How can I dynamically change a Grids ro color

I am using a grid within a component in my Flex application.
I have an XML dataProvider, and I want to change the row
colour of my Grid depending on a value coming form my dataProvider
– but I cant seem to get this to work :(
can anyone help / advise me on how I can dynamically change the
colour of my grid row depending on a value coming from my XML
For example:
Within my component I have the following grid within an
“MXML” component called myGrid.mxml:
[CODE]<mx:Grid id="GGrid">
<mx:GridRow backgroundColor="0xCFD8DA">
<mx:Label id=”name_lbl”/>
<mx:GridRow backgroundColor="0xCFD8DA">
<mx:Label id=”expiryDate_lbl”/>
<mx:GridRow id=”statusRow”>
<mx:Label id=”status_lbl”/>
I am setting/declaring my results/variables form my
dataProvider in the main Application (“MXML”) file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
creationComplete="initApp()" >
result="myResultHandler(event)" />
import mx.core.Application;
public var myDataFeed:XML;
public function initApp():void
public function myResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
myDataFeed = event.result as XML;
Application.application.myGrid.name_lbl.text =;
Application.application.myGrid.expiryDate_lbl =
Application.application.myGrid.status_lbl.text =
if(myDataFeed.status == “OK”)
else if (myDataFeed.status == “WARNING”)
else if (myDataFeed.status == “CRITICAL”)
however, I cannot access the property
“backgroundColor” of the gridRow in this way:
As I get the following error:
[CODE]Severity and Description Path Resource Location
Creation Time
Id 1119:
Access of possibly undefined property backgroundColor through
a reference with static type mx.containers:GridRow.
enterpriseDB_new enterpriseDB_new.mxml
line 721 1194443056449 19295[/CODE]
can anyone help / advise me on how I can dynamically change the
colour of my grid row depending on a value coming from my XML

Originally posted by:
I am using a grid within a component in my Flex application.
I have an XML dataProvider, and I want to change the row
colour of my Grid depending on a value coming form my dataProvider
– but I cant seem to get this to work :(
can anyone help / advise me on how I can dynamically change the
colour of my grid row depending on a value coming from my XML
a few hours ago I stumbled across this cookbook entry - it
didn't solve MY problem, but maybe it provides a way to solve your
problem? Id=2&loc=en_US
From the article:
Changing the background color of a DataGrid cell is not as
simple as changing some style because the default renderer for a
DataGrid cell does not have a backgroundColor. Therefore, to do
this simple task, you have to create a custom itemRenderer where
you draw your own background in the updateDisplayList function.

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    Originally posted by:
    I am using a grid within a component in my Flex application.
    I have an XML dataProvider, and I want to change the row
    colour of my Grid depending on a value coming form my dataProvider
    – but I cant seem to get this to work :(
    can anyone help / advise me on how I can dynamically change the
    colour of my grid row depending on a value coming from my XML
    a few hours ago I stumbled across this cookbook entry - it
    didn't solve MY problem, but maybe it provides a way to solve your
    problem? Id=2&loc=en_US
    From the article:
    Changing the background color of a DataGrid cell is not as
    simple as changing some style because the default renderer for a
    DataGrid cell does not have a backgroundColor. Therefore, to do
    this simple task, you have to create a custom itemRenderer where
    you draw your own background in the updateDisplayList function.

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    "use application date format" is the choice you want.
    Denes Kubicek

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    Hi Sandeep
    -Create a parameter for Country.
    - Insert the logo as OLE object.
    - Right click on the OLE object -> Picture tab.
    - Clcik on X-2 for Graphic loaction and it would open the formula editor.
    -Write a formula similar to below based on your requirement -
    if {?parameter} = "India" then "path of the image for India"
    else if {?parameter} = "USA" then "path of the image for USA";
    You can specify all the paths here so that based on the selection of country at runtime it displays image associated with that country.
    Hope this helps!!

