Hi go through my code and help me out

hi all
this is my javascript code using this i could develop the vertical menus and submenus in it
plz help me how to write the bean code to connect to the databases using this menus
that is my menus should be specified in the database my menu should be dynamically
so kindly help me out how to write and function in javascript and call that function in my bean and connect to MYSQL database
plz help me out
thank u
     var NoOffFirstLineMenus=9;               // Number of main menu  items
     var LowBgColor="#336699";               // Background color when mouse is not over
     var HighBgColor="#009900";               // Background color when mouse is over
     var FontLowColor="#ffffff";               // Font color when mouse is not over
     var FontHighColor="#ffffff";               // Font color when mouse is over
     var BorderColor="#ffffff";               // Border color
     var BorderWidthMain=1;               // Border width main items
     var BorderWidthSub=1;               // Border width sub items
     var BorderBtwnMain=1;               // Borderwidth between elements
     var BorderBtwnSub=1;               // Borderwidth between elements sub items
     var FontFamily="arial,comic sans ms,technical";     // Font family menu items
     var FontSize=11;                    // Font size menu items
     var FontBold=1;                    // Bold menu items 1 or 0
     var FontItalic=0;                    // Italic menu items 1 or 0
     var MenuTextCentered="left";          // Item text position left, center or right
     var MenuCentered="left";               // Menu horizontal position can be: left, center, right
     var MenuVerticalCentered="top";          // Menu vertical position top, middle,bottom or static
     var ChildOverlap=0.2;               // horizontal overlap child/ parent
     var ChildVerticalOverlap=0.2;               // vertical overlap child/ parent
     var StartTop=50;                    // Menu offset x coordinate. If StartTop is between 0 and 1 StartTop is calculated as part of windowheight
     var StartLeft=0;                    // Menu offset y coordinate. If StartLeft is between 0 and 1 StartLeft is calculated as part of windowheight
     var VerCorrect=0;                    // Multiple frames y correction
     var HorCorrect=0;                    // Multiple frames x correction
     var DistFrmFrameBrdr=2;               // Distance between main menu and frame border
     var LeftPaddng=8;                    // Left padding
     var TopPaddng=2;               // Top padding. If set to -1 text is vertically centered
     var FirstLineHorizontal=0;               // Number defines to which level the menu must unfold horizontal; 0 is all vertical
     var MenuFramesVertical=1;               // Frames in cols or rows 1 or 0
     var DissapearDelay=1000;               // delay before menu folds in
     var UnfoldDelay=100;               // delay before sub unfolds     
     var TakeOverBgColor=1;               // Menu frame takes over background color subitem frame
     var FirstLineFrame="navi";               // Frame where first level appears
     var SecLineFrame="main";               // Frame where sub levels appear
     var DocTargetFrame="main";               // Frame where target documents appear
     var TargetLoc="";                    // span id for relative positioning
     var MenuWrap=1;                    // enables/ disables menu wrap 1 or 0
     var RightToLeft=0;                    // enables/ disables right to left unfold 1 or 0
     var BottomUp=0;                    // enables/ disables Bottom up unfold 1 or 0
     var UnfoldsOnClick=0;               // Level 1 unfolds onclick/ onmouseover
     var BaseHref="file:///C|/rao/projects/";     // BaseHref lets you specify the root directory for relative links.
     var Arrws=[BaseHref+"/resources/ThemeIE/arrow.gif",5,10];
     var MenuUsesFrames=1;               // MenuUsesFrames is only 0 when Main menu, submenus,
     var OverFormElements=1;               // Set this to 0 when the menu does not need to cover form elements.
     var RememberStatus=0;               // RememberStatus: When set to 1, menu unfolds to the presetted menu item.
     var BuildOnDemand=1;               // 1/0 When set to 1 the sub menus are build when the parent is moused over
     var BgImgLeftOffset=5;               // Only relevant when bg image is used as rollover
     var ScaleMenu=0;                    // 1/0 When set to 0 Menu scales with browser text size setting
     var HooverBold=0;                    // 1 or 0
     var HooverItalic=0;                    // 1 or 0
     var HooverUnderLine=0;               // 1 or 0
     var HooverTextSize=0;               // 0=off, number is font size difference on hoover
