Help with form submissions

Im pretty new to Dreamweaver and also form making as well and
I am trying to put together something for my work. We are presently
using Outlook eforms to handle internal paperwork, including the
one I am trying to get to the web. Which is a Employee/ Equipment
movement form... kind of a MAC.
Anyway, the questions I have is with the Submit button. What
I want to do with it is to both email the layout (including the
information input) and also try to connect it to a database so we
can look at the data down the line. We have been hammered by
auditors over this process (outlook eform).
Esentially what we do when recieving this form is transfer
the data to a Helpdesk Ticketing system and send the account and
equipment requests to the proper departments.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The site address is
and the specific page Im working on is
Thanks much!!

I'm starting to understand a little bit more. At first when I
viewed your site and saw stuff for new hires and transfers of
employees, my first thought is that you need to look in the
direction of something like PeopleSoft (made by Oracle -which btw
have plenty of other database applications).
But then I saw your other form and it appears that
organization is a key thing and that your forms are not what you
want them to be. However, by the looks of what you have it does not
appear that this is, or should be, running on a public web server.
Instead it appears, and correct me if I am wrong, that this would
go on a local intranet site.
Plus the fact that you don't have a database standard working
and seeing how you manually enter the forms into your help desk I
almost think implementing a full database structure might be
premature and costly to your business.
Have you considered looking at publishing interactive PDF
forms? I really think you should sit down and evaluate some of
Adobe's programs with Acrobat to see if you can utilize that:
See that link. You would create an interactive PDF form which
users could quickly edit and submit (even via local intranet) and
then submit it to someone who will enter this information into the
Helpdesk. Plus you would have the saved PDF document which is much
more secure than the eforms and it would hopefully allow you to
increase your workflow. This would mean purchasing at least 1 copy
of Acrobat Pro if your copy does not already own it.
And as much criticism as this may draw here. If you just need
to set up a lot of these forms for people to work with in this
manner, it might even be a good idea to look into a Microsoft
Sharepoint Site (you would need MS Sharepoint Designer to make the
site though). Because this is what Sharepoint is for. To share
documents that can be saved, submitted and sent around so that all
users can view the documents they need to.
I'm just worried that you are going about this in a manner
that might not be much more productive. Otherwise you would need to
get a component that would turn the form submission into a PDF
document since you can't just save it as you see it on the screen
in any other way, and then you would need to go through the whole
process of putting everything into a database. I really think a
pre-made application or process as I described above with Acrobat
would be much easier for your company to implement and might be a
better solution for the near-term outlook.

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    Title (with IN = title)
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    Any help is greatly appreciated.  I consider myself a pretty technical person so I do learn quick...I just need some guidance until I wrap my head around how this all works.  Thanks.

    Here's a link to a posting elsewhere some had had that may provide some useful info (?)

  • Please debug my javascript (error with form.submit())

