HELP with Throwing a Vector into a JSP

I have created a vector of Strings (for now) and i need to display it in a JSP page. I can't find references that don't use Beans...even then it makes no sense.
Help please?

yes so this is my JSP file
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/struts-form.tld" prefix="form" %>
<title>Search Results</title>
Here is what you searched for:
<%java.util.Vector vector=(Vector)request.getAttribute("SearchInfo");%>
and the snippet of my struts-config.xml file - which is completely wrong
<action path="/Search"
parameter="SearchAction" />
I know the the looking at the database, lookup fuction, loading to vector is right....the problem is
a) how do I get that vector passed into the jsp to begin with (or is that what you just gave me?)
b) how do I setup my struts config file?

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    I've come across a situation that is somewhat beyond my knowledge base. I could use a little help with figuring this out.
    My situation:
    I am attempting to do some reporting from a JIRA database. What I am doing is getting the dates and times for specific step points of a ticket. This is resulting in many rows per ticket. What I need to do is return one row per ticket with a calculation of time between each step. But one issue is that if a ticket is re-opened, I want to ignore all data beyond the first close date. Also, not all tickets are in a closed state. I am attaching code and a sample list of the results. If I am not quite clear, please ask for information and I will attempt to provide more. The database is
    select, pkey, reporter, summary
    ,changegroup.created change_dt
    ,dbms_lob.substr(changeitem.newstring,15,1) change_type
    ,row_number() OVER ( PARTITION BY ORDER BY changegroup.created ASC ) AS order_row
    from jiraissue
    ,changeitem, changegroup
    ,(select * from customfieldvalue where customfield = 10591 and stringvalue = 'Support') phaseinfo
    where jiraissue.project = 10110
    and jiraissue.issuetype = 51
    and dbms_lob.substr(changeitem.newstring,15,1) in ('Blocked','Closed','Testing','Open')
    and phaseinfo.issue =
    and changeitem.groupid =
    and changegroup.issueid =
    order by,change_dt
    1     21191     QCS-91     Error running the Earliest-deadlines flight interface request/response message     2008-07-16 9:30:38 AM     Open     1
    2     21191     QCS-91     Error running the Earliest-deadlines flight interface request/response message     2008-07-16 11:37:02 AM     Testing     2
    3     21191     QCS-91     Error running the Earliest-deadlines flight interface request/response message     2010-06-08 9:14:52 AM     Closed     3
    4     21191     QCS-91     Error running the Earliest-deadlines flight interface request/response message     2010-09-02 11:29:37 AM     Open     4
    5     21191     QCS-91     Error running the Earliest-deadlines flight interface request/response message     2010-09-02 11:29:42 AM     Open     5
    6     21191     QCS-91     Error running the Earliest-deadlines flight interface request/response message     2010-09-02 11:29:50 AM     Testing     6
    7     21191     QCS-91     Error running the Earliest-deadlines flight interface request/response message     2010-09-02 11:29:53 AM     Closed     7
    8     23234     QCS-208     System Baseline - OK button does not show up in the Defer Faults page for the System Engineer role      2008-10-03 10:26:21 AM     Open     1
    9     23234     QCS-208     System Baseline - OK button does not show up in the Defer Faults page for the System Engineer role      2008-11-17 9:39:39 AM     Testing     2
    10     23234     QCS-208     System Baseline - OK button does not show up in the Defer Faults page for the System Engineer role      2011-02-02 6:18:02 AM     Closed     3
    11     23977     QCS-311     Tally Sheet - Reason Not Done fails to provide reason for unassigned tasks     2008-09-29 2:44:54 PM     Open     1
    12     23977     QCS-311     Tally Sheet - Reason Not Done fails to provide reason for unassigned tasks     2010-05-29 4:47:37 PM     Blocked     2
    13     23977     QCS-311     Tally Sheet - Reason Not Done fails to provide reason for unassigned tasks     2011-02-02 6:14:57 AM     Open     3
    14     23977     QCS-311     Tally Sheet - Reason Not Done fails to provide reason for unassigned tasks     2011-02-02 6:15:32 AM     Testing     4
    15     23977     QCS-311     Tally Sheet - Reason Not Done fails to provide reason for unassigned tasks     2011-02-02 6:15:47 AM     Closed     5

