How can I get label of Checkbox?

I have created the following checkboxes
private Checkbox playingCB, recordingCB, playbackCB;
private CheckboxGroup cbg;
playbackCB = new Checkbox("Playback mode", cbg, false);
I'm trying to get the "Playback mode" label in my actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) method
I have tried the getActionCommand() but it didn't work on Checkbox
It works on getting label of Button
How can I solve this problem when I really need to do it with actionPerformed method?

I don't know for sure, but having looked at the API documentation ( I'd guess.......
Checkbox selectedCheckBox = cbg.getSelectedCheckbox();
selectedCheckBox.getLabel();So maybe you need to pass your event handling class constructor a CheckboxGroup object, so you can then call the above code?

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    baltwo wrote:
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    // If checked, certain fields should be disabled 
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        f.readonly = false; 
        f.fillColor = color.transparent; 
    } else { 
        // Disable the Co fields 
        f.readonly = true; 
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    "$$$/AgLibrary/AlreadyInUseFileDialog/Already In Catalog=Already in the catalogue"
    "$$$/Application/Menu/File/LibraryInfo=Catalog&ue Settings..."
    "$$$/1.x_Upgraders/OptimizingCatalog=Optimize Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogBackup/CheckingIntegrity/Messge=Checking the integrity of the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogBackup/DoingBackup/Message=Backing up the catalog"
    "$$$/AgCatalogBackup/Optimizing/Messge=Optimize Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogBackup/VacuumingPreviews/Messge=Optimizing previews catalogue."
    "$$$/AgCatalogFile/ExportImages/DBToDBCopy/Step/CleanupExportCatalog=Finalization of the new catlogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogFile/ExportImages/DBToDBCopy/Step/CopyCollections=Copying collections in the new catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogFile/ExportImages/DBToDBCopy/Step/CopyImageProperties=Copies properties of the image in the new catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogFile/ExportImages/DBToDBCopy/Step/CopyImages=Copying pictures in the new catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogFile/ExportImages/DBToDBCopy/Step/CopyKeywords=Copy of keywords in the new catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogFile/ExportImages/DBToDBCopy/Step/CreateNewTempCatalog=Creating an export catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogFile/UpgradeFailure/Title=Unable to upgrade the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogOptimize/OptimizeAgain/Message=The last optimization of your catalogue was made ^ 1 @ ^ 2. If you have not recently optimized and see a performance degradation, the performance of optimization will possibly remedy this problem."
    "$$$/AgCatalogOptimize/OptimizeFirstTime/Message=If your catalogue is large and that its performance is slow, the optimization can improve performance."
    "$$$/AgCatalogOptimize/ProgressDialog/Title=Optimize Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogOptimize/ResultDialog/Failure/Hint=On the resumption, Lightroom will check if the catalogue is not damaged."
    "$$$/AgCatalogOptimize/ResultDialog/Failure/Message=Your catalogue has not been optimized, and you must restart Lightroom."
    "$$$/AgCatalogOptimize/ResultDialog/Success/Message=Your catalogue has been optimized."
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepair/FixingPrimaryKey=Examination of the internal structures of the catalogue."
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/CannotUsePreviewCache/PreviewCacheHasBeenMoved/Message=Lightroom cannot use existing preview catalogue of images in the repaired catalogue ^[^1^]. Lightroom has moved these obsolete previews to a new location and may remove them if it thinks fit."
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/CannotUsePreviewCache/UnableToMovePreviewCache/Message=Lightroom cannot use existing preview catalogue of images in the repaired catalogue ^[^1^]. Lightroom has moved these obsolete previews to a new location."
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/CorruptCatalog/FileName=Catalogue corrupted"
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/CorruptCatalog/FolderName=Catalogues corrupt"
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/CorruptDB/Error/Message=The Lightroom catalogue ^[^1^] is corrupted. It can not be used or stored before being repaired."
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/CorruptDB/Error/Title=Catalogue detected corrupted"
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/DiskTooFullBeforeRepair/Error=The Lightroom catalogue can not be repaired because there is not enough space on the hard disk named ^[^1^]."
