Urgent:iRecruitment Manager-- Create Vacancy page details

I have a requirement to customize the
iRecruitment Manager-->iRecruitment Home-->Create Vacancy--> Enter Primary Details page to include some extra validations against the "Next" button click.
The problem is that i am not able to locate the Next Button itself(even in "About this page"): i am trying to extend the region CO to invoke the validation logic against Next button click.
The only thing close to the Next button is a shared region pagButtonBar: which has a Cancel, Save For Later and Review button but no Next Button.
The "Save For Later" doesnt appears on the page.
Also the pageButtonBar region has the IrcDraftAndWorkflowCO controller attached to it.
Can anyone please help me with:
1. How to get a handle on the Next Button?
2. Since the pageButtonBar already has a CO can the Button click action be captured within the page controller?

Hi Anil thanks for the reply.
"There are chances that this Next button is coming form Workflow builder."
What exactly do i have to look for and how to know which workflow -- the IrcDraftAndWorkflowCO does not seems to access any workflow (I am pasting the decompiled IrcDraftAndWorkflowCO below)
The pageButtonbar is a separate region and the region where i have to capture user input(for validations) is different--so will i b able to capture both the user inputs and button click event in a single extended controller?(Both the pageBtnBar CO and the user input region CO extend IrcOAControllerImpl)
package oracle.apps.irc.common.webui;
import com.sun.java.util.collections.HashMap;
import java.util.*;
import oracle.apps.fnd.common.MessageToken;
import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OACellFormatBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAPageLayoutBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.nav.OANavigationBarBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.nav.OATrainBean;
import oracle.apps.per.selfservice.common.SSHRParams;
import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
// Referenced classes of package oracle.apps.irc.common.webui:
// IrcOAControllerImpl
public class IrcDraftAndWorkflowCO extends IrcOAControllerImpl
public IrcDraftAndWorkflowCO()
public void processRequest(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
super.processRequest(oapagecontext, oawebbean);
OATrainBean oatrainbean = (OATrainBean)oapagecontext.getPageLayoutBean().getLocation();
if(oatrainbean == null)
int i = oatrainbean.getSelectedTrainStepRenderedIndex() + 1;
int j = oatrainbean.getNumberOfRenderedTrainSteps();
oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("CurrentTrainStep", new Number(i - 1));
OACellFormatBean oacellformatbean = (OACellFormatBean)oawebbean.findIndexedChildRecursive("NavCellRN");
if(oacellformatbean == null)
MessageToken amessagetoken[] = {
new MessageToken("OBJECT_NAME", "NavCellRN")
throw new OAException("ICX", "FWK_TBX_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND", amessagetoken);
OANavigationBarBean oanavigationbarbean = (OANavigationBarBean)createWebBean(oapagecontext, "NAVIGATION_BAR");
if(i == j)
OACellFormatBean oacellformatbean1 = (OACellFormatBean)oawebbean.findIndexedChildRecursive("ReviewCellRN");
if(oacellformatbean1 != null)
} else
OACellFormatBean oacellformatbean2 = (OACellFormatBean)oawebbean.findIndexedChildRecursive("SubmitCellRN");
if(oacellformatbean2 != null)
Hashtable hashtable = (Hashtable)oapagecontext.getSessionValueRaw("vacancyState");
String s = null;
String s1 = oapagecontext.getParameter("ext");
if(s1 != null && "Y".equals(s1))
s = "IRC_CM_HOME";
oapagecontext.putSessionValue("IrcHomePage", s);
public void processFormData(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
super.processFormData(oapagecontext, oawebbean);
String s = oapagecontext.getParameter("IrcAction");
Hashtable hashtable = (Hashtable)oapagecontext.getSessionValueRaw("vacancyState");