    help!! help!! i have used form.submit() where form = document.forms[0] but this time it gives me an error, please help, i will give you $10
    var sw;//switch
    sw=true;//default true
    var str;//string used if invalid data
    //validates all required form fields
    function validate(form){
    sw=true;//default true
    str="The following errors occurred while processing...\n";
    form = document.forms[0];
    //check name
    str += "-You must enter your Full Name\n";
    str += "-Your Full Name must consist of only letters\n";
    //check company name
    str += "-You must enter your Company Name\n";
    //check address
    str += "-You must enter your Address\n";
    //check city
    str += "-You must enter your City\n";
    //check state
    str += "-You must enter your State\n";
    //check zip
    str += "-You must enter your Zip Code\n";
    str += "-Your Zip Code must be digits only\n";
    //check email
    str += "-You must enter your E-Mail\n";
    str += "-You must have a valid E-Mail address\n";
    //check dayPhoneNumber
    str += "-You must enter your Day Time Phone Number\n";
    if(form.dayPhone.value.length < 10 || form.dayPhone.value.length > 14 )
    str += "-You must enter a valid Day Time Phone Number (XXX)XXX-XXXX\n";
    //check evePhoneNumber
    str += "-You must enter your Evening Phone Number\n";
    if(form.evePhone.value.length < 10 || form.evePhone.value.length > 14 )
    str += "-You must enter a valid Evening Phone Number (XXX)XXX-XXXX\n";
    }//end validate
    // whitespace characters
    var whitespace = " \t\n\r";
    // non-digit characters which are allowed in ZIP Codes
    var ZIPCodeDelimiters = "-";
    // our preferred delimiter for reformatting ZIP Codes
    var ZIPCodeDelimeter = "-";
    // U.S. ZIP codes have 5 or 9 digits.
    // They are formatted as 12345 or 12345-6789.
    var digitsInZIPCode1 = 5;
    var digitsInZIPCode2 = 9;
    var defaultEmptyOK = false;
    // Returns true if string s is empty or
    // whitespace characters only.
    function isWhitespace (s)
    {   var i;
    // Is s empty?
    if (isEmpty(s)) return true;
    // Search through string's characters one by one
    // until we find a non-whitespace character.
    // When we do, return false; if we don't, return true.
    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
    // Check that current character isn't whitespace.
    var c = s.charAt(i);
    if (whitespace.indexOf(c) == -1) return false;
    // All characters are whitespace.
    return true;
    // Check whether string s is empty.
    function isEmpty(s)
    {   return ((s == null) || (s.length == 0))
    // isAlphabetic (STRING s [, BOOLEAN emptyOK])
    // Returns true if string s is English letters
    // (A .. Z, a..z) only.
    // For explanation of optional argument emptyOK,
    // see comments of function isInteger.
    // NOTE: Need i18n version to support European characters.
    // This could be tricky due to different character
    // sets and orderings for various languages and platforms.
    function isAlphabetic (s)
    {   var i;
    if (isEmpty(s))
    if (isAlphabetic.arguments.length == 1) return defaultEmptyOK;
    else return (isAlphabetic.arguments[1] == true);
    // Search through string's characters one by one
    // until we find a non-alphabetic character.
    // When we do, return false; if we don't, return true.
    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
    // Check that current character is letter.
    var c = s.charAt(i);
    if (!isLetter(c))
    return false;
    // All characters are letters.
    return true;
    // Returns true if character c is an English letter
    // (A .. Z, a..z).
    // NOTE: Need i18n version to support European characters.
    // This could be tricky due to different character
    // sets and orderings for various languages and platforms.
    function isLetter (c)
    {   return ( ((c >= "a") && (c <= "z")) || ((c >= "A") && (c <= "Z")) )
    // isZIPCode (STRING s [, BOOLEAN emptyOK])
    // isZIPCode returns true if string s is a valid
    // U.S. ZIP code. Must be 5 or 9 digits only.
    // NOTE: Strip out any delimiters (spaces, hyphens, etc.)
    // from string s before calling this function.
    // For explanation of optional argument emptyOK,
    // see comments of function isInteger.
    function isZIPCode (s)
    {  if (isEmpty(s))
    if (isZIPCode.arguments.length == 1) return defaultEmptyOK;
    else return (isZIPCode.arguments[1] == true);
    return (isInteger(s) &&
    ((s.length == digitsInZIPCode1) ||
    (s.length == digitsInZIPCode2)))
    // isEmail (STRING s [, BOOLEAN emptyOK])
    // Email address must be of form [email protected] -- in other words:
    // * there must be at least one character before the @
    // * there must be at least one character before and after the .
    // * the characters @ and . are both required
    // For explanation of optional argument emptyOK,
    // see comments of function isInteger.
    function isEmail (s)
    {   if (isEmpty(s))
    if (isEmail.arguments.length == 1) return defaultEmptyOK;
    else return (isEmail.arguments[1] == true);
    // is s whitespace?
    if (isWhitespace(s)) return false;
    // there must be >= 1 character before @, so we
    // start looking at character position 1
    // (i.e. second character)
    var i = 1;
    var sLength = s.length;
    // look for @
    while ((i < sLength) && (s.charAt(i) != "@"))
    { i++
    if ((i >= sLength) || (s.charAt(i) != "@")) return false;
    else i += 2;
    // look for .
    while ((i < sLength) && (s.charAt(i) != "."))
    { i++
    // there must be at least one character after the .
    if ((i >= sLength - 1) || (s.charAt(i) != ".")) return false;
    else return true;
    // isInteger (STRING s [, BOOLEAN emptyOK])
    // Returns true if all characters in string s are numbers.
    // Accepts non-signed integers only. Does not accept floating
    // point, exponential notation, etc.
    // We don't use parseInt because that would accept a string
    // with trailing non-numeric characters.
    // By default, returns defaultEmptyOK if s is empty.
    // There is an optional second argument called emptyOK.
    // emptyOK is used to override for a single function call
    // the default behavior which is specified globally by
    // defaultEmptyOK.
    // If emptyOK is false (or any value other than true),
    // the function will return false if s is empty.
    // If emptyOK is true, the function will return true if s is empty.
    // isInteger ("5") true
    // isInteger ("") defaultEmptyOK
    // isInteger ("-5") false
    // isInteger ("", true) true
    // isInteger ("", false) false
    // isInteger ("5", false) true
    function isInteger (s)
    {   var i;
    if (isEmpty(s))
    if (isInteger.arguments.length == 1) return defaultEmptyOK;
    else return (isInteger.arguments[1] == true);
    // Search through string's characters one by one
    // until we find a non-numeric character.
    // When we do, return false; if we don't, return true.
    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
    // Check that current character is number.
    var c = s.charAt(i);
    if (!isDigit(c)) return false;
    // All characters are numbers.
    return true;
    // Returns true if character c is a digit
    // (0 .. 9).
    function isDigit (c)
    {   return ((c >= "0") && (c <= "9"))
    <form method="post" enctype="text/plain" action="mailto:[email protected]">
    <table border="0" bgcolor="yellow">
    <td width="150">Name*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="30" maxlength="60" name="fullName"></td>
    <td width="150">Company Name*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="30" maxlength="50" name="compName"></td>
    <td width="150">Address- Line1* </td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="30" maxlength="50" name="add1"></td>
    <td width="150">Address- Line 2</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="30" maxlength="50" name="add2"></td>
    <td width="150">City*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="15" maxlength="30" name="city"></td>
    <td width="150">State*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="10" maxlength="25" name="state"></td>
    <td width="150">Zip Code*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="5" maxlength="10" name="zip"></td>
    <td width="150">E-mail*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="30" maxlength="50" name="email"></td>
    <td width="150">Day Phone*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="15" maxlength="25" name="dayPhone"></td>
    <td width="150">Evening Phone*</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="15" maxlength="25" name="evePhone"></td>
    <td width="150">Fax Number</td>
    <td width="250"><input type="text" size="15" maxlength="25" name="fax"></td>
    <tr><td><input type="button" value="next" size="20" name="submit" onClick="validate(this.form)"></td></tr>

