I have install a perl application... when i run it i got an errro internal server error... when i look at the error_log i got this error
syntax error at /data/app/oracle/product/9IASAPP/perl/lib/5.6.1/ line
306, near "{^" syntax error at
/data/app/oracle/product/9IASAPP/perl/lib/5.6.1/ line 311, near "{^"
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/data/app/oracle/product/9IASAPP/perl/lib/5.6.1/ line 12. BEGIN
failed--compilation aborted at
/data/app/oracle/product/9IASAPP/Apache/Apache/cgi-bin/discus/discus.cgi line
16. [Wed Jul 21 10:28:48 2004] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers:

Did you write that discus cgi script? Can you show the first part of it? It has to have something like
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
at the beginning.
Yong Huang

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  • Illegal character '%' at position 1 - need help with perl script!

    iTunes U Access Debugging
    Identity %22Jack Black%22 %28jblack%29 %5B42%5D
    Time 1178737992
    Signature 8786768fc3ebf9d3faf404a42bdb8a8d14c481e270fb75f084ebdd815553e1e4
    The destination string is valid and the corresponding destination item was found.
    The identity string is invalid: Illegal character '%' at position 1.
    The credential string is valid but contains no known credentials.
    The credential string contains the following credential which is not used within iTunes U:
    The time string is valid and corresponds to 2007-05-09 19:13:12Z.
    The signature string is valid.
    Because the received signature and time were valid, the received identity and credentials were accepted by iTunes U.
    In addition, the following 2 credentials were automatically added by iTunes U:
    With these credentials, you have browsing and downloading access to the requested destination.

    Thanks for lookiing into the issue.
    I am using the perl file downloaded from the iTunesU website.
    Here is the script:
    the only thing i replaced in this script is the shared secret, debug suffix, display name, email address and username with appropriate ones.
    use strict;
    use Digest::SHA qw(hmacsha256hex);
    use URI::Escape;
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    use Encode qw(encode);
    # to redirect errors to the browser
    use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
    # to allow inputs from website using CGI scripting
    use CGI qw(:standard);
    sub main() {
    # Define your site's information. Replace these
    # values with ones appropriate for your site.
    my $siteURL = "";
    my $debugSuffix = "/abc123";
    my $sharedSecret = "YOURSHAREDSECRETKEYCODE";
    my $administratorCredential = "Administrator\";
    # Define the user information. Replace the credentials with the
    # credentials you want to grant to that user, and the optional
    # identity information with the identity of the current user.
    # For initial testing and site setup, use the singe administrator
    # credential defined when your iTunes U site was created. Once
    # you have access to your iTunes U site, you will be able to define
    # additional credentials and the iTunes U access they provide.
    my @credentialArray = ($administratorCredential);
    my $displayName = "Michael Searson";
    my $emailAddress = "msearson\";
    my $username = "msearson";
    my $userIdentifier = "42";
    # Append your site's debug suffix to the destination if you
    # want to receive an HTML page providing information about
    # the transmission of credentials and identity between this
    # program and iTunes U. Remove this code after initial
    # testing to instead receive the destination page requested.
    # uncomment the line below to access debug information from the
    # iTunes U server.
    $siteURL .= $debugSuffix;
    # Ready this data for transfer, the order must be correct!
    my $identity = getIdentityString($displayName, $emailAddress, $username, $userIdentifier);
    # turn the array of credentials into a semicolon delimited string
    my $credentials = getCredentialsString(@credentialArray);
    # time that this key is generated. The key is valid for 90 seconds.
    my $currentTime = time;
    my %token = getAuthorizationToken($identity, $credentials, $currentTime, $sharedSecret);
    invokeAction($siteURL, %token)
    sub getIdentityString()
    # Combine user identity information into an appropriately formatted string.
    # take the arguments passed into the function copy them to variables
    my ($displayName, $emailAddress, $username, $userIdentifier) = @_;
    # wrap the elements into the required delimiters.
    my $returnValue = sprintf('"%s" <%s> (%s) [%s]', $displayName,
    $emailAddress, $username, $userIdentifier);
    return $returnValue;
    sub getCredentialsString()
    # this is equivalent to join(';', @_); this function is present
    # for consistency with the Java example.
    # concatenates all the passed in credentials into a string
    # with a semicolon delimiting the credentials in the string.
    #make sure that at least one credential is passed in
    my $returnValue = "";
    my $credentialCount = @_;
    if ($credentialCount > 0) {
    for (my $i=0; $i < $credentialCount; $i++) {
    if ($i == 0) {
    $returnValue = sprintf('%s', $_[$i]);
    } else {
    $returnValue = sprintf('%s;%s', $returnValue, $_[$i]);
    } else {
    die "credentialArray must have at least one credential";
    return $returnValue;
    sub getAuthorizationToken()
    # Create a buffer with which to generate the authorization token.
    my ($identity, $credentials, $expriation, $key) = @_;
    my $signature;
    my $buffer;
    my %token_hash = ();
    my $escapedUTF8EncodedCredentials = uri_escape(encode("UTF-8", $credentials), "^A-Za-z0-9\-_.* ");
    my $escapedUTF8EncodedIdentity = uri_escape(encode("UTF-8", $identity), "^A-Za-z0-9\-_.* ");
    my $escapedUTF8EncodedExpiration = uri_escape(encode("UTF-8", $expriation), "^A-Za-z0-9\-_.* ");
    # create the POST Content and sign it
    $buffer .= "credentials=" . $escapedUTF8EncodedCredentials;
    $buffer .= "&identity=" . $escapedUTF8EncodedIdentity;
    $buffer .= "&time=" . $escapedUTF8EncodedExpiration;
    # This is necessary because uri_escape does encode spaces to pluses.
    $buffer =~ s/[ ]/+/g;
    # returns a signed message that is sent to the server
    $signature = hmacsha256hex($buffer, $key);
    $token_hash{'credentials'} = $escapedUTF8EncodedCredentials;
    $token_hash{'identity'} = $escapedUTF8EncodedIdentity;
    $token_hash{'time'} = $escapedUTF8EncodedExpiration;
    $token_hash{'signature'} = $signature;
    # append the signature to the POST content
    return %token_hash
    sub invokeAction()
    # Send a request to iTunes U and record the response.
    # Net:HTTPS is used to get better control of the encoding of the POST data
    # as HTTP::Request::Common does not encode parentheses and Java's URLEncoder
    # does.
    my ($siteURL, %token) = @_;
    #print "$token\n";
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    my $response = $ua->post($siteURL, \%token);
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print $response->content;
    Identity %22Michael Searson%22 %28msearson%29 %5B42%5D
    Time 1178819683
    Signature 4d012f2cb6e465dbc4ae41b4905ad3c334c695e36b06e9ae406acf02f25387d1
    The destination string is valid and the corresponding destination item was found.
    The identity string is invalid: Illegal character '%' at position 1.
    The credential string is valid but contains no known credentials.
    The credential string contains the following credential which is not used within iTunes U:
    The time string is valid and corresponds to 2007-05-10 17:54:43Z.
    The signature string is valid.
    Because the received signature and time were valid, the received identity and credentials were accepted by iTunes U.
    In addition, the following 2 credentials were automatically added by iTunes U:
    With these credentials, you have browsing, downloading, uploading, and editing access to the requested destination.