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    This is a working example of a search form.
    In the JSP page we have several texts box, a table bound to a DataProvider with the rowSet in the SessionBean and a search button.
    JSP source:
                    <ui:body binding="#{PackageAirtime.body1}" id="body1">
                        <ui:form binding="#{PackageAirtime.form1}" id="form1">
                            <table border="0">
                                        <table border="0" width="100%">
                                                    <ui:label binding="#{PackageAirtime.pageTitle}" id="pageTitle" text="Package Airtime"/>
                                                    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
                                                            <td>Package ID:</td>
                                                                <ui:textField binding="#{PackageAirtime.textPackageID}"
                                                                    binding="#{PackageAirtime.buttonPackageID}" id="buttonPackageID"
                                                                    onClick="handlePackageIDPopup(); return false;" text="..." toolTip="Open package locator"/>
                                                            <td>Airtime Code:</td>
                                                                <ui:textField binding="#{PackageAirtime.textAirtimeCode}"
                                                                    binding="#{PackageAirtime.buttonAirtimeCode}" id="buttonAirtimeCode"
                                                                    onClick="handleAirtimeCodePopup(); return false;" text="..." toolTip="Open airtime code locator"/>
                                                                <ui:button action="#{PackageAirtime.searchButton_action}" binding="#{PackageAirtime.searchButton}"
                                                                    id="searchButton" text="Search" toolTip="Search records"/>
                                                    <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticTextSearchResults}" id="staticTextSearchResults"/>
                                                    <ui:table binding="#{PackageAirtime.searchResults}" id="searchResults" paginationControls="true">
    /* ----- Functions for Table Preferences Panel ----- */
    * Toggle the table preferences panel open or closed
    function togglePreferencesPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
    /* ----- Functions for Filter Panel ----- */
    * Return true if the filter menu has actually changed,
    * so the corresponding event should be allowed to continue.
    function filterMenuChanged() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      return table.filterMenuChanged();
    * Toggle the custom filter panel (if any) open or closed.
    function toggleFilterPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      return table.toggleTableFilterPanel();
    /* ----- Functions for Table Actions ----- */
    * Initialize all rows of the table when the state
    * of selected rows changes.
    function initAllRows() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
    * Set the selected state for the given row groups
    * displayed in the table.  This functionality requires
    * the 'selectId' of the tableColumn to be set.
    * @param rowGroupId HTML element id of the tableRowGroup component
    * @param selected Flag indicating whether components should be selected
    function selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected) {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      table.selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected);
    * Disable all table actions if no rows have been selected.
    function disableActions() {
      // Determine whether any rows are currently selected
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      var disabled = (table.getAllSelectedRowsCount()>0)?false : true;
      // Set disabled state for top actions
      // Set disabled state for bottom actions
                                                        <f:facet name="title">
                                                            <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.table1Title}" id="table1Title" text="Package Airtime search results"/>
                                                        <ui:tableRowGroup binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableRowGroup1}"
                                                            emptyDataMsg="No records matching the search criteria" id="tableRowGroup1"
                                                            sourceData="#{PackageAirtime.s23_package_airtimeDataProvider}" sourceVar="currentRow">
