Hi , how i append horizontal ScrollPane to JTable

i test this code
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table,JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED,JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
but isnot work
help please.

this is the fix:
jTable1.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF);// Must be set for HScroll to work

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    Dear All,
    How can I set up my JTable columns to have the amount the user specifies?
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    How can this be done?
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    public class si1 extends javax.swing.JFrame implements ActionListener {
        JTextField name = new JTextField(15);
        JTextField name1 = new JTextField(15);
        public si1() {
            super("DataBase Loader");
            JPanel pane = new JPanel();
            JPanel pane1 = new JPanel();
            JPanel pane2 = new JPanel();
            JPanel pane3 = new JPanel();
            JPanel pane4 = new JPanel();
            pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(20,1));
            pane1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            int j=10;
            String[][] data = new String[j][2];
            for (int k=0; k<j; k++){
               String[] row = {"",""};
               data[k] = row;
            String[] columnNames = {"First Name", "Last Name"};
            JTable perstab = new JTable(data, columnNames);
            perstab.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500,500));
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(perstab);
            pane1.add(new JPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST);
            JButton btn = new JButton("What are the names?");
            btn.putClientProperty("DATABASE", perstab);
            pane1.add(new JPanel().add(btn), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            pane1.add(pane, BorderLayout.WEST);
            pane1.add(pane4, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            si1 frame = new si1();
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            JTable table = (JTable)((JButton)e.getSource()).getClientProperty("DATABASE");
            TableModel model = table.getModel();
            int count = model.getRowCount();
            String[] firstnames = new String[count];
            String[] lastnames = new String[count];
            for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
               firstnames[i] = (String)model.getValueAt(i, 0);
                System.out.println("first name at row " + i + ": " + firstnames);
    lastnames[i] = (String)model.getValueAt(i, 1);
    System.out.println("lastname name at row " + i + ": " + lastnames[i]);

    As you can see I have tried this, but no success.
    If I am doing something wrong please accept my apology, and address me in the right direction.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    public class si1 extends javax.swing.JFrame implements ActionListener {
        JTextField name = new JTextField(15);
        JTextField name1 = new JTextField(15);
        public si1() {
            super("DataBase Loader");
            JPanel pane = new JPanel();
            JPanel pane1 = new JPanel();
            JPanel pane2 = new JPanel();
            JPanel pane3 = new JPanel();
            JPanel pane4 = new JPanel();
            pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(20,1));
            pane1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            int j=10;
            String[][] data = new String[j][2];
            for (int k=0; k<j; k++){
               String[] row = {"",""};
               data[k] = row;
            String[] columnNames = {"First Name", "Last Name"};
            JTable perstab = new JTable(data, columnNames);
            perstab.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500,500));
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(perstab);
            pane1.add(new JPanel(), BorderLayout.EAST);
            JButton btn = new JButton("What are the names?");
            btn.putClientProperty("DATABASE", perstab);
            pane1.add(new JPanel().add(btn), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            pane1.add(pane, BorderLayout.WEST);
            pane1.add(pane4, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            si1 frame = new si1();
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            JTable table = (JTable)((JButton)e.getSource()).getClientProperty("DATABASE");
            TableModel model = table.getModel();
            int count = model.getRowCount();
            String[] firstnames = new String[count];
            String[] lastnames = new String[count];
            for (int i=0; i < count; i++) {
               firstnames[i] = (String)model.getValueAt(i, 0);
                System.out.println("first name at row " + i + ": " + firstnames);
    lastnames[i] = (String)model.getValueAt(i, 1);
    System.out.println("lastname name at row " + i + ": " + lastnames[i]);

  • How to display horizontal line in top-of-page by using object oriented ALV?

    How to display horizontal line in top-of-page by using object oriented ALV.
    I am created top-of-page in object oriented alv.
    But not be successes in showing horizontal line in it.
    Can any one pls give solution for this..
    Thanks and regards..