  • Help with web form script. PHP, CGI, Perl???

    anyone willing to help with a web form script? I have a form built, but cant seem to figure out the scripting! Should I be using Perl, CGI, PHP... What do I need to enable? I am a complete novice when it comes to scripts. Looking for a little friendly help.

    Here is a simple bit of PHP to stick in the page your form posts to. You would need to edit the first three variables to your liking, and add the html you want to serve afterwards:
    $emailFrom = '[email protected]';
    $emailTo = '[email protected]';
    $emailSubject = 'Subject';
    $date = date('l, \t\h\e dS \o\f F, Y \a\t g:i A');
    $message = "$date\n\nAddress: $hostname\nBrowser: $browser\n\n";
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
    $message .= $key . ": " . $value . "\n";
    $mailResult = mail($emailTo,$emailSubject,$message,"From: $emailFrom");
    This script will grab the server's date and the submitter's address and browser type. It will then list the name and value of each form field you have put on your form.
    Also, this script expects your form method="post".
    Lastly, you can offer alternate text later on in your html page based on the success of the above script with a snippet like this:
    if ($mailResult) {
    echo "Your comments have been received thank you.";
    } else {
    echo "There was an error. Please try again or contact us using an alternate method.";

  • Help needed with perl Image::Magick module

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this (it might belong in the Newbie corner instead), but I'll give it a try.
    I need an Image::Magick Perl module (and a load of other modules, which I have found) for a program I desperately need. Now, the only thing I know about Perl is that v. 6 is supposed to be coming out soon - apart from that, I'm blank. The installation is giving me some problems.
    The installation guide is somewhat ambiguous. It says:
    Next, edit Makefile.PL and change LIBS and INC to include the appropriate path information to the required libMagick library. You will also need paths to JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc. delegates if they were included with your installed version of ImageMagick.
    In the Makefile.PL which comes with the package, these two are defined:
    'INC' => '-I../ -I.. -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11 -I/usr/include/libxml2',
    'LIBS' => ['-L/usr/lib -lMagick -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -L/usr/lib -ltiff -ljpeg -lpng -ldpstk -ldps -lXext -lXt -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lbz2 -lxml2 -lpthread -lm -lpthread'],
    I haven't changed anything in them, because I haven't got the slightest idea what to change and to what. When I run the installation procedure ('perl Makefile.PL', 'make', and 'make test'), I get an error message during the test (but not before that). Here's the entire output from 'make test':
    /bin/sh ../ PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/bzlib/*.t t/jng/*.t t/jpeg/*.t t/mpeg/*.t t/png/*.t t/ps/*.t t/tiff/*.t t/x/*.t t/xfig/*.t
    /bin/sh: ../ No such file or directory
    make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 127
    There is mention somewhere that one might compile the module together with ImageMagick or with Perl, but I don't think I'm ready for that...
    Is there anyone skilled in Perl who can tell me what it is that I'm doing wrong, alternatively make a package file...?

