Help with running iWeb on multiple computers and find the current site

I have two Macs and MobileMe. I have usually run iWeb on the laptop and have my website on it. I thought I saved the site in MobileMe. When I go to the desktop and open iWeb it opens up an old version of my site. I search for Domain and none of the options are the current site. On my laptop (the current iWeb version) I opened MobileMe's iDisk and tried a couple of the "Domains" that live on it and none of them are the current version. Now, I can't even get my laptop to open the one I had opened a few moments ago beacuse I can't find the newest domain. So, where is my current domain/ I can't find it.
I do have a folder on iDisk called "Sites" that contains the HTML files and folders of my current site but I can't seem to get this to open in iWeb. But, this folder does contain the current version but none of the Domain files I have opened refer to these I guess.
What should I do?
PS I am running the latest iWeb on both computers

Welcome to the Apple Discussions. As you know for both of you to edit and update the web site both of you must be using the same version of iWeb and working on the same Domain.sites2 file.
See MacWorld's online article Managing an iWeb site from multiple Macs. However, there are a couple of caveats: 1 - only one can be editing and uploading at a time; 2 - allow plenty of time for Dropbox to update all copies of the domain file.
What I would do is when you plan on editing the site copy the domain file that's in your Dropbox as a backup. Do you editing and publish. If something goes wrong you'll have the good domain file that was copied just before you started editing. If the site is small and, thus, the domain file the updating will be better insured. Keep both computers online much of the time so the updates will go thru as soon as they are made.

