Hosting Websites

Ok, im VERY new at making web pages/ putting them on the net,
i want to make a site, and im trying to put a test page on the
site, but i cant seem to do it, I want to host the site of my
computer, so technically it schouldnt cost anything... right? is
this possible, well i would apprecitate any help i can get, thank

You could host it at home, but your ISP might have something
to say about
that. You don't want to break their user agreement. To be
safe, you could go
somewhere like, and get one of
lower-priced plans.
"zack_attack002" <[email protected]> wrote
in message
news:eq4fda$720$[email protected]..
> Ok, im VERY new at making web pages/ putting them on the
net, i want to
> make a
> site, and im trying to put a test page on the site, but
i cant seem to do
> it, I
> want to host the site of my computer, so technically it
schouldnt cost
> anything... right? is this possible, well i would
apprecitate any help i
> can
> get, thank you

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    Is it possible that the hosted website page is using HTML5 of other functionality that isn't supported by the IE-8 restriction in the SharePoint master page? We've run into that before, where the page wouldn't work in the page viewer. I also had problems
    where Chrome/Firefox wouldn't display a pager viewer when it crossed hosts/changed protocol.
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    <script type="text/javascript" src="/Javascript/JQuery/JQueryMin-1.8.2.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
    var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || document.documentMode;
    if(!isIE) {'http://fmgblog/measure/email/dashboard.php');
    }); // end of document ready

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    The main problem with such setup (from the ASAs perspective) is usually that the NAT for the server is configured from certain source interface towards some destination interface.
    You might for example have this configuration
    object network WEB-SERVER
    nat (inside,outside) static interface service 80 80
    This would enable connectivity from the behind "outside" interface towards which the translation is configured but not from behind "inside".
    I am not sure how different vendor firewalls handle this situation if you say that you only had the original Static PAT configuration towards the external interface.
    If you wanted to enable connectivity to the public IP address from your LAN you would have to make a NAT towards the "inside" interface from the "inside" interface. And thats not all. You would also have to configure Dynamic PAT for the source hosts on the LAN behind "inside". The reason for this is that the ASA needs to see the whole TCP conversation between the client/server and since we PAT all the users to the ASA "inside" interface IP address that makes sure that ASA sees the whole conversation between the hosts.
    So you could try this configuration on the ASA
    object network PUBLIC-IP
    object network WEB-SERVER
    object network LAN
    nat (inside,inside) 1 source dynamic LAN interface destination static PUBLIC-IP WEB-SERVER
    The above configuration would essentially look for connections coming from behind "inside" interface from the source address belonging to LAN to the destination IP address of PUBLIC-IP and proceed to UN-NAT the PUBLIC-IP to WEB-SERVER and PAT the source address to "interface" (inside interface IP address)
    You would also perhaps needs to add this command
    same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
    This enabled the ASA to pass traffic through the same interface that the traffic arrived in. So basically do that Hairpin/U-turn
    You can check the current configuration with the command
    show run same-security-traffic
    Do notice that there is a similiar command with a different parameter at the end (inter-interface vs. intra-interface). So check that you have the correct one.
    Hope this helps
    Let me know how it goes
    - Jouni

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    Not that I know of off hand. Why not have your developer write a small app and keep a database of external links they want to create. Then link to and then on the redirect page have it say "You're leaving our here to continue or go back" or whatever you want it to say.
    Cost effective and not that hard to do.

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    Could you please take a look to this document and try the steps mentioned in the article
    "Some files on the server may be missing or incorrect" Warning Message
    Do let me know if you have any question.