    With this changes your program works:
    function validate(){
    return true;
    else {
    return false;}
    <form method="post" enctype="text/plain" action="mailto:[email protected]" onSubmit:"return validate()">
    <tr><td><input type="submit" value="next" size="20" name="submit"></td></tr>
    (also, note that you should advice that you need 5 digits in the ZIP field.
    Fill the field with 3 digits to see what I mean).
    �am �am duke duke duke :) dollarssss

  • Issue with Form submit

    Currently i have a BSP application (page with flow logic) working. Where it has 5 input fields (numc) and based on the quatity entered (On click of SUBMIT button)the calculations are done and final amount is displayed in same screen.
    Requirement: I need to remove the Submit button and enable the Form submit once the user enters value in any of 5 input fields and comes out of that field.
    Currently i tried using JavaScript but with no success.
    i tried attaching onblur event to my input field tag and the function associated with onblur event will do window.form.submit();
    But i'm getting Error in Explorer as "'window.form' is null or not an object"
    In Mozilla as "window.form has no properties"
    I'm not able to post my code.. pls tell me how to do that
    Please guide..
    Thanks in Advance,

    here is a simple sample application:
    page attribute:
    mess type string
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
    <htmlb:content design="design2003" >
      <htmlb:page title=" " >
        <htmlb:form id="myform" >
          <htmlb:inputField id    = "IP1"
                            value = "<%= mess %>" />
    < script for="IP1" event=on blur type="text/ j avascript">
              document. myform .submit();
           < /script>
           <%= mess %>
    oninput processing
    data: ip type ref to cl_htmlb_inputfield .
    ip ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data( request = request
                                               name    = 'inputField'
                                               id      = 'IP1' ).
    if not ip is initial .
      mess = ip->value .
    endif .
    Edited by: Durairaj Athavan Raja on Mar 18, 2008 3:54 PM