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    {122712 14:22:36:ErrorCode -1 with ErrorMessage as ORA-00001: unique constraint (OPS$CMS.PK_TB_ML_EXER_UPLOAD) violated has occured for [SSO16063259009], [CMSCOST_USER] pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer }
    {PROCEDURE pr_process_exer(
    p_voucher_num           tb_xop_order_manager_t.voucher_num%TYPE,
    p_status_type           tb_xop_order_manager_t.status_type%type,
    p_dest                    tb_xop_order_manager_t.dest%type,
    p_reference_key            tb_xop_order_manager_t.reference_key%type,
    p_seq_num                tb_xop_order_manager_t.seq_num%type,
    p_return_code            tb_xop_order_manager_t.return_code%type,
    p_reason_desc           tb_xop_order_manager_t.reason_desc%type,
    p_activity_qty            tb_xop_order_manager_t.activity_qty%type,
    p_leaves_qty            tb_xop_order_manager_t.leaves_qty%type,
    p_exec_price            tb_xop_order_manager_t.exec_price%type,
    p_current_status        tb_xop_order_manager_t.current_status%type,
    p_err_cur          OUT  ref_cursor)
    CURSOR get_order_dtls(v_voucher_num tb_xop_order_manager_t.voucher_num%type)
    SELECT *
    FROM   tb_xop_order_manager_t
    WHERE  voucher_num = v_voucher_num;
    CURSOR get_mail_cd(v_opt_num OPTIONEE.opt_num%TYPE) IS
          SELECT mail_cd, sp_mail_cd
          WHERE opt_num = v_opt_num;
    cursor get_opt_dtls(v_opt_num OPTIONEE.opt_num%TYPE) IS
    SUBSTR(trim(O.name_first) || ' ' || trim(O.name_mi) || ' ' ||
              trim(O.name_last), 1, 35) p_name,
            SUBSTR(O.address1, 1, 35) opt_addr1,
              SUBSTR(O.address2, 1, 35) opt_addr2,
              SUBSTR(O.address3, 1, 35) opt_addr3,
              SUBSTR(O.address4, 1, 35) opt_addr4,
              SUBSTR(O.address5, 1, 35) opt_addr5,
              SUBSTR(O.address6, 1, 35) opt_addr6,
            SUBSTR(trim( || ' ' || trim(O.state) || ' ' ||
            trim( || ' ' || trim(, 1, 35) city_state_zip_country,
            trim( city,
            trim(O.state) state,
            trim( zip,
            trim( country
    from  optionee o
    where o.opt_num = v_opt_num;
    --CQ:PCTUP00210726- Added wire instructions audit for deleted wire info.
    CURSOR c_wire_instruction (
          in_wire_seq_no           TB_XOP_WIRE_INSTRUCTIONS.wire_seq_no%TYPE ) IS
          SELECT ml_brok_acct_num,
           WHERE wire_seq_no = in_wire_seq_no
           SELECT ml_brok_acct_num,
           WHERE wire_seq_no = in_wire_seq_no;
    CURSOR c_order_qty IS
    SELECT order_qty
    FROM tb_xop_order_manager
    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
    v_order_qty     tb_xop_order_manager.order_qty%TYPE;
    v_wire_instruction             c_wire_instruction%ROWTYPE;
    v_order_dtls      get_order_dtls%rowtype;
    v_opt_dtls        get_opt_dtls%rowtype;
    v_settle_dt       tb_ml_exer_upload.settle_dt%type;
    v_cusip_num       corp.cusip_num%type;
    v_err_cd          number(12):=0;
    v_err_msg         varchar2(4000);
    v_compy_nme       tb_fc_Compy.compy_nme%type;
    v_ml_sec_num      tb_fc_compy.ml_sec_num%type;
    v_mail_cd         xop_optionee.mail_cd%type;
    v_count1            PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    v_sum_activity_qty  tb_xop_order_manager_t.activity_qty%TYPE;
    v_transact_no       PLS_INTEGER;
    v_ivr_plan_num      tb_fc_compy.ivr_plan_num%TYPE;
    wait_for_more       EXCEPTION;
    exceeds_order_qty   EXCEPTION;
    --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
    v_sub_totfee number;
    v_sub_fixedfee1 number;
    v_sub_fixedfee2 number;
    v_sub_fixedfee3 number;
    v_sub_secfee number;
    v_sub_feenum number;
    --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
    v_fixedfee1 tb_xop_order_manager_t.fixed_fee1%TYPE; --SPIF# 43161- variable to hold fixed fee1
        OPEN c_order_qty;
        FETCH c_order_qty INTO v_order_qty;
        CLOSE c_order_qty;
        IF v_order_qty <> p_activity_qty THEN
            IF p_status_type = 'EO' AND v_order_qty < p_activity_qty THEN
                RAISE exceeds_order_qty;
            ELSIF p_status_type = 'EO' AND v_order_qty > p_activity_qty THEN
                -- Partial Execution
                INSERT INTO tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    ( voucher_num
                    , reference_key
                    , seq_num
                    , return_code
                    , reason_desc
                    , status_type
                    , activity_qty
                    , leaves_qty
                    , exec_price
                    , current_status
                    , waiting
                    ,activ_dt )
                    ( p_voucher_num
                    , p_reference_key
                    , p_seq_num
                    , p_return_code
                    , p_reason_desc
                    , p_status_type
                    , p_activity_qty
                    , p_leaves_qty
                    , p_exec_price
                    , p_current_status
                    , 'Y'
                    ,SYSTIMESTAMP );
                IF p_status_type = 'BE' THEN
                    SELECT COUNT(1) INTO v_count1
                    FROM tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                    IF v_count1 > 0 THEN
                        INSERT INTO tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                            ( voucher_num
                            , reference_key
                            , seq_num
                            , return_code
                            , reason_desc
                            , status_type
                            , activity_qty
                            , leaves_qty
                            , exec_price
                            , current_status
                            , waiting
                            ( p_voucher_num
                            , p_reference_key
                            , p_seq_num
                            , p_return_code
                            , p_reason_desc