    I've found two other packages that I needed in AUR, but when I run the make test for the program that I need (fontlinge), it still complains that it can't find the Image::Magick module. I already have the imagemagick package installed, though, that's why I thought I'd have to install and compile the perl module separately.
    Here's the output from the 'make test' for fontlinge:
    make -C modules
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/eyolf/temp/src/fontlinge-2.0.1/modules'
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/eyolf/temp/src/fontlinge-2.0.1/modules/fontlinge'
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/eyolf/temp/src/fontlinge-2.0.1/modules/fontlinge'
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/eyolf/temp/src/fontlinge-2.0.1/modules'
    ./misc/ --skip-fontlinge-module
    Ok. Cwd 'abs_path'
    Ok. DBI
    Ok. User::pwent
    Missing Image::Magick
    Ok. Getopt::Long
    Ok. DBD::mysql
    Ok. File::Find
    Ok. File::Path
    Ok. ExtUtils::MakeMaker
    Ok. 5.006
    Ok. bytes
    Ok. -utf8
    It seems some required modules are missing.
    How to get missing modules differs from _which_ module you are missing.
    You can get modules like DBI from your distributions CD
    or search the web for a RPM/DEB/...-file. is always a good adress.
    It may be a good idea to configure your perl-CPAN-Module as ROOT(!!!) by typing
    perl -MCPAN -eshell
    It is VERY important that you do not just 'su' to root but 'su -' on SuSE linux.
    Once you have configured perl, you can install CPAN-modules by
    perl -MCPAN -e 'install MODULENAME'
    Other modules like Image::Magick require you to have the programs installed
    they belong to.
    If you are missing a 'fontlinge'-module, you have not installed this
    program correctly. :-)
    If the missing module begins with a '-' sign this module might miss,
    because it is not possible to DEACTIVATE it, i.e. unwanted utf8 encoding.
    make: *** [test] Error 255
    If this makes sense to anyone, I'd be very happy. (For the record: Fontlinge is - or at least seems to be - the only decent font manager I've found for Linux. This seems to be a gaping, wide open black hole in the Linux world... There's gfontview, opcion, fontpage, and a couple of other minor apps that I've found, but none of them are functional for anything but the most basic operations, and on the whole, there doesn't seem to be much between the KDE font manager - which really makes one wonder how far the KDE people want to go in their emulation of windows... - and the font editor FontForge, which is great as a font editor, but overkill as a viewer, and hardly a manager.)