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/RepairCatalog/Button=Repair Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/RepairFailure/ChooseAnother/Button=Select another catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/RepairFailure/Corrupt/Hint=Use a recent backup of current catalogue or refer to technical documentation to see other options."
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/RepairFailure/Corrupt/Message=The catalogue called ^[^1^] unfortunately can not be repaired."
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/RepairFailure/Corrupt/Title=Unable to repair the corrupted catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/RepairFailure/TransientFailure/Title=Unable to repair the corrupted catalogue now"
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/RepairProgress/ProgressDialog/Message=Wait until you try to repair the Lightroom catalogue ^[^1^]. Additional instructions will be provided upon completion of the operation."
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/RepairProgress/ProgressDialog/Title=Repair of current catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/RepairProgress/ProgressScope/Title=Repair Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCatalogRepairUI/RepairSucceed/Message=The catalogue ^[^1^] was repaired."
    "$$$/AgCustomMetadataRegistry/UpdateCatalog/Error=Unable to upgrade your catalogue for metadata plugin."
    "$$$/AgCustomMetadataRegistry/UpdateMultiple/Title=You need to upgrade your catalogue before you can use with the following plugins ^1 :"
    "$$$/AgCustomMetadataRegistry/UpdateMultiple/UpdateButton=Update catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCustomMetadataRegistry/UpdateProgress/Caption=Update catalogue data plug"
    "$$$/AgCustomMetadataRegistry/UpdateSingle/UpdateButton=Update Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCustomMetadataRegistry/UpdateSingle/UpdateButton=Update Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgCustomMetadataRegistry/UpdateSingle/Title=You need to upgrade your catalogue before you can use with the following plug :"
    "$$$/AgExport/ConfirmCancelCopying/QuitExportToCatalog/Button=Cancel Export as Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgExport/ConfirmCancelCopyingNegatives/Title=Would you cancel the remaining copies of the negatives or all of the export operation as a catalogue ?"
    "$$$/AgExport/ConfirmCancelCopyingPreviews/Title=Want to cancel the remaining copies insights or all of the export operation as a catalogue ?"
    "$$$/AgExport/ConfirmCancelExportToCatalog/Info=If you cancel the export as a catalogue, Lightroom removes files that were copied to the export folder."
    "$$$/AgExport/ConfirmCancelExportToCatalog/Title=Would you really want to cancel the export as a catalogue ?"
    "$$$/AgExport/ConfirmCancelExportToCatalog/Info=If you cancel Export as catalogue, Lightroom will delete all files are copied to the location of export."
    "$$$/AgExport/ConfirmCancelExportToCatalog/Title=Would you really want to cancel the export as a catalogue ?"
    "$$$/AgExport/CopyingPreviewsAndNegatives/Summary=Export Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgExport/DestinationFolder/ChooseLater/Synopsis=Select Catalogue later"
    "$$$/AgExport/ExportCatalog/UnknownFailureDialog/Message=Lightroom was unable to export the catalogue because of an unexpected problem."
    "$$$/AgExport/ExportLibraryFailed/CopyDBFailureDialog/Details=Lightroom was unable to copy the exported catalogue named to the final location in ^[^1^]."
    "$$$/AgExport/ExportLibraryFailed/CopyDBFailureDialog/Summary=Lightroom was unable to export the catalogue called ^[^1^] and shall cancel the export catalogue."
    "$$$/AgExport/ExportLibraryFailed/FailureDialog/Summary=Lightroom was unable to create the new catalogue due to an unexpected problem."
    "$$$/AgExport/ExportLibraryProblem/NonemptyDestDir/Message=A catalogue called ^[^1^] already exists at the location you have selected"
    "$$$/AgExport/ExportLibraryProblem/NonemptyDestDir/Remedy=Choose a different catalogue name or another location."
    "$$$/AgExport/ExportLibrarySomeErrors/CopyFilesFailureDialog/Summary/Message=Lightroom has managed to export some photos in the new catalogue, but encountered the following problems."