  • Opinion For my hosting website

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    There are quite a few typos in your TOS page.
    Incase, you responsibility, etc.
    And on your support page:
    for you web hosting, supirior customer support,
    collaberating, Mercahnt
    account, etc...
    A number on the FAQ page as well.
    Our network where built, cPane has to offer you! , If there
    is a questions
    Sorry if it looks like nitpicking, but I think some people
    really may be put
    off by that.
    Do you maintain your own servers? If so, you might want to
    put in a page on
    that technical info.
    If it's reseller, like for hostgator, disregard.
    Also, just out of curiosity, is it hostly on, or host lyon
    (like lion)?
    Take care,
    "TC2112" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I noticed that right away as well..The wink almost looks
    photoshopped in,
    >and I'm not sure that's an "OK" (fingers should be up) or
    a "Bravisimo!"
    >hand gesture.
    > The effect for me is that the woman looks a bit like a
    "Used car
    > salesman". It's like she's saying, "we're good, wink
    wink, nudge nudge,
    > know what I mean, know what I mean?"
    > I do like the rest of the layout. Nice and clean, very
    > looking.
    > Take care,
    > Tim
    > "M.." <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> The site looks nice and professional. One
    observation for those who see
    >> this kind of thing. The woman's image is not cleanly
    'cut out' and her
    >> wink looks weired to me. I think you might consider
    another picture or
    >> work with this one some more. may
    have something that you
    >> don't have to manipulate too much to use. It's a
    picky thing but that's
    >> what jumped out at me.
    >> Marianne
    >> "Walt F. Schaefer" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>>I think Murray was responding to your first post
    which had no link to
    >>>your site.
    >>> I looked at your site and it looks nice. I think
    you would be wise to
    >>> make it standards compliant (valid code) as some
    prospective clients may
    >>> run it through a validator and ask, "If these
    guys can't produce valid
    >>> code do they really know enough for me to trust
    my hosting to?"
    >>> Just a thought.
    >>> --
    >>> Walt
    >>> "watzursn" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    >>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>> is it too light??? what do u mean by

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    Error: Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportServerException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.SoapReportExecutionService.ServerUrlRequest(AbortState abortState, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.SoapReportExecutionService.ServerUrlRequest(AbortState abortState, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.SoapReportExecutionService.Render(AbortState abortState, String reportPath, String executionId, String historyId, String format, XmlNodeList deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.InternalRender(Boolean isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.Render(String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection urlAccessParameters, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerModeSession.RenderReport(String format, Boolean allowInternalRenderers, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection additionalParams, Boolean cacheSecondaryStreamsForHtml, String& mimeType, String& fileExtension)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ExportOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response)
    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
    at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
    at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
    It works locally (developer machine) or having less data. But it didn't work with large data when publish on azure.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Sorry, let me clarify my questions as they were ambiguous:
    For a given set if input, does the request always take the same amount of time to fail? How long does it take?
    When it works (e.g. on local machine using same input), how big is the output file that gets downloaded?
    Also, if you can share your site name (directly or
    indirectly), and the UTC time where you made an attempt, we may be able to get more info on our side.

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    operating system service pack destroyed, even if inadvertantly.

    You should be able to configure that on IIS level. See that:
    More if you ask them here:
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Ahmed MALEK
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  • How to access the local server host website in the internet

    I set up the server and host on local website, I wonder how I could use other mac to access this local website via the internet?

    The following should give you enough to search for discussions, as well as some general details of IP network gizmos and boxes:  You'll need an ISP tier of service that allows remote access and preferably with a static IP address (static versus dynamic IP).  This as various ISPs prohibit server-oriented protocols such as HTTP TCP port 80 traffic, and some firewall server-oriented ports.   You'll then either need to use either dynamic DNS with your public dynamic IP — this is the hacking-around and not-really-for-production approach — or static IP with traditional DNS, and you'll also need to enable what's called port forwarding (sometimes also called virtual server) through your gateway-firewall-NAT device and into your server for TCP port 80 and possibly also TCP port 443.  This port forwarding gets the incoming connections from the 'net into your public IP address (static or dynamic) mapped through to your NAT'd IP address space and your private IP address for your server. 
    As the first part of getting any of this to work with OS X Server, launch on the server and issue the following harmless diagnostic command:
    sudo changeip -checkhostname
    This checks for common errors in the local DNS setup, and broken networking and broken DNS tends to cause other errors elsewhere in the environment.  You'll need to enter an administrative password for the sudo, you might get a one-time informational message from the sudo, and you'll then get some configuration details and then an indication that DNS and local networking needs no changes, or that there are configuration issues.