  • Need help with Berkeley XML DB Performance

    We need help with maximizing performance of our use of Berkeley XML DB. I am filling most of the 29 part question as listed by Oracle's BDB team.
    Berkeley DB XML Performance Questionnaire
    1. Describe the Performance area that you are measuring? What is the
    current performance? What are your performance goals you hope to
    We are measuring the performance while loading a document during
    web application startup. It is currently taking 10-12 seconds when
    only one user is on the system. We are trying to do some testing to
    get the load time when several users are on the system.
    We would like the load time to be 5 seconds or less.
    2. What Berkeley DB XML Version? Any optional configuration flags
    specified? Are you running with any special patches? Please specify?
    dbxml 2.4.13. No special patches.
    3. What Berkeley DB Version? Any optional configuration flags
    specified? Are you running with any special patches? Please Specify.
    bdb 4.6.21. No special patches.
    4. Processor name, speed and chipset?
    Intel Xeon CPU 5150 2.66GHz
    5. Operating System and Version?
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Relase 4 Update 6
    6. Disk Drive Type and speed?
    Don't have that information
    7. File System Type? (such as EXT2, NTFS, Reiser)
    8. Physical Memory Available?
    9. Are you using Replication (HA) with Berkeley DB XML? If so, please
    describe the network you are using, and the number of Replica’s.
    10. Are you using a Remote Filesystem (NFS) ? If so, for which
    Berkeley DB XML/DB files?
    11. What type of mutexes do you have configured? Did you specify
    –with-mutex=? Specify what you find inn your config.log, search
    for db_cv_mutex?
    None. Did not specify -with-mutex during bdb compilation
    12. Which API are you using (C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, other) ?
    Which compiler and version?
    Java 1.5
    13. If you are using an Application Server or Web Server, please
    provide the name and version?
    Oracle Appication Server
    14. Please provide your exact Environment Configuration Flags (include
    anything specified in you DB_CONFIG file)
    15. Please provide your Container Configuration Flags?
    final EnvironmentConfig envConf = new EnvironmentConfig();
    envConf.setAllowCreate(true); // If the environment does not
    // exist, create it.
    envConf.setInitializeCache(true); // Turn on the shared memory
    // region.
    envConf.setInitializeLocking(true); // Turn on the locking subsystem.
    envConf.setInitializeLogging(true); // Turn on the logging subsystem.
    envConf.setTransactional(true); // Turn on the transactional
    // subsystem.
    16. How many XML Containers do you have? For each one please specify:
    1. The Container Configuration Flags
              XmlContainerConfig xmlContainerConfig = new XmlContainerConfig();
    2. How many documents?
    Everytime the user logs in, the current xml document is loaded from
    a oracle database table and put it in the Berkeley XML DB.
    The documents get deleted from XML DB when the Oracle application
    server container is stopped.
    The number of documents should start with zero initially and it
    will grow with every login.
    3. What type (node or wholedoc)?
    4. Please indicate the minimum, maximum and average size of
    The minimum is about 2MB and the maximum could 20MB. The average
    mostly about 5MB.
    5. Are you using document data? If so please describe how?
    We are using document data only to save changes made
    to the application data in a web application. The final save goes
    to the relational database. Berkeley XML DB is just used to store
    temporary data since going to the relational database for each change
    will cause severe performance issues.
    17. Please describe the shape of one of your typical documents? Please
    do this by sending us a skeleton XML document.
    Due to the sensitive nature of the data, I can provide XML schema instead.
    18. What is the rate of document insertion/update required or
    expected? Are you doing partial node updates (via XmlModify) or
    replacing the document?
    The document is inserted during user login. Any change made to the application
    data grid or other data components gets saved in Berkeley DB. We also have
    an automatic save every two minutes. The final save from the application
    gets saved in a relational database.
    19. What is the query rate required/expected?
    Users will not be entering data rapidly. There will be lot of think time
    before the users enter/modify data in the web application. This is a pilot
    project but when we go live with this application, we will expect 25 users
    at the same time.
    20. XQuery -- supply some sample queries
    1. Please provide the Query Plan
    2. Are you using DBXML_INDEX_NODES?
    3. Display the indices you have defined for the specific query.
         XmlIndexSpecification spec = container.getIndexSpecification();
         // ids
         spec.addIndex("", "id", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         spec.addIndex("", "idref", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // index to cover AttributeValue/Description
         spec.addIndex("", "Description", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_EDGE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ELEMENT | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_SUBSTRING, XmlValue.STRING);
         // cover AttributeValue/@value
         spec.addIndex("", "value", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_EDGE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // item attribute values
         spec.addIndex("", "type", XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_EDGE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // default index
         spec.addDefaultIndex(XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ELEMENT | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         spec.addDefaultIndex(XmlIndexSpecification.PATH_NODE | XmlIndexSpecification.NODE_ATTRIBUTE | XmlIndexSpecification.KEY_EQUALITY, XmlValue.STRING);
         // save the spec to the container
         XmlUpdateContext uc = xmlManager.createUpdateContext();
         container.setIndexSpecification(spec, uc);
    4. If this is a large query, please consider sending a smaller
    query (and query plan) that demonstrates the problem.
    21. Are you running with Transactions? If so please provide any
    transactions flags you specify with any API calls.
    Yes. READ_UNCOMMITED in some and READ_COMMITTED in other transactions.
    22. If your application is transactional, are your log files stored on
    the same disk as your containers/databases?
    23. Do you use AUTO_COMMIT?
    24. Please list any non-transactional operations performed?
    25. How many threads of control are running? How many threads in read
    only mode? How many threads are updating?
    We use Berkeley XML DB within the context of a struts web application.
    Each user logged into the web application will be running a bdb transactoin
    within the context of a struts action thread.
    26. Please include a paragraph describing the performance measurements
    you have made. Please specifically list any Berkeley DB operations
    where the performance is currently insufficient.
    We are clocking 10-12 seconds of loading a document from dbd when
    five users are on the system.
    27. What performance level do you hope to achieve?
    We would like to get less than 5 seconds when 25 users are on the system.
    28. Please send us the output of the following db_stat utility commands
    after your application has been running under "normal" load for some
    period of time:
    % db_stat -h database environment -c
    % db_stat -h database environment -l
    % db_stat -h database environment -m
    % db_stat -h database environment -r
    % db_stat -h database environment -t
    (These commands require the db_stat utility access a shared database
    environment. If your application has a private environment, please
    remove the DB_PRIVATE flag used when the environment is created, so
    you can obtain these measurements. If removing the DB_PRIVATE flag
    is not possible, let us know and we can discuss alternatives with
    If your application has periods of "good" and "bad" performance,
    please run the above list of commands several times, during both
    good and bad periods, and additionally specify the -Z flags (so
    the output of each command isn't cumulative).
    When possible, please run basic system performance reporting tools
    during the time you are measuring the application's performance.
    For example, on UNIX systems, the vmstat and iostat utilities are
    good choices.
    Will give this information soon.
    29. Are there any other significant applications running on this
    system? Are you using Berkeley DB outside of Berkeley DB XML?
    Please describe the application?
    No to the first two questions.
    The web application is an online review of test questions. The users
    login and then review the items one by one. The relational database
    holds the data in xml. During application load, the application
    retrieves the xml and then saves it to bdb. While the user
    is making changes to the data in the application, it writes those
    changes to bdb. Finally when the user hits the SAVE button, the data
    gets saved to the relational database. We also have an automatic save
    every two minues, which saves bdb xml data and saves it to relational
    [email protected]

