Historical subject areas

Initially I thought the historical subject areas were actually keeping history (in terms of a snapshot of what the data was on a particular day), but this is not case correct? Yes there are the occasional metrics that can be calculated for a specific date (e.g. # of wins), but I'm more interested in snapshots of the data (including custom fields).
Edited by: user8903936 on Feb 8, 2011 9:53 AM

You are correct that Historic subject areas is not for keeping historic changes. it's really a different DB created for fast reporting. Live Data is not good for reporting when the amount of data getting bigger and bigger.
The History is called Audit Trial, which need to be enable. After that, it is viewable, but not reportable.

Similar Messages

  • Historical Reporting With Multiple Subject Areas

    Hi All,
    I am working on to decide the best way to create repository. I do have a requirement from my client that they need to see both Current and Historical Reporting via OBIEE. I am keeping Type 2 SCD. My model consists of about 30 fact tables - each of them represents a business process/event.
    Following are my options:
    1) One Subejct Area to keep current/historical reporting. Here the joins would be based on PK/FK relationships with Effective Start and Effective End dates. There is a flag in all tables to find the most updated record. Users can use the flag to find the most updated record or use Effective Start and Effective End dates to go point in time.
    2) Create two Subject Areas - Current and Historical reporting. Current one will include the flag logic to get the most updated record in RPD
    3) Create multiple Subject Areas for each Fact table and use Combining Multiple Subject Area approach to join Subject Areas. Additionally, create one Subject Area for Historical Reporting (that will have all the tables in one SA)
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    You should try both Complex folders as well as custom folders and see which gives you better performance. Discoverer SQL optimizations for example apply only on Complex folders and not on simple folders.
    If you define the joins between the two tables, you can still use items from them in your Discoverer report without having to create a complex folder on them.
    And finally, you can always create a view or materialized view and use that MV in your Discoverer query.
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  • Historical Suibject Area & Reporting Subject Area

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    However, not clear what these checkbox are used for, Are they being used for Reports (Available on Reports, Dashboard ) ?
    Thanks :)

    They are used with manager's visibilty and Book of Business security to help give or revoke access to the different subject areas.

  • Google Map Issue in OBIEE - Subject area not getting associated

    Hi Gurus,
    We are trying to integrate Google map and OBIEE via mapviewer. We have done the following already - 
    1. Loaded World Sample data from Navteq.
    2. Configured mapviewer source and added Google map as a tile layer with the API KEY.
    3. Imported one layer (e.g. M_STATES_ABRV) in OBIEE and linked it with BI subject area (tried this step with importing other layers as well)
    4. Added background map.
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    We looked into other threads in this community, different oracle support documents - Doc ID 1485088.1,Doc ID 1346805.1 etc  and in different internet blogs -  where it's easy as child's play, but we are still out of luck.
    OBIEE version -
    Environment- windows server 2008 R2
    Please suggest.

    I have found the solution: You need to *select* zoom levels for the BI Layer.  When a BI Layer is added to a background map, by default no zoom layers are selected.  Once a zoom level is selected, the BI Layer will save.

  • Need Help to develop a Funnel Graph Report using Multiple Subject Areas.

    Hi Everybody,
    Did any body developed Funnel based graph report in Answers..
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    If any idea on such scenario it will be huge benefit for me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, i can see datatype and number of columns is same in both queries.
    i have challanges to copy message but Error message seems to general. Error says (near to FROM) and I checked there are three FROM in query and all seems to be ok
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    SA1.col2 saw_1,
    SA2.col1 saw_2,
    SA2.col2 saw_3,
    (select col1 saw_0, col2 saw_1 from "subject area1") SA1
    (select col1 saw_0, col2 saw_1 from "subject area2") SA2
    ON SA1.col1 = SA2.col1
    I can't see any issue in the query...please comment.

  • Report using colmns from 2 subject areas

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    Product      ForecastRevenue(A)       ActualRevenue(B)       Variance
    A                200                                      100                           100
    B                200                                      200                            0
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    can be done in two ways;
    1. Using Union report
    Create a union report with two request.
    Request1 -          product               Forecast_Revenue     Actual Revenue
    Col expression     "product.name"     "Fact.Revenue"         0
    Request2 -          product               Forecast_Revenue     Actual Revenue
    Col expression      "product.name"    0                             "Fact.ACTUAL_Revenue"
    In the result tab create a pivote report and set the aggregation of fact column as sum.
    Add a calculated column and write the expression as
    Farecast_Revenue - Actual_Revenue
    You are done.
    2. Use the advance tab in the report and write a custom SQL to join these two subject area.
    select product, A.forecast_reveneu, B.Forecast_Reveneue, A.forecast_reveneu-B.Forecast_Reveneue
    from SA1 A join SA2 B on (A.product=B.PRODUCT)
    You are done.
    Best of Luck,