  • Help with forms in Acrobat 9

    Using XP and Acrobat 9 Standard:
    I have three questions about working with forms that I don't find answered anywhere.
    1. Can I edit the info in the Document Message Bar? If so how?
    2. Can I join form fields? I want to combine a short text field on one line with a longer text field on the next line so that the info will wrap to the 2nd line. For instance, there is a short question with the rest that line being blank. Then the next line is across the whole page. I want the top line to continue onto the 2nd line. I understand checking the multi-line option in preferences for a form field that is deep enough to hold several lines, but I want that short line to be included also.
    One of my problems may be that I need to have the form available with hard lines for hand completion and also available for those who want to complete it online.
    3. Once I make a form that can be completed online, do I have to 'distribute' it? I just want to upload it to a website so members can download, complete and email as an attachment. Do I have to do anything special to accomplish this?
    Thanks for your help.

    Thanks Chris - That did EXACTLY what I wanted it to do.
    I was able to create a button that prompts the user to save the form, then it hides the price fields, then it flattens, then it e-mails the form. The order was important since I wanted the salesperson to be able to save the "not-flattened" form.

  • Heed Help With Form Layout

    Hi all
    I am developing a j2me program that need display photos on a form like a photo gallery. I use image item to hold the resized photos on a form.
    What I want is to display 3 photos in a row, like this
    x x x
    x x x
    the programm is working fine on the emulator and nokia phone, but when I try on a Windows Mobile phone (HTC the JVM is Jbed) , It only display one photo in a row, like this
    No matter what layout option and the size of photos, it only display one photo in a row
    I really need help with this

    The only way to get more consistent behavior across devices is to use the low level API -- Canvas, not Form. You cannot interfere with device-dependent implementations of the layout of a Form.

  • Need help with Forms 6 on 11g

    Hello all,
    I wonder if anyone has come across this issue. I'll try to explain this as best as I can. We just migrated/upgraded our database from a SUSe9 (32 bit) Oracle configuration to a Redhat 5.3 64 bit. We were running Oracle Forms 6 on certain desktops which connected fine against our version 9 databse. I am now experiencing the following error message after I enter my user ID, password and Database: ORA-02248: Invalid option for ALTER SESSION. Now, I may be facing the issue of an outdated forms application trying to interface with 11g. I heard this version 6 did work on Oracle 10g, but some folks may be having issues on 11g, like myself. Any input or suggestions would be appreciated.

    As Jan Carlin noted, it is not a certified combination (using 6i against 11g) and I hope you understand what the consequences are if you are using a non-certified combination in a production environment.
    But, if you really really want to use 6i(with ps 18) against the 11g database server, the answer is YES it is working with the following workaround. I believe I am the first one found and reported the issue on OTN when I was testing our 6i and 10gR2 forms application against the 11g database server. The issue is also applicable to 10gR2 forms against 11g database as well as 6i forms.
    Here is the workaround:
    Oracle 11g database has a new parameter
    SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON (case sensitive password enabled for logon) - default is
    TRUE. Forms built-in "OPEN_FORM (...SESSION)" uses password in capital letters by
    default. There are two workarounds that solves this problem with Forms agains 11g
    database server. Either use the Oracle sqlplus command (login as system): alter user <your OraUser>
    identified by YOUR_PASSWORD (use your own Oracle user name and password - be careful to use capital
    letters for the password) or set the SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON database parameter to
    FALSE (do not forget to change the parameter for the spfile as for the current session). This
    parameter can be changed by using the Oracle Enterprise Manager GUI (refer to your Oracle
    database server documentation for details).
    Hope this proves useful.
    R/ Zafer

  • Need help with Forms on iPad

    I am trying to view and submit forms on my iPad. I've created a form in LiveCycle and emailed it to myself but I am unable to view or open the PDF form with the Adobe Reader app. Please help!

    Hi Randy - I have Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.5 and when I try to create a new form a pop-up comes up saying that the form will be edited in Adobe LiveCycle designer and that Adobe Acrobat will close. I do not have the option to stay in Adobe Acrobat. Any idea how to stay in Adobe Acrobat instead of moving into LiveCycle? I want to create some PDF forms that can be filled out on an iPad in Adobe Reader and then emailed. Thank you!