    Welcome to the forum!
    StblJmpr wrote:
    ... I am attempting to do some reporting from a JIRA database. What is a JIRA database?
    I am attaching code and a sample list of the results. If I am not quite clear, please ask for information and I will attempt to provide more. Whenever you have a question, please post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables involved, and the results you want from that data.
    Simplify the problem as much as possible. For example, if the part you don't know how to do only involves 2 tables, then jsut post a question involving those 2 tables. So you might just post this much data:
    CREATE TABLE     changegroup
    (      issueid          NUMBER
    ,      created          DATE
    ,      id          NUMBER
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (21191,  TO_DATE ('2008-07-16 09:30:38 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  10);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (21191,  TO_DATE ('2008-07-16 11:37:02 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  20);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (21191,  TO_DATE ('2010-06-08 09:14:52 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  90);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (21191,  TO_DATE ('2010-09-02 11:29:37 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  10);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (21191,  TO_DATE ('2010-09-02 11:29:42 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  10);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (21191,  TO_DATE ('2010-09-02 11:29:50 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  20);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (21191,  TO_DATE ('2010-09-02 11:29:53 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  90);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (23234,  TO_DATE ('2008-10-03 10:26:21 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  10);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (23234,  TO_DATE ('2008-11-17 09:39:39 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  20);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (23234,  TO_DATE ('2011-02-02 06:18:02 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  90);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (23977,  TO_DATE ('2008-09-29 02:44:54 PM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  10);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (23977,  TO_DATE ('2010-05-29 04:47:37 PM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  30);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (23977,  TO_DATE ('2011-02-02 06:14:57 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  10);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (23977,  TO_DATE ('2011-02-02 06:15:32 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  20);
    INSERT INTO changegroup (issueid, created, id) VALUES (23977,  TO_DATE ('2011-02-02 06:15:47 AM', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS AM'),  90);
    CREATE TABLE     changeitem
    (      groupid          NUMBER
    ,      newstring     VARCHAR2 (10)
    INSERT INTO changeitem (groupid, newstring) VALUES (10, 'Open');
    INSERT INTO changeitem (groupid, newstring) VALUES (20, 'Testing');
    INSERT INTO changeitem (groupid, newstring) VALUES (30, 'Blocked');
    INSERT INTO changeitem (groupid, newstring) VALUES (90, 'Closed');Then post the results you want to get from that data, like this:
      21191 Open (0) >> Testing (692) >> Closed
      23234 Open (45) >> Testing (807) >> Closed
      23977 Open (607) >> Blocked (249) >> Open (0) >> Testing (0) >> ClosedExplain how you get those results from that data. For example:
    "The output contains one row per issueid. The HISTORY coloumn shows the different states that the issue went through, in order by created, starting with the earliest one and continuing up until the first 'Closed' state, if there is one. Take the first row, issueid=21191, for example. It started as 'Open' on July 16, 2008, then, on the same day (that is, 0 days later) changed to 'Testing', and then, on June 8, 2010, (692 days later), it became 'Closed'. That same issue opened again later, on September 2, 2010, but I don't want to see any activity after the first 'Closed'."
    The database is's very important. Always post your version, like you did.
    Here's one way to get those results from that data:
    WITH     got_order_row     AS
         SELECT     cg.issueid
         ,     LEAD (cg.created) OVER ( PARTITION BY  cg.issueid
                                          ORDER BY      cg.created
                  - cg.created            AS days_in_stage
         ,       ROW_NUMBER ()     OVER ( PARTITION BY  cg.issueid
                                          ORDER BY      cg.created
                               )    AS order_row
         ,     ci.newstring                     AS change_type
         FROM    changegroup     cg
         JOIN     changeitem     ci  ON     = ci.groupid
         WHERE     ci.newstring     IN ( 'Blocked'
                           , 'Closed'
                           , 'Testing'
                           , 'Open'
    --     AND     ...          -- any other filtering goes here
    SELECT       issueid
    ,       SUBSTR ( SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH ( change_type || CASE
                                                             WHEN  CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF = 0
                                           THEN  ' ('
                                              || ROUND (days_in_stage)
                                              || ')'
                                    , ' >> '
               , 5
               )     AS history
    FROM       got_order_row
    WHERE       CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF     = 1
    START WITH     order_row          = 1
    CONNECT BY     order_row          = PRIOR order_row + 1
         AND     issueid               = PRIOR issueid
         AND     PRIOR change_type     != 'Closed'
    ORDER BY  issueid
    ;Combining data from several rows into one big delimited VARCHAR2 column on one row is call String Aggregation .
    I hope this answers your question, but I guessed at so many things, I won't be surprised if it doesn't. If that's the case, point out where this is wrong, post what the results should be in those places, and explain how you get those results. Post new data, if necessary.