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    Sohail Dayer

    Check out the catalogue manager reports :
    If you want this kind of thing automated, I personally am very fond of the ODI -> OBIEE Data lineage solution as provided in Oracle By Example tutorials :

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    Go to Mail / Preferences
    on the Viewing tab - Show header detail  - drop down box
    Select whatever suits you. - try default

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    Yes, i can see datatype and number of columns is same in both queries.
    i have challanges to copy message but Error message seems to general. Error says (near to FROM) and I checked there are three FROM in query and all seems to be ok
    Query is something like as below
    select SA1.col1 saw_0,
    SA1.col2 saw_1,
    SA2.col1 saw_2,
    SA2.col2 saw_3,
    (select col1 saw_0, col2 saw_1 from "subject area1") SA1
    (select col1 saw_0, col2 saw_1 from "subject area2") SA2
    ON SA1.col1 = SA2.col1
    I can't see any issue in the query...please comment.

  • OBIEE 11g: Searching Subject Area for measure names in Answers

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    From the samples, I am performing following steps:
    - I selected Edit Dashboard (for 2.1 Simple Demo Dashboard)
    - For Column 2, in the Master Detail 1 Compound View, I did Edit Analysis
    - which took me into the Answers design interface with 4 tabs (Criteria, Results, Prompts, Adv).
    In the Criteria tab, there is the Subject Area pane on the left where it shows the Subject Area this Answers report is built on and a bunch of Folders like Time, Products, Base Facts etc.
    Beside the Subject Area pane, is the Selected Columns pane where you drop fields from the folders.
    This particular analysis (Product Line Analysis) has three columns: Revenue Analysis, Products Hierarchy and T05 Per Name Year.
    Now, I want to find the folder to which the Revenue Analysis measure belongs. So, I started expanding each node/folder in the Subject Area pane and visually searching for "Revenue Analysis"....cannot find it!
    How to determine which Subject Area folder a field on the Analysis belongs to? In Oracle Discoverer, only the Folders from which fields are selected are "enabled" so it's easy to navigate straight to that folder. Or again, in Discoverer, you can actually search for a particular field name and it will return all folders that have that field name pattern. While the Search feature on the top row is useful in finding which Analysis/Report match a string, it does not help in identifying relevant Subject Area Folder fields that match a pattern.
    Is something similar available in Answers/OBIEE 11g?
    Edited by: mhathi on Oct 21, 2010 8:53 AM

    Again answering part of my own question...It was staring me right in the eye and I couldn't see it:-)...When you have a column in the Selected Columns pane, it's source is right there above the field name. If there is no source folder listed, then it might mean it's a formula. For example in my case, the Products Hierarchy column has the word Product above it...that's the folder it belongs to.
    Good. But, the follow-on question still remains, how to search for folders containing a particular string, to find say all folders that have columns like %Margin%?
    Edited by: mhathi on Oct 21, 2010 9:27 AM

  • Passing a value from Report A to B when B is in a different Subject Area

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    Report A is a table on the Dashboard that shows Actual vs Budget results by Department. I want the user to click on the Department and be navigated to report B that shows the detail transactions that make up the Actual results. Report A and B are from different underlying subject areas. Thus when I navigate to report B, I see ALL departments, and not the one I clicked on in Report A to bring up Report B. How can I limit the results in Report B to be just the respective cell I clicked on in Report A?
    I got great advice from Nico on how to use the GO URL, but I can only get that to work if the 2 reports in question are from the same data model. In my case they are NOT.
    The GO URL seems to be working, as it does open up Report B when I click on the Department field in Report A, but it does not pass the Department number to Report B, even though reprot B has that field "as prompted".
    Can anyone definitively indicate whether what I'm trying to do is not possible in BI EE?

    Read this from Venkat... I think this will be helpful in understanding prompts, both the column prompts (Answers) type and the dashboard prompts. Very useful, I think.

