount is:  " + dec2.format(a.getBalance() + a.calcInterest(year)));
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    class Account {
        double balance = 0;
        double interest = 0.05;
        public Account() {
             balance = 0;
             interest = 0.05;
        public Account(int deposit) {
             balance = deposit;
             interest = 0.05;
        public double calcInterest(int year) {
               return  balance * Math.pow((1 + interest), year) - balance;
        public double getBalance() {
              return balance;
    class GraphPanel extends JPanel {
        public GraphPanel() {
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    }Your help would be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    watertownjordan wrote:
    The above is also good.Sorry but you need to look a bit more closely at URLs that you cite. What the OP wants is a chart (as in X against Y) not a graph (as in links and nodes) . 'jgraph' deals with links and nodes.
    The best free charting library that I know of is JFreeChart from

  • Hi i would like help with:  When I draw circle and add stroke I can not see stroke  I use Photoshop CS 5

    Hi i would like help with:
    When I draw circle and add stroke I can not see stroke
    I use Photoshop CS 5

    Make sure the stroke is set to a color and not to the symbol that appears here for Fill

  • Hello everyone, hoping for some help with my new Apple Cinema Display 20"

    Hi everyone, I bought an Apple Cinema Display 20 inch LCD monitor, just about 3 weeks ago. I have two issues I am hoping to get some help with.
    1) I am using the screen on a PC with Windows XP, and I was very disappointed at the lack of PC support. I have no on screen display (OSD), so I can't see what percentage I have my brightness set to, and I can't alter the colour or contrast of the display, etc. Luckily it defaulted to very good settings, but I would really like to be able to use the (fan made?) program called "WinACD". If I would be best asking somewhere else, please direct me there. If not, my problem is that I installed it added the "Controls" tab, but it just says, Virtual Control Panel "None Present". I have tried googling for an answer, and I have seen many suggestions, but none of them worked. I installed the WinACD driver without my USB lead plugged in, and someone said that was important. So I have tried uninstalling, rebooting, then reinstalling it again with the USB plugged in, and a device plugged in to my monitor to be sure. It didn't seem to help. I have actually done this process a few times, just to be sure. So I would really like to get that working if possible.
    2) I am disappointed at the uniformity of the colour on the display. I have seen other people mention this (again, after a google search), and that someone seemed to think it is just an issue we have to deal with, with this generation of LCD monitors. Before I bought this screen, I had an NEC (20wgx2), and it had a very similar issue. Most of the time, you cannot see any problem at all, but if you display an entire screen with a dark (none prime) colour, like a dark blue green colour, you can see areas where it is slightly darker than others. It was more defined on the NEC screen, and that is why I returned it. I now bought this Apple Cinema Display, because it was the only good alternative to the NEC. (It has an 8bit S-IPS / AS-IPS panel, which was important to me). But the problem exists in this screen too. It isn't as bad thankfully, but it still exists... I have actually tried a third monitor just to be sure, and the problem existed very slightly in that one, so I think I am probably quite sensitive in that I can detect it.
    It is most noticable to me, because I do everything on this PC. I work, I watch films, and I play games. 99% of the time, I cannot see this problem. But in some games (especially one)... the problem is quite noticeable. When you pan the view around, my eyes are drawn to the slight areas on my screen which are darker, and it ruins my enjoyment. To confirm it wasn't just the game, like I said, I can use a program to make the entire screen display one solid colour, and if you pick the right type of colour (anything that isn't a bright primary colour), I can see the problem - albeit fairly faintly.
    I am pretty positive that it is not my graphics card or any other component of my PC, by the way, because everything is brand new and working perfectly, and the graphics card specifically, I have upgraded and yet the problem remains - even on the new card. Also, the areas that are darker, are different on this screen than on the other screens I have used.
    So basically, I would like to register my disappointment at the lack of perfect uniformity on a screen which cost me £400 (over double what most 20 inch LCD screens cost), and I would like to know if anybody could possibly suggest a way to fix it?
    It is upsetting, becuase although this problem exists on other screens too, this is, as far as I know, the most expensive 20" LCD monitor available today, and uses the best technology available too.
    p.s. If anyone would like to use the program that lets you set your entire PC screen a specific colour, it is called "Dead Pixel Buddy", and it is a free piece of software, made by somebody to check for dead pixels. But I found it useful for other things too, including looking at how uniform the colour of the screen is. That's not to say I was specifically looking for this problem by the way... the problem cought my eye.
    Thanks in advance!
    Message was edited by: telelove