  • Please help with: A date split into 3 Combo Boxes ....

    Can someone help me with this Please?
    I have a date for a Date of Birth i.e. dd/MM/yyyy
    I need to split it up an place it into 3 combo boxes i.e. Day Combo, Month Combo and Year Combo.
    This is the code I have to set the combo boxes, now I need to bring it back into the combo boxes.
    can someone help me with the code as I need to have this finish on friday and I am running out of time. I just dont know what to do PLEASE SOMEONE HELP...
    // List days
      private void DayOfTheMonth(int highNumber,JComboBox comboBox){
        comboBox.addItem(" ");
        for (int index = 1; index < highNumber; index++) {
      private void DaySpecificComboBox()
        DayOfTheMonth( 32, DayjComboBox);
    // List Months
      private void Month(){
    //List Years
      private void Year(int highNumber,JComboBox comboBox){
        comboBox.addItem(" ");
        for (int index = 2002; index > highNumber; index--) {
      private void YearSpecificComboBox()
        Year( 1900, YearjComboBox);
    private String StringFromDateFields(){
        int month =1;
        if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(JANUARY))
          month = 1;
          if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(FEBRUARY))
            month = 2;
            if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(MARCH))
              month = 3;
              if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(APRIL))
                month = 4;
                if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(MAY))
                  month = 5;
                  if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(JUNE))
                    month = 6;
                    if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(JULY))
                      month = 7;
                      if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(AUGUST))
                        month = 8;
                        if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(SEPTEMBER))
                          month = 9;
                          if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(OCTOBER))
                            month = 10;
                            if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(NOVEMBER))
                              month = 11;
                              if (MonthjComboBox.getSelectedItem().equals(DECEMBER))
                                month = 12;
                              DOB = DayjComboBox.getSelectedItem()+"/"+String.valueOf(month)+"/"+YearjComboBox.getSelectedItem();
                              return DOB;

    Thanks for your time.
    I could not get that to work ??
    I have come up with this code whitch seams to work. Thought you may like to see it
         String dobxml = xmlDoc.getValueOf(clientInfo, "DOB");
          String dob = dobxml.replace('/', ' ');
          StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(dob);
          String day = tokenizer.nextToken();
          String month = tokenizer.nextToken();
          String year = tokenizer.nextToken();
          YearjComboBox.setSelectedItem(year);ps thankyou

  • Need some help with getting mail folders into Maverick please???

    I have finally gotten my old Snow Leopard files transferred to Maverick partition on my hard drive but my mail did not pull over the old saved mailboxes with saved emails. How can I get those old saved emails into Mavericks so I can quit using Snow Leopard all together? The top picture below are my mailboxes you can see in Snow Leopard on the left of the screen (seems to have copied over the mail in my in-box but not my saved mailboxes. the second picture is what shows in Maverick. Can someone direct me on how to get my saved emails to Maverick please? All help is greatly appreciated and make the instructions simple, not real tech savy so need exact instructions. Thanks so much for any and all help:
    Also, is there any way to not group mail from the same person/company in a folder? Can't seem to find in preferences where you can get each email on a separate line. For instance if I get several emails from Apple Support it groups them into one folder and I would just as soon have them all listed separately in mail. Thanks again, Gary

    I couldn't have done any of this without the excelletn support from you Andy. You were patient with me and your assistance will never be forgotten. Thank you is not enough. I was so confused and now more aware of what is going on. I wasn't familiar with users vs. partitions I guess and was swiveling and seeing different things than when restarting and couldn't figure out what was going on. Again, thank you for your patience, and excellent skills to get me on the road to using Maverick. THANK YOU!!!