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn1}" headerText="Package ID" id="tableColumn1" sort="S23_PACKAGE">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText1}" id="staticText1" text="#{currentRow.value['S23_PACKAGE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn2}" headerText="Airtime Code" id="tableColumn2" sort="S23_AT_CODE">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText2}" id="staticText2" text="#{currentRow.value['S23_AT_CODE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn7}" headerText="Prepaid Value" id="tableColumn7">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText6}" id="staticText6" text="#{currentRow.value['SUBR_AT_PREPAID_PERIOD_VAL']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn8}" headerText="Prepaid Type" id="tableColumn8">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText7}" id="staticText7" text="#{currentRow.value['SUBR_AT_PREPAID_TYPE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn4}" headerText="Start" id="tableColumn4" sort="PRSM_PK_START">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText3}" id="staticText3" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_START']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn5}" headerText="End" id="tableColumn5">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText4}" id="staticText4" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_END']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn6}" headerText="Units" id="tableColumn6">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText5}" id="staticText5" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_UNITS']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn9}" headerText="Carry-over limit" id="tableColumn9" valign="Top">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText8}" id="staticText8" text="#{currentRow.value['ROM_PLAN_CARRY_LMT']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn3}" headerText="Details" id="tableColumn3" width="100">
                                                                <ui:hyperlink action="#{PackageAirtime.viewpackageAT_action}" binding="#{PackageAirtime.hyperlink1}"
                                                                    id="hyperlink1" text="View"/>
    ...JAVA source:
        public void prerender() {
        public String search_action() {
            try {
                String command = "SELECT s23_package, s23_at_code, prsm_pk_start, prsm_pk_end,  prsm_pk_units, subr_at_prepaid_period_val,  subr_at_prepaid_type, subr_disc_type, subr_disc_rate,  subr_disc_value, subr_disc_perm,  subr_at_prepaid_bill_per_val, subr_at_prepaid_recurring,  s23_package_fwd, s23_at_code_fwd, prsm_pk_start_fwd,  subr_ppa_infinite, subr_ppa_carry_over, rom_plan_carry_lmt  FROM s23_package_airtime, ROM_23_PPLAN_COMP  where rom_23_pack_plan = s23_package";
                String where = "";
                String packageID = (String)textPackageID.getText();
                if (packageID == null) {
                    packageID = "";
                packageID = packageID.replace("'", "''");
                if (packageID != "") {
                    if (where != "") {
                        where += " AND ";
                    where += "upper(S23_PACKAGE) LIKE upper('" + packageID + "%')";
                String airtimeCode = (String)textAirtimeCode.getText();
                if (airtimeCode == null) {
                    airtimeCode = "";
                airtimeCode = airtimeCode.replace("'", "''");
                if (airtimeCode != "") {
                    if (where != "") {
                        where += " AND ";
                    where += " upper(S23_AT_CODE) LIKE upper('" + airtimeCode + "%')";
                if (where != "") {
                    command += " AND " + where;
            catch (Exception e) {
                log("Error during search for packages airtime", e);
            return null;
        public String searchButton_action() {
            return "";
        }I put the search_action() call in the prerender() to have data in my table when the page is open. For a large resultset the best aproach is to let the user select some search criteria and then call the search_action() using a button (searchButton_action() ).
    I've added a hyperlink column to my table, it is used to display the current record details in a new page.
    I have defined in my SessionBean a getRowkey/setRowkey methods.
    When the user click on a "View" hiperlink the following code is executed:
        public String viewpackageAT_action() {
            RowKey row = tableRowGroup1.getRowKey();
            return "packageairtime_details";
        }I will step over the "Page Navigation".
    In the Detail Page I have the following code:
        public void init() {
    }Now I have the detail page opened and also the DataProvider opened at the saved RowKey value.
    Finally, in the SessionBean:
         * Holds value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        private RowKey packageAirtimeRowKey;
         * Getter for property packageAirtimeRowKey.
         * @return Value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        public RowKey getPackageAirtimeRowKey() {
            return this.packageAirtimeRowKey;
         * Setter for property packageAirtimeRowKey.
         * @param packageAirtimeRowKey New value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        public void setPackageAirtimeRowKey(RowKey packageAirtimeRowKey) {
            this.packageAirtimeRowKey = packageAirtimeRowKey;
        }Note: You should enable page navigation in the result(s) table.
    That's about it :)
    Hope this helps,
    Catalin Florean.