    I've been talking about this on another forum too, and I made some pictures in photoshop to describe the problem. Here is what I posted on the other forum:
    Yes, "brightness uniformity" definitely seems to be the best description of my issue.
    Basically it just seems like there are very faint lines down the screen, that are slightly darker than the other areas on the screen. They aren't defined lines, and they aren't in a pattern. It's just slight areas that are darker, and the areas seem like narrow bands/lines. Usually you can't see it, but in some cases, it is quite noticeable. It is mainly when I'm playing a game. The slightly darker areas are not visible, and then when the image moves (because I am turning in a car, or turning a plane, or turning in a shooter etc.) the image moves, but these slightly darker areas stay still, and that makes them really stand out.
    As for how it looks, I tried to make an example in photoshop:
    Original Image:
    Then imagine turning the car around a bend, and then it looks like this:
    It's those lines in the clouds. If you can tab between the two images, you can see the difference easily. Imagine seeing those lines appear, every single time you move in a game. (I haven't tested this in movies yet, but I am assuming it's the same).
    It isn't very clear on a static image. But when the image moves, the darker areas stay in the same place and it draws your eyes towards them. It isn't terrible, but it is annoying, especially consider how much this screen cost.
    Message was edited by: telelove

  • Need some URGENT help with 3 DVD mastering issues PLEASE! :

    Hi there,
    Firstly, I am running DVD SP 3.0.2 on Mac OS 10.4.7 on a G5 Dual 2 GHz 3Gb Ram plenty of HD space...
    I am creating a DVD with: An intro sequence, a main menu, 4 sub menus, and 4 sections with around 12 chapters each.
    I am having some big problems, and a pretty stuck. I will lest them separately below, numbered. If you are able to help, please refer clearly to which number you are helping with. Any help is MUCH appreciated! Many thanks!!
    1. Each of the 5 menus (1 main, 4 sub) have a background video, and a separate audio track. I added the background videos by simply dragging them to the assests panel, then from there onto the menu editor window. They are created in FCP and are properly encoded. However, when I click the motion button, or use the simulator, the videos do not show up. The music plays, but all i see is plain black.
    What is going on?!?!?!
    2. I am really struggling with rollover buttons. I have custom created buttons, and I wand them to have a soft red glow around them when hovered over. HOW ON EARTH DO I ACTUALLY DO THIS??
    The buttons are in photoshop so can be exported with/without background/glow in any format.
    3. Is it possible, once I have got the above rollover working, to have an image to the right hand side of my buttons which changes with the the button rollover. i.e. hover over button 1, see image 1. hover over button 2, image changes to image 2.
    PLEASE PLEASE give any help you can, I have a deadline coming up and am quite stumped. Thanks again!!