  • Hosting websites question

    Okay. I'm brand spankin new to OSX Server. I can't seem to figure out how to host a website from my computer. Can anyone help me?

    If you don't already have a domain name, register one using one of these services; you will then need to wait for the domain name to propogate through the DNS servers that resolve hostnames to IP addresses.

  • Host website and email on my Snow Leopard Server

    Hi. I have a customer who currently has a hosting company for his emails and website. He recently bought a Mac Leopard Server which I set up on the network which now he wants to host his web site (be a web server) as well as his own Mail Server (with his email addresses hosted himself). The ISP provides him with a static IP address, he has a registered domain name with GoDaddy. How do I go about providing this service to him on the Mac Server and what do i fill in as the default DNS name on the Server? Additionally what ports do I open on the ISP firewall and how and where do I store the website files for hosting the the website? I prefer not to host DNS on this Server as it is a small network how can I configure the MX record for this site then? Thanks.

    This is not a trivial task. Getting a Mac to act as a web server is trivial, provided you either can do with the default settings or are capable of managing an Apache web server. However, making that available on the web in general and making it the server responsible for maintaining the company web site is another thing entirely.
    First, a static IP address is not the same thing as a connection appropriate for a web server. Unless your client has paid for an internet connection that will allow such use, his ISP may very well cut him off as soon as they discover he's using it to run a server. Paying for such a connection will be much more expensive than just paying for a static IP address. And unless he's really paying a lot, the site will be slower than most web sites.
    Similarly, he's going to have to pay for someone to be on call 24-7 to fix server issues. He'll also need to have backup hardware in case of hardware failure. For example, if the hard drive in the server dies, he may not be able to afford a few days' downtime while a new hard drive is bought, the old one replaced and all the software and data reinstalled/restored on the new drive. If the site is at all important, I wouldn't consider anything less than a second server kept entirely synced with the primary one so they can be swapped out at a moment's notice.
    Honestly, given all the extra costs of running your own server, it's actually cheaper to just pay for hosting on a decent service provider. (GoDaddy is not one I would consider decent, so if he's having issues, switching hosts is probably the better option.)
    Now, if he just wants a small, in-house server that won't be seeing much traffic, that's definitely possible. But, as already pointed out, that would be better discussed on the server forums. Although some folks here will have experience setting up a web server on a standard copy of Mac OS X, many/most of them have no experience with Mac OS X Server.

  • Australia (East) hosted websites keep reporting they are not available

    Hey People,
    anyone else having fun with Azure websites hosted in Australia?  In particular the Sydney (East) datacentre?
    I've been creating and destroying Azure websites today, testing various things with the different CMS platforms.  But this afternoon, my three active sites all started to fail:
    Then they'd come back after 10+ minutes, but die again after about 30 seconds.
    Acording to the Azure management console, I've got plenty of credit left and my CPU/etc usage is all well inside my quota (my subscription is an MSDN Premium one).
    The Azure website I have hosted in Singapore (Asia South East) is fine.  Just these Aussie ones have problems.
    Any ideas?  Are they having problems?  The Portal says the service is up and the Mangaement console says my sites are up.
    Am I missing something?

    Microsoft has opened their two newest Azure regions on 27 October 2014 in Australia as detailed in their press release at New Microsoft Azure Geo opens for business in Australia, I think these two datacenter will give us more choices to improve performance,
    if encounter some server side issue when use it, we can contact with the support to get the detailed reasons, here is the support channel:   
    Sorry for any inconvenience.
    Best Regards,
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  • Hosting Website URL with Java dependency

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    I didn't know this "website URL", but from my experience, we can build java application, and deploy it to azure, refer to for more details. If I misunderstand, please feel free to let me know.
    Best Regards
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How do I access a file on my computer from a link on my hosted Website?