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    How can I add/change art work to albums where the art work isn't available at iTunes?

    Go to google and search for the artwork.  When you find it, save it to your computer.  Right click the album and select get info.  Drag the image you saved to the empty box for album art.

  • I have a problem with mail autofilling info email addresses. Emails sent to me the from looks like this: Holiday in the United States email address . I have no idea what this Holiday in the United States is...How can I fix/change to my name?

    I have an irritating problem with mail autofilling info in email addresses. Emails sent to me the from looks like this: Holiday in the United States <my email address>. I have no idea what this Holiday in the United States is or how it got to be there...How can I fix/change to my name?
    I fixed the To: autofilling incorrectly by deleting my email address from the Previous Recipients List, but is there a way to stop that from coming up on emails that I receive?

    Have you checked your Mac address book? If your email is saved somewhere in your address book with the name "Holidays in the United States" it might be adding the name automatically in Mac Mail.
    Alternatively, try this:
    Delete an Email Address from Auto-Complete in Mac OS X Mail
    To remove an email address from the auto-complete list in Mac OS X Mail:
    Start typing the recipient's address or name in a new message.
    Select the desired address from the auto-complete list as if you'd compose an email to them.
    Click the small down arrow in the recipient.
    Select Remove from Previous Recipients List from the menu.
    You can also search for the unwanted address directly in the previous recipients list:
    Select Window | Previous Recipients from the menu in Mac OS X Mail.
    Highlight the address you want to remove.You can highlight multiple addresses by holding down the Command key.
    Click Remove from List.

  • How can I manually change the height of the "Type ...

    Hi all
    Just got automatically installed the latest 6.22 version of skype few minutes ago and I got a few questions. 
    First and foremost, how can I MANUALLY change the height of the textbox, where I type the messages. I would like to make it larger, like in the previous versions of skype. I don't want to move my mouse cursor through the entire monitor to reach this tiny textbox.
    And second, why you guys are trying constanly to ruin something that is working perfectly ? Going to revert to the previous version until you fix all these nuisances.

    There is no way to do this, it is designed to be strictly landscape with keyboard, portrait without - not the best thought-out phone on the market, mainly geared towards compulsive texters and e-mailers.
    There's no way to know whetherNokia will change this with any future updates, perhaps you should make the recommendation to them directly using the 'contact us' link.

  • How can I see changes in table with insertrow();postchanges()without commit

    Hi friends;
    I use jdeveloper with jheadstart
    I create two view object.In the first page I create table with one view object.
    In the second page I create table (with tableselectmany) with other view.
    I select many rows in second page and in the managed bean,
    I insert selectted rows atributes to first pages tables attributes.
    I use this code.
    public String commandbuttonaction(){
    CoreTable table = this.getTable1();
    Set rowSet = table.getSelectionState().getKeySet();
    Iterator rowSetIter = rowSet.iterator();
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    DCIteratorBinding pr_dcib = (DCIteratorBinding)
    int i=206;
    while (rowSetIter.hasNext()){
    Key key = (Key);
    RowImpl prRow = (RowImpl) pr_dcib.getCurrentRow();
    String AM="model.AppModule";
    String CF="AppModuleLocal";
    ApplicationModule empSvc = Configuration.createRootApplicationModule(AM, CF);
    ViewObject emps = empSvc.findViewObject("EmpsView1");
    Row newEmp = emps.createRow();
    newEmp.setAttribute("Manager",new Number(1));
    newEmp.setAttribute("Department",new Number(1));
    newEmp.setAttribute("Depno",new Number(3));
    try {
    catch (Exception ex) {
    System.out.println("validate catch");
    try {
    catch (Exception ex) {
    System.out.println("post catch");
    In this code I only postchanges() in first view and dont want to commit.
    But I cant see changes row in the page .If I press save I see transaction completed succesfully message.
    But in database not insertted any rows.
    If I write commit() after postchanges() code I see rows in the table .But I dont want to commit.Only post
    my changes and if necessary I press save button in page.
    How can I see changes in the page without commit???Thanks for all....

    You should NEVER use statements like this in managed beans:
    ApplicationModule empSvc = Configuration.createRootApplicationModule(AM, CF);
    This will create a separate application module instance, not shared by the the web pages. That's why you do not see the changes.
    Instead, you can use the following code:
    ApplicationModule am = (ApplicationModule)JsfUtils.getExpressionValue("#{data.MyAppModuleDataControl.dataProvider}");
    where MyAppModuleDataControl shoud be replaced with the name of your am data control.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

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    While installing a program (MediaCenter.exe) to handle audiobooks from the library, I erroneously associated the download site with Windows Media Player instead of the actual application (NetLibrary Media Center). How can I reverse/change this? Reinstalling the application does not clear the error, so I'm assuming the association is somewhere in Firefox.