    Could it be that you simply do not have set up indexes to support your query? If so, you could do some basic testing using the dbxml shell:
    milu@colinux:~/xpg > dbxml -h ~/dbenv
    Joined existing environment
    dbxml> setverbose 7 2
    dbxml> open tv.dbxml
    dbxml> listIndexes
    dbxml> query     { collection()[//@date-tip]/*[@chID = ('ard','zdf')] (: example :) }
    dbxml> queryplan { collection()[//@date-tip]/*[@chID = ('ard','zdf')] (: example :) }Verbosity will make the engine display some (rather cryptic) information on index usage. I can't remember where the output is explained; my feeling is that "V(...)" means the index is being used (which is good), but that observation may not be accurate. Note that some details in the setVerbose command could differ, as I'm using 2.4.16 while you're using 2.4.13.
    Also, take a look at the query plan. You can post it here and some people will be able to diagnose it.
    Michael Ludwig

  • Need help with a customized interactive web application for  apparel

    Hi I am a web designer at beginners stage with web
    devlopment. I am seeking guidance on how to develop a customized
    interactive web application so that the end user can change color
    and patterns of apparel on vector images such as teamsports
    uniforms and tshirts. Once the design is customized to their liking
    they can save it with all of the spec information in a file to
    there desktop or to a database to send to the manufacturer.
    Also looking for a possible way to use a CMS so I can upload
    templates of the garment easily for the end user to customize
    online. Can this be done and if so how? This is an example the kind
    of application I am looking for:
    I am in desperate need of some brilliant developer to help
    with this.
    Thanks in advance for anyone who is willing to assist or give
    me guidance,
    "Reap what you sew"

    some parts of that are doable using non-advanced skills, but
    will be difficult and unwieldly if there are more than a few
    saving the image to the server is a bit more advanced and
    you're going to need some server-side scripting like php, perl, asp
    etc. in addition to some flash programming ability.

  • Help with Netscape enterprise server 6.1 error get_auth_user_ssl

    background: I'm not a web admin, I'm a perl coder just put into a place to recode some perl that is not up to standards. Any help would be appriciated, and if you can help solve this, I'd buy you your favorite 6 pack :)
    There is this server here Sun5.8 running NES 6.1. All the other servers run apache and aren't having any issues. This one runs NES 6.1 because the data on the server is very restricted to specific groups of people.
    Now, before I post for help with tuning this beast, I'd like to get rid of of these error msgs, as I think this is what's causing the slowness on the system. ( just set MaxProcs to 2. It was running just 1 process before)
    There are 2 virtual servers set up. and (I can't cut and paste across the systems, so I have to type everything by hand.
    after a child process admin shuts down, a new process starts up:
    warning (pid) in sytemname virtual server https-foo, urlhost does not match subject "system name" of certificate Server-Cert.
    bunch of infos: install new configuration, ready to accept...Java classpath...
    all normal
    Then paraphrasing
    Loading IWSSessionManager by default
    IWSSessionManager: max 1000
    {Address ...IOTimeout .. MinCGIStubs...CGIStubsTImeout..MaxCGIStubs  }
    directive ignored
    That's when all these
    security (PID): get_auth_user_ssl: unable to map cert to LDAP entry. Reason: No such object etc....
    The CN it's saying that no such object exists, does exist.
    Once it spits out about 10 of these, the page loads or you get
    catastrophe (PID): Server crash detected.
    At this point, a new session starts up and the user then gets in, or they all start complaining.

    plugins (I'm assuming you mean the Init fn's from magnus.conf.. (I'm a newb to all this. LOL )
    I hope I don't have any spelling errors here, I have to type it all. The PC i'm on to access the internet is on a different network than the server is on, so no copy and paste..
    Init fn="perf-int" enable=true
    Init fn="define-perf-bucket" name="cgi-bucket" description="CGI Stats"
    Init fn="load-types" mime-types="mime.types"
    Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/usr/netscape/servers/bin/https/lib/" funcs="NSServletEarlyInit,NSServletLateInit,NSServletNameTrans,NSServletService" shlibs_flags="(global|now)"
    Init fn="NSServletEarlyInit" EarlyInit="yes"
    Init fn="NSServletLateInit" LateInit="yes"
    Init funcs="shtml_init,shtml_send" shlib="/usr/netscape/servers/bin/https/lib/" NativeThread="no" fn="load-modules"
    Init LateInit="yes" fn="shtml_init"
    Init fn="flex-init" access="$accesslog" format.access="%Ses->client.ip% etc, etc, etc lots more to type... I can type it all if you need it.
    Init fn="stats-init" profiling="on"
    No core file(s)
    ./start -version
    Netscape Communications
    Netscape-Enterprise/6.1SP4 B07/07/2003 02:38

  • TestStand with perl and Tcl examples need newer dlls

    I'm trying to run the TestStand with perl and tcl examples but they both point to older dlls. When I try to update by making changes and recompiling the main.cpp in VC++ 6.0, I get errors referencing cl.exe and oleauto.h, I'm not sure if I missed a step or what. See attached screenshot. TIA. Judy Jiru
    scrnShotErrors.doc ‏110 KB