                            , p_status_type
                            , (-1) * p_activity_qty
                            , p_leaves_qty
                            , p_exec_price
                            , p_current_status
                            , 'Y'
                            ,SYSTIMESTAMP );
                        UPDATE tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                        SET waiting = 'Y'
                        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                    END IF;
                END IF;
            END IF;
            SELECT SUM(NVL(activity_qty,0)) INTO v_sum_activity_qty
            FROM tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
            WHERE waiting = 'Y'
            AND voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
            IF v_sum_activity_qty > 0 THEN
                IF v_sum_activity_qty <> v_order_qty THEN
                    RAISE wait_for_more;
                    -- final order in the partial execution; complete the process
                    UPDATE tb_xop_hold_multi_orders
                    SET waiting = 'N'
                        , process_dt = SYSDATE
                    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
                END IF;
            END IF;
        END IF;
        UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
        SET activ_dt = TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ) || '.000'
            , dest = p_dest
            , reference_key = p_reference_key
            , seq_num = p_seq_num
            , return_code = p_return_code
            , reason_desc = p_reason_desc
            , status_type = p_status_type
            , activity_qty = v_order_qty --p_activity_qty
            , leaves_qty = 0 --p_leaves_qty
            , exec_price = p_exec_price
        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
         * SPIF# 43161- Update of current status to PO moved at the end, same as how PROD works.
    IF (p_status_type = 'EO') THEN
        select cusip_num
          into   v_cusip_num
          from   corp;
              SELECT cusip_num
                INTO v_cusip_num
                FROM tb_xop_espp_compy
               WHERE compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER');
       select compy_nme,ml_sec_num, ivr_plan_num
       into   v_compy_nme,v_ml_sec_num, v_ivr_plan_num
       from   tb_fc_compy
       where compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER')
       UNION ALL
       select compy_nme, je_ml_security_number, ivr_plan_num
       from tb_xop_espp_compy
       where compy_acronym = replace(replace(user,'CMS'),'_USER');
    --   where  ivr_plan_num = replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP');
      open get_order_dtls(p_voucher_num);
      FETCH get_order_dtls INTO v_order_dtls;
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_order_dtls.exer_date + 1));
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_settle_dt + 1));
       v_settle_dt := fn_xop_bankopen_bizday(TRUNC(v_settle_dt + 1));
       FOR c_mail_cd IN get_mail_cd(v_order_dtls.opt_num)
         v_mail_cd := c_mail_cd.mail_cd;
         -- Do we need to get sp_mail_cd and overlay with the sp_mail_cd in order_manager_t???
       END LOOP;
       OPEN get_opt_dtls(v_order_dtls.opt_num);
       FETCH get_opt_dtls INTO v_opt_dtls;
       CLOSE get_opt_dtls;
      v_fixedfee1 := nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0);
       * SPIF# 43161- atleast one handling fee per day of transaction
      v_fixedfee1 := pk_xop_enh_exerupdate.chrg_tranxfixed_fee(v_fixedfee1,
      --Insert into tb_ml_exer_upload
      --Added for CQ# PCTUP00481233
                                    round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_sub_totfee,v_sub_fixedfee2,v_sub_fixedfee1,
       UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
        SET sec_fee=v_sub_secfee
        WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
      --- End CQ # PCTUP00481233
      INSERT INTO tb_ml_exer_upload
                             exer_dt, written_flag, backout_flag, output_line,
                             je_flag, opts_exer,
                             mkt_prc,exer_type, soc_sec,
                             name_first, name_mi,
                             cusip_num, ml_retail_account,multi_curr_handling_fee,
                             ml_sec_num, corp_name,upd_optionee_addr,
                             outbound_flag, -- make it N
                             corp_symbol,taxwire_approve, -- make it not applicaplabe
                             mail_cd, sp_mail_cd,
    -- PG 12/12/05 Changed to populate the je_flag based on dom_chek_distr         'D',
    -- PG 12/16/05 JE should not be generated for international checks.. So 'Y' always
              'Y', --je_flag
              v_order_dtls.opts_exer,0,--total tax will be 0.
              v_order_dtls.opts_exer, --shrs_sold,
              --SPIF# 43161- replaced nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0) with v_fixedfee1
              v_fixedfee1 + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0), --v_order_dtls.fees_amt,
              round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_order_dtls.exer_type,
              LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0'), --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/08/07 for SPIF # 37210
                  v_opt_dtls.city_state_zip_country),1,34), -- COLUMN LENGTH MAX IS 35
    --          nvl(fn_get_sec_num(replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP'),v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
              nvl(fn_get_sec_num(v_ivr_plan_num, v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
              'N', --'N' is for outbound flag.
              v_order_dtls.symbol,'D', --'D' for taxwires disabled
              'S', -- 'S' for source being subsequent sale.
              v_mail_cd,  --need to get mail_Cd??
    IF (NVL(v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no,0) > 0) THEN