    Never mind -- I just found it under Tools/Options.../Applications, where I changed the incorrect association of "nlmcp" from Windows Media Player to the correct one, NetLibrary Media Center. Done!

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    Is there a way to force the system to change to DVI output?????
    thanks a lot

    Hi there,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    Troubleshooting issues with no audio from built-in speakers on Macs
    -Griff W.

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    Have a read here for solution.

  • Find my iphone: how can the thief change the phone name?

    I have had 3 iphones stolen the last 5 months.
    Finally I got a ping from one of the stolen iPhones. I could follow it for almost 2 months. Since I am in a country were the police wont do anything it does not help me that I have name/address of the thief.
    But this strange thing happened last day/last ping I got from my stolen iPhone:
    Somehow the device is removed from my "find my iphone" list and/or the device have changed name.
    The device was locked with passcode/touch ID.
    I have changed password AppleID 3 times since the phone was stolen (well: The police wanted my password/AppleID to track the phone. Somehow the thief got this information and I found out when my address book had 150 new entries from the thief).
    I managed to change password and lock the phone remotely after that incident.
    To bad I cant ask Apple any question.
    How can a device be removed from my account? (I have not got any warnings that someone have logged into my iCloud account from a new device/location)
    How can a thief change the name of a stolen iPhone that is locked with touchID/Password/passcode? (Iphone6).  Is there still DFI attacks that can wipe the phones?
    How can I check if my account is hacked?
    Why cant I remotely detonate my iPhone? The battery would be a nice little bomb making the phone worthless?
    (and F lazy Russian tourists police that just ask "what should we do" when I provide address/name/video of a person that have stolen stuff worth over 5000 dollars including iphones/Ipads)

    Hi Brirendine,
    Take a look at the instructions below for what to do when you sell your iPhone.  If you have followed all of these steps, the new owner should contact his/her carrier to activate the phone.
    iCloud: Activation Lock
    With iOS 7 or later, Find My iPhone includes a feature called Activation Lock, which is turned on automatically when you set up Find My iPhone. Activation Lock makes it harder for anyone to use or sell your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch if it’s ever lost or stolen. 
    With Activation Lock, your Apple ID and password are required before anyone can:
    Turn off Find My iPhone on your device
    Sign out of iCloud on your device
    Erase and reactivate your device
    Important:    Make sure to remember your Apple ID and password, and that your password is unique and secure—someone else shouldn’t be able to guess it. For more information, see the Apple Support article Security and your Apple ID. 
    If you want to give away or sell your device, be sure to erase your content and settings (in Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings). When you erase your content, Find My iPhone and Activation Lock are also turned off. 
    If you no longer have the device, follow the instructions to remove a device you no longer have. For more information, see the Apple Support article What to do before selling or giving away your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. 
    If you’re purchasing or selling a used device, you can check its Activation Lock status at from a Mac or PC. 
    For more information about Activation Lock, see the Apple Support article Find My iPhone Activation Lock. 
    Last Modified: Jan 8, 2015
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

  • How can i made changes in a site at that way that other sites do not change automatically

    when i change a site (index.html), all the other (sub)sites change also with the same settings. how can i made changes in, for example index.html so that other (sub)sites do not change?
    i see that the file extension is .css when i make an new site. then i save the site to index.html and the other sites changes also when i made changes in index.html (i mean the settings)

    I'm not sure exactly what you are asking, but it sounds like you are making changes to a cascading stylesheet (a .css file) that is shared by several pages on your site, but ony want to make the change to the style on the home page.
    You can do this by adding inline css to the home page elements you want to be styled differently from the rest of your site.
    An example of an inline css definition would be something like this...
    <div id="content" style="background-color:blue;">
    In the above example, the div would be styled using whatever you have written for the #content id in your css. It would also then overwrite any background-color declared in the external .css file with the style attribute to make the background blue.

Maybe you are looking for