    I am still having problems regarding issue Number 1. PLEASE ANYONE HELP?!
    Sorry, I'm not sure about the motion menus. I avoid those whenever possible. But you might click on the menu in the storyline tab (whatever it's called -- the hierarchical view with the disc, tracks, slideshows, etc.) and look at the properties and see if there's anything you have to enable specifically for motion. And be sure the motion button is on on the main display/preview area, but it sounds like you already know how that works.
    For your information, here is a screen grab of the menu I am trying to create:
    I think it is obvious that when a button is hovered over, I want it to glow red, and the image to the right will change to match the respective button.
    First, your menus have to be layered menus. Unfortunately, there's no way to convert non-layered menus to layered menus, so if you already have non-layered, you'll have to just delete them and create new layered menus. The button (and menu item) to create a layered menu should be right by the normal new-menu item.
    Next, the graphical work is all in Photoshop.
    Side tip: You may already know this, but I found it's best to use 640x480 for the Photoshop document. When I do text and leave it as a text object in the Photoshop file, it resizes poorly in DVDSP. So this ends up being another 720x480 vs. 640x480 square/rectangular pixel conversion thing. DVDSP plays in the 640x480 world, at least as far as the designer can see. So I keep my images at 640x480, and it doesn't have to resize, and everything looks right.
    Moving on... Set up your basic background, the part that won't change (or will have other things covering it, like for your square image).
    Then put in all the buttons and images you'll be using, each part in a separate layer. This could have fifteen buttons (you have five buttons, and there can be three versions for each -- inactive, selected, and activated versions) and five or six square images (you said one for each button, and you might want a blank default if, say, you want to add a "back" button on the menu and want some blank or default image for the square when they're on the "back" button).
    Sometimes people don't bother with a separate "active" button state, but you usually want some visual feedback that they clicked the button. Also, I usually just build the default (unselected) button into the background; that's less hassle later on, and it will just draw the selected or activated buttons over that when the user is on that button.
    Line up all your buttons and images. All the square images lined up perfectly on top of each other, all the buttons in the right places (so you'll have three buttons stacked on top of each other in each spot). Give each layer a short but quickly recognizable name, and line them up in a consistent order. (button1-default, button1-selected, button1-active, button1-squarepicture, then button2-default, ... etc.) Photoshop and DVDSP don't care, but it makes it easier for you later.
    Note that earlier versions of DVDSP won't show Photoshop layer effects. (They handle layers, just not the effects, like inner glow, outer bezel, etc.) I don't remember when they changed this, but I think it was version 4.something. So if you're using that method to make your buttons glow, you may have to flatten each selected or active button layer, and you may even need to create a dummy blank layer underneath it first to give it something to flatten onto.
    Save the file as a standard Photoshop file (.psd). Drag the file onto your DVDSP layered menu and set it as the background.
    Now, in DVDSP, create all your buttons. Just drag boxes over/around the button pictures you have. Feel free to make them extra-big; users won't see the actual area you've selected, and bigger areas makes it easier for people to hit them if they're using a mouse on a computer to watch the DVD. You can point the buttons to their targets now if you want, and set the end jumps on the tracks if you want. (I tend to set the end jumps on the tracks so they automatically select the button for the next track.)
    Now's the fun part, since it will actually hook everything up and should be easy if your naming layer order were consistent. Click on the layered menu (in that hierarchical view) and look at the properties window. (Sorry I can't remember the technical names for all these windows; I'm doing this all from memory. So feel free to ask more questions if you can't find what I'm talking about.) One of the properties tabs should have a grid of checkboxes with a list of your layers. Make sure the background is checked for all of the states. Then check the layers you want to show for each button state, as well as the corresponding square image to show for each.
    Again, I'm doing this from memory, and I can't remember exactly how things are listed in that grid. But I remember it keeps your layers in the same order you put them in the Photoshop file and shows you those names, so it should make it easy to go down the list and check the right boxes.
    And another side tip: You can update the Photoshop file, but once you've put it in DVDSP, if you change the layer order, it will screw up the check boxes you checked. It always shows you the layer names correctly, but it keeps the checkboxes in DVDSP simply assigned to the layer number, so the fifth layer will keep the same checkboxes even if you juggle them so some other layer is now the fifth layer. So if you do juggle the layers in Photoshop, go back and fix the checkbox list in DVDSP.
    I put a sample Photoshop file based on yours in
    It's quick and dirty, but shows the layer layout, and you should be able to drop it on DVDSP to play with. (I also won't leave it there forever, maybe a few weeks, so anybody reading this in a month or more probably will get a 404 for that url.)
    Again, doing this from memory, so feel free to ask if anything doesn't work or doesn't make sense.
    G4/dual867   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   2GB/0.8TB

  • Trouble with Drawing Markups in Acrobat Pro XI

    Hello all and thank you for any help that comes out of this.
    I use Acrobat XI for several forms for work.  They are timesheets.  I created these forms from another PDF that was given to me.  Part of the use of these forms involves adding Drawing Markups and editing the Markups later.  The Markups in this case are simple lines.  In Acrobat 9, this was an easy task.  I could easily grab the Markups I had inserted and manipulate them any way I chose.
    Now, in Acrobat XI, once I insert a line, I basically can no longer touch it without doing a very clumsy work-around.  Every once in a great while, I get lucky and am able to get my mouse over that one magic hidden pixel and then I can grab the Markup and do what I need.
    It just seems much, much more difficult working with Drawing Markups in the new version.
    Am I doing something wrong?  Is there an option I don't know about?
    Thank you in advance.

    The only choices Acrobat XI gives me are the "Selection tool for text and images" and the hand-shaped "Click to pan around the document" button.
    There is a "Tool Set" option under the View menu, but there is no "Interactive Objects" submenu.
    Please note the image I have included of the toolbar that I am presented with in Acrobat XI. Does the button you are suggesting I use exist anymore?  I haven't seen it since Acobat 9 and I have scanned through menus and see no way to add another Selection Tool to the toolbar. If it does exist, please tell me how to turn it on.
    Thank you!

