Hi experts....This one is for you....

Facing a problem with datagrid.....
I want to render the datagrid column..
In that rendered column I want to render with movieclip &
textField. Also after rendering cell I want to make textfield to be
editable (I know column.editable = true but as you will load two
components so this will not work..)..
So any solution...any sort of help will be appreciated....
Thanks guys..you rock.....!

Have you managed to solve this problem?
I think %A is not gonna help you.
Do you have NODIM() function defined in your formula? Remove this and % sign will be displayed in each rows.

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  • View Piano Score while Recording-THIS ONE'S FOR YOU SAMPLECONSTRUCT!

    *I wish to view my Piano score while recording on a Midi Track.*As soon as I hit Record my Piano Score disappears & is replaced by a BLANK Scrolling score notation representing the Recording Track.As soon as I stop recording My Piano Score which I wanted to READ while recording reappears.
    This is not what I want as I wish to follow along & read the Piano Score on my Midi track AND Record a new TAKE at the same time.
    I have not found a way to do this & if it is not possible it is a serious omission in Logic 8 as far as I am concerned as I would expect a lot of us would like to have this feature. And it seems like such a logical way to do things...just READ & follow along while recording a take. Sort of like the old "bouncing ball" following along with a lyric.
    Any solutions out there? Especially from you SAMPLECONSTRUCT as you seem to be a major contributor on this discussion group.
    Thanks in Advance...JOHN

    I'm not Sampleconstruct, but I have answered this one personally here several times, over the years...
    Simply open your Piano Roll editor, and deselect the chain link symbol up in the left hand corner. I believe it defaults to being yellow. Turn it off (turns gray).
    Now you can record directly onto this track, or even another one, WHILE you are viewing the MIDI data that is already there. It won't go blank when you go into record.
    If you want this to be a permanent part of your set-up, simply lock the screenset when you have the chain link turned off.

  • CaptainMorgan08, pravinth and duffymo This one is for you

    i started learning Java like 3 months ago. The tutorials from sun was really very hard for me since i have not done any programming in 2 years. I love to readjava forums and sometime i have helped may be 3 people. hey anything is better than nothing. for all the newbies i will prefer people to buy the book java for dummies. This will give you a good start in Java just a start. while i was reading the forums 3 people inspired me alot.
    1) CaptainMorgan08
    Registered: 5/10/06
    Wow captain i am a big fan of you. i have not seen you getting mad on any of the newbie questions. you always help people out no matter how frustating the situation is. i always read your answers on the forums. in 8 months you have posts of 2362 That is amazing. whats your strategy? how did you become that much good in java? can you please tell your inside story about the books and resources you have used?. it will be a really great help for me. Big fan of you :).
    2) pravinth
    Registered: 19/1/05
    Perfect man always help people out. this guy will definitely provide useful codes and will help the person till the end. Big fan of you.
    3) duffymo
    Registered: 2/20/98
    A very angry person. will not help a person if he is a newbie but will always provide some good comments and very good links to get the newbie started like me :). you are a very senior member. i can't even ask from your how did you achieve that much knowledge in java. what kind of books and resources you used? angry man but if you show a little interest and effort this guy will definitely help. Big fan of you also duffy .
    Thanks alot for all your help and keep up the hard work.

    Looks like cap'n has got himself a stalker.Wow... I dont know what to say... ;-)How about "restraining order"?

  • Oracle team members, this is Q for you...

    Dear members of Oracle OLEDB team, you are the only one who can answer this (one page at oracle.com says that you are monitoring this forum):
    ADO has Cancel method both on Command and Recordset object, which should cancel pending async call (every damn page on Internet says so). Oracle OCI interface has OCIBreak method that does exactly that. Now, why is Cancel method not working anything but waiting till the async call execution is fully completed (the call to Cancel method really blocks the calling thread!!) - it does not cancel anything, it just blocks the code !
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    Thanks in advance.
    Please don't misunderstand, fetching is not a problem, only "heavy" command execution ("heavy" select statement in my case)

    There was, in the early 8.1.7 days at least, a bug in OCI where the break/ cancel call didn't work properly. I have no idea whether it was fixed or not and I've long since forgotten the number. You may be able to find it on metalink. You don't say what version of the client you have or whether you've installed any patchsets for the client. If you're not on the latest patchset for your platform, and your platform isn't at least 8.1.7, I'd strongly suggest upgrading.
    Note that as a general rule, these forums aren't monitored by Oracle developers. From time to time they'll pop by, but it's not something that's likely to be their #1 priority. You could log a TAR on metalink to get an answer from an Oracle person.