  • Multiple Facts in single subject area

    Hi everyone,
    Is there an optimal way to get multiple facts into a single subject area? The only way I've managed to get multiple facts into a single subject area is to go the route of creating hierarchies for all dimensions, setting up all the content levels for both the fact and dimension tables and finally creating aggregated measures for all the fact tables. However, when you setup these different hierarchies and content levels, the queries which are generated tend to get fairly nasty and seem to be slow. Another pesky issue is that I've had to create pseudo columns for all facts, so that if a report is using one dimension from FACT A and one dimension from FACT B, then you have to include this pseudo column from both facts so that OBIEE knows which tables are involved in the query. Without including these pseudo columns in the report, the OBIEE engine gets a little confused and puts up an error.
    I'd prefer to find a better way to do the multiple fact implementation without having to have the massive queries and pseudo columns, but I'm not sure what the other options out there are. Anyone know the best way to accomplish this?

    Hi Wildmight,
    You are exactly right.
    Here's an example of what I'm trying to accomplish. We have a TIME SHEET fact table which has things like a work date, an employee ID, a work order number and the hours which were worked. The work orders can be against one or more pieces of equipment. There is a second fact table which models the one to many relationship between work orders and equipment.
    The model would look a little like this:
    TIME SHEET FACT <-----------------------------------------------WORK ORDER Dimension ----------------------------------------------> WORK ORDER EQUIPMENT FACT
    We would like to create a report that shows the number of hours from the time sheets fact grouped by the piece of equipment from the work order equipment fact. I've been able to setup this report using the method I described in my first post, but like I said, the generated SQL is massive and seems somewhat unnecessary.
    I think I'd have to say the grains of the facts are different since they providing to different pieces of information.
    I haven't done too much multiple LTS experimentation. I'm working from a single data warehouse source which should be robust enough to handle any reporting requirements. Even though I know OBIEE can do some clever combining of tables using the LTS; if data sets need to be consolidated, I'm trying to keep that work in the database via ETLs in order to keep the work that OBIEE has to do down to a minimum.

  • I Need to Create a report for batch jobs Based on Subject Area.

    Hi SAP Guru's,
    I need to create a report , that it must show the status of batch jobs Completion Times based on Subject area(SD,MM,FI).
    Please help me in this issue ASAP.
    Thanks in Advance.

    You may need to activate some additional business content if not already installed but there are a lot BI statistics you can report on. Have a look at this:

  • How to create Analysis from two different subject areas with diff models

    I have problem with create analysis from two different areas with two different models (Model Star and Snowflakes) build in BI Admin tools.
    First Model A = Subject Area A have one fact tables (with measures) and three dimensions tables (Model Star)
    Second Model B = Subject Area B have one fact table (no measures) and five dimensions tables (Model Snowflakes).
    I'm looking solutions how I can give good results. In this case I can't use UNION, INTERSECT etc., because this models haven't the same number column and data type?
    whether it is possible to do in OBIEE?
    Please help me
    Kind regard

    One thing to understand is that if your are imagining having two Subject Areas (SAs) displayed and then dragging columns from each into your Request without any preparation, then no, that can't be done. You would need to do a join in the BMM layer and expose the column from the second Subject Area in the presentation layer.
    But if you indeed interested in UNION (or intersect) queries, then do this:
    Build your first query in the first SA in the usual manner. Note the number of columns and the data types of each column.
    Now at the bottom of the Criteria workspace, there is a button called "Combine with similar request." Click it.
    Select your second SA. You will note that the outlines of the columns in your first query appear. This is to remind you that the number of columns in this second query must be the same as in the first. It also shows the data type of each column for the same reason.
    Once you select your columns and your filters, click on result. (Oh, you will also need to decide what kind of combination you want -- click on the dropdown.) The result will be a new Request that has data from both SAs in the query and combined in the manner you select (union, intersect, etc.)
    That should give you a start.
    http://obiee101.blogspot.in/2010/08/obiee-combine-with-similar-request.html -- Read this link this is good one to understand with screen shots. -- OBIEE 10g
    http://oraclebiee11g.blogspot.in/2011/01/querying-across-multiple-subject-areas.html -- OBIEE 11g
    Award Points it is useful.

  • One prompt for two or more subject area

    Does someone knows how to resolve this problem?
    I have two subject areas. And I need to create prompt that will work on dashboard that contain requests from two different subject areas (one request from one subject area). I hope that I was clear with this problem, if not I would try to explain it again.

    Another way is to have the same naming in both subject areas. So the names of the items you can pick should be: both presentation table name as well as presentation column name. i.e.:
    Subject Area A:
    Product Dim
    Product Group
    Product Name
    Subject Area B:
    Product Dim
    Product Group
    Product Name
    Then you can create a prompt on either Product Group name and it will affect reports from both subject area's

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