    Hi Guys,
    This is my first ever post so please be patient. I am running Windows XP and Dreamweaver CS4. From a hosted Webpage I have am trying to hyperlink to a excel file on my computer.  When I click onto the hyperlink nothing happens.
    The code for the hyperlink looks like this      file:///C|/Users/mckiep/Desktop/9b.xls           Do you have any suggestions on what it is I am doing wrong?

    I don't think you want to expose your local computer to the internet like that - it's a huge security risk.
    However, you could set up a script on the website to make an FTP connection to your local box and grab the file as needed.  Of course, this will require some scripting skill, and will impose restrictions on you as the user of that file - suppose someone tries to get it at the same time as you are making changes?
    Personally, I think it's a very bad idea.
    I think the better way to do it would be to shift your work to a data-driven application on the web.  Then, at least, the security issues would be solved. But you would still need the scripting skills to code the page within which your work is being done....

  • Public ip address can't be used locally to access hosted websites

    I have snow leopard server and I have successfully set up the server to be accessible via a public static ip address. Im hosting some test websites, and cannot access those sites locally using the public ip address, only using the private ip address. However, externally, I can access the sites using the public ip address.
    In other words, while I'm at the office, I can only view the sites using the private ip address and not the public ip address. However, while I'm at home I can see the sites using the public ip address.
    Why can't I access the public ip address locally?
    I'm new to os x server ... New to any kind of server for that matter, so please keep explanations simple.
    I'm at a serviced office, and the router here is not mine and I have no control over it. Some IT company manages it for the site, and they weren't very helpful. The basically told me there's nothing they can do and blamed Mac os x server - since they could just wash their hands of the matter since they don't deal with macs.
    I was told by someone else, that this is common issue with some routers and that they could fix the issue on their end, but don't want to do it for what ever reason.
    I could simply access the sites using the private ip address, but I'd rather use the public one as this is currently causing issues with some of the software we're using.
    Any ideas how to resolve this?

    The IT company (shock, horror) apparently doesn't understand IP routing, or didn't understand what you were asking. This case has nothing to do with Mac OS X nor Mac OS X Server, and everything to do with the capabilities of the gateway box.
    I'm here going to refer to the firewall / gateway / router / DHCP server / box at the edge of your network as a gateway, because I really don't want to type all that stuff each time I describe this box. Your particular box might or might not be capable of all that.
    Why? Likely because your particular gateway device is not capable of detecting and reflecting the connections back toward the target server.
    IP routing. In small words.
    If an IP address is within a range of IP addresses designated by the subnet mask, the packet goes directly to the target host.
    If an IP address is not within that range, the packet is sent to the gateway.
    The gateway will then send the packet to the next router on the way to the target. With a typical low cost firewall gateway box, that next router is likely the ISP's routers. With a somewhat higher-end box and with a smarter router within the gateway, the packets can go to other IP routers.
    If the gateway is implemented for it, the gateway router's own address(es) will be recognized, and reflected back inwards. That means the address is public IP address on the way out, and is NAT'd when reflected, and sent back at the target host via whatever local processing rules or local port-forwarding rules might be defined and present within the gateway box.
    Now what usually happens here ([once you get the hang of setting up DNS services|]) is called split-horizon DNS, and that's where your public DNS domain is also mostly-duplicated as one of the domains on your LAN and thus reachable in your LAN domain, and your local DNS server in your Mac OS X Server is then configured to return a private IP address (and one within the range of addresses defined by your IP subnet mask), and which entirely bypasses your gateway and allows the packet to go directly to the target box. Put another way, with split-horizon DNS, you insinuate your LAN DNS server into the network and configure it to pass out (or spoof) IP name-to-address translations for your public DNS names, and pass out local (direct, LAN, private) IP addresses.
    The other option is to see if the IT company can switch the gateway box into what's usually called "bridged" mode, or swap in a box that acts as a bridge and not a router, and to install your own gateway behind it. Not all boxes permit that, but some do.

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