  • Help With Writing A Vector To A File

    i am having trouble writing a vector to a file
    Here is my code
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
    public class Save
         JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
         public Save(JFrame par, mainCollection col)
         ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream fc.getSelectedFile().getName()));
         for(int i = 0; i< col.carCollection.size();i++)
         Cars cd = (Cars)col.carCollection.elementAt(i);
         Vector v = cd.getModels();
         }catch(FileNotFoundException e){System.out.println("not found");}
         catch(IOException e){System.out.println("IO" + e.getMessage());}
    Ok now the mainCollection col is from my other class mainCollection which has my main vector in it. This main vector contains car types which contain car models i.e. Ford which contains Falcon. What i need to do is copy the whole contents of vector over in one go to the file.
    With the code above i am getting IO Exception errors
    here is the errors
    �� sr java.util.Vector��}[�;� I capacityIncrementI elementCount[ elementDatat [Ljava/lang/Object;xp       ur [Ljava.lang.Object;��X�s)l  xp  
    {sr ��5  xr��k�9��  xr�sde%��  xr java.lang.Exception��>;�  xr java.lang.Throwable��5'9w�� L
    detailMessaget Ljava/lang/String;xpt Cars
    Whatever all that means
    Thanks for your help, i'm really confused

    Remove the for loop.
    If you write the vector, it's content will be written too.
    i am having trouble writing a vector to a file
    Here is my code
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
    public class Save
         JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
         public Save(JFrame par, mainCollection col)
    ObjectOutputStream out = new
    = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream
    for(int i = 0; i<
    = 0; i< col.carCollection.size();i++)
    Cars cd =
         Cars cd = (Cars)col.carCollection.elementAt(i);
         Vector v = cd.getModels();
    ion e){System.out.println("not found");}
    catch(IOException e){System.out.println("IO" +
    " + e.getMessage());}
    Ok now the mainCollection col is from my other class
    mainCollection which has my main vector in it. This
    main vector contains car types which contain car
    models i.e. Ford which contains Falcon. What i need to
    do is copy the whole contents of vector over in one go
    to the file.
    With the code above i am getting IO Exception errors
    here is the errors
    �� sr java.util.Vector��}[�;� I
    capacityIncrementI elementCount[ elementDatat
    [Ljava/lang/Object;xp       ur
    r [Ljava.lang.Object;��X�s)l  xp  
    {sr ��5  xr��k�9��  xr�sde%��  xr
    r java.lang.Exception��>;�  xr
    java.lang.Throwable��5'9w�� L
    detailMessaget Ljava/lang/String;xpt Cars
    Whatever all that means
    Thanks for your help, i'm really confused

  • Help with formatting multiline output into comma delimited ordered output

    I have 2 tables:
    SQL> desc table_1;
    Name Null? Type
    SQL> desc table_2;
    Name Null? Type
    ATTVAL                          VARCHAR2 (4000)
    DATA2                          VARCHAR2 (2000)
    DATA3                          VARCHAR2 (255)
    I need to get ATTVAL from where e.g. ATTNAME=att_name1 to ATTNAME=att_name6 from every entry (with its unique ID), and format the output into comma delimited format in e.g. this order:
    So e.g. for entry with ID "9812" from the query below, the output I need would be:
    What I've got so far is as follows:
    SQL> SELECT id,attname,attval FROM table_2 WHERE id in (SELECT id from table_1 WHERE data2='xxx')
    AND attname in ('att_name1','att_name3','att_name6','att_name4','att_name5','att_name6');
    ID               ATTNAME               ATTVAL
    1970 att_name1 123
    1970 att_name2 abc
    1970 att_name3 1234
    1970 att_name4 def
    1970 att_name5 1134
    1970 att_name6 ghj
    9812 att_name4 134
    9812 att_name5 1436
    9812 att_name3 156
    9812 att_name1 187
    9812 att_name2 179
    9812 att_name6 1809
    77 att_name1 1980
    77 att_name5 1867
    77 att_name3 174
    77 att_name4 1345
    77 att_name2 1345
    77 att_name6 1345
    but I don't know how to format the output comma limited in certain order. (or if this is the best way of getting the data out)
    Would someone have idea how this could be done?