    "$$$/AgExport/ExportLibrarySomeErrors/Summary/Title=Problems with export as a catalogue"
    "$$$/AgExport/Library/Collections/ExportToCatalogProblems=Problems with export as a catalogue"
    "$$$/AgExport/ReimportExportedPhoto=Add to this catalogue"
    "$$$/AgExport/ToCatalog/DiskFull/Error=Insufficient disk space on the disk ^[^1^] where you export the catalogue."
    "$$$/AgExportCatalog/ModalProgress/Message=Exporting the new catalogue"
    "$$$/AgExportCatalog/ModalProgress/Title=Export Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgExportCatalog/MoveCatalogToFinalDestination=Copy the new catalogue to the final location"
    "$$$/AgExportLibrary/ExportingManyPhotoAndManyVirtualCopiesLabel=Exporting a catalogue with ^1 photos and ^2 virtual copies."
    "$$$/AgExportLibrary/ExportingManyPhotoAndOneVirtualCopyLabel=Exporting a catalogue with photos and a ^1 virtual copy."
    "$$$/AgExportLibrary/ExportingManyPhotoLabel=Exporting a catalogue with a ^1 photos."
    "$$$/AgExportLibrary/ExportingOnePhotoAndManyVirtualCopiesLabel=Exporting a catalogue with a photo and a ^1 copies."
    "$$$/AgExportLibrary/ExportingOnePhotoAndOneVirtualCopyLabel=Exporting a catalogue with a photo and a virtual copy."
    "$$$/AgExportLibrary/ExportingOnePhotoLabel=Exporting a catalogue with a photograph."
    "$$$/AgExportLibrary/LightroomLibraryExport=Export from Lightroom - ^1"
    "$$$/AgExportLibrary/Prompt=Export Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgExportLibrary/Title=Export as Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgImport/ErrorDialog/NotImportedAlreadyExistMsg/Plural=The files already exist in the catalogue."
    "$$$/AgImport/ErrorDialog/ProblemImportingFromCatalog=Problem importing from catalogue"
    "$$$/AgImport/ImportImagesAlreadyPresent/MainMessage=The following photos will not be imported because they are already present in the catalogue. ^nTo view these photos in the catalogue, select ^{View in the Library^} (the import will be canceled)."
    "$$$/AgImport/Library/Collections/AlreadyInLibrary=Already in the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgImport/MetadataBadge/Duplicate/libraryRootFileIsMissing/details=This photo is already in the current catalogue. The original negative of the current catalogue is missing."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CannotUseCatalog/Message=Lightroom can not import from the catalogue."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CantImportCurrentLibrary=You can not import from the Lightroom active."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CantImportLibraryAndRawFilesAtSameTime=You can import up a Lightroom and Raw files individual."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CantImportLockedDB=This catalogue is in use by an instance of Lightroom."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CantImportMultipleLibraries=You can import one Lightroom at a time."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CantImportOpenLibrary=Unable to use the catalogue to import. The catalogue is in use by another copy of Lightroom or it was closed incorrectly. In the latter case, perform an integrity check at the opening."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CantImportOpenLibrary/LowDiskSpace=Unable to use the catalogue to import. Disk space is insufficient to create a temporary working copy of the catalogue."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CantMakeLibraryWritable=Unable to use the catalogue to import. Unable to write to the temporary working copy of the catalogue."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CatalogTooNew/Hint=The catalogue was created with a newer version of Lightroom."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CatalogTooOld/Message=The catalogue was created under a version of Lightroom too old to use with this version of Lightroom."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CopyFilesToLightroomLibrary=Copy photos to a new location and add them to the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/CopyPhotosAsDigitalNegativeDNG=Copy photos as digital images (DNG) and add to the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/ErrorImportingLibrary=Lightroom can not import this catalogue due to an unknown error."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/ImportFromLibrary/CopyingLibrary=Creating a temporary working copy of the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/InvalidCatalog/Hint=The catalogue is not a valid Lightroom."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/MoveFilesToLightroomLibrary=Move photos to a new location and add them to the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/PreImport/Comparing=Comparison with the contents of the catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgImportDialog/ReferenceFilesInExistingLocation=Add photos to catalogue without moving"
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/ImportingPhotos=Import photos from the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/MetadataBadge/Duplicate/ImageIsDifferent/hint=This photo is already in the current catalogue, and its parameters are different."