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  • Very Slow Internet Lion (This one is for the "Apple Network Team")

    i'm joão from Portugal, Europe.
    a couple of weekends ago i've updated three macs to Lion.
    2009 MacMini, 2007 White Macbook, 2010 iMac 21".
    problems? only with the iMac.
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    during this attempts, macmini and macbook showed very good wireless internet speed.
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    again and again speedtest 1Mbps, 0,3Mbps, 1Mbps, 1Mbps, 0,3Mbps, 3Mbps.
    discovered the pingtest utility in the same site and iMac's ping was grade C, grade F, grade D, with big values...mac mini and macbook were alwas grade B, with low pings (imagine 25ms on them vs. 138ms on the iMac).
    i was fed up with the situation, every week tried and failed. iMac's owner was wanting to get his Lion money back and stick to Snow Leopard again. imagine recent Windows switchers thinking they went back to the same situations....
    but then i found this website. and then realised macbook and macmini's wi-fi were both powered by a broadcom chipset. iMac's was powered by an Atheros chipset! did what the guy says on that site (replaced Lion's Atheros kernel driver by the one on Slow Leopard), and now everything is perfect, like on Snow Leopard. very good speed.
    what a relief. thank you sir.
    hope it can help you.
    hope it reachs apple's network developers...this is not good, you can't fail on something so simple and essential as decent wifi quality...

    i've clean installed one macbook (late 2008?) and one mac mini (early 2009) both with broadcom adapters and both of them were ok, after the install.
    so, speedtest and pingtest are websites (speedtest.net and pingtest.net), both test your internet connection with the help of a 'local' server. it's useful, for instance, if you want see if two different computers connected to the same router have the same connection quality.
    so if you can connect to some routers nicely and you have problems with your router, to me, it seems like you have some problems with the connection between your computer and the router.
    an old router might bring you problems (there are some advices on the internet to change router's channel and so...), i would recommend to see if motorola has some sort of firmware update to your router. if you don't have complex router configurations, you might try to reset to factory defaults (search the manual). that, once, fixed a problem with a smc router and two macbooks (one, older, could connect easily, the other wouldn't connect to the router).
    if that atheros driver trick, resolved your issue, that's strange
    make sure broadcom isn't your ethernet adapter and not your wireless adapter
    did you resetted your pram and smc? do you  have Mac OS 10.7.2?
    i hope you can figure that out.

  • This One is For Environment Gurus Only-controlling presets of external FX

    Hi y'all,
    I just got a new hardware (WHAT?) Hardware reverb unit. (Oh my gosh, what's THAT?)
    Although they have an AudioUnit plugin to control it, since I am on an Intel Mac, they do not yet work on my machine. They only have PPC...boo hoo.
    So,I am building a Logic environment for a Lexicon Reverb, the MX400, and I am getting along just fine, with the correct implementation of each parameter control, etc.
    Here is the conundrum:
    I would like to have two buttons, one for going UP one preset at a time, and one for going DOWN one preset at a time.
    I have the part figured out, as far as making a button that spits out program changes, but of course, this being a button...it only goes min / max.
    I ALSO have all the presets already on a text menu object, so I can just open that, and select the one I want...but... sometimes I like to scroll through effects, when I am looking for something to put on an instrument, and then tweak the effect to suit the song. This will be harder to do when my effect is not close to the listening position, and when I am closing my eyes to focus my ears on, of all things, the SOUND.
    So there is the small challenge, to build a two button do-dad that will increment/ decrement an external device's program presets by one per each button press. (It's CC #32 in case y'all forgot)

    Is it correct that the MX400 can function as 2 stereo units and bypass your soundcards A/D by going in through SPDIF?
    Absolutely!!! That is why I bought it, well... that and the fact that it sound soooo good. I have always loved the Lexicon reverbs.
    This one actually has 2 SPDIF I/Os one for each stereo processing engine!!!
    I have it set up right now like this: SPDIF A I/O to my Digi002R.
    No messing with inserts, at least not until I install my brand-new Allen & Heath in the studio I'm building right now.
    And, yes, you can run three different engine options:
    1. Stereo, where you can cascade two stereo effects any way you want (delay then verb, etc...)
    2. Dual stereo, where your have 2 engines operating TOTALLY independent of each other, and have DIFFERENT I/Os, both digital SPDIF AND analog.
    3. SURROUND, Yes, SURROUND!!! You can set this one up in different ways, like 1 input, 4 outputs (Front Left and Right, and Rear Left and Right)
    Or two inputs, or four inputs...to four outputs, etc... This one uses both processing engines at once.
    It is indeed a great value for the money. The effects sound SO good.