    Try like this
    data: gt_list_top_of_page type slis_t_listheader. " Top of page text. 
    perform comment_build using gt_list_top_of_page[]. 
    form top_of_page. 
    * Note to self: the gif must be loaded into transaction OAOR with 
    * classname 'PICTURES' AND TYPE 'OT' to work with ALV GRID Functions. 
    * I Loaded NOVALOGO2 into system. 
    call function 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE' 
    * I_LOGO = 'NOVALOGO2' 
    * i_logo = 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO' 
             it_list_commentary = gt_list_top_of_page. 
    endform. " TOP_OF_PAGE 
    form comment_build using e04_lt_top_of_page type slis_t_listheader. 
    data: ls_line type slis_listheader. 
          clear ls_line. 
          ls_line-typ = 'A'. 
          ls_line-info = 'Special'(001). 
          fgrant = xgrant. 
          concatenate ls_line-info fgrant 
          'Stock Option Report to the board'(002) 
                 into ls_line-info separated by space. 
                        condense ls_line-info. 
          append ls_line to e04_lt_top_of_page. 
    endform. " COMMENT_BUILD
    Use following syntex for footer print in alv:
    * For End of Page
    form END_OF_PAGE.
      data: listwidth type i,
            ld_pagepos(10) type c,
            ld_page(10)    type c.
      write: sy-uline(50).
      write:/40 'Page:', sy-pagno .
    *  For End of Report
    form END_OF_LIST.
      data: listwidth type i,
            ld_pagepos(10) type c,
            ld_page(10)    type c.
      write:/40 'Page:', sy-pagno .
    check this link
    Changing width of a custom container dynamically
    Display Page numbers in ALV
    Insert picture in selection screen.
    Logo in OO ALV Grid
    Reward all helpfull answers

  • How to draw horizontal line in smartform after end of the all line items

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    I am working on the smartform. I have created TABLE node in Main window.
    i want to draw a horizontal line after end of the main window table node. i mean after printing all the line items of the table, I need to print one horizontal line.
    Could you please help me how to resolve this issue.
    FYI: I tried with the below two options. But no use.
    1. desinged footer area in the table node of the main window.
    2. tried with uline and system symbols.
    please correct me if i am wrong. please explain in detail how to draw horizontal line after end of the main window table.
    this is very urgent.
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Valter Oliveira,
    Thanks for your answer. But I need some more detail about blank line text. i.e thrid point.
    Could you please tell me how to insert blank line text.
    1 - in your table, create a line type with only one column, with the same width of the table
    2 - in table painter, create a line under the line type
    3 - insert a blank line text in the footer section with the line type you have created.

  • How to enter the values in JTable in runtime

    how to enter the values in JTable in runtime

    Basically you need a vector of vectors or an array of arrays. Example (off the top of my head):
    With Arrays
    String[] cols = { "colone", "coltwo", "colthree", "colfour", "colfive" };
    String[] numbers = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" };
    String[] letters = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" };
    String[][] data = { numbers, letters };
    //make sure that the table has a scroll pane wrapped around it otherwise the header is not displayed
    JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(new JTable(data, cols));
    With Vectors
    Vector cols = new Vector();
    Vector numbers = new Vector();
    Vector letters = new Vector();
    Vector data = new Vector();
    //make sure that the table has a scroll pane wrapped around it otherwise the header is not displayed
    JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(new JTable(data, cols));The array or vector can be easily populated at runtime.

  • Query by example - how can I display VCRow in JTable?

    I would like to provide the user with a searchable table.
    Actually I would like to use two tables: one, displaying one row where the user can specify the search criteria. And the second table should display the data found.
    I could store the entered criteria locally in a hashmap in TableModel, for example, then create a WHERE clause. This solution is quite messy, since the user can add, remove and rearrange the columns of both tables.
    Or I could use -I hope- the query-by-example feature, like this:
    am = app.getApplicationModule();
    ViewObject vo = am.createViewObject( "MyVO", "mypackage1.PatView" );
    ViewCriteria vc = vo.createViewCriteria();
    ViewCriteriaRow vcr = vc.createViewCriteriaRow();
    Now I can set attributes and use vo.applyViewCriteria() to find my data.
    But how can I bring the first JTable to display this single ViewCriteriaRow, so that the user can do the editing?
    The JUNavigationBar does it, if I am not mistaken. It switches the PanelBinding to find mode, and then a JTable displays a ViewCriteriaRow (?) instead of the ViewObject's data. But I don't want to use the bar. How do I create this behaviour manually?
    The javadoc of JUPanelBinding says:
    "Sets this panel and all its associated iterators into find mode."
    So I guess that setting iterators into find mode is what I need. But I cannot figure out how to do that. Who can?

