Hide Extension will not hided

If I save a Song with Checkbox "Hide Extension",everytime it´s saved "with" Extension(.lso), in 7.1 it was correctly, now in 7.2 it failed.

1. Create a file named "ExManLog.YES" in Extension Manager folder.
    1) Open command prompt as administrator;
    2) Change directory to "C:\Program File (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Extension Manager CS6"
    3) Run command
    echo > ExManLog.YES
    1) Open terminal;
    2) Change directory to"/Applications/Adobe Extension Manager CS6/Adobe Extension Manager CS6.app/Contents/MacOS";
    3) Run command
    sudo touch ExManLog.YES
2. Launch Extension Manager.
3. Extension Manager log files( *.log ) can be found in the following folder.
    Windows: "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\"
    Mac: "/Users/<UserName>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Extension Manager CS6/"
4.send the log files and the extension to [email protected]

Similar Messages

  • Using Lion, recent Movies with .mov extension will not play in Quicktime, but earlier ones taken with same camera (Kodak M530) will play fine.

    Using Lion, recent Movies with .mov extension will not play in Quicktime, but earlier ones taken with same camera (Kodak M530) will play fine. I have got VLC which runs them fine but cannot get movies saved in iPhoto to play in VLC...and of course its a real bugger to copy moves from iPhoto to another folder; in fact if anyone can tell me how to do that I will accept defeat!

    Hello Shad:
    Have you downloaded and installed Flip4Mac?

  • Extension package is invalid. The extension will not be installed

    Extension package is invalid. The extension will not be installed.
    This is the message i receive throughout CS (illustrator, photoshop, indesign) with all of the extensions I have downloaded. Working on PC / Win7
    Thank You!

    1. Create a file named "ExManLog.YES" in Extension Manager folder.
        1) Open command prompt as administrator;
        2) Change directory to "C:\Program File (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Extension Manager CS6"
        3) Run command
        echo > ExManLog.YES
        1) Open terminal;
        2) Change directory to"/Applications/Adobe Extension Manager CS6/Adobe Extension Manager CS6.app/Contents/MacOS";
        3) Run command
        sudo touch ExManLog.YES
    2. Launch Extension Manager.
    3. Extension Manager log files( *.log ) can be found in the following folder.
        Windows: "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\"
        Mac: "/Users/<UserName>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Extension Manager CS6/"
    4.send the log files and the extension to [email protected]

  • Feedly Extension Will Not Install. Solutions?

    Apparently some aren't having any issues with the extension installing (see the dates of the reviews on the extension page) but I am. It installed perfectly fine on Firefox 21 previously (more issues with this later though). Now in FF 22 it no longer installs.
    What happens is regardless of method (either installing directly from the extension page or from the add ons console built into FF) the extension will not install. I download the extension, it prompts me to restart. I do so, only to come back with the inability to even locate the button for the extension. It is listed as installed in my extensions overview BUT I can still click the install button on the Feedly extension page (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/feedly/). Afterward it "installs" again but with the same problem as before.
    I even went back to FF 21 to see if it would work again but it was to no avail now I'm really confused.
    No matter how many times I try (complete removal / reinstallation of FF didn't help) the extension just will not install. Is this fixable?

    Thanks, I haven't thought to try older versions (why I don't know, silly me). For whatever reason 16.0.500 works fine but 16.0.528 won't install properly.
    Well either way I've got the extension installed and updated, really appreciate the help even though you fixed it inadvertently ;)

  • Just purchased Imac running Lion - doc. and cwk. extensions will not open            . whats the fix?

    just purchased Imac running Lion - doc. and cwk. extensions will not open. whats the fix?

    Pages 4.3 is the most recent, but no matter. If Pages cannot open it, there are many other programs that may be able to. Some of them are free.
    LibreOffice (donation-supported)
    NeoOffice ($10 but older version is free if you can find it)
    OpenOffice (completely free)
    Try TextEdit also. It is included in OS X.
    If you are trying to open the document by double-clicking it, don't, since the Finder may be looking for a program that is no longer installed. Use Pages' File > Open... menu. The same recommendation applies to using any of the above alternatives - use their File > Open menu.
    The least attractive alternative is to purchase Microsoft Word, but I have been completely Microsoft-free since updating to Lion.