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/MetadataBadge/Duplicate/OriginalIsMissing/hint=This photo is already in the current catalogue. The original negative of the current catalogue is missing."
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/ModalProgress/Title=Import from Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/Preparing=Preparing to import from the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/Tooltip/Duplicate/copyNegativesForChangedPhotosNonRawOnly/WontImp ortThisRaw=The Raw file will not be duplicated copied, but the parameters of imported catalogue will be transferred.
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/Tooltip/Duplicate/ignoreThisDuplicate=This photo is already in the catalogue, and its parameters are different."
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/Tooltip/Duplicate/originalMissingCopyingFromImported/settingsIden tical=The missing original file is copied from the imported catalogue. The existing settings are preserved.
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/Tooltip/Duplicate/settingsChanged/notImporting=This photo is already in the catalogue with different parameters."
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/Tooltip/Duplicate/settingsIdentical=This photo is already in the catalogue with the same parameters."
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/UnknownErrMakingTempLibrary=Unable to use the catalogue to import. An unexpected error occurred while creating a temporary working copy of the catalogue."
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalog/UpgradingForImport/Progress/Title=Upgrading the catalogue ^1"
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalogDialog/GroupBox/CatalogueContents/MultiplePhotos=Content Catalogue (^1 photos)"
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalogDialog/GroupBox/CatalogueContents/OnePhoto=Content Catalogue (1 photo)"
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalogDialog/ImportFilesAndSyncSettings=Add new photos in the catalogue without moving"
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalogDialog/MissingPhotosPanel/Note/Plural=There are ^1 missing from the current catalogue. These negative files are in the catalogue being imported."
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalogDialog/MissingPhotosPanel/Note/Singular=It lacks a photo in the current catalogue. His file is negative in the catalogue being imported."
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalogDialog/NothingToImport/Hint=All photos are updated in the current catalogue."
    "$$$/AgImportFromCatalogDialog/NothingToImport/Message=The current catalogue contains nothing to import."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/AlreadyInUseFileDialog/Already In Catalog=Already in the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/AlreadyInUseFileDialog/Message=The file ^[^1^] is associated with another photo of the catalogue."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/AnotherLR/Error=Unable to open the Lightroom catalogue named ^[^1^], because it is open in another application."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/CannotRelaunchLibrary/CannotFind/Message=Lightroom does not find this catalogue."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/CannotRelaunchLibrary/CannotUse/Message=Unable to launch Lightroom with this catalogue. It is on a network volume or a volume that Lightroom can not save the changes."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/CannotRelaunchLibrary/CatalogLocation/Hint=The location of the catalogue is ^1."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/CannotUseDB/ChooseAnother/Button=Select another catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/CantDeleteFromSource/CollectionSet/Plural/Info=Try removing the photo collection of this set or remove them from Lightroom."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/CantDeleteFromSource/CollectionSet/Single/Info=Try removing the photo collections located within the package or Lightroom."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/CantDeleteFromSource/SmartCollection/Plural/Info=Try changing the metadata of photographs so that they no longer meet the criteria of dynamic collection or try to delete the photos from Lightroom."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/CantDeleteFromSource/SmartCollection/Single/Info=Try to modify the metadata of the photo so that they no longer meet the criteria of the dynamic collection or try to delete the photo from Lightroom."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ChooseCatalog=Select Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ChooseLibraryDialog/Create=Create a catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ChooseLibraryDialog/CreateNewCatalogTitle=Create a folder with a new catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ChooseLibraryDialog/IntegrityCheck=Test the integrity of this catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ChooseLibraryDialog/LibraryLocation=Select a recent catalogue to open"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ChooseLibraryDialog/MakeSelectedLibraryDefault=Always load this catalogue at startup"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ChooseLibraryDialog/NotOnNetworkOrInReadOnlyFolder/Hint=Note: Lightroom catalogues cannot be on network read-only volumes or folders."