    You cannot set the iterators in a panelBinding to separate find/data modes individually.
    However you can create two JUPanelBinding objects one for the findMode form and one that displays Data.
    here's what I did to modify a generated SingleForm, to display two panels of the same type one in find mode and other in data mode.
    I changed the jbInit method of the "LayoutPanel" class to be like:
    //declare this as a member of the class.
    JButton findBtn;
    public void jbInit() throws Exception
    // Panel layout
    masterViewPanel = new PanelDeptView(panelBinding);
    //create another instance of PanelBinding for a second (findform) DeptView panel.
    JUPanelBinding binding = new JUPanelBinding("Project3.Mypackage1Module", this);
    masterViewPanel1 = new PanelDeptView(binding); //create second instance
    findBtn = masterViewPanel1.navBar.getButton(JUNavigationBar.BUTTON_FIND);
    findBtn.doClick(); //set the second instance in find mode.
    //add a listener on the second instance's execute button so that it resets the form into find mode
    //this forces the second instance to be in find mode when execute button is pressed.
    masterViewPanel1.navBar.getButton(JUNavigationBar.BUTTON_EXECUTE).addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run()
    add(masterViewPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
    //add the second instance.
    add(masterViewPanel1, BorderLayout.EAST);
    I also had to call findBtn.doClick() again in the "constructor" that takes (JUApplication, boolean) after the panelBinding is executed,
    to force the initial startup of this panel in findmode

  • How to populate data in a JTable?????????

    hi there
    can anyone tell me how to populate data in a JTable? when a table is displayed, the table should have data retrieved from a file. thank you.

    it is correct, that the best way to learn about JTable is to read the online tutorial about JTable. To give you a quick guideline, where to start your implementation, I will add this:
    A JTables data is hold in a TableModel. TableModel is an interface, so if a class implements this interface correctly, you can simply populate the data hold by this TableModel by constructing a JTable this way
    JTable jt = new JTable(MyTableModel);
    where MyTableModel is your class, which implements the TableModel interface.
    When JTable has to render a cell, it will call the getValueAt(...) method of the TableModel for example.Your implementation of this method must deliver the requested data - if you prefetch a bunch of data from a file and store it internally in this TableModel or fetch it from the file just in time, is up to you.
    greetings Marsian

  • How to draw horizontal line at the end of table for multiple line items

    Dear Experts,
                       Pls can anyone help me how to draw horizontal line at the end of table for multiple line items . kindly help me regarding this
    Ramesh Manoharan

       I tried as per your logic but it is not solving my problem .  when i am gone to table painter it is showing line type 1 and line type 2
      is below format.. if u see here line type 1 bottom line and line type 2 top line both are same..  so how to avoid this ?
                              line type 1
                             line type 2

  • How to append records in a file, through file adapter.

    Hi All,
    How to append records in a file, through file adapter.
    I have to read data from database and need to append all records in a file.
    Thanks in Advance.

    I think you have a while loop to hit the DB in your Process (As you said you have to fetch data from DB 10 times if 1000 rec are there)
    First sopy your DB O/P to one var
    and from second time append to previous data.(Otherwise you can directly use append from starting instead of copy and append)
    When loop completes you can transform to File adapter Var.
    Otherwise you can configure yourFileadapter such that it will aapend current records to previous records.
    You can use 'Append= true' in your file adapter wsdl.
    It will append previous records to current records in the same file.

  • How to append calling and called number with translation rules?

    I have one question about digit manipulations.
    How to append calling number and called number with IOS commands?
    For example, when 123 dials 45678, translations have to be performed and the new called number to be 12345678.
    Thank you,
    I will vote this conversation.

    It is not possible with translation rules.
    However, you can do that with a TCL/IVR script.

  • How to select a row in Jtable at runtime

    how to select a row in Jtable at runtime.

    setRowSelectionInterval(int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex);example if your table has 10 rows then u want to select the rows from 4 to 8 then use
    setRowSelectionInterval(3, 7);if you want to select just one row for example 5 then use
    setRowSelectionInterval(5, 5);

  • How to append a picture in a mail?

    How to append a picture which like gif file in a e-mail?
    Like OutlookExpress append picture,but not just append attach file..
    I want it look like a part of htm.
    Not look like a attach file.
    Please help~
    Excuse me,I am not good in English.
    Best Regards

    just coding like what u have done with append attach file in the bodypart.
    then, set the bodypart header "Content-Disposition"
    mimebodypart.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=xxx.jpg");

  • How to append html formatted text to JPaneText?