  • Filename extensions will not disappear

    Ever since I've had my Mac, (since 4th January), it has displayed filename extensions to every file, despite my having read somewhere that the OS 'comes with filename extensions turned off by default'.
    I have, naturally, tried to turn them off myself via Finder>Preferences>Advanced>'Show all filename extensions'. That tick box was already un-ticked when I looked, (despite all the extensions being shown), so I ticked it, closed the window, re-opened it and re-un-ticked the box in an effort to 'force' it to do as I wanted, but to no avail.
    At a recent One-to-One session the tutors seemed to think that this was a bug in 10.6.6, (or at least what they described as the most recent manifestation of it), and cited another instance that they had come across since Christmas which was the opposite of my problem- the owner couldn't get his Mac to show filename extensions, no matter whether the box was ticked or not.
    Were they correct in this belief, or is there a secret way to get shut of the extensions hidden somewhere in the OS?

    My advice is to just get used to it. These filename extensions are important in OSX land, just like they are in the rest of the Free World.
    Here's some interesting information you should know that I found at this link:
    "The situation for plain files is somewhat less perfect. There are only two popular methods for representing concrete types: HFS/HFS+ type/creator codes and filename extensions. Mac OS X supports both, but Apple "strongly encourages developers to use file extensions as alternative means for identifying document types." Apple's reasoning is that the Internet, the new "lowest common denominator" of interoperability, does not support HFS-style attributes and forks; it deals only in flat files. Where the overwhelming majority of "flat file" volume formats (i.e. Windows/FAT, Unix/UFS) failed to change Apple's thinking, the pervasive connectivity of the multi-million-node Internet has succeeded.
    On the other hand, Apple itself provides a method for preserving HFS/HFS+ resource forks and meta-information across flat file systems. When a file with HFS/HFS+ attributes and/or a resource fork is copied or moved to a flat file system like UFS, the Mac OS X Finder creates a hidden file containing the meta-information and the resource fork data. When that file is copied or moved back to HFS/HFS+, those hidden files are read and re-incorporated back into the file. So while Apple encourages the use of file name extensions, it also provides a mechanism that allows the "old ways" to continue functioning more or less transparently within Mac OS X.
    Unfortunately for Apple, the matter of filename extensions is not entirely in their hands. Mac OS X will initially ship with HFS+ as the default volume format. This is necessary to enable the transition of classic Mac OS users to Mac OS X. Requiring users to reformat their drives in order to upgrade to Mac OS X is not exactly good business. Furthermore, Mac OS X's backwards compatibility with classic Mac OS apps requires an HFS/HFS+ volume somewhere from which to run its copy of classic Mac OS inside Classic.app (yes, they could use a disk image, but that's a sub-optimal solution).
    Given this situation, Mac OS developers could simply continue business as usual, using type/creator codes (instead of the un-Mac-like filename extensions) to identify the files their applications save. (They could even continue to use resource forks, but that's much less likely. A file that relies on its resource fork will be irreparably broken if it is copied to a flat volume format via any method other than the Finder (FTP, HTTP, etc.), whereas a file's type/creator codes are simple to restore.)
    The deciding factor may be the users. Will Mac users accept filename extensions or will they complain bitterly to their favorite application developer that they don't want ".psd" or ".doc" files on their Mac? *Remember that the Finder will not hide any filename extensions* (other than ".app"), so they will be visible to (and editable by) the user."

  • Dreamweaver extensions will not install

    After some recent updates to the Adobe CC apps, my Dreamweaver app (as stated in the install that some extensions would have to be reinstalled), in particular the Extension Manager CC, will not reinstall my extensions.  And these are necessary since they are my menu extensions - I cannot modify, add, etc. without them.  I get an error message from Extension Manager that Dreamweaver 6 or higher is needed for this extension.  I checked, this Dreamweaver version is 15.  So what gives?
    I tried going through and removing preferences, even found Extension Manager C6 still installed - so removed that too.  I need some advice on what to do.
    Thank you.
    I am sorry about this new topic, I posted this problem in another's topic because I didn't know how to start a new topic.  Duh, found the pencil icon today at the top to start a new discussion. 
    Updated today in that topic that I had uninstalled and reinstalled Extension Manager ( and still get this error:
    As I said in other post, the current Dreamweaver CC is version 15.  The above picture was just taken, after another uninstall/reinstall of Extension Manager
    Scratching head - and can't afford to lose any more hair!
    Thanks for reading - - Tom