     var HooverVariant=0;               // 1 or 0
     var MenuSlide="";
     //var MenuSlide="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.RevealTrans(duration=.5, transition=19)";
     //var MenuSlide="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.GradientWipe(duration=.5, wipeStyle=1)";
     var MenuShadow="";
     //var MenuShadow="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.DropShadow(color=#888888, offX=2, offY=2, positive=1)";
     //var MenuShadow="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=#888888, direction=135, strength=3)";
     var MenuOpacity="";
     //var MenuOpacity="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=85)";
     function BeforeStart(){return;}
     function AfterBuild(){return;}
     function BeforeFirstOpen(){return;}
     function AfterCloseAll(){return;}
Menu1=new Array("DataCollection","","",6,20,120,"","","","","","",-1,-1,-1,"","");
     Menu1_1=new Array("Record Based","","",3,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_1_1=new Array("File Based","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_1_2=new Array("Auto Upload","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_1_3=new Array("Validation Failure","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu1_2=new Array("File Based","","",3,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","Nation");
          Menu1_2_1=new Array("Carian","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_2_2=new Array("Senarai ATR","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_2_3=new Array("Senarai Kertas Siasat","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu1_3=new Array("Auto Upload","ATR_Eksibit_Form.htm","",4,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_3_1=new Array("Carian","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_3_2=new Array("Senarai ATR","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_3_3=new Array("Senarai Kompaun","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_3_4=new Array("Senarai LJKR","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu1_4=new Array("Validation Failure","Permohonan_Keluar_Eksibit_Form.htm","",3,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_4_1=new Array("Carian","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","Football Every Day");
          Menu1_4_2=new Array("Senarai ATR","ATR_Eksibit_Form.htm","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_4_3=new Array("Senarai Eksibit","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu1_5=new Array("Pendakwaan","Permohonan_Keluar_Eksibit_Form.htm","",3,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_5_1=new Array("Carian","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_5_2=new Array("Senarai ATR","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
          Menu1_5_3=new Array("Senarai LKKP","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu1_6=new Array("OKT","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
Menu2=new Array("Statistical Analysis","","",1,20,120,"","","","","","",-1,-1,-1,"","");
     Menu2_1=new Array("Carian","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
Menu3=new Array("Discovery Analysis","","",1,20,120,"","","","","","",-1,-1,-1,"","");
          Menu3_1=new Array("Carian","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
Menu4=new Array("Case Management","","",2,20,120,"","","","","","",-1,-1,-1,"","");
     Menu4_1=new Array("Operasi","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu4_2=new Array("Pengurusan","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
Menu5=new Array("Content Management","","",3,20,120,"","","","","","",-1,-1,-1,"","");
     Menu5_1=new Array("e-LesenNiaga","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu5_2=new Array("e-Tribunal","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu5_3=new Array("e-Aduan","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
Menu6=new Array("Audit log","","",0,20,120,"","","","","","",-1,-1,-1,"","");
Menu7=new Array("Administration","","",6,20,120,"","","","","","",-1,-1,-1,"","");
     Menu7_1=new Array("Akta","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu7_2=new Array("Jenis Cetak Rompak","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu7_3=new Array("Jenis Eksibit","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu7_4=new Array("Jenama","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu7_5=new Array("Karya Cetak Rompak","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
     Menu7_6=new Array("Kawasan","","",0,20,120,"#e1ffb3","#edf6d9","#404040","#0E61AE","#5eb101","",-1,0,-1,"left","");
Menu8=new Array("Pentadbiran","","",0,20,120,"","","","","","",-1,-1,-1,"","");
Menu9=new Array("Tukar Kata Laluan","","",0,20,120,"","","","","","",-1,-1,-1,"","");