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ChooseLibraryDialog/Other=Select another catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ChooseLibraryDialog/Title=Adobe Photoshop Lightroom - Select a catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ClosingCatalog=Closing catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ClosingCatalogNamed=Closing the Catalogue: ^1"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/CreateNotAllowedOnReadOnlyVolume/Message=Lightroom can not create a catalogue called ^[^1^] ^on the volume [^2^], because Lightroom can not save changes to this site."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/DiskFull/Error=Disk ^[^1^] which contains your Lightroom catalogue is almost saturated."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/DiskFullAtOpen/Error=Unable to open the Lightroom catalogue, because there is insufficient space on the hard disk named ^[^1^]."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ExceededMaximumPreviewPath/Message=Lightroom can not create or open the catalogue called ^[^1^] on the volume ^[^2^], because the paths to the cache of the thumbnail would exceed the maximum size allowed for your platform ."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ExceptionRunningValidationSequence/ChooseAnother/Button=Select another catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ExceptionRunningValidationSequence/Message=Unable to open the catalogue due to an unexpected error."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ExceptionRunningValidationSequence/Title=Unexpected error when opening the catalogue."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/FailedToCreateNewCatalog/Message=Lightroom was unable to initialize the catalogue called ^[^1^] and needs to close."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/FailedToOpenNewCatalog/Message=Lightroom was unable to open catalogue called ^[^1^] and needs to close."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/FolderView/DeleteFolder/Hint=If you continue, these photos will be removed from Lightroom, but the folder and files remain on disk."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/FolderView/DeleteFolders/Hint/Plural=If you continue, these photos will be removed from Lightroom, but all the folders and files remain on disk."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/FolderView/DeleteFolders/Hint/Single=If you continue, this photo will be removed from Lightroom, but all the folders and files remain on disk."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/FolderView/ExportAsCatalog/Folder=Export this file as a catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/FolderView/MoveFolder/CantMoveDatabaseFolder=The folder named ^[^1^] contains the Lightroom catalogue and can not be moved until the application is running."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/FolderView/PromoteSubfolders/RootHint=If you continue, all the files in the root folder will be removed from Lightroom, but the folder and files remain on disk."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/IncompatibleDB/TooNewDB/Error=Unable to open the Lightroom catalogue named ^[^1^] because it is too recent to be used with the current version of Lightroom. Would you select another catalogue?"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/IncompatibleDB/TooOldDB/Error=Unable to open the Lightroom catalogue named ^[^1^] because his version is too old. Would you select another catalogue?"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/IncompatibleDB/TooOldDB/Hint=The catalogue was created by a beta version of Lightroom that does not support upgrades catalogue."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/IncompatibleDB/UnknownDB/Error=Unable to open the Lightroom catalogue named ^[^1^] because it is invalid. Would you select another catalogue?"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/IncompatibleDB/UnknownDB/Hint=The catalogue is not recognized as a valid catalogue.^n^nThe catalogue is on ^1."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/LibraryInfo/Title=Settings Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/LibraryMissingDialog/Button/CreateNew=Create a default catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/LibraryMissingDialog/Button/UseDefault=Use the default catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/LibraryMissingDialog/CreateNewOrLocateExisting/Message=Can not find the catalogue on the site (^1). Want to find an existing catalogue or create one?"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/LibraryMissingDialog/Title=Lightroom found."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/LibraryMissingDialog/UseDefaultOrLocateExisting/Message=Can not find the catalogue on the site (^1). Want to find an existing catalogue, or use a default?"