    One other note and I don't know if it means anything...  When the above dialog is dismissed by hitting "OK" the Extension Manager app shows.  On the left column are many Adobe CC applications but missing is Dreamweaver.  Is this an issue?  Or is it because on extensions have been installed. 
    FYI - I've tried the many suggestions on curing this problem (thank you all very much) to no avail - with another issue that popped up in Dreamweaver that its not saving my server info when quitting the app,  Have to replace all them (ID & PW) for all my sites I manage.  My solution at this point is to keep Dreamweaver running all the time.  That works but there will be a time when a restart or shutdown will come about.  The info is no big deal to replace, but the big thing is I've never had to until this recent update of DW.  Sounds like I'm ******** about DW, no I'm not.  It is just a small annoyance that is causing extra time when doing my web maintenance daily and adds to that time - which already is being taxed to the enth degree.
    I'm sure i've maybe upset some of the regular forum users since I've had to learn the forum's intricacies - mostly about how to post a new topic.  Please forgive my ignorance on that, as I posted in another's question about my problem since I couldn't find how to start a new one (which is now a "duh").
    Hope Adobe or my menu software people can figure this out.  I lean towards a DW issue since it arose after the last update (of course that could still be an incompatibility with my extension.
    I am trying to find a work around to make modifications to my menus.  My other system is experiencing the same issue (as noted above in previous message) although I could swear I had not updated DW on it.  Will get to that when I have some time to look into it.
    Do not know how to make changes to these menus without the extension being active even though they're javascript (I believe).
    Hope some of the brainiacs here can assist.  Thanks in advance.

  • Downloaded calendar extension will not install

    just downloaded Light Date Picker Calendar for Dreamweaver CS6 (not CC).  Extension manager CS6 says invalid.  Will not install.  How do I get a refund if this is not valid?  

    It is not compatible with CS6, as per compatibility window on the add-on homepage.

  • Photoshop CS6 Extensions Will Not Load

    I'm running PS CS6 Extended. Any item I select via Window>Extensions (e.g. Mini-Bridge, Adobe Exchange, etc.) results in a dialog box stating, "Cannot complete command because the extension could not be loaded."
    Similarly, selecting File>Browse in Mini Bridge... yields the same dialog box.
    Perhaps related to this is selecting File>Browse in Bridge which yields a dialog box stating, "Could not complete the Browse in Bridge command because Photoshop was unable to find the JavaScript plug-in."
    I'm guessing that a necessary file and/or plug-in was corrupted or deleted, but this is beyond my knowledge level.
    Any suggestions?  Thanks.

    You might try re-installing..

  • Hide indicator will not pass a value to another vi

    I have a vi that I do not want the people to see or manipulate. On the front pannel I select hide indicator. When I run the application, it loads the local variables up and pass it to another vi. When the indicator is hidden, no data is passed. When I unhide the indicator, the value is passed. When I try to trace the hidden variable, it will sometimes be set properly.
    Is there a limitation when you set indicators to hide?

    What is your LabVIEW version?
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Problem installing exchange add-ons... reports "extension package is invalid. The extension will not be installed."

    I have downloaded some extensions, for DW CS5, t be installed via Exchange Manager. They are downloaded as Adobe zip files with the *.zxp extension but, everytime I try and install one I get the above error dialog. Any ideas anyone please?

    Hi Bob.
    For "Free PHP Gallery" that is developed by me ...
    If Adobe gave you the extension as a .zip file, then you can unpack this (separately from Dreamweaver) and put the files in a folder of your site, upload the files on your serer with Dreamweaver and access the gallery folder (index page). e.g: www.example.com/gallery/
    For the Free PHP Gallery also look at the readme.txt file inside the zip file.