    846954 wrote:
    Thanks Frank!
    I got much further now :).
    I've got Oracle 10g So I used the "SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH" for my query.
    Now I get the output in the format I want, however, it comes out in the order that the attributes are (which is pretty random).The values you posted are in order: 'attval1' < 'attval2' < ...
    So I'm using this now(had to use "|" as separator because SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH would not work with comma due to some of the attval having comma in them ):The values you posted don't contain and commas.
    You're hiding what the problem is. It would really help if you posted actual data. It always helps if you post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for a little sample data, and the results you want from that data.
    Assuming you really have something that has to be in a certain order, and that order is not based on anything in the values themselves, then DECODE might be a good way to do it. Storing the sort value in a table might be even better.
    It looks like you were using an Oracle 9 exanple. In Oracle 10, using SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH is simpler:
    SELECT     id
    ,     LTRIM ( SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (attval, '|')
               , '|'
               )          AS attvals
    FROM     (
              SELECT     id
              ,     attval
              ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  id
                                  ORDER BY          DECODE (...)
                                )     AS curr
              WHERE     id     IN (
                             SELECT  id
                             FROM     table_1
                             WHERE     data2     = 'xxx'
              AND     attname     IN ('attname1','attname2','attname3','attname4','attname5','attname6')
    START WITH     curr     = 1
    CONNECT BY     curr     = PRIOR curr + 1
         AND     id     = PRIOR id
    ;You don't need two almost-identical ROW_NUMBERs; one will do just fine.

  • Need help with document that turned into alias for Application

    I'm trying to help my dad with a problem, not sure exactly what he did, but he had a page document in a documents folder on his desktop.  He moved it into a *files folder* on his desktop.  Somehow the document seems to have been turned into an alias for for his application folder. When I click on the file name, the document doesn't open, it opens up the Application folder.
    I'm VERY new to Mac. 
    Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

    This should answer the question:

  • Urgent help with HTML/arrays/insert into database through a bean

    I am currenly building an application that dynamically lists subjects and developers from a database. This list is used as a questionaire to ask developers what subjects will they be interested in attending or teaching. I having problem passing this data into the database on the bean level.
    I need help I have been working on this for months. I can explain further. I need to prove to my boss that I can do this project but i am currently stuck.

    Split your requirements into small pieces and ask them one by one, you will certainly get help here. But please make sure that you will do your home/office work.

  • Need help with loading child .swf into parent .swf

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    into the master.swf. All of the files loads perfectly. However the
    .swf that has the contact form movieclip in it will not work. The
    combobox does that display any of the items listed and the form is
    not being sent to the server. Can anyone give me a hand with

    can you post your code

  • Help with inserting SWF file into .html page

    I created a photo gallery in Flash CS5.5, using the advanced photo gallery template. It works fine as a standalone SWF file but it's not displaying properly when I try and insert it into the Gallery page of my website.
    The thumbnails are showing as blank white boxes and the main image holder isn't showing at all, though the controls beneath it are showing. The SWF file and all the images are stored in site/images/gallery/ and my Gallery page is in the root. What's going on here? Can anyone help please?

    If you are storing any of your Flash assets in sub-folders and having problems... it's most likely because of pathing problems. For review:
    Pathing issues
    Almost always when it works on the local machine and not the server, it's a pathing problem.
    You can put your Flash related files in whatever folders you want, they do NOT have to be in the root, they do NOT all have to be in the same folder. But if you have a problem and if sticking them all in the root folder works, then you know that the issue was a pathing problem.
    Just remember that paths used in the .swf become relative to the Web page on which the .swf is placed, NOT it’s physical location.  So for example, if your .swf is in the flash/data folder and you use that .swf on a Web page in the root folder, you are in effect, removing that .swf from flash/data and putting it in root. So if the .swf is loading any related files (xml, images, video, etc), the path used inside the .swf to load the .xml file has to be relative to it's new location in root and then back down into flash/data. This is true even though when testing the .swf by itself, it can be inside flash/data and work just fine, since relative to it's location, the path is just fine, they are in the same folder. But if that same path is used when the .swf is placed on a page two folder levels up, the relative path has changed, the old "same folder" path will not work.
    In fact if you are placing the .swf on a web page in a different folder than the .swf is stored in, and that .swf calls external assets, then direct clicking and opening of the .swf in it’s folder should NOT work! That’s because the paths to the external assets should be relative to the Web page and not the physical location of the .swf.
    So just be sure that you use addresses relative to the final Web page locations (not physical file locations) and you can put the Flash related files in what ever folders you want.
    Best wishes,
    Eye for Video
    What it boils down to is that you need to path the Flash assets from the Web page that you place the main .swf on... NOT the physical location of the .swf
    Best wishes,