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/File/BackupCatalog=Save &catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/File/ExportAsCatalog=E&xport as a catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/File/ImportToCatalog=Impo&rting from the catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/File/NewCatalog=New &catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/File/OpenCatalog=Open &catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/File/OptimizeCatalog=Otimize &catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/File/UpgradeFromElements=Upgrade Photoshop Elements catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/ImageContext/RemoveFromLibrary=Deleted &Sea Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/Library/RemovePhoto=Delete the photo and the sea Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/MustCheckDBDueToCrash/Error=During the last execution of Lightroom, a stop unforeseeable occurred due to a problem reading the catalogue. Lightroom must now check the catalogue before continuing."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/NetworkFolderNotAllowedForCreate/Message=Lightroom can not create a catalogue called ^[^1^] on the network volume ^[^2^]."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/NetworkFolderNotAllowedForOpen/Message=Lightroom can not open the catalogue called ^[^1^] on the network volume ^[^2^]."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/OpenCatalog/Title=Open Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/OpeningCatalog=Opening Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/OpeningCatalogNamed=Opening the catalogue: ^1"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Ops/Keywords/ExportAsCatalog=Export as Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Panel/ExportCatalogButtonTitle=Export Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Panel/ImportCatalog=Import catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/PathLengthHit/Hint=The full path to the catalogue, including the name and separators cannot contain more than ^1 characters. The specified path contains ^2 characters."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ReadOnlyCatalog/Error=Lightroom can not use the catalogue named ^[^1^], because it is not recordable and can not be opened."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ReadOnlyCatalog/Hint=The permissions are probably inadequate or another application uses the Lightroom catalogue. Try to solve the problem or select another catalogue."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ReadOnlyFolder/Error=The Lightroom catalogue can not be used because the parent folder ^[^1^] does not allow creation of files."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ReadOnlyFolder/Hint=Change the access rights to the file before proceeding or select another catalogue."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ReadOnlyNotAllowedForCreate/Message=Lightroom can not create a catalogue called ^[^1^] on the volume ^[^2^], because Lightroom can not save changes to this site."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/ReadOnlyNotAllowedForOpen/Message=Lightroom can not open the catalogue called ^[^1^] on the volume ^[^2^], because Lightroom can not save changes to this site."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/RecoveringFromHotJournal/Message=The catalogue called ^[^1^] has been left in poor condition. Lightroom must restore the catalogue before continuing."
    "$$$/AgLibrary/RecoveringFromHotJournal/Title=Restoration Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/RelaunchForLibraryDialog/Info=To use this catalogue, Lightroom must close the current catalogue and restart. Want to restart Lightroom with ^1?"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/RelaunchForLibraryDialog/Message=Restart Lightroom with this catalogue?"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/RelaunchForLibraryDialog/Title=Open Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/SyncFolder/DeleteMissingPhotos/Count=Remove missing photos from catalogue (^1)"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/SyncFolder/DeleteMissingPhotos/Unknown=Remove missing photos from catalogue (comptage. ..)"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Updates/UpdatingLibraryFileFormat=Updating the file format of the catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/XMP/WarningDialog/Info=This replaces the metadata with those of the Lightroom catalogue file. It is not irreversible."
    "$$$/AgLibraryCollection/Collection/ExportAsCatalog=Export this collection as a catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibraryCollection/PublishedCollection/ExportAsCatalog=Export this collection published as a catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibraryTagKinds/ExportAsCatalog/KeywordContents=Export these pictures as catalogue ..."
    "$$$/AgLibraryTagKinds/LibraryBrowsePanel/TagName/PreviousCatalogExport=Export as Previous Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgLicenseDialog/OrganizationCodes/kEpicOrgCatalogPublisher=Publisher catalogues"
    "$$$/AgNamingUI/ErrorDialog/RemovedFromCatalog=The attached file has been removed from your catalogue."
    "$$$/AgNamingUI/ErrorDialog/RemovedFromCatalogPlural=These support files have been removed from your catalogue."
    "$$$/AgPreferences/CatalogInfoDescription=Some parameters depend on the catalogue and are modified in the Settings window of the catalogue."
    "$$$/AgPreferences/CatalogSettingsSection=Settings Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgPreferences/DefaultLibrary/AlwaysPrompt=Always display the prompt start of Lightroom catalogue. Hold down the Option key during startup to move the prompt and load the latest catalogue."