       OPEN c_wire_instruction(v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no);
       FETCH c_wire_instruction INTO v_wire_instruction;
       CLOSE c_wire_instruction;
                           (user_id, exer_num, wire_seq_no, ml_brok_acct_num, ssn,
                            plan_num, instr_type, aba_routing_num,
                            swift_routing_code, bank_name, bank_acct_num,
                            name_on_account, bank_addr_1, bank_addr_2, bank_addr_3,
                            city, state, country, zip, bank_ident_num, addtl_info )
                           (USER,v_order_dtls.exer_num, v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no,
                            v_wire_instruction.ml_brok_acct_num, v_wire_instruction.ssn,
                            v_wire_instruction.plan_num, v_wire_instruction.instr_type, v_wire_instruction.aba_routing_num,
                            v_wire_instruction.swift_routing_code, v_wire_instruction.bank_name, v_wire_instruction.bank_acct_num,
                            v_wire_instruction.name_on_account, v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_1, v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_2,
                            v_wire_instruction.bank_addr_3,, v_wire_instruction.state,,,
                             v_wire_instruction.bank_ident_num, v_wire_instruction.addtl_info);
    END IF;
    /* PG 01/05/06 Call the check conversion only for international checks and wires */
    IF v_order_dtls.dom_chek_distr = 'N' AND v_order_dtls.distribution_method IN ('W', 'D', 'C') THEN
        /* PG 12/20/05 To process subsequent sales with wire or foreign currency distribution */
         v_transact_no := 88;
         pk_xop_citibank_forex.pr_cashconversion_ins_request( v_order_dtls.acct_num
                                                              , LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0') --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/15/07 for SPIF # 37210
                                                              , v_order_dtls.distribution_method
                                                              , v_order_dtls.foreign_currency_code
                                                              , v_order_dtls.wire_seq_no
                                                              , ROUND((v_order_dtls.opts_exer * round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4)),2)
                                                                - ROUND(v_order_dtls.comm_value,2)
                                                                - ROUND(nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0),2)
                                                                - nvl(v_order_dtls.multi_curr_handling_fee,0)
                                                                - nvl(v_order_dtls.backup_withholding,0) -- net proceeds
                                                              , v_order_dtls.multi_curr_handling_fee --handling fee
                    --Modified by Bhaskar/Suresh on 03/02/2006    --, v_order_dtls.login_name
                                                              , CASE v_order_dtls.login_name WHEN 'CLIENT/' THEN v_order_dtls.login_name||'SSO' ELSE v_order_dtls.login_name||'/SSO' END
                                                              , v_transact_no -- transact_no as place holder for exer_type 88
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_1
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_2
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_3
                                                              , v_order_dtls.check_addr_4
                                                              , v_order_dtls.upd_optionee_addr
                                                              , v_order_dtls.state
                                                              , v_order_dtls.login_ipaddress
                                                              , v_order_dtls.fcnum
                                                              , v_order_dtls.opt_num
                                                              , v_settle_dt,
                                                              p_exer_num => v_order_dtls.exer_num
    END IF;
    close get_order_dtls;
    END IF;
      * SPIF# 43161- Update to current status into PO is moved to this part, same as PROD.
    UPDATE tb_xop_order_manager_t
    SET exec_dttime = decode(p_status_type,'EO',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),null)
         , exer_date  = TRUNC(SYSDATE)
         , cancel_dttime = decode(p_status_type,'CX',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),'UR',to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:mi:ss'),null)
         , current_status = 'PO'
         , sum_status = decode(p_status_type,'EO','X','C')
         , sum_stat_dttime = SYSDATE
    WHERE voucher_num = p_voucher_num;
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
    /* PG 02/10 handled 'partial fill order' exception */
      when wait_for_more then
          v_err_cd := 0;
          v_err_msg := 'ORA-0000: normal, successful completion';
          pr_xop_log_errors('Partially filled; Waiting for more - Activity qty:' || to_char(v_sum_activity_qty)|| ' pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
      when exceeds_order_qty then
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
          pr_xop_log_errors('Activity quantity exceeded the Order_qty - Activity qty: ' || to_char(p_activity_qty) || ' pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
      when others then
          v_err_cd := sqlcode;
          v_err_msg := sqlerrm;
          open p_err_cur for select v_err_cd err_code,v_err_msg err_msg from dual;
          pr_xop_log_errors('ErrorCode '||SQLCODE||' with ErrorMessage as '||SQLERRM||' has occured for '||user||'pk_xop_subsales.pr_process_exer');
    END pr_process_exer;
    Hi friends, any1 help me out how to define the ref-cursor in declaration section, and how to find at what situation the constraint error occurred..