  • Versions- Which One Worked For You?

    All my iTunes versions worked wonderfully for several years until I upgraded to v7.4.
    What was your best iTunes version that did what you wanted without ruling your computer? I can't remember my version before v7.4. (Yup,, I'm stupid.)
    All I need is my music library, iStore for new music, radio URL's, and multiple speakers.
    Not much to ask and my previous version did every thing GREAT. BUT,, like a dumb, take things for granite that all will be OK, trusting duffus, I installed v7.4 and my world of daily music, either play lists or radio went away. (I changed on August 23, 2007)
    What version worked for you???? I'm thinking that either v6.0.5 or v7.0.2???
    I just need to go back to a "Plain Jane" version. I don't need all the "bells & whistles". V7.4 seems to be completely in control of my computer.
    Sorry to ramble.........

    Man,,,, Thanks for the input! I thought I was living on the Moon. None of my other posts were responded to.
    Hey,, The Library is the least of my worries. I've become a "pro" at removing a version and reinstalling. At this point "PlayLists" are not a priority. I just need to get back to where I was.... Meaning radio URL's connecting.
    I think that to do a "go-back-to-earlier-version" I'll wind up re formatting my hard drive 'cause I've tried to revert to v6.0.5, but the uninstall for v7.4 doesn't clean up all the little traces of v7.4.
    Oh well, I love iTunes and I'll try your version......
    Again, I really thank you for responding.........

  • Please can you tell me if you have a similar fix to this one, but for Macs?

    Lightroom 5 crashes rating, flagging images | Windows

    You can find all available software for that printer here. 
    I hope you found this link helpful.
    If I have solved your issue, please feel free to provide kudos and make sure you mark this thread as solution provided!
    Although I work for HP, my posts and replies are my own opinion and not those of HP.

  • Neither bootloader works? maybe this will work for you:

    Hey all.  I'd used arch before and loved it so when I got an old HP and went thru the install and everything seemed o.k. I was excited, until grub didn't work.  At first I got the famous and well-documented Error 15, then I got another problem which is harder to describe (but anyone who has had it will know what I mean when I say): "A SCREENFULL OF GRUB."  Finally, I tried lilo which refused to even install for a different reason each attempt.  I had pretty much given up and was about to install Ubuntu (which fails to install on this PC 9/10 times but at least runs ok) when I tried one last thing; using the "install Grub..." option in "More Options (or was it Tools?)" on the Arch CD.  The screen went black and white and real ugly (like with static) and it looked like it didn't work at all.  I pressed enter again and some unreadable text scrolled and when I rebooted Arch loaded up perfectly.  I'm not sure what the problem was but installing Grub via the CD rather than the Arch setup guide did the trick!
    Just thought I'd throw that out there for anyone else having the same problem.

    Well that's is strange.
    You also say Ubuntu won't install 9 out of 10 times ?
    What's your hardware ?
    Last edited by moljac024 (2008-10-08 11:30:02)

  • Try this one on for size: Frozen ipod

    Okay, so my uncle gave me a 60 gig color display ipod since he upgraded his. I used it for a couple of weeks fine, with no problems. One day it froze while I was forwarding to another song. I pressed "Menu" and after a long delay, it went to the menu. I then selected "Shuffle Songs" or whatever the selection is and then after another long delay, it went to song 1. No music came out and then before even starting song 1, it went to song 2, then song 3, etc. without playing any of the songs. This all happened in my car, and I didn't know about the five Rs at the time, so my only option was to let the battery die out. Once the battery died, I tried charging it and it didn't power up or anything. I took it to a friend of mine who used to be a Mac Genius and he tried doing all the 5 Rs, but to no avail. He then pulled apart the ipod, which fixed it immediately--he didn't even have to touch anything, just pried the cover off.
    However, in order to pry the cover off he had to take off the ipod skin. On the back of this ipod it says, and I quote, "Non-functional display unit. NOT FOR RESALE". This is EXTREMELY weird to me, as my uncle used it for well over 2 years with no problems, and then I had it for a couple of weeks with no problems. So I have no clue why that little blurb is on there.
    Anyway, so once the cover was pried off, it somehow magically fixed the ipod, and I had to restore it and add my music back again, which was not a problem. It played fine. So now, here we are a week later, and it's frozen again. Sad ipod and all that, blah blah blah. I don't want to have to keep resetting and restoring it and go through an endless cycle to fix it. I don't know if I should take it in, as the whole "non-functional" thing now has me paranoid. Any sort of advice would be helpful, as I'm pretty much screwed with this thing as it is. I'm currently at work, so I don't know which version of iTunes I'm using at home, but I'm pretty sure it's current.
    I sincerely apologize if this has already been addressed, but I honestly don't have the patience right now to scroll through 660-something pages. And I'm really just irritated at the moment. I really really really do appreciate any help that is offered.