    "$$$/AgPreferences/DefaultLibrary/LoadMostRecentLibrary=Load the most recent catalogue"
    "$$$/AgPreferences/DefaultLibrary/UseMostRecentDescription=Always use the latest catalogue used in Lightroom. Hold down the Option key during startup to select another catalogue."
    "$$$/AgPreferences/DefaultLibrary/UseMostRecentDescriptionWin=Always use the latest catalogue used in Lightroom. Hold down the Control key while booting to select another catalogue."
    "$$$/AgPreferences/DefaultLibrary/UseSelected=Always use the selected catalogue. Hold down the Option key during startup to load temporarily another catalogue."
    "$$$/AgPreferences/DefaultLibrary/UseSelectedWin=Always use the selected catalogue. Hold down the Control key while booting to temporarily load another catalogue."
    "$$$/AgPreferences/General/Label/LibraryStartup=Default Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgPreferences/GoToCatalogInfoButton=Go to Settings Catalogue"
    "$$$/AgPreferences/PresetsSection/StorePresetsByCatalog=Store presets with catalogue"
    "$$$/AgPreferences/defaultLibrary=At startup, load the catalogue:"
    "$$$/AgPublishCommands/RemoteDeleteFailed/Info/Plural=You can still remove the collections of the Lightroom catalogue, but they may remain on the service."
    "$$$/AgPublishCommands/RemoteDeleteFailed/Info/Single=You can still remove this collection's catalogue Lightroom but it may remain on the service."
    "$$$/AgSQLiteExceptionHandlers/CorruptDBError/Message=Lightroom has encountered an error while reading a catalogue file and needs to close."
    "$$$/AgSdkPropertySpecs/Error/SchemaTooNew/V3=Metadata specific to plug this catalogue are newer than those supported by the installed version of this plugin."
    "$$$/Application/Menu/File/LibraryInfo=Catalogue ue &Settings ..."
    "$$$/Application/SystemMenu/ShowCatalogLocation=Show lacement emp &Catalogue ..."
    "$$$/BackUpLibrary/BackingUpDBFile/Failed/Message=We're sorry. Lightroom was unable to save the catalogue ^[^1^]."
    "$$$/BackUpLibrary/BackingUpDBFile/FailedBecauseCorrupt/Hint=Lightroom will try to repair the catalogue at the next opening."
    "$$$/BackUpLibrary/BackingUpDBFile/FailedBecauseCorrupt/Message=We're sorry. The catalogue called ^[^1^] has failed the integrity test requested and can not be saved."
    "$$$/BackUpLibrary/BackingUpDBFile/Title=Catalogue backup"
    "$$$/BackupLibraryDialog/BackUpLibraryTitle=Save catalogue"
    "$$$/BackupLibraryDialog/DailyPeriodicityComment=The catalogue settings ^[^1^] indicate that it must be saved once a day."
    "$$$/BackupLibraryDialog/EveryLaunchPeriodicityComment=The catalogue settings ^[^1^] indicate that it must be saved at each closing."
    "$$$/BackupLibraryDialog/MonthlyPeriodicityComment=The catalogue settings ^[^1^] indicate that it must be backed up once a month."
    "$$$/BackupLibraryDialog/Note=Note: This will backup only the catalogue file, not the pictures it references."
    "$$$/BackupLibraryDialog/Optimize/Checkbox=Optimizing the catalogue after the backup"
    "$$$/BackupLibraryDialog/ThisLaunchPeriodicityComment=The catalogue settings ^[^1^] indicate that it must be backed up during the next closure."
    "$$$/BackupLibraryDialog/WeeklyPeriodicityComment=The catalogue settings ^[^1^] indicate that it must be backed up once a week."
    "$$$/FirstRunUpgrade/CatalogLabel/LR1=Upgrading the Lightroom catalogue called a ^[^1^]"
    "$$$/FirstRunUpgrade/CatalogLabel/PSE7=Upgrade the catalogue called Photoshop Elements 7 ^[^1^]"
    "$$$/FirstRunUpgrade/CatalogLabel/PSE8=Upgrade Photoshop Elements catalogue titled 8 ^[^1^]"
    "$$$/FirstRunUpgrade/CatalogLabel/PSEGeneric=Upgrade Photoshop Elements catalogue entitled ^[^1^]."