    956684 wrote:
    Friends plz help me out to debug and find the exact position of the constraint violation..thank you for the help..There isn't a way to trace it unless you have caught the exception raised.
    As a way to start the debug, you will have to monitor
    1. All DML's against the Table on which you have constraint. More specifically, the DML's that act on the column you have constraint on.
    2. Use Exception Handling, to log the Error and the data that causes the constraint to fail.
    3. Do not forget to monitor the Triggers, if they are used, that would write some data into the column you have constraint on.
    Another way to trace is:
    select *
      from user_source
    where lower(text) like '%your_table_name%';
    order by type, name, line;Look at the lines, exclude that are in Declaration or in SELECT statements and target the DML's.
    Looking at the un-formatted code you posted, this statement looks like a culprit.
    INSERT INTO tb_ml_exer_upload
    exer_dt, written_flag, backout_flag, output_line,
    je_flag, opts_exer,
    mkt_prc,exer_type, soc_sec,
    name_first, name_mi,
    cusip_num, ml_retail_account,multi_curr_handling_fee,
    ml_sec_num, corp_name,upd_optionee_addr,
    outbound_flag, -- make it N
    corp_symbol,taxwire_approve, -- make it not applicaplabe
    mail_cd, sp_mail_cd,
    -- PG 12/12/05 Changed to populate the je_flag based on dom_chek_distr 'D',
    -- PG 12/16/05 JE should not be generated for international checks.. So 'Y' always
    'Y', --je_flag
    v_order_dtls.opts_exer,0,--total tax will be 0.
    v_order_dtls.opts_exer, --shrs_sold,
    --SPIF# 43161- replaced nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee1, 0) with v_fixedfee1
    v_fixedfee1 + nvl(v_order_dtls.fixed_fee3,0) + nvl(v_order_dtls.sec_fee,0), --v_order_dtls.fees_amt,
    round(v_order_dtls.exec_price, 4),v_order_dtls.exer_type,
    LPAD(v_order_dtls.ssn,9,'0'), --v_order_dtls.ssn, Modified by Suresh on 02/08/07 for SPIF # 37210
    v_opt_dtls.city_state_zip_country),1,34), -- COLUMN LENGTH MAX IS 35
    -- nvl(fn_get_sec_num(replace(substr(p_voucher_num,1,7),'SSO','XOP'),v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
    nvl(fn_get_sec_num(v_ivr_plan_num, v_order_dtls.symbol),v_ml_sec_num),
    'N', --'N' is for outbound flag.
    v_order_dtls.symbol,'D', --'D' for taxwires disabled
    'S', -- 'S' for source being subsequent sale.
    v_mail_cd, --need to get mail_Cd??
    user,v_order_dtls.acct_num_othr);What is the Table structure of tb_ml_exer_upload and what columns do you have constraints on?
    Which column of the table tb_ml_exer_upload is your Primary Key (because constraint name mentions pk_tb_ml_exer_upload)?
    Edited by: Purvesh K on Jan 4, 2013 12:57 PM