    Hey Judy,
    From my understanding oleauto.h and cl.exe are not National Instruments files. My suggestion would be to google the files - I found a bunch of hits for both the files. It may also be helpful to post on a discussion forum dedicated to VC++ 6.0. You may want to try the Microsoft newsgroups or I'm sure there are tons of other online.
    I hope this helps! Once you compile the dll if you have problems calling it from TestStand please post back.
    Sarah Miracle
    National Instruments

  • Help with if statement in cursor and for loop to get output

    I have the following cursor and and want to use if else statement to get the output. The cursor is working fine. What i need help with is how to use and if else statement to only get the folderrsn that have not been updated in the last 30 days. If you look at the talbe below my select statement is showing folderrs 291631 was updated only 4 days ago and folderrsn 322160 was also updated 4 days ago.
    I do not want these two to appear in my result set. So i need to use if else so that my result only shows all folderrsn that havenot been updated in the last 30 days.
    Here is my cursor:
    /*Cursor for Email procedure. It is working Shows userid and the string
    You need to update these folders*/
    a_user varchar2(200) := null;
    v_assigneduser varchar2(20);
    v_folderrsn varchar2(200);
    v_emailaddress varchar2(60);
    v_subject varchar2(200);
    Cursor c IS
    SELECT assigneduser, vu.emailaddress, f.folderrsn, trunc(f.indate) AS "IN DATE",
    MAX (trunc(fpa.attemptdate)) AS "LAST UPDATE",
    trunc(sysdate) - MAX (trunc(fpa.attemptdate)) AS "DAYS PAST"
    --MAX (TRUNC (fpa.attemptdate)) - TRUNC (f.indate) AS "NUMBER OF DAYS"
    FROM folder f, folderprocess fp, validuser vu, folderprocessattempt fpa
    WHERE f.foldertype = 'HJ'
    AND f.statuscode NOT IN (20, 40)
    AND f.folderrsn = fp.folderrsn
    AND fp.processrsn = fpa.processrsn
    AND vu.userid = fp.assigneduser
    AND vu.statuscode = 1
    GROUP BY assigneduser, vu.emailaddress, f.folderrsn, f.indate
    ORDER BY fp.assigneduser;
    FOR c1 IN c LOOP
    IF (c1.assigneduser = v_assigneduser) THEN
    dbms_output.put_line(' ' || c1.folderrsn);
    dbms_output.put(c1.assigneduser ||': ' || 'Overdue Folders:You need to update these folders: Folderrsn: '||c1.folderrsn);
    END IF;
    a_user := c1.assigneduser;
    v_assigneduser := c1.assigneduser;
    v_folderrsn := c1.folderrsn;
    v_emailaddress := c1.emailaddress;
    v_subject := 'Subject: Project for';
    The reason I have included the folowing table is that I want you to see the output from the select statement. that way you can help me do the if statement in the above cursor so that the result will look like this:
    Subject: 'Project for ' || V_email || 'not updated in the last 30 days'
    [email protected]......
    Subject: 'Project for: ' Jim...'not updated in the last 30 days'
    [email protected].....
    Subject: 'Project for: ' Kim...'not updated in the last 30 days'
    [email protected]....
    Subject: 'Project for: Joe...'not updated in the last 30 days'
    [email protected]......
    Subject: 'Project for: Sam...'not updated in the last 30 days'
    This table is to shwo you the select statement output. I want to eliminnate the two days that that are less than 30 days since the last update in the last column.
    Assigneduser....Email.........Folderrsn...........indate.............maxattemptdate...days past since last update
    JIM.........      jim@ 284087.............     9/28/2006.......10/5/2006...........690
    JIM.........      jim@ 292709.............     3/20/2007.......3/28/2007............516
    KIM.........      kim@ 185083.............     8/31/2004.......2/9/2006.............     928 190121.............     2/9/2006.........2/9/2006.............928 190132.............     2/9/2006.........2/9/2006.............928 190133.............     2/9/2006.........2/9/2006.............928 190159.............     2/13/2006.......2/14/2006............923 190237.............     2/23/2006.......2/23/2006............914 284109.............     9/28/2006.......9/28/2006............697 286647.............     11/7/2006.......12/5/2006............629 294631.............     4/2/2007.........3/4/2008.............174 322922.............     7/29/2008.......7/29/2008............27
    JOE...........joe@ 183332.............     1/28/2004.......4/23/2004............1585
    JOE...........joe@ 183336.............     1/28/2004.......3/9/2004.............1630
    SAM...........sam@     1631
    SAM...........sam@     1631
    SAM...........sam@     1631
    SAM...........sam@     1631
    PAT...........pat@     48
    NED...........ned@     175
    [email protected]/27/2004.......3/8/2004............1631
    How do I incorporate a if else statement in the above cursor so the two days less than 30 days since last update are not returned. I do not want to send email if the project have been updated within the last 30 days.
    Edited by: user4653174 on Aug 25, 2008 2:40 PM

    analytical functions:
    Incorporating either of these into your query should assist you in returning the desired results.

  • I need help with Sunbird Calendar, how can I transfer it from one computer to the other and to my iphone?