  • Help with form function

    Hi All,
    I'm having problems gathering information from one form ('product') and placing it into another ('accepted') so that i can submit the information into an email using php. I need to retrieve the options chosen from the 'product' form and insert them into hidden fields within the 'accepted' form using java script. BUT im having problems getting it to work properly, can anyone please help me?
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var colour2 = Number(document.forms.product.colour.value);
    var engraving2 = Number(document.forms.product.engraving.value);
    var font2 = document.forms.product.font.value;
    var textarea2 = document.forms.product.textarea.value;
    var engraved_designs2 = document.forms.product.engraved_designs.value;
    var sandblasted_designs2 = document.forms.product.sandblasted_designs.value;
    var grand_total2 = Number(document.forms.product.grand_total.value);
    var cemetery_name2 = document.forms.product.cemetery_name.value;
    var cemetery_address2 = document.forms.product.cemetery_address.value;
    var grave_number2 = document.forms.product.grave_number.value;

    Ness_quick wrote:
    Ok so the cart people (123 connect) who are writing the script for me have nothing to do with the proof part of the page. I just need to send all the selected details in an email to milesmemorials back office, without any involvement of cart or sagepay. As you stated earlier -
    The problem with that in this particular senario is some of the information in form 2 is not contained in form 1 i.e., the name, email etc. I assume that this is because the checkout gateway collects this information. If the checkout is not used then this info cannot be collected
    That is why i did it this way round, instead of having the one form. This is what the cart suppliers have emailed me with regards to how the website, cart and sagepage all integrate.
    1: overview
    to create an on-site order system to link into the shopping cart, the order system will store all the details of the order from each selected page
    2: product page
    we will provide you with the code to add to the page with full details of where on the page to put it, there will be a config part for you to amend so you can get the script to work with the specific page elements.  For example if there are letters on the page then you make the letter script active, if there is a choice of stone type you simply make the stone type active.
    3: cart page
    this will keep a record of what the customer adds to the cart, when they are ready to checkout it will create a file to send to the shopping cart for payment
    4: secure shopping cart
    this is on a secure server and is PCI compliant, it adds on to the system above. This will take the order and link into your choice of payment provider, when complete it will email you and the customer with the order details.  It will also keep a record of the order for eight weeks
    That's why In this particular case, in my opinion, it's best to keep the proofing element and the cart element seperate as you don't have much control over what the cart script does being as though it's an off-the-shelf' solution as many of these payment gateway solutions are and require specific form attributes. It was pretty obvious to some from the outset that it did not require the name, email information etc as that would be added at the gateway stage. like 99% of payment gateways.
    Given that you're now so close to a solution which works independently it's worth investigating if it is possible with javascript of jQuery to update the two forms in tandem as the fields change.

  • Help with Form F110_US_DTA for ACH file to be sent to bank

    Hi ppl,
    I'm implementing new house bank in the system for ACH payments
    the NACHA file format for that bank is given to me.
    the bank's needs a variation in the format.
    they want effective entry date in the Batch Header Record 5, Pos 70-75 to be greater than the Creation Date located in the File Header Record 1
    Im using the form F110_US_DTA for the file that is to be generated to sent to bank
    How Do I make changes to this form to satisfy the requirement
    Or basically where do I change the format of forms like F110_US_DTA etc..
    What is T-code for that...
    Thank You Very much
    your help will be appreciated
    Also tell me how can I assign you points..

    An ACH NACHA file has the following components..
    File Header Record(1)
    This gain has many fileds like Record type code, priority code, immediate destination etc
    Batch header Record(5)
    Record type code, company Identification
    Entry Detail Record(6)
    Transactioncode, Check digit etc
    Addenda Record(7)
    Record Type Code...etc
    Batch Control Record(8)
    File Control Record(9)
    Batch Count, block count etc...
    Now This is the Layout which the company wants to implement
    The commpany is already using an ACH file for an old bank.
    But wants to implement a New Bank with a lil variation of old NACHA format
    In SAP where can I set these fields or parameters.....
    for some programs I can goto System->Status and double click on program and goto ABAP editor and change fields.
    But for this ACH where can go and set the parameters according to requirements
    There is actually one more requirement...
    In the ACH file The New banks wants the
    File Creation Date (It is entry in field no 5 of File Header Record(1) of ACH file)
    this date should be less than Effective Entry DAte (It is an entry in Field no 9 in Batch Header Record(5))