  • Hi, I activated my CS6 in 2012 under my student licence and still using it. I've heard that you can't run CS6 on multiple computers. How do I transfer it from one computer to another as I am switching computers?

    Hi, I activated my CS6 in 2012 under my student licence and still using it. I've heard that you can't run CS6 on multiple computers. How do I transfer it from one computer to another as I am switching computers?

    first, I'm not Adobe's "slave" as you might to accuse me. Most of the posters here are users like me.
    I only can repeat that what I found in Adobe's help sites, as I wrote above. You are free to figure out the "real" truth and - the best would be - you may contact Adobe directly, here are - I'm sure you know them -  the links I would use:  and

  • Can bookmarks be protable for multiple computers? Is it an option to log on and use my bookmarks with multiple computers and locations? Thanks

    Can bookmarks be protable for multiple computers? Is it an option to log on and use my bookmarks with multiple computers and locations? Thanks

    Profile is a folder which store all your personal data in a safe place
    You can use this button to go to the current Firefox profile folder:
    * Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
    here explain how to backup profile
    Here explain how to restore it

  • I have multiple computers and iPhones and now iTunes will not allow my wife to load applications or use her own iTunes playlists.  How can I setup each device for each user correctly?

    We have multiple computers and iPhone devices which I have passed on to other family members, such as my wife.  Now she is not able to load apps to her devices, eventhough it appear she is logged into her own iTunes account.  How can I setup iTunes correctly on each device?  Currently, there is one PC and one Mac laptop and we each have iPhones, with one other family member not able to use his 'passed-down' device for iTunes, also.

    Hello dal1820
    Check out the article below on how to use multiple devices with one computer. The main idea that I want to point out is to have different users for each person as it is the easy way to make sure that no issue happen when syncing.
    How to use multiple iPhone, iPad, or iPod devices with one computer
    -Norm G.

  • I am unable to burn any info-photo ect on to a disk. I have a 27" I mac mid 2010 version. I put in a disk, hit burn, it runs for about 3 mins and ejects the disk sayiny there was an error with the drive and will not restart.

    am unable to burn any info-photo ect on to a disk. I have a 27" I mac mid 2010 version. I put in a disk, hit burn, it runs for about 3 mins and ejects the disk sayiny there was an error with the drive and will not restart.

    The optical drive has probably failed. It's a fairly common thing with these slim SuperDrives. Does it read any discs you put into it? You can try resetting the SMC and pram but I'll be surprised if it helps.
    To reset the SMC
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord.
    Wait fifteen seconds.
    Attach the computer's power cord.
    Wait five seconds, then press the power button to turn on
    Resetting PRAM and NVRAM
    Shut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.

  • I have a "Contact" organization issue I need help with.  I organize multiple customers under their account affiliation. I place the people with their contact info under each account name by their dept/role in the notes section of their account. I am l

    I have a "Contact" organization issue I need help with.  I organize multiple customers under their account affiliation. I place the people with their contact info under each account name by their dept/role in the notes section of their account. I am looking to be able to directly dial / email from this info in yet notes section located within a contact. On Blackberry, the notes area entered in a contact can connect directly but on the iPhone those numbers/emails are inactive. I am trying to avoid having to create each of these individuals as a separate contact and keep them under their account affiliation. It is easier to find them.  This does not seem like that complicated of a request and hoping someone can tell me how or share an app that will enable the "notes" within a contact be "active". Hope this makes sense.

    I seem to recall that this question has been asked before and I'm pretty sure that the answer is that you can't do what you want to do with the native contact app. However, there are lots of contact apps out there that pull from the built app's data but have other features. Perhaps one of them would meet your needs.

  • Can anyone help me with an iWeb problem? I cannot save the site after making changes. I receive this error: "website.sites2 could not be saved"

    Can anyone help me with an iWeb problem? I cannot save the site after making changes. I receive this error: "website.sites2 could not be saved"

    You could try duplicating the Domain.sites2 file and launch this in iWeb. Delete the last page you edited and try saving. If that doesn't work, undo and try deleting another and so on...
    If you can find the problem page you would only have to rebuild it rather than the whole site.
    The other possibility is to create a new site on the same domain file and drag each page in turn down to it from the top site and try to save each time.

  • Need help with displaying content on multiple pages

    Hi I'm kind of a dreamweaver newbie and i'm a little in over
    my head. I'm trying to design a web site with the same content
    appearing on multiple pages. Here's the current site...
    I'm trying to establish the top bar and side bars of links
    and the logo on each page from one point so i don't have to change
    forty pages if i update a link.
    I know there's a way to do this and i thought it was using a
    CSS page but i can't figure it out and i'm running out of time.