    I installed Sunbird in one computer and my calendar has all my infos, events, and task that i would like to see on another computer that i just downloaded Sunbird into. Also, is it possible I can access Sunbird on my iphone?
    Thank you in advance,

    Try the forum here - - for help with Sunbird, this forum is for Firefox support.

  • Hoping for some help with a very frustrating issue!   I have been syncing my iPhone 5s and Outlook 2007 calendar and contacts with iCloud on my PC running Vista. All was well until the events I entered on the phone were showing up in Outlook, but not

    Hoping for some help with a very frustrating issue!
    I have been syncing calendar and contacts on my iPhone 5 and Outlook 2007 using iCloud  2.1.3 (my PC is running Vista). All was well until the events I entered on the phone were showing up in Outlook, but not the other way around. I’ve tried the usual recommended steps: deselecting calendar and contacts in the iCloud control panel and then re-selecting, signing out of the panel and back in, and repairing the Outlook installation in control panel.  I even uninstalled iCloud on the PC and downloaded it again (same version). 
    The furthest I’ve gotten is step 2 (and once, step 3) of 7 while performing “Outlook Setup For iCloud.” At that point I get, “Your setup couldn’t be started because of an unexpected error.”  After the first attempt at all this, all my calendar events disappeared from Outlook, although they are still in iCloud calendar and on my phone.
    Sound familiar?  Any ideas on how to solve this iCloud/Outlook issue?  Thanks much in advance!

    Hoping for some help with a very frustrating issue!
    I have been syncing calendar and contacts on my iPhone 5 and Outlook 2007 using iCloud  2.1.3 (my PC is running Vista). All was well until the events I entered on the phone were showing up in Outlook, but not the other way around. I’ve tried the usual recommended steps: deselecting calendar and contacts in the iCloud control panel and then re-selecting, signing out of the panel and back in, and repairing the Outlook installation in control panel.  I even uninstalled iCloud on the PC and downloaded it again (same version). 
    The furthest I’ve gotten is step 2 (and once, step 3) of 7 while performing “Outlook Setup For iCloud.” At that point I get, “Your setup couldn’t be started because of an unexpected error.”  After the first attempt at all this, all my calendar events disappeared from Outlook, although they are still in iCloud calendar and on my phone.
    Sound familiar?  Any ideas on how to solve this iCloud/Outlook issue?  Thanks much in advance!

  • Help with HP Laser Printer 1200se

    HP Support Line,
    Really need your assistance.  I have tried both contacting HP by phone (told they no longer support our printer via phone help), the tech told me that I needed to contact HP by e-mail for assistance.   I then sent an e-mail for assistance and got that reply today, the reply is as follows  "Randall, unfortunately, HP does not offer support via e-mail for your product.  However many resources are available on the HP web site that may provide the answer to your inquiry.  Support is also available via telephone.  A list of technical support numbers can be round at the following URL........."  The phone numbers listed are the ones I called and the ones that told me I needed to contact the e-mail support for help.
    So here I am looking for your help with my issue.
    We just bought a new HP Pavillion Slimline Desk Top PC (as our 6 year old HP Pavillion PC died on us).  We have 2 HP printers, one (an all-in-one type printer, used maily for copying and printing color, when needed) is connected and it is working fine with the exception of the scanning option (not supported by Windows 7).  However we use our Laser Printer for all of our regular prining needs.  This is the HP LaserPrinter 1200se, which is about 6 years old but works really well.  For this printer we currently only have a parallel connection type cord and there is not a parallel port on the Slimline HP PC.  The printer also has the option to connedt a USB cable (we do not currently have this type of cable).
    We posed the following two questions:
    1.  Is the Laser Jet 1200se compatible with Windows 7?
    and if this is the case
    2.  Can we purchase either a) a USC connection cord (generic or do we need a printer specific cord)? or b) is there there a printer cable converter adapater to attach to our parallel cable to convert to a USB connection?
    We do not want to purchase the USB cable if Windows 7 will not accept the connection, or if doing this will harm the PC.
    We really would appreciate any assitance that you might give us.
    Thank you,
    Randy and Leslie Gibson

    Sorry, both cannot be enabled by design.  That said, devices on a network do not care how others are connected.  You can print from a wireless connection to a wired (Ethernet) printer and v/v.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

  • Going to Australia and need help with Power converters

    US uses 110v on 60hz
    Australia 220v on 50hz
    Making sure I understood that correctly.  Devices I plan on bringing that will use power are PS3 Slim, MacBook Pro 2008 model, and WD 1TB External HDD.  My DS, and Cell are charging via USB to save trouble of other cables.
    Ideas I've had or thought of:
    1.  Get a power converter for a US Powerstrip, and then plug in my US items into the strip and then the strip into an AUS Converter into Australian outlet.  Not sure if this fixes the voltage/frequency change.
    2.  Get power converters for all my devices.  But, not sure if my devices needs ways of lowering the voltage/increasing frequency or something to help with the adjustment.
    3.  Buy a universal powerstrip, which is extremely costly and I wouldn't be able to have here in time (I leave Thursday).  Unless Best Buy carrys one.  