  • URGENT: Help with dynamic borders!

    Hello all -
    I DESPERATLY need help with this! I am using the code from
    kirupa's xml photo gallery with the thumbnails. right now the alpha
    changes on mouseover, fine...but my client is demanding that it
    draw a border instead. I have been at this for about a week and
    have NO idea how to do this...i have looked at things like API's
    and things...but my main issue is that the images and MC's are all
    created on the fly and i dont know how to code in an on mouseover
    draw a border type of function, no idea at all!
    This is my code as it sits now, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!
    thank you in advance!

    really could use some help quick here guys

  • Help with PDF Generation

    We are currently evaluating LiveCycle ES to potentially convert numerous Pro/E 3D drawings to PDF. Unfortunately, I am having a difficult time finding the proper resources to help achieve this. What we would like the process to do is:
    1) Take a Pro/E file, and apply a forms template
    2) Add an "Exploded View" animation for the 3D drawing (such as what can be generated by Adobe 3D Reviewer)
    3) Expose the "Bill of Material" to the template fields
    4) Save the generated PDF to a defined folder
    5) Perform these steps for a "watched folder" for when new drawings are submitted
    In LiveCycle Workbench, I have been able to read a Pro/E file and apply our template. But I cannot find information on how to achieve the other steps.
    Could somebody please point me to specific resources and/or samples that would help with this? Any help would be very appreciated.

    Thanks for your reply.
    If I'm understanding you correctly, option 1 probably won't work for this situation, because we're working with existing ProE drawings -- hundreds, if not thousands, of them. So, they don't want to go back and add the exploded view. Unless you're saying that we could use javaScript to generate the exploded view and BOM from the ProE files?
    Do you know of an example (or other resource) that describes either of the options you outlined? Could you explain a little more?
    Thanks again!

  • Help with Paint program.

    Hello. I am somewhat new to Java and I was recently assigned to do a simple paint program. I have had no trouble up until my class started getting into the graphical functions of Java. I need help with my program. I am supposed to start off with a program that draws lines and changes a minimum of 5 colors. I have the line function done but my color change boxes do not work and I am able to draw inside the box that is supposed to be reserved for color buttons. Here is my code so far:
    // The Lab13 program assignment is open ended.
    // There is no provided student version for starting, nor are there
    // any files with solutions for the different point versions.
    // Check the Lab assignment document for additional details.
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Lab13110 extends Applet
         int[] startX,startY,endX,endY;
         int currentStartX,currentStartY,currentEndX,currentEndY;
         int lineCount;
         Rectangle red, green, blue, yellow, black;
         int numColor;
         Image virtualMem;
         Graphics gBuffer;
         int rectheight,rectwidth;
         public void init()
              startX = new int[100];
              startY = new int[100];
              endX = new int[100];
              endY = new int[100];
              lineCount = 0;
              red = new Rectangle(50,100,25,25);
              green = new Rectangle(50,125,25,25);
              blue = new Rectangle(50,150,25,25);
              yellow = new Rectangle(25,112,25,25);
              black = new Rectangle(25,137,25,25);
              numColor = 0;
              virtualMem = createImage(100,600);
              gBuffer = virtualMem.getGraphics();
         public void paint(Graphics g)
              for (int k = 0; k < lineCount; k++)
              switch (numColor)
                   case 1:
                   case 2:
                   case 3:
                   case 4:
                   case 5:
                   case 6:
         public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y)
              currentStartX = x;
              currentStartY = y;
                   numColor = 1;
              else if(green.inside(x,y))
                   numColor = 2;
              else if(blue.inside(x,y))
                   numColor = 3;
              else if(yellow.inside(x,y))
                   numColor = 4;
              else if(black.inside(x,y))
                   numColor = 5;
                   numColor = 6;
              return true;
         public boolean mouseDrag(Event e, int x, int y)
              int Rectheight = 500;
              int Rectwidth = 900;
              currentEndX = x;
              currentEndY = y;
              Rectangle window = new Rectangle(0,0,900,500);
              //if (window.inside(Rectheight,Rectwidth))
              return true;
         public boolean mouseUp(Event e, int x, int y)
              int Rectheight = 500;
              int Rectwidth = 900;
              startX[lineCount] = currentStartX;
              startY[lineCount] = currentStartY;
              endX[lineCount] = x;
              endY[lineCount] = y;
              Rectangle window = new Rectangle(0,0,900,500);
              if (window.inside(Rectheight,Rectwidth))
              return true;
         public void Rectangle(Graphics g, int x, int y)
              Rectangle screen = new Rectangle(100,0,900,600);
    }If anyone could point me in the right direction of how to go about getting my buttons to work and fixing the button box, I would be greatly appreciative. I just need to get a little bit of advice and I think I should be good after I get this going.