    Got it. Thank you. I'm having one other problem though. I
    keep getting this bizare message every time i save or try to use
    the template:
    The is an error at line 41 column 7 (absolute position 2486)
    of "~pathandfilename.dwt": Nested editable regions
    The only thing at line 41 is the <body> tag. I took all
    the formating out to try to trim this out... any thoughts about
    this one.
    Thanks G

  • How do you download all chapters of a video at once?  I purchased a yoga video with multiple chapters and only the first one loaded.  It says I can't download another chapter for 90 days.

    I purchased a yoga video with multiple chapters and only the first one loaded.  It says I can't download another chapter for 90 days.  How do I get all chapters to download?

    Once a device or computer is associated with your Apple ID, you cannot associate that device or computer with another Apple ID for 90 days.

  • How do I add multiple songs to an existing playlist from the (no longer called) Library? Highlighting multiple songs and clicking the "Add to" button will only add the with the little arrow, not all the highlighted ones!

    How do I add multiple songs to an existing playlist from the (no longer called) Library? Highlighting multiple songs and clicking the "Add to" button will only add the one with the little arrow, not all the highlighted ones! I am using the "new" iTunes.

    For the moment there isn't a way for us end-users to control what is "matched" or "uploaded." That is purely a result of Apple's server-side algorithms.
    To re-add multiple songs at once simply highlight all the songs you want to re-add, then right-click (or Control+click) the list and choose "add to iCloud."

  • Can I get help with podcasts?  When I try to open the podcasts, itunes crashes, says "itunes has detected a problem and must close", or the spanish equivalent since my xp is in spanish.  everything else works fine, it even downloads podcasts and syncs.

    Can I get help with podcasts?  When I try to open the podcasts tab, itunes crashes, says "itunes has detected a problem and must close", or the spanish equivalent since my xp is in spanish.  everything else works fine, it even downloads podcasts and syncs.

    The only other thing I can suggest is to use the Repair option for iTunes.
    Download the iTunes programme (do not uninstall your current iTunes) and then "install" the new copy. At some stage you should see an option to "install" or "Repair". Take the Repair option.
    Once you've done that, if you still have a problem, I don't know what else to suggest, except to search through the discussions to see if anyone else has had the problem and managed to fix it.

  • Help with running app from dos in xp

    Hi everybody i am having a little trouble with adjusting the CLASSPATH of the JRE in XP it seems because i am trying to compile this program
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class addition {
    public static void main (String[]args)
         String firstnumber,secondnumber;
         int number1,number2,sum;
         firstnumber=JOptionPane.showInputDialog=("Enter number ");
         number1= Int.parseInt(firstnumber);
         secondnumber=JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("enter second number");
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog=(null,"result " + sum,"The result is",PLAIN_MESSAGE);
    by using javac command but i always get the maessage ('javac' is not recognised as an internal or external command operable program or batch file).
    Maybe i have set the CLASSPATH wrong or i am not using the 'javac' properly.\
    Please help thanks in advance :)

    yeah need to change PATH
    for XP open up the control panel -> then click on system -> then the advanced tab
    there should be an enviroment variables button at the bottom, click on it and find the PATH variable:
    you need to add the bin directory to the value of PATH.
    do this by adding the path of the bin directory at the end of what is alreday there, remeber to separate paths with semi-colons, ';'.
    eg if you installed j2sdk on a drive D:
    then you would add "; D:\j2sdk\bin" to the value of PATH (obviously without the quotes)
    hope this help

  • Hi, i am badly in need of help. i partitioned my mac hd yesterday and now the boot camp is nt working as i was using win 7 on it. i am using macbook pro 13'' 2011. plz help me. anxiously waiting for response... specially from "Christopher"

    hi, i am badly in need of help. i partitioned my mac hd yesterday and now the boot camp is nt working as i was using win 7 on it. i am using macbook pro 13'' 2011. plz help me. anxiously waiting for response... specially from "Christopher murphy"