  • Need help with loading MySQL results into a query

    Hello, I need some help figuring out why my tree component
    isn't being populated with my MySQL results.
    I have a table of categories:
    ParentID - CategoryID - Name
    Every top-level category has a ParentID of 0 (zero). I'm
    using php and a recursive function to build an array of nested
    results, then passing those results back to Flex, making those
    results a new ArrayCollection, then assigning that to the
    dataProvider of the tree.
    Result: my tree component is blank
    Suspicion: it has to be a way with how my array is being
    formed in PHP. If I play around with how it is formed I can get
    some odd results in the tree, so I know it's not a problem with the
    data being passed back to Flex.
    I am attaching the PHP code used to form the array, and the
    output of the array being created

    Why not just build xml and send it back? Xml is hierarchical
    by nature.
    However, if you want to stick with the nested ACs then are
    you using a labelFunction() with your tree? The node values are in
    different properties, so you can't just set labelField.

  • Help with converting an applet into an application

    Here is a set of code which can work perfectly fine as an applet. But I have problem converting it into an application. Any help? I get some null pointer exception. Thanks alot.
    //File Name:
    //Author: Saad Ayub
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Flash extends Thread{
    private DrawA dA;
    private int x;
    private int xCor[];
    private int yCor[];
    private int i;
    private int dir;
    private Image im;
    private Graphics buff;
    public Flash(DrawA dA, Image im, Graphics buff){
    this.dA = dA; = im;
    this.buff = buff;
    xCor = new int[451];
    yCor = new int[451];
    dir = 10;
    }//end of Flash constructor
    public void run(){
    for(x = 75, i = 0; x <= 525; x++, i++){
    xCor[i] = x - 300;
    for(i = 0; i <= 450; i++){
    yCor[i] = (int)Math.sqrt(62500 - (xCor[i] * xCor));
    yCor[i] = 300 - yCor[i];
    for(x = 0; x <= 450; x++){
    i = 0;
    catch(Exception e){}
    i += dir;
    if(i < 0 || i > 450){
    dir = -dir;
    i += dir;
    }//end of if
    }//end of while
    }//end of run
    public void draw(Graphics g){
    int green = 255;
    buff.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 330);
    buff.setColor(new Color(0, 70, 0));
    buff.fillArc(50, 50, 500, 500, 25, 130);
    if(i > 450)
    if(xCor[i] != 0 && yCor[i] != 0)
    buff.drawLine(xCor[i], yCor[i], 300, 300);
    if(dir > 0){
    for(int j = i; j > (i - 100); j--){
    if(j >= 0 && j <= 450){
    green -= 2;
    buff.setColor(new Color(0, green, 0));
    buff.drawLine(xCor[j], yCor[j], 300, 300);
    }//end of if
    }//end of for
    }//end of if
    for(int j = i; j < (i + 100); j++){
    if(j >= 0 && j <= 450){
    green -= 2;
    buff.setColor(new Color(0, green, 0));
    buff.drawLine(xCor[j], yCor[j], 300, 300);
    }// end of if
    }//end of for
    }//end of else
    buff.drawArc(112, 112, 375, 375, 25, 130);
    buff.drawArc(174, 174, 250, 250, 25, 130);
    buff.drawArc(238, 238, 125, 125, 25, 130);
    buff.drawLine(300, 300, 300, 50);
    g.drawImage(im, 0, 0, null);
    }//end of draw
    }//end of flash class
    class DrawA extends Panel{
    private Flash fl;
    private Image im;
    private Graphics buff;
    public DrawA(Image im){ = im;
    buff = im.getGraphics();
    fl = new Flash(this, im, buff);
    // setBackground(;
    public void paint(Graphics g){
    public void update(Graphics g){
    public class Radar extends Applet{
    public DrawA dA;
    private JLabel display;
    public Radar()
    display = new JLabel("display");
    public void init(){
    dA = new DrawA(createImage(600, 330));
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    add(dA, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    add(display, BorderLayout.EAST);
    public void stop(){
    Edited by: bozovilla on Oct 20, 2008 8:32 AM

    Start out by letting this thread die out...
    and repost saying that you forgot to use code tags and describe sufficiently what your problem is--things like the actual error message and where it happens.

  • Please help with multiple insert query into nested table!!!!