    I was just posting today on same matter, as a 30g ipod is freezing but not for cold, here, as the battery apparently is refusing to be charged.
    Could be because the ipod stood in a drawer for months, but as yesterday it worked fine,it's strange.
    It just stayed "black is black" after a complete discharge, and woudn't detect correctly any computer or charging process.
    Just found a firewire cable, will see with such later, before dismantling the battery and check his voltage.
    YOUR ipod could have a bad contact , incorrect sockets, dirt somewhere... you could try a good wind blowin' with some cold hair dryer, just in case.
    or could some humidity inside the box be the culprit ? some insulating deposit inside a socket causing a bad, intermittent, connection somewhere ?? eventually a cleaning could help, f.i. if your friend who opened it left some tiny bits of things somewhere... or had a cold and sniffed inside...
    Happy new year, anyways... !!!
    P (Mexico)

  • Older printers and Mavericks - one solution for you?

    My frustrations in getting a great older printer (LaserJet 5MP) to work are not confined to the latest Mac OS.
    However, this time I have truly figured it out (by myself), and in victory, want to share with others.
    CIRCUMSTANCES - MacBook Pro, up to date Mavericks, but cleanly reinstalled with my essential apps (i.e. no legacy OS builds, files, etc, this after an apparent malware attack).
    Our MB Air would print wirelessly to this networked printer, but I could not get this MBP to do so, either wirelessly, networked via Ethernet, or connected directly to the printer via Ethernet.
    I checked inside the following folder structure on the MB Air : HD - Library - Printers - PPD's - Contents - Resources ->
    (I only did this on instinct; I'm not naturally a techie)
    Comparing the Resources folders in both computers, I found LOTS of files in the folder of the computer that is printing normally (600 .gz files, 60.3 MB inside this folder). Inside the MB Pro, the folder was empty, except for a single sub-folder (en.lproj, whatever that is).
    I then copied the following file over to the parallel location in the non-printing MB Pro : 'HP LaserJet 5MP.gz' - this was just a guess.
    NOW, when I attempted to add a printer (System Preferences - Printers & Scanners - Add), instead of a blank window, the OS responded by calling out for additional software. For some reason, it added 237 of the .gz files, into the same folder via the internet. The printer is now recognized (not just generic either) and all is well. Both computers can now print independently. (if it added other files elsewhere in the OS software, I am not aware).
    I am hopeful that this will be adaptable to YOUR particular printer situation.
    I'm sure Hewlett Packard hates me for continuing to keep a circa 1995 era printer running, but this machine is very well built, and I doubt we'll ever see such a durable machine made again. Sorry HP! As long as replacement toner cartridges exist, I expect to be running this printer.
    Oh, and about HP (and similar corporations making this stuff) - the website, for all the times I've attempted to use it, has been extremely consistent - it's just random nonsense, from the customer's point of view. I can find narrative in one part of the site that tells you that LaserJets are not supported under Mavericks, and yet in an adjacent location, there's an invite to download the drivers for Mavericks. "Stay away" is about the most helpful advice I could give. (it has been like this for as long as I've attempted to get help there).
    Good luck - this stuff is incredibly time consuming and frustrating. Fingers crossed that you can crack the code.