if("REVIEW".equals(s) || "WFPageTransition".equals(oapagecontext.getParameter("IrcActionType")) || "goto".equals(oapagecontext.getParameter("event")) && "IrcVacNavBean".equals(oapagecontext.getParameter("source")))
hashtable.put("dataState", "complete");
OAApplicationModule oaapplicationmodule = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean);
hashtable.put("dataState", "complete");
public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
super.processFormRequest(oapagecontext, oawebbean);
String s = null;
s = "IRC_CM_HOME";
if("goto".equals(oapagecontext.getParameter("event")) && "IrcVacNavBean".equals(oapagecontext.getParameter("source")))
OATrainBean oatrainbean = (OATrainBean)oapagecontext.getPageLayoutBean().getLocation();
int i = Integer.parseInt(oapagecontext.getParameter("value"));
int j = oatrainbean.getSelectedTrainStepRenderedIndex() + 1;
int k = oatrainbean.getNumberOfRenderedTrainSteps();
boolean flag = i < j;
boolean flag1 = j == k;
boolean flag2 = i == k;
} else
} else
if(oapagecontext.getParameter("IrcAction") != null)
String s1 = oapagecontext.getParameter("IrcAction");
String s2 = oapagecontext.getParameter("IrcActionType");
releaseProcess(oapagecontext, "ExitWorkflow", true);
Vector vector = oapagecontext.getDialogMessages();
Vector vector1 = new Vector();
Object obj = null;
if(vector != null)
Enumeration enumeration = vector.elements();
OAException oaexception = (OAException)enumeration.nextElement();
if(oaexception.getMessageType() != 1)
} while(true);
oapagecontext.putParameter("IrcDialogMessages", vector1);
oapagecontext.forwardImmediately(s, (byte)3, null, null, false, "N");
private void apiValidate(OAApplicationModule oaapplicationmodule)
public String getCurrentPageFunction(OAPageContext oapagecontext)
return (String)(String)((OATrainBean)oapagecontext.getPageLayoutBean().getLocation()).getSelectedTrainStep().getAttributeValue("invokeFunc");
private void goToBackButtonDestination(OAPageContext oapagecontext)
OATrainBean oatrainbean = (OATrainBean)oapagecontext.getPageLayoutBean().getLocation();
WFDrill(oapagecontext, (String)oatrainbean.getPreviousRenderedTrainStep().getAttributeValue("invokeFunc"), null);
private void goToReviewButtonDestination(OAPageContext oapagecontext)
OATrainBean oatrainbean = (OATrainBean)oapagecontext.getPageLayoutBean().getLocation();
WFDrill(oapagecontext, (String)oatrainbean.getRenderedTrainStep(oapagecontext, oatrainbean.getNumberOfRenderedTrainSteps() - 1).getAttributeValue("invokeFunc"), null);
private void goToNextButtonDestination(OAPageContext oapagecontext)
OATrainBean oatrainbean = (OATrainBean)oapagecontext.getPageLayoutBean().getLocation();
WFDrill(oapagecontext, (String)oatrainbean.getNextRenderedTrainStep().getAttributeValue("invokeFunc"), null);
private void goToLastPageVisited(OAPageContext oapagecontext)
WFDrill(oapagecontext, getCurrentPageMarker(oapagecontext), null);
public void WFDrill(OAPageContext oapagecontext, String s, HashMap hashmap, String s1)
WFDrill(oapagecontext, s, hashmap);
public void setSSHRPageCalledFrom(OAPageContext oapagecontext)
SSHRParams sshrparams = new SSHRParams(oapagecontext.getRootApplicationModule());
if(sshrparams == null)
} else
public void setCurrentPageMarker(OAPageContext oapagecontext)
oapagecontext.putSessionValue("pageMarker", getCurrentPageFunction(oapagecontext));
public String getCurrentPageMarker(OAPageContext oapagecontext)
String s = (String)oapagecontext.getSessionValue("pageMarker");
if(s == null)
return s;
public void goToCancelButtonClicked(OAPageContext oapagecontext)
WFDrill(oapagecontext, getCurrentPageMarker(oapagecontext), null);
public static final String RCS_ID = "$Header: IrcDraftAndWorkflowCO.java 120.3 2006/06/20 09:40:04 gganesan noship $";
public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED = VersionInfo.recordClassVersion("$Header: IrcDraftAndWorkflowCO.java 120.3 2006/06/20 09:40:04 gganesan noship $", "oracle.apps.irc.common.webui");
It seems to me that based on some form Value it is preparing some javascript,, am really lost here.