    I am having a problem with inserting multiple references to objects into a nested table using the following query:
    INSERT INTO TABLE(SELECT Taken_by FROM courses WHERE course_number= 001)
    (SELECT REF(p) FROM persons p
    WHERE p.enroled_in = 'Computing for Business'
    The database says that p.enroled_in is an invalid identifier. I know why this is. This is because the field enroled_in is part of a subtype of person called student_type and the query above is not accounting for this properly. I would like to know the correct syntax to use so I can insert into the nested table wherever a student is enroled into the 'computing for business' course. My full schema is below:
    CREATE TYPE person_type;
    CREATE TYPE student_type;
    CREATE TYPE staff_type;
    CREATE TYPE course_type;
    CREATE TYPE module_type;
    CREATE TYPE address_type AS OBJECT
    Street VARCHAR2 (30),
    Town     VARCHAR2 (30),
    County VARCHAR2 (30),
    Postcode VARCHAR2 (9)
    CREATE TYPE person_type AS OBJECT
    Name VARCHAR2 (50),
    Address address_type,
    DOB     DATE
    ) NOT FINAL;
    CREATE TYPE staff_type UNDER person_type
    Staff_number NUMBER (2,0)
    ) FINAL;
    CREATE TYPE student_type UNDER person_type (
    Student_number NUMBER (2,0),
    Enroled_in VARCHAR2(50),
    RETURN Trunc(Months_Between(Sysdate, DOB)/12);
    END getAge;
    CREATE TYPE module_type AS OBJECT
    Module_number VARCHAR2(6),
    Module_name VARCHAR2(50),
    Credit NUMBER(2,0),
    Taught_in VARCHAR2(50)
    CREATE TYPE students_tab AS TABLE OF REF person_type;
    CREATE TYPE modules_tab AS TABLE OF REF module_type;
    CREATE TYPE course_type AS OBJECT
    Course_number NUMBER (2,0),
    Course_name VARCHAR2(50),
    Dept_name VARCHAR2(50),
    Taken_by Students_tab,
    Contains Modules_tab
    CREATE TABLE modules OF module_type(
    constraint pk_modules primary key (Module_number)
    CREATE TABLE courses OF course_type(
    constraint pk_courses primary key (Course_number)
    NESTED TABLE Taken_by STORE AS students_nt,
    NESTED TABLE Contains STORE AS modules_nt;

    By the way I am using oracle 9i and trying to insert into the nested table data from a subtype (i.e student is a subtype of person)

  • SQL Help with change multiple columns into a single column

    I am wanting to create either a new View or a new Table based on the following original table:
    Original Table:
    Fiscal Year
    <etc. for each of the 12 months)
    I want the new View or Table to instead be:
    I can't simply drop the original table, it will have to always exist since it is part of the Finance package, but for ease of reporting against I am wanting to create this new View.
    Any ideas on how to go about this?

    I had to do something very similar just this week - in my case a record read from a csv into a table, then needs loading into a destination table, and the rows are columns in the csv. I went for INSERT ALL as I also had some conditions.
        WHEN low1 != -998 OR high1 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 1, low1, high1 )
        WHEN low2 != -998 OR high2 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 2, low2, high2 )
        WHEN low5 != -998 OR high5 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 5, low5, high5 )
        WHEN low6 != -998 OR high6 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 6, low6, high6 )
        WHEN low7 != -998 OR high7 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 7, low7, high7 )
        WHEN low8 != -998 OR high8 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 8, low8, high8 )
        WHEN low9 != -998 OR high9 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 9, low9, high9 )
        WHEN low10 != -998 OR high10 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 10, low10, high10 )
        WHEN low11 != -998 OR high11 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 11, low11, high11 )
        WHEN low12 != -998 OR high12 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 12, low12, high12 )
        WHEN low13 != -998 OR high13 != -998 THEN
        INTO partial_profile_temp (search_id, locus_id, low_allele, high_allele)
        VALUES ( search_id, 13, low13, high13 )
        SELECT * FROM bulk_search_load bst, partial_details_temp pdt
        WHERE id = case_number -- only retrieves details for those records that are found in bulk_search_load
        AND filename like 'NETH\_%' escape '\'
        AND processed = 'N'; 

  • Need help with importing flash/swf into fireworks???? Is it possible???

    Hi, Is it possible to import a flash/swf file in to
    fireworks... If so... how..????
    Thank You for Your Help...

    can you post your code

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