  • Help with form validation

    I am new to dreamweaver and I need to create a site for the
    cafe I work for. I tried to make a form for making reservations
    online. I made a table and put the fileds inside it. It looks
    great. However, when I preview it in the browser, a javascript
    error message pops up and tells me that all the forms are required
    but I want the message to come up only after clicking submit.
    Please help.
    Also, if anyone has an easy way to send the form infomation
    via email, it would be greatly appreciated.
    Norfolk, VA

    Check the behaviors panel, your validation script is probably
    set to fire onFocus, in design view click on the form button, then
    set the 'Validate Form' behavior to onClick, you can select it from
    the menu. When you set the behavior most of the time DW changes to
    onFocus evan though you select onCLick.
    What scripting language are you using ASP PHP CFM, there are
    lots of products you can buy for emailing form data or look at some
    tutorials online.

  • Help with form

    Currently I have a 30+ page website i created in CS4 Dreamweaver.  I really like it but we are tired of using the Aweber forms for a RFQ.
    I see where i can create the form in forms insert in DW but having difficulty finding how to assign a MAILTO when they complete it and want them to be able to attach a drawing or spec to their quote.
    We use Godaddy as host server so i think its PHP (windows)  and want the form to go to a general RFQ email address everytime.
    Any help would be appreciated.  I can give our site url to look around or would would be willing to compensate someone to take on this task.
    To me - this is a weeks worth of work and another week headache.  to most pros.  its probably less then an hour.
    Let me know how to proceed or what is best.  is there a product available with template i can use and modify?

    First check with your host to see which server-side
    programming languages
    and/or formmailer scripts they support. Some hosts (GoDaddy
    shared hosting
    for example) may limit you to using only their scripts which
    you must
    activate via your account's admin panel.
    If your server supports PHP and you can use 3rd party
    scripts, I highly
    recommend this one from DB Masters. It hides your address
    from prying eye
    email harvesters and has some pretty nifty spam control
    methods built in.
    Free to use if you credit the author; $20 if you don't.
    Best of luck on your project,
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing

  • JSF Newbie: help with forms & drop-downs

    I've managed to get a few simple things working with JSF using Netbeans & Visual Web pack. This is pretty sexy stuff for a grizzled old perl programmer. However, there are still a few things I'm having trouble getting through my thick head -- maybe some kind soul could point me in the right direction.
    I would like to have a couple of cascading data-bound drop-downs: dd1 provides a selection list for dd2, and the combination of dd1 and dd2, when selected, provides enough data to populate a webuijsf:table.
    The desired behaviour is that a change in dd1 repopulates the selection list for dd2 and furthermore, repopulates the table based on the selected value in dd1 plus the first value in the selection list of dd2. A change of selection in dd2 repopulates the table accordingly.
    My prerender() for the page checks if dd1.getSelected == null, and if so, sets the cursor to the first row in the bound data provider. Furthermore, it primes the rowset for dd2 with some rows from dd2's data provider based on the values in the first row for dd1.
    The first time through, everything is peachy: dd1 has the appropriate selection list, as does dd2. my webuijsf:table also has the appropriate rows (selected in the prerender()).
    My problem seems to be that when a new value is selected in dd2, dd1.getSelected == null at the next prerender(). This, of course, re-primes dd2, wiping out its selection.
    So, obviously, I don't really understand what I'm doing well enough to see how to do this. The visual web pack tutorials, where I started, really don't provide adequate explanation of what's going on, and the chapter on JSF in the J2EE tutorial is still a little abstract for me.
    I would be forever indebted if somebody could please provide a pointer to a resource (preferably something a perl programmer can afford ;-) that could help me understand, in concrete terms, how a form, and the elements on the form (and their events), are processed.
    Also, and as an aside, am I alone in thinking the whole Java thing is tremendously complex? I'm not talking about the Java language, which I find pretty intuitive, but the zillions of J* stuff around it, which seems somewhat dense. I really do want to learn this stuff, but it's pretty bewildering!

    Normally I would tell you to inject the PersonController bean into the PersonSelectionListener bean as a managed property. Then drill into the bean to get the data you need.
    However, in this case you are dealing with a value change listener. Value change events are fired at the end of the Process Validations phase, before the Update Model Values phase. So in this case, the PersonController bean will not contain the selected person from the request. This is not a problem however, since the new value is passed via the ValueChangeEvent object.

