Hosts having connection issue, 2504 controller

We have a Cisco 2504 controller and approximately 35 AP's.
Some of the AP's are located directly above each other (on another floor).
When I run a basic annalyzer, it appears that there is some adjacent AP traffic, the controller has some of the close AP's with the same channel, so there is some RF interferance.
The AP's currently are all setup for "G" and majority of the AP's are 1200 series, most of them are 1242's.
Should and can the AP's be set with static channels so that there is no adjacent signals?
If so where in the controller can that be done?
Any help would be truly appreciated, we are a school with an iPad program, so the amount of connects is quite high as well as the availability to have internet acces.
Thank you for anytype of help you can provide.

If you don't want the WLC to control the RF using RRM, you can manually set each ap and its radio statically. On the wireless tab, click on either 802.11an or 802.11bgn and the all the way to the right of the ap, there is a blue triangle. Hover the mouse over that and click configure, there you can set the channel and power leave for that radio on that ap. You will have to do each radio and ap. Hope this helps.
Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

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    Thanks for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    As this thread has been quiet for a while, we assume that the issue has been resolved. At this time, we will mark it as ‘Answered’ as the previous steps should be helpful for many similar scenarios.
    If the issue still persists, please feel free to  reply this post directly so we will be notified to follow it up. 
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    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with Wi-Fi on your MacBook Pro.  I would be concerned about this too.
    I'm not sure if you have tried these steps yet, but I recommend following the steps in the following article to resolve an issue like the one you described:
    Wi-Fi: How to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connectivity
    Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Community.
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