    I'm trying to append html to JPaneText and I can't do it. My code is below:
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit;
    import javax.swing.text.html.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    class GUI
    extends JFrame {
         JTextPane wynikTxtAre = new JTextPane();
         JScrollPane suwak = new JScrollPane(wynikTxtAre);
         JPanel panelSrodek = new JPanel();
         HTMLDocument doc;
         HTMLEditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit();
         public GUI()
    super.setSize(640, 480);
    doc = (HTMLDocument)wynikTxtAre.getDocument();
    suwak.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
    super.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    super.getContentPane().add("Center", panelSrodek);
         public static void main (String [] args) {
              GUI g = new GUI();
              try {
         Style style = g.doc.addStyle("StyleName", null);
         StyleConstants.setItalic(style, true);
         StyleConstants.setFontSize(style, 30);
         StyleConstants.setBackground(style, Color.blue);
         StyleConstants.setForeground(style, Color.white);
         // Append to document
         g.kit.insertHTML(g.doc, g.doc.getLength(), "tekxt", 1, 1, HTML.Tag.B);
         //g.doc.insertString(g.doc.getLength(), "<b>Some Text</b>", style);
         } catch (Exception e) {
    If i use insertHTML method then there is no text on the text area.
    If i use insertString method then text appear but it doesn't resolve html tags.
    Please help.

    I did something like this:
    class GUI
    extends JFrame {
    //previous code - no changes
         public static void main (String [] args) {
              GUI g = new GUI();
              StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
              try {
         // First append to document
    //Second append
         } catch (Exception e) {
    I know that this method is not smart and doesn't look good, but it works.
    If you know how to append html using HTMLEditorKit and HTMLDocument please write some example.

  • How to Append two  word documents into single  using   java

    How to Append two word documents into single using java
    we tried this but it's not append the one word document to other
    source code:public class AppendTwoWordFiles {
         public static void main(String []arg)throws IOException
              FileInputStream fi=null;
              FileOutputStream fo=null;
              try {
                   System.out.println("Enter the source file name u want to append");
                   BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                   File f1=new File(br.readLine().toString());
                   System.out.println("Enter the Destination file name ");
                   File f2=new File(br.readLine().toString());
                   fi = new FileInputStream(f1);
                   fo = new FileOutputStream(f2,true);
                   byte b[]=new byte[2];
    System.out.println("Successfully append the file");
              } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    plz reply me quickly ,,,what can i follow

    Use this code ..
    and give the path of the both file like this.....
    source file ---- C:/workspace/Practice/src/com/moksha/ws/test/practice.text
    destination file ---- C:/workspace/City/src/com/moksha/ws/test/practice1.text
    import java.io.*;
    public class AppendTwoWordFiles {
         public static void main(String[] arg) throws IOException {
              FileInputStream fi = null;
              FileOutputStream fo = null;
              try {
                   System.out.println("Enter the source file name u want to append");
                   BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                   File f1 = new File(br.readLine().toString());
                   System.out.println("Enter the Destination file name ");
                   File f2 = new File(br.readLine().toString());
                   fi = new FileInputStream(f1);
                   fo = new FileOutputStream(f2, true);
                   byte b[] = new byte[2];
                   int len = 0;
                   while ((len = fi.read(b)) > 0) {
                        fo.write(b, 0, len);
                   System.out.println("Successfully append the file");
              } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
              } catch (IOException e) {
              } finally {

  • How to append a file in a trigger?

    I'm writing from a table to a file, and have created a trigger that works great...however, I need to append the file so it doesn't overwrite the file every time the trigger fires.
    Here's the code...but I can't figure out how to append the file instead of just write to the file:
    AFTER UPDATE OF movie_qty ON mm_movie
    IF :NEW.movie_qty=0 THEN
      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(fh, 'Date: '||sysdate||', Movie ID: '||:NEW.movie_id||', Quantity: '||:NEW.movie_qty);
    END IF;

    > It's for an assignment...I think thye're just trying to show us what's possible.
    Just as it is possible to show a learner driver to jump a red light, drive on the wrong side of the road, or do doughnuts in an intersection...
    But none of this will make that learner driver a good driver. Never mind able to correctly handle high performance cars on the professional circuit.
    Sorry mate - what they are showing/teaching you is pure bs. A trigger is not the "same thing" as a callback event in client programming.
    And feel free to give them this URL and tell them that I think they are full of it. Let's see how they defend their non-real world, totally irrelevant and wrong assignments in this very forum.

Maybe you are looking for

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