    This isn't in any way a complete solution, but I'm posting code for a mouse drag outliner. This may be preferable to how you are doing rectangles right now
    you are welcome to use and modify this code but please do not change the package and make sure that you tell your teacher where you got it from
    package tjacobs.ui;
    import java.awt.BasicStroke;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.Point;
    import java.awt.Stroke;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    * See the public static method addAMouseDragOutliner
    public class MouseDragOutliner extends MouseAdapter implements MouseMotionListener {
         public static final BasicStroke DASH_STROKE = new BasicStroke(1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 10.0f, new float[] {8, 8}, 0);
         private boolean mUseMove = false;
         private Point mStart;
         private Point mEnd;
         private Component mComponent;
         private MyRunnable mRunner= new MyRunnable();
         private ArrayList mListeners = new ArrayList(1);
         public MouseDragOutliner() {
         public MouseDragOutliner(boolean useMove) {
              mUseMove = useMove;
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) {
              mStart = me.getPoint();
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me) {
              mStart = me.getPoint();
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) {
              Iterator i = mListeners.iterator();
              Point end = me.getPoint();
              while (i.hasNext()) {
                   ((OutlineListener), end);
              //mStart = null;
         public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
              if (mUseMove) {
         public     void addOutlineListener(OutlineListener ol) {
         public void removeOutlineListener(OutlineListener ol) {
         private class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
              public void run() {
                   Graphics g = mComponent.getGraphics();
                   if (g == null) {
                   Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
                   Stroke s = g2.getStroke();
                   int x = Math.min(mStart.x, mEnd.x);
                   int y = Math.min(mStart.y, mEnd.y);
                   int w = Math.abs(mEnd.x - mStart.x);
                   int h = Math.abs(mEnd.y - mStart.y);
                   g2.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
         public void doMouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {
              mEnd = me.getPoint();
              if (mStart != null) {
                   mComponent = me.getComponent();
         public static MouseDragOutliner addAMouseDragOutliner(Component c) {
              MouseDragOutliner mdo = new MouseDragOutliner();
              return mdo;
         public static interface OutlineListener {
              public void mouseDragEnded(Point start, Point finish);
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame f = new JFrame("MouseDragOutliner Test");
              Container c = f.getContentPane();
              JPanel p = new JPanel();
              f.setBounds(200, 200, 400, 400);
              f.addWindowListener(new WindowClosingActions.Exit());

  • Help with website layout

    Hi, I need help with Dreamweaver CS4. I don't know HTML which
    is why I am using this program. I am using the AP Div (Not the
    Insert Div Tag) Icon at the top in the Standard Layout tab accessed
    by the icon at the top of the panel in the classic layout mode.
    Here is my problem. I am trying to make sure the text and
    spacing is the same as much as possible from browser to browser.
    The spacing between the lines (leading) is different. Sometimes the
    text jumps out of the box or text lines get cut off and looks
    jumbled. My pages are layed out with a bunch of AP divs so I can
    place them wherever I want. For example I draw one AP div (which
    has the square box in at the left top) and then another one below.
    Even though they are not touching, the browser displays them
    overlapping with the text clashing. Or sometimes text just runs
    wild. I've tried to use tables but they are too limiting and I am
    not being able to place them freely. Is that because browsers do
    not recognize CSS? How do I get at least a decent consistency
    between browsers? What am I doing wrong?

    As well as the links below - another way to learn (including
    anyone else's bad habits) is to find a page you like, and then tell
    your web browser to show you the code view for the page and/or do a
    "Save As" and save the page to your computer to then copy &
    paste code segments into your file (in IE click View at the top,
    select Source from the options)
    HTML and/or DW Tutorials, and other information links that I
    have saved
    Download User Guide as PDF for easy search Hours of videos.
    (must pay)
    If not PDF (link above) an online guide to read
    Customizing the layouts that come with CS3 (VIDEO)
    For those using MySQL - Installing PHP and MySQL on Windows
    Community MX lessons

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