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    If the underlying ViewObject (VO) returns the budgeted headcount in this page you would be able to identify the attribute and add it as an item through personalisation. However, the chances are that it is not returned by the VO! In which case you would need to do some customisation using OA Framework development to extend the VO.
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    Dear Charlie,
    Thanks for your reply, but i still have the same problem.
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    its easy to do.
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    I've recently had to muck around with the 2 level tabs aswell. There are some things making this rather difficult indeed.
    What i'd do when creating a new page you want to have under a new tab, but also with a new parent tab, is to create it with only a new STANDARD tab. Don't create a new parent tabset. All parent tabs are in the same tabset, and if you create a new tabset you'll effectively see only this new parent tab + tab on the page you created.
    So unless you want the page to be on an absolutely new set of tabs, you'll probably just want the page to be on a new top-level tab with under that a new standard tab. Like so:
    <NEW PARENT> | parent 1 | parent 3 | parent 4
    <NEW TAB> |
    To achiece this, you'll need a new standard tab set. You can create this when creating the page. The standard tab set is the set used for you lower level tabs, so obviously we do need a new one.
    As for the parent set which you can choose upon page creation, choose the already existing parent tab set. This set contains all your already existing parent tabs, and you wish to add one for display.
    When you finish creating the page and run it, you'll see that the standard (lower level) tab is there, and is set to active, but your parent tab is not there.
    Go to Shared Components > Tabs. Select the "Manage Tabs" tab there. You can notice your new set there, but notice the striped outline of it. This tab has no parent tab for it! And this is the problem with tab creation in 2-level tabs: you can make a new STANDARD tab and tabset, and define a parent tab set OR create a NEW tab set with tab. Both options fail us: what we want is a NEW parent tab in an existing parent tab set!
    So to fix our problem, from the manage tabs tab click on "Manage Parent Tabs", found on the right hand side of the screen in the region "Parent Tab Tasks".
    This'll bring you to a magical new tab within the tab components. It's a mystery to me why it has to be hidden like this, and makes it a real pain to use. On this page you can manage your parent tabs (the only place to do so actually...). Here you'll see there is no parent tab for your page (again), but here you can create a new parent tab from the right hand menu "Parent Tab Tasks" > "Create New Parent Tab". Enter a label, and choose your existing parent tab set as parent tab set. Don't create a new set. As for target, refer to your new page again.
    However, we are not done yet. You are returned to the "Parent Tab Management" page. You new parent tab will be shown there, but when you run your page, the parent tab will not be set active yet.
    To fix that, go back to the "Parent Tab Management". Select your parent tab so you go to it's details. Firstly, give it a new sequence number, otherwise it'll be shared with one (the parent tabs are created with sequence nr 10, so most probably on a shared position with your first parent tab).
    Then turn your eyes on the "Current on Standard TabSet" list item. It'll have an option selected, but take a good look: it'll be the same name as your parent tab. From the options, select your new Standard tab set (the lower level set) which holds your new page. Then apply your changes and run your page: both your parent and standard tab will be there and highlighted. Yay!

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    PageDef newPage = mPageService.createPage(
    PERSONAL_USER_PAGE, pageNameFormat, pageTitle,
    null, null, null);
    What should be used instead of PERSONAL_USER_PAGE if a group space page is intended to be created? which parameter is for defining group space name that the page should be created for?
    By the way, PageService seems has method for getting list of pages, but how to use it to get page list which is in a specified gs?
    Best regards

    did you manage to get the page list using Page Service API?

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    any ideas would be appreciated.

    Try these links if you are still having the issue:
    http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/543302/receive-infinite-loop-creating-new-page-d ue-column-header-overflow-exception

  • How do I make it so my client can edit Links in business catalyst when they create new pages?

    Okay so essentially I have built a site in Muse uploaded to business catalyst and I've setup a site template so that the client can create new pages as each new course arrives, but how do I get the link from the homepage to link to the new page? basically I need the link to be editable.
    What would be ideal is a kind of portfolio layout where there is a thumbnail and a new page but for my client to be able to add a new project adn it would create a thumbnail on the homepage and a new page that he can edit. Does anyone know of something like that possible in Business catalyst?

    Editing with Business Catalyst only works with image or text editing , we cannot add new page or page items using in browser editing.
    However, you can manage the site from BC end when your client and login to admin and add pages, modify etc, but if you re-publish the site from Muse then then changes will be overwritten.