    you can't add or mofidy partition numbers. especially not if and once you have windows installed.
    boot from Windows 7 DVD afterwards
    but first you have to tell us and Christopher what and how you partitioned your system.
    Successful setup of OS X Lion + Data Partition + Bootcamp Win7 Ult
    So after many, many hours I think I've finally figured out how to successfully setup Mac OS X Lion on one partition, a seperate data partition, and Windows 7 Ultimate on a Bootcamp partition . Here is a screenshot of my setup on my 13" MacBook Pro
    Thread with suggestions on Windows backup methods:
    Paragon CampTune
    Paragon CampTune is a commercial product that is designed expressly for this task. It consists of a downloadable ISO that needs to be burned to a disc and booted from in order to resize the partitions costs US$19.95.
    Securing Dual-System Configuration
    Imaging is still the most affordable and robust way to secure computer data. Unfortunately Mac OS X backs up only HFS+ volumes, leaving Windows with dual-system configurations unsecured. You can permanently lose all of your data unless you have a Windows-compatible backup solution.
    Paragon’s CampTune and Paragon’s Drive Copy for Mac can secure the entire dual-system configuration. CampTune creates traditional images of volumes or entire hard disks, Drive Copy can copy them to other disks. In case of an emergency, you can restore the previously created image or copy all your data back to its original state.
    GParted Live
    GParted Live is similar to CampTune as it is also distributed as a bootable image that needs to be copied to a CD/DVD or USB flash drive. As free and open source software, distributed under the GPL, it will always be available free. Since it has more functions than CampTune, it may be harder for folks who are not as experienced with partitioning hard drives.
    Coriolis Systems' iPartition is a £29.95 ($44.95 US) utility that runs in Mac OS X and allows resizing of all of the relevant partition formats, including HFS+, FAT32, and NTFS. It provides a Mac-oriented user interface that may be easier to manage than some of the free utilities. As it is not capable of resizing the boot disk, it requires a bootable external disk or a boot DVD. (A tool to create a boot DVD is included.)
    Paragon Partition Manager
    From the makes of CampTune is a commercial tool that is similar in functionality to GParted Live, but has a more polished/friendly user interface than GParted Live. Previously only the US$79.95 Professional version supported all the features required for this, but as of version 11 the US$39.95 Personal version has also been reported to work.
    Winclone/Disk Utility
    Winclone is a free tool for creating and restoring backup images of your Windows partition. One of its key features is that it can restore to a larger partition than the one the image was created from.
    NOTE: Winclone has been discontinued, but for now remains available and capable of completing these tasks (including creating and restoring Windows 7 images).
    Winclone updated to support Lion Winclone updates and download
    Disk Utility can resize HFS+ (Mac OS) partitions, but is currently incapable of resizing NTFS partitions, so you could use it to reduce the size of the HFS+ partition and create a new larger placeholder MS-DOS (FAT) partition
    The full process would be:
    Backup Windows partition with Winclone.
    (if the new Windows partition is smaller than the old one make sure you set the preferences in Winclone to save the image as an uncompressed dmg)
    Delete old Windows partition
    Resize current Mac Partition
    Create new Windows partition as MS-DOS (FAT) in free space after Mac OS partition.
    (If the new Windows partition is smaller than the old one an additional step is required: shrink the filesystem on the image by selecting Tools->Shrink Windows (NTFS) Filesystem)
    Reboot your computer for the new Windows partition to mount properly (winclone may not restore if you don't reboot)
    Restore Winclone partition over new Windows partition
    An alternate Winclone based process is described in the External Guides section
    Native OS utilities
    MR user Kazyua reports that you can use the disk management utilities provided with the current operating systems if you want to do it manually. Windows 7 and OS X both have partition resizing functions built in. In OS X, open Disk Utility and manually shrink the mac HFS+ partition by dragging the lower right corner. Then in windows go to the start menu and type "disk management" into the search box then hit enter. You should get an overview of the drives you have and the individual partitions. Right-clicking on the partition gives an "Extend Volume" option. The Windows NTFS volume should then be extended into the free space you created with Disk Utility. This method has not worked for other users, so try at your own risk.
    Resizing under VMWare Fusion
    If you are looking to allocate more space to Windows under VMWare please refer to the following thread
    Thread with suggestions on Windows backup methods:

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