    You can buy HP Jetdirect parallel print servers cheap on eBay.
    Here's the model I use:
    http://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-JetDirect-300X-Print-Server-J3263A-w-AC-ADAPTER-FREE- SHIPPING-/171504114667?pt=US_Print_Servers&hash=item27ee711beb

  • Audigy 2 ZS Distortion Issues With Vista - See if this solution works for you guys

    First of All Creative - It's sad, really sad that you really haven't supported your customers. As such a big maker of excellent products, I'm disappointed to know that you have barely provided driver support to your customers. I've been buying Creative products since 1997 - Also - I purposely upgraded my sound card on my Hp Media Center to an Audigy 2 ZS. Secondly - I formatted my computer and re-installed Vista. Before that, the sound card i.e. the sound worked fine (after a lot of trial and errors with different drivers, i somehow managed to get it working without Snap, Crackle and Pop Issues. In other words, I experienced distorted playback when I first installed Vista. Now that I re-installed Vista - Everything installed but as usual - only issue: Yup, you guessed it right.
    Creative Audigy 2 ZS Infamous Snap Crackle Pop (SCP) I did try k_daniels drivers and even though I applaud for his efforts - unfortunately it didn't work for me but i'm sure they would if you did the following - ) Uninstall all Creative Drivers Using Driver Sweep2) Do not install the driver through Windows Update (did not work for me)3) Install latest drivers from Creative or K_Daniel's Package4) Install Vista Codec Pack5) Install DirectX06) Then do the following: Got this sorted. Hope it works for everyone..found the answer searching Google.
    Right click VOLUME icon in taskbar
    Right click SPEAKERS
    Click PROPERTIESClick ADVANCED Make sure there's no tick marks in any of the options there including ENHANCEMENTS.
    This should sort it. [After doing all this, I have no sound issues whatsoever - Crystal Clear Audio Quality but still not better then XP] I am planning to try K_Daniels pack with all the extra applications and I'll post later on in regards to my experience with the pack. Good Luck P.S: Hope this helps somebody because doing all that helped me get back the audio clarity I was looking for without any distortion whatsoever.

    Hi xmins
    Im not using a decoder, only an amplifier alone with two speakers ... My cable is plugged in line out , and then plugged on line in of the amplifier.
    The distortion is very audible, in HL 2, Battlefield 2, etc
    When got a explosion, a shot from shotgun, missile, the sound comes distorted ...
    Any more hints?

  • Making the Aspire One work for you as a desktop.

    Heres a photo of how I am using my new Aspire One as a desktop. I decided to get rid of my Acer Aspire x1200 yesterday simply because it draws too much power and can make some heat in the room during the summer time. Note : I still need to buy an external DVD Drive to install programs but I am fine for now.
    All you need for basic functionality are the following :
    USB Keyboard
    USB Mouse
    Just plug these items in and youre ready to go as a desktop! In fact its so quiet and energy efficient that for gaming ive turned to game consoles from now on.(Of course, the system doesnt choke for casual gaming)
    I am not an employee of BBY in any shape or form. All information presented in my replies or postings is my own opinion. It is up to you , the end user to determine the ultimate validity of any information presented on these forums.

    The general path to launching a career in programming is:
    -- math & science in high school.  Written and verbal communication are important skills.  Unfortunately, English classes spend too much time analyzing obscure authors and not enough time teaching writing skills  in my observation.
    -- four years of college.
    In the mean time, your local library is likely to have many books on computers. 
    -- Creating a web page.  Google Sites allows you to create a site for free. You should be able to get involved with your school "newspaper"  media efforts.
    -- Graphic tools such as photoshop or Gimp
    -- Text processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software.  i.e. Office or Open Office
    -- Unix and Unix command line i.e. Terminal
    I recommend Phython as a programming language.  Phython is powerful but approachable. About any Programming language will do.
    Learning  Python by Mark Lutz
    http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Python-Edition-Mark-Lutz/dp/B003R4ZIG2/ref=sr_1_3 ?ie=UTF8&qid=1343667324&sr=8-3&keywords=Learning++Python+by+Mark+Lutz
    The second edition is a total bargain if you need to go for low cost.
    Once you get your started with Python, there are a lot of standard  programs for doing more complex projects.  Here is the link:

  • This one is for Nancy o contact form does not work for me. please help

    for css i have form1.css and for php i have vsi2.php
    when i submit the form i get a 404 error and requested url/form-to-email.php not  found
    i like the form and for the life in me i can not see the obvious
    thank you
    allen macfalda

    I changed the vsi2.php to form-to-email.php and it appears to work exceppt that it does not send a return email
    allen macfalda

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