  • BAPI to create vendor bank details and IBAN

    here i am developing a program for IBAN creation for Vendors.
    BAPI_CREATE_IBAN is the BAPI which can create IBAN to update TIBAN table but there is no link with vendor. i.e we cannt view the details in XK02/XK03. So at the moment if we can create the bank details for a vendor( updating LFBK table) then probably could work out to get the solution.
    could anybody suggest me how to solve this issue.
    Let me know if there is a BAPI which can update both TIBAN and LFBK table.
    If there is a BAPI which can update vandor bank details( updating LFBK table) .
    Quite an urgent issue.
    Waiting for your reply at the earliest.

    Try changing Bank details directly giving bank

  • How to create email page in Apex

    I want to create email page but the email process type within Apex seems to be having some limitation i want to have multiple receivers/recipients, attachments etc. What is the best and most preferred approach? i searched "Application Express Builder User Guide" talking about customizing APEX_MAIL but explanation is not detailed enough,
    Apex 4.1.1/Oracle 11g2
    any help...thanks.

    Gor_Mahia wrote:
    I want to create email page but the email process type within Apex seems to be having some limitation i want to have multiple receivers/recipients, attachments etc. What is the best and most preferred approach? i searched "Application Express Builder User Guide" talking about customizing APEX_MAIL but explanation is not detailed enough,
    Apex 4.1.1/Oracle 11g2
    any help...thanks.Where did you come across about that limitation? There is no such limitation in built-in send email process and you can send it to multiple recipients with multiple attachments.
    When you are creating the send email page process please click on labels to get more help and this is what it says:
    - To field
    Valid email address to which the email will be sent.
    For multiple email addresses, use a comma-separated list. Use substitution syntax if you want to use a dynamic value.
        [email protected], [email protected]
        John Doe <[email protected]>, Jane Doe <[email protected]>
        &P6_TO.- Attachment SQL field
    SQL statement which returns one or more BLOBs which get attached as files to the e-mail.
    The SQL statement has to be in the following format:
    select blob_column, file_name, mime_type from table
    The column mime_type is optional.Alternatively you can also create a pls/sql process manually to do the same invoking the APEX_MAIL API

  • Problem in creating Jsp Page.

    i am working on bulletin board Project.
    now my problem is that how to create Dynamic Page.
    Suppose :-
    i have created a Jsp page in that page there are 4 Categories like ( Java , dot net , PHP , XML ).
    Now when u click on it suppose java a new jsp page will open if u logdin through yout login ID the u can able to post any thing related to java lie Quation or Ans etc.
    now u have posted a quation now the problem is that wen u have posted a quation in java section it will stored in database but how can i display that quation in new page & if some one reply to that Quation the how can i display that Ans just under that quation.
    At that moment i have to create a jsp page Dynamically. i am right so how can i do that PL help me i have to submit my project withen 3 to 5 days in my collage PL.
    PL Hellp me & tell me how to do that.

    It is generally a bad idea to start threads in JSPs and Servlets. However, there is a need for them ... sometimes... Stress the rarety of sometimes. If you want to cancel the TimeTask, then chances are you don't want the Timer running from your JSP.
    To answer your question, how is the Timer/TimerTask objects you are working with stored? To make changes, they would need to be stored in some scope where they can be accessed later. That means session if you want different users to have dirrerent tasks. application scope if all users should control the same task (be careful with this, you may have problems with synchronization issues).
    I would think there is probably a better solution to your problem. Maybe if you explain in more detail, we can come up with a better one.

Maybe you are looking for

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    I know you are supposed to plug in a USB keyboard and mouse to get the MacBook to work in lid closed mode. Is it a strict requirement to be USB wired? Or will the Logitech wireless desktop be sufficient (with radio dongle plugged into USB)? Thanks. i

  • How actually does Address Cleansing works?

    Hello I am on BOBJ 3.2 and I have the global address directories installed together with german address directory I am cleansing this address Postal: 69191 Street: Altrottstrasse City: Walldorf Country: DE With Global engine turned on, postal code wa

  • How do you make the volume louder when you export music from garageband?

    Hey everytime I export my music from garageband the volume seems to die down.. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you

  • Interactive PDF Form Submit Button Not Working

    Hi there, I created an Interactive PDF in InDesign with a form included in the document. When I export as an interactive PDF my Adobe Reader will allow me to fill out the form no problem, however, when I click submit to connect the form to my email,