  • Extensions will not show in add-ons manager; Firefox start-up Java error

    When I click Tools --> Add-ons, the Add-ons Manager opens but no Extensions show in the Extensions tab.
    I think the problem is related to a start-up error message I receive. Every time I open Firefox, an error message labeled "[JavaScript Application]" opens and displays the following:
    aObj is undefined -- chooseValue((void 0),"name")@resource:///modules/XPIProvider.jsm:7032
    ([object Object])@resource://yoono/yoonoLog.js:95
    ([object Object])@resource://yoono/yoonoLog.js:49
    ([object Array])@resource://yoono/yoonoService.js:949
    safeCall((function (aAddonList) {try {for (var i = 0; i < aAddonList.length; i++) {_self.addOns[aAddonList[i].id] = aAddonList[i];if (YOONO_ID == aAddonList[i].id) {_self.setExtensionVersion(aAddonList[i].version);}}} catch (e) {CONSOLESERVICE.logStringMessage(e);}aCallBack();}),[object Array])@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:50
    ([object Object])@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:964
    ([object Array])@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:959
    PL_getAddonsByTypes(null,(function (aProviderAddons) {"use strict";addons = addons.concat(aProviderAddons);aCaller.callNext();}))@resource:///modules/PluginProvider.jsm:110
    callProvider([object Object],"getAddonsByTypes",null,null,(function (aProviderAddons) {"use strict";addons = addons.concat(aProviderAddons);aCaller.callNext();}))@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:78
    ([object Object],[object Object])@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:957
    ([object Array])@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:959
    ([object Array])@resource:///modules/XPIProvider.jsm:3094
    completeAddon([object Object])@resource:///modules/XPIProvider.jsm:3895
    getAddon([object Object])@resource://gre/modules/AddonRepository.jsm:504
    ("[email protected]",completeAddon)@resource://gre/modules/AddonRepository.jsm:536
    ([object Object])@resource:///modules/XPIProvider.jsm:3899
    ((function (aAddon) {"use strict";
    function completeAddon(aRepositoryAddon) {aAddon._repositoryAddon = aRepositoryAddon;self.addons.push(aAddon);if (self.complete && self.addons.length == self.count) {self.callback(self.addons);}}
    if ("getCachedAddonByID" in AddonRepository) {AddonRepository.getCachedAddonByID(aAddon.id, completeAddon);} else {completeAddon(null);}}),0,[object Array])@resource:///modules/XPIProvider.jsm:4796
    Any and all help would be much appreciated.

    The error means that an add-on called yoono is having problems communicating with a component made by Microsoft. I spoke to somebody with experience in working with the firefox coding, and he said that they're likely to be different issued and to see if yoono or another extension is causing the problems by opening firefox in safe mode. To open firefox in safe mode, [[Safe Mode|click here]]. If you can get to the addon manager there, I recommend you get rid of yoono

  • A link with shtm# extension will not open in Firefox but will open in IE.

    A job site I visit from time to time has a careers link, ''www. xxxxxxx. com/Careers/default.shtm#''. In IE, a new window opens showing the various opportunities. In Firefox, nothing seems to be happening.
    ''edited by a moderator to break the hyperlink which was loading a porn website''

    This appears to be a duplicate of [/questions/794153].
    Perhaps in your original post you may care to give the correct link for the job site, if it is something publicly available.
    You may also be interested in this thread [/questions/884931] where control + enter is used on multi domain sites.

  • 4 extensions will not load xmarks, flagfox, 2 others, always get error messdagwe

    Error: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) [nsIFile.copyTo]" nsresult: "0x80520012 (NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)" location: "JS frame :: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/components/nsExtensionManager.js :: DirInstallLocation_stageFile :: line 1323" data: no]
    Source File: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/components/nsExtensionManager.js
    Line: 1323

    How did you install iconv? I had to install it on my server as it is needed by Piwik, I compiled my own package using a pkgbuild and got the source from gnu.org. I had no issues with php picking it up.
    You may already know of it but this wonderful wiki page covers the installation of a LAMP stack pretty well. It could be worth using it as a reference to make sure you got all your configs right.

  • The extension does not contain a valid signature

    hey guys, newbie on deck!
    So, after installing CS6 I ran the Adobe Update Manger. During the update the Adobe Extension Manager (AEM) fired off and began updating as well. One error I saw was:
    The extension 'Adobe_Flash_Professional_Toolkit_for_CreateJS' does not contain a valid signature. The extension will not be installed.
    I'm not sure what this is or what it does but I would like to:
    Understand the Adobe ecosystem and
    Clear any problems.
    Here's what I do know:
    The Mac I have is 2 days old and probably in the best shape of its life.
    I installed CS6 fresh from a DVD.
    Ran the Adobe Update Manager the next day (today).
    I don't intend to use Flash.
    If anyone can expain common causes for this behavior and a fix I would greatly appreciate it.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi JesusPresley,
    The root cause is the updater updated Adobe Flash, which tried to install the extension above by Extension Manager in the installation. However, this extension was NOT signed with the updated Adobe certificate, so the extension installation will be rejected by Extension Manager. That is what you got. We have sent this issue to Flash team.
    If you don't use Flash, you can manually edit C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS6\XManConfig.xml, and remove the line <Data key="SupportedInSuite">CS6</Data>. Thanks.

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