  • Help with Forms/Educ​ational Features of Multisim

    I'm trying to make use of the forms feature of Multisim, where instructors can create forms & students submit their completed assignment through email. I've followed the procedures in the Multisim user manual, but I keep getting a "command line argument is not valid" message. I've googled the message and it appears that the error message is because the "/unregserver" and "/regserver" switch is no longer valid for Outlook 2003. Is there a workaround that I can use?
    My 2nd question is: is there a guided tutorial or sample circuit that uses these features in Multisim that I can refer to?

    Steven, we have been trying to reproduce this error in order to fix it, however we have not been able to. We have used Outlook 2003, 2007 and Express 6, as well as Lotus Notes 8.
    The /unregserver or /regserver commands are not used by our API, so that's not the origin of the problem. We use two protocols, the regular MAPISendMail() from the OS and if that one fails we then use the "mailto:" from html. So both failed in your system.
    Would it be possible for you to:
    a) Attach the circuit file that is failing.
    b) Are you using a file path with spaces? Can you try without spaces? (e.g. C:\mycircuit.ms11), it should work with or without spaces in the file name but is good to try.
    c) Are you using Windows in English?
    d) Which version of Multisim are you using?
    e) If you click on any website that has a "mail to:" link, does it opens Outlook correctly?
    National Instruments

  • Quick help with form mailer

    I just finished creating my form and .php file to mail it to an email address. All the input fields are working properly, except one. I can not get a drop down (Main Category) submission field to email me the submission. The form works fine on the website, the email leaves that one field blank. Any help in my coding would be greatly appreciated.
    <form action="merchantsignup.php" method="post" id="contact_form">
        <center><table width="637" border="0">
            <td>Business Name:
      <br />
        <input type="text" name="name" /></td>
            <td>Business Phone:
      <br />
        <input type="text" name="phone" /></td>
            <td>Business Email:
      <br />
        <input type="text" name="email" /></td>
            <td>Business Address:
      <br />
        <input type="text" name="address" /></td>
            <td>City & Zip:
      <br />
        <input type="text" name="city/zip" /></td>
            <td>Business Webpage:
      <br />
        <input type="text" name="webpage" /></td>
            <td>Main Category<br />
              <select name="Main Category">
              <option value="Food">Food</option>
        <option value="Soda">Soda</option>
              <option value="Candy">Candy</option>
            <td>Sub Category:
      <br />
        <input type="text" name="category2" /></td>
            <td><p> </p></td>
            <td><p>About the Business: <br />
              <textarea cols="88" rows="8" name="about"></textarea>
            <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" />
      <input type="reset" name="reset" value="Clear Form" /></p>
    .php file
    /* Email Variables */
    $emailSubject = 'Merchant Signup';
    $webMaster = '[email protected]';
    /* Data Variables */
    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $phone = $_POST['phone'];
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    $address = $_POST['address'];
    $city = $_POST['city/zip'];
    $webpage = $_POST['webpage'];
    $main_category = $_POST['main'];
    $category2 = $_POST['category2'];
    $about = $_POST['about'];
    $body = <<<EOD
    Name: $name <br>
    Phone: $phone <br>
    Email: $email <br>
    Address: $address <br>
    City: $city <br>
    Wegpage: $webpage <br>
    Main Category: $Main <br>
    Category2: $category2 <br>
    About: $about <br>
    $headers = "From: $email\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
    $success = mail($webMaster, $emailSubject, $body,
    /* Results rendered as HTML */
    $theResults = <<<EOD
    <title>sent message</title>
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;URL=">
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    background-color: #000;
    font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 20px;
    font-style: normal;
    line-height: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    color: #FF0000;
    text-decoration: none;
    padding-top: 400px;
    margin-left: 250px;
    width: 800px;
    <div align="center"> Thank you for submitting your information! You will recieve an email from us shortly! </div>
    echo "$theResults";
    Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated!

    Your form doesn't match your script.  Try to be consistent in your naming conventions.  Also, PHP is cAsE sEnSiTiVe so you need to pay attention to that as well.
    Change this in your form:
    <select name="Main Category">
    to this:
    <select name="main_category">
    And change this data variable in PHP:
    $main_category = $_POST['main'];
    to this:
    $main_category = $_POST['main_category'];
    It should work now.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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