How often did you post this now? 4 times? Till now nobody helped you out which is pretty understandable to me. But nobody ever will if you don't start learning the technologies you want to use. You should just give it a chance and get an approach to solve your task. Start with some easy tutorials and extend them step by step to get closer to your problem. By the way, at least 80% of the code you posted is irrelevant to the solution you are looking for. If you have a special, single problem you are always welcome but I am not (and I think nobody else is) going to spend some hours to find out what exactly you need to achieve and I also won't code it for you.
Greetings, jimbo

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    <IMG SRC="file://D:\Tips\Projects\edib\logo.gif" width="65" height="38">

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    Interestingscheme.vi ‏1594 KB

    altenbach wrote:
    A few more comments:
    I don't have DAQ installed, so I cannot look at your DAQ express VIs. How much data do they read with each iteration?
    What determines the loop rates of the loops? Do they need to run this fast?
    Why do you index out the first elements twice to get the same value twice? Once is enough.
    All you ever look at in the array inside the shift register is the first element. Why not simply only keep the first element in the shift register as a scalar? Now you would only need one "index array" instead of four.
    As Dennis said, one loop is enough. Right now you need to press 24 buttons to stop the VI.
    Once a loop stops, it cannot be restarted. Think "state machine" instead.
    Don't confuse the operator. Your switches are green in one state and have a green LED in the other state. Make it more intuitive!
    initialize your shift registers
    You are counting, thus the numeric should be an integer (blue).
    Instead of piles of similar controls and indicators, use arrays.
    1 sample on Demand
    As you have said that it depends on the 2 cores being saturated. I do not know how to determine the loop rate. I will be glad if you can tell me what to look for here.
    Indexing twice is true. I will take that away.
    I know that one loop is probably enough but how to do that is the problem. I have 16 signals which are generated by mice running on a wheel. I want to see the revolution for each wheel and want to stop recording revolution for some wheels when pressing the button. I will also try to put in later to stop after reaching certain amount of revolution. (Any idea how I can do that? Should I change to another type of loop)
    How do I make it so it stops and starts?
    It was the opposite here that when the operator small light was green that meant it isnt on while blank meant on. I did not know how to switch small light hence I changed the color of the whole button.
    I know the colors represents different thing in labview but does it really matter if its blue or orange? I mean it still works. 
    Each control is for different cage where you can turn it off or on and we need to know how many revolutions each mice has made. Unless you meant I can do this in another way then please show me a simple code. 

  • EDI - IDoc - User Exit - Code - Problem - Help - Wanted

    Hi EDI Experts,
    I have extended ORDERS05 IDOC twice.
    ZVKSEG1 is the the segment under extended idoc ZVKORDRS05. This is for one partner.
    Z1DATESH01 is the segment under extended idoc Z1ORDER05. This is for another partner.
    I have completed the configuration thing in WE82 for both the extensions.
    Now the requirement is, whenever a PO is created for the first partner - 100290, the IDoc generated should contain the extra segment ZVKSEG1 and whenever PO is created for the second partner - 10099,the Idoc generated should contain the extrasegment Z1DATESH01.
    Using WE20, i have added the extended IDoc type in both the partner profiles under ORDERS message type.
    Now i've written the user exit for this using EXIT_SAPLEINM_002.
    tables: edidc.
    data: z_edidd like edidd occurs 0 with header line.
    data: y1dath01 like z1datesh01.
    data: yvkseg1 like zvkseg1.
    if edidc-rcvprn = '10099'.
    z_edidd[] = int_edidd[].
    loop at z_edidd.
    if z_edidd-segnam  = 'E1EDK01'.
    read table z_edidd  with key segnam  = 'Z1DATESH01'.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    y1dath01-DELDATE = sy-datum.
    clear z_edidd.
    z_Edidd-sdata = y1dath01.
    z_Edidd-segnam = 'Z1DATESH01'.
    append z_edidd.
    int_edidd[] = z_edidd[].
    elseif edidc-rcvprn = '100290'.
    z_edidd[] = int_edidd[].
    loop at z_edidd.
    if z_edidd-segnam  = 'E1EDK01'.
    read table z_edidd  with key segnam  = 'ZVKSEG1'.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    yvkseg1-name1 = 'ZVK Chemicals'.
    clear z_edidd.
    z_Edidd-sdata = yvkseg1.
    z_Edidd-segnam = 'ZVKSEG1'.
    append z_edidd.
    int_edidd[] = z_edidd[].
    Could you please go through the code and tell me where did i go wrong. The extra segments are not being created for both the partners.
    I created PO using ME21n once for each vendor.
    Please help me out guys.