    godzillafan868 wrote:
    US uses 110v on 60hz
    Australia 220v on 50hz
    Making sure I understood that correctly.  Devices I plan on bringing that will use power are PS3 Slim, MacBook Pro 2008 model, and WD 1TB External HDD.  My DS, and Cell are charging via USB to save trouble of other cables.
    Ideas I've had or thought of:
    1.  Get a power converter for a US Powerstrip, and then plug in my US items into the strip and then the strip into an AUS Converter into Australian outlet.  Not sure if this fixes the voltage/frequency change.
    2.  Get power converters for all my devices.  But, not sure if my devices needs ways of lowering the voltage/increasing frequency or something to help with the adjustment.
    3.  Buy a universal powerstrip, which is extremely costly and I wouldn't be able to have here in time (I leave Thursday).  Unless Best Buy carrys one.  
    Check the specs on input voltage/frequency of your power supplies.
    Many laptop power supplies are "universal/global" and are specced something like 80-265 volts AC 50/60 Hz, but not all.  These will just need a connector adapter.
    Unsure about the PS3 Slim - if it isn't universal it could be difficult as you'll need a 110/220 transformer, one big enough (power-handling wise) for the PS3 will be very bulky.
    For the external WD HDD, if it doesn't have a universal supply, you're probably best off just finding a new wallwart for it that is capable of running on 220/50.
    *disclaimer* I am not now, nor have I ever been, an employee of Best Buy, Geek Squad, nor of any of their affiliate, parent, or subsidiary companies.

  • Creation of context sensitive help with pure FM 12 usage doesn't work

    I hope somebody is able to help me with a good hint or tip.
    I am trying to create a context-sensitive Microsoft Help with FM12 only using the abilities of FM (no RoboHelp). For some reasons, my assigned ID's are not used in the generated chm file and therefore the help does not work context-sensitively.
    What did I do?
    - I created my FM files and assigned topic aliases to the headers. I did this two ways: a) using the "Special" menue and assigning a CSH marker and/or b) setting a new marker of type "Topic Alias" and typing the ID. I used only numeric IDs like "2000" or "4200",
    - I created a .h file (projectname.h) - based on the format of the file projectname_!Generated!.h (I read this in some instructions). So the .h file (text file) looks like this:
    #define 2000 2000 /* 4 Anwendungsoberfläche */
    #define 2022 2022 /* 4.1.1 Menü Datei */
    #define 2030 2030 /* 4.1.3 Menü Parametersatz */
    #define 2180 2180 /* 6.6.7 Objektdialog Q-Regler */
    #define 2354 2354 /* 6.9.2 Objektdialog Extran Parameter */
    #define 2560 2560 /* 6.9.5 Objektdialog Extran2D Parametersatz */
    - I published the Microsoft HTML Help. A projectname_!Generated!.h has been created. My IDs were not used in this file:
    #define 2000    1
    #define 2022    2
    #define 2030    3
    #define 2180    4
    #define 2354    5
    #define 2560    6
    - When I open the .chm file and look in the source code, the ID even is totally different. It is not the one, I assigned in FM, it is not the one which I assigned in the projectname.h file and it even is not the one, which was put in the projectname_!Generated!.h file. It is a generated name starting with CSH_1 ...n in a consecutive way numbered.
    <p class="FM_Heading1"><a name="XREF_72066_13_Glossar"></a>Gloss<a name="CSH_1"></a>ar</p>
    What goes wrong? Why does FM not take my assigned IDs? I need to use these IDs since our programmers are using those already - I had to re-create the whole online help but the programs stay untouched.
    Please help!
    Many thanks

    Hi Jeff,
    thanks for your note!
    The text in my marker is just a number like "2000" or "4200". As said, I created manually a my.h file and used this marker there. E.g.
    #define 2000 2000.
    Whereby the first 2000 (in my opinion) is the marker text and the second 2000 is the context ID which the programmers are using for the context sensitive call of the help. My definitions in the my.h file were translated to #define 2000 1 (in the my_!Generated!.h file). The source code "translates" the context ID into CSH_8.
    I am still confused :-/

  • Need help with Boot Camp and Win 7

    I have iMac 27" (iMac11,1) 2.8 GHz, quad core, 8MB of L3, 8GB of Memory, Boot ROM Version IM111.0034.B02 and SMC Version 1.54f36 and can't get this machine to run Windows 7 using Boot Camp.  I have successfully loaded Win 7 but when it claims to be starting I only get a black screen after initial start up.
    I have checked and rechecked my software updates and have read and reread the instructions, however, I can't update my Boot Camp to 3.1 (my machine says i'm running 3.0.4) and I need 3.1 but can't load 3.1 because it is an exe file that has to be loaded into Windows after I load Windows but can't open Windows because I can't load Boot Camp 3.1.  That's my excuse anyway, so I'm missing something I just can't figure out what it is....this is where you come in!

    I'm not going to be much help with Boot Camp however I can direct you to the Boot Camp forum where there are more people that know how to troubleshoot it and Windoze 7. You can find it at:

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