    I myself fixed this problem. I made use of XLFA1-LIFNR to manipulate the partner numbers.

  • Creating order with out Company code and plant - just for pricing -possible

    Hi gurus
    Just for creating sales order (let us say no delivery and no billing, client was not intrested in the initial setup) for just pricing thing, does we really need Company code and plant. with out that just with sales org setup(sale org+D.C) can I create an order to full fil the pricing scenario.
    Please I need help on this

    hi kris,
            we cannot create a order with out company code and plant , due to the following reasons
          we do not require the company code to create the order , but we require the plant to create a material and use it in the sales order .and we require a company code to create a customer .
    the pricing procedure is determined depending upon the sales area(sales org+distribution channel +division).
    please reward the points if it is helpful

  • I have an iPhone 5 16gb white color and i did not get any of the services from apple pls help[ me out

    I have one iphone 5 16 gb white colour with me and its in still under warranty and my phone was fallen down by chance and it got turned off totally and not even switched on also then i went to apple authorised service center for regarding the same . then service center people said that sir you need to submit your phone , after that i left my phone to service center and after two days i have got one call from service center that sir your phone is under phisical damaged condition so u will not be abel to get warranty from apple this will cover under paid replacement and you need to talk to apple customer care also regarding this .same .
    Then i called up to apple customer care and they said sir  we have got some images from the service center regarding your phone and we found that your logic board is damaged from inside and you would not be abel to get the paid replacement also you need to buy a new phone on stock price i was shocked on that time why would i pay 40 to 50 thouasnd again on iphone if its not that much stronger to take bit of imapcts like this
    I had talked numbers of time to service center also but they all are denied against the complainst
    if any body is there how can help me out regarding this so pls register my complaint and help me out from this highly dissatisfied service from apple .

    Warranties do not cover damage

  • I have a compilation problem with my mini iPod that is preventing my volume from increasing. I can't get the compilation code, please help me

    MY mini iPod version number1.1.3 pc robs iPod ,4GB is having volume limit problem ,the volume is very low compare to how it was playing before I mistakenly touch the combination code. I have forgotten the combination code, please help me out.. I have tried to reset settings but it wouldn't work.

    i can get the combination code please

  • My trail version expired after 15days! need you guy to help me out!

    I tried in many ways contact one of the member of customer service staff but with no luck. I cannot find on adobe website any of the email adress of the support team so I could ask for help!
    I have trail version which normaly expires after 30days but for some reasons my expired after 15 days! and need someones help to fix that problem!
    is there anyone who could act very quick and help me out, please?

    and need someones help to fix that problem!
    Nothing to fix because nothing is broken. Something messed with your system and it was perceived as tampering. Only buying the product and inputting a serial number wil lunlock it again.

  • I remember my password for my ipod touch fourth generation but i cant get into it because my brother tried to many passwords and locked me out of it. how can i get back into my ipod?

    i know my password for my ipod. but the ipod touch fourth generation i have my brother tried a lot of codes and locked me out of it. how do i do a hard reset on it?

    Place the iOS device in Recovery Mode and then connect to your computer and restore via iTunes. The iPod will be erased.
    iOS: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen
    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings

  • I have locked my macbook pro through icloud and now it needs 4 digit pin code please help me ., I have locked my macbook pro through icloud and now it needs 4 digit pin code please help me .

    i have locked my macbook pro 10.7 through i cloud and now it needs 4 digit pin as a password.pls help me to open the macbook with password.

    You just input the 4-digit PIN that you were given when you locked your machine over iCloud.
    Pretty simple - unless you don't recall the PIN.

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