    "$$$/FirstRunUpgrade/Destination/ChoiceBox/Label=Destination of the new catalogue"
    "$$$/FirstRunUpgrade/Explanation/Multiple/UpgradeableCatalogs/Message=3 Lightroom catalogues found compatible on your computer. Would you like to upgrade an existing catalogue or create a new catalogue with Lightroom?"
    "$$$/FirstRunUpgrade/Other=Select another catalogue ..."
    "$$$/FirstRunUpgrade/UpgradeNeeded/CreateNew/Title=Creating a Lightroom 3."
    "$$$/FirstRunUpgrade/UpgradeNeeded/Title=Creating a Lightroom"
    "$$$/Import/Header/MyCatalog=My catalogue"
    "$$$/ImportToolbar/AlreadyInCatalog=This photo is already in the catalogue."
    "$$$/ImportView/FilePlacement/LeaveDescription=Add photos to catalogue without moving"
    "$$$/ImportView/Tooltip/SuspectedDuplicate=It is apparently a duplicate of a photo already in the catalogue."
    "$$$/KeywordImportExport/ImportFromCatalog/ModalProgress/Title=Import keywords from the catalogue"
    "$$$/KeywordImportExport/ImportFromCatalog/Preparing=Preparing to import keywords from the catalogue"
    "$$$/Library/FindMissingPhotos/NoneFoundMessage=All photos in this catalogue are available."
    "$$$/Library/FindMissingPhotos/ProgressScope/Paths=Getting the paths of Catalogue"
    "$$$/Library/FindPreviousProcessVersionPhotos/NoneFoundMessage=No picture with a previous process in the most recent was found in this catalogue."
    "$$$/Library/FindPreviousProcessVersionPhotos/ProgressScope/Gathering=Taking photos of catalogue"
    "$$$/LibraryUpgradeCatalogUtils/CatalogInfo/DisclosureWidget/Label=Information Catalogueue"
    "$$$/LrCatalog/ProlongedWriteConfirmation/Message=The plug-^[^1^] requires write access rights to your catalogue."
    "$$$/MustUpgradeBeforeImport/DiscardUpgradedCopy/Choice/Label=Skip catalogue upgraded after import"
    "$$$/MustUpgradeBeforeImport/Failure/Hint=You can choose to try to upgrade the catalogue directly by opening it in Lightroom 3."
    "$$$/MustUpgradeBeforeImport/Failure/Message=We're sorry. Lightroom has failed to upgrade the catalogue file ^[^1^]. Imports from that file is impossible."
    "$$$/MustUpgradeBeforeImport/KeepUpgradedCopy/Choice/Label=Save the catalogue upgrade."
    "$$$/MustUpgradeBeforeImport/Success/Message=Lightroom has completed the upgrade of the catalogue file ^[^1^] and will start importing the catalogue."
    "$$$/MustUpgradeBeforeImport/UpdateNeeded/Description=Lightroom will upgrade the catalogue in the background, then continue the import after the upgrade."
    "$$$/MustUpgradeBeforeImport/UpdateNeeded/LargeSizeWarning/Description=Lightroom will upgrade the catalogue in the background, then continue the import after the upgrade. This may take several minutes."
    "$$$/MustUpgradeBeforeImport/UpdateNeeded/Message=The catalogue file ^[^1^] selected must be upgraded before being imported into Lightroom 3."
    "$$$/MustUpgradeBeforeImport/UpgradeNeeded/Title=The catalogue must be upgraded"
    "$$$/PSE6UpgradeCatalogUI/Failure/Message=Lightroom has encountered problems during the upgrade of Photoshop Elements catalogue. Unable to complete this operation."
    "$$$/PSEUpgradeCatalogUI/Explanation/Details=Lightroom will reboot, then create a catalogue in the destination indicated below."
    "$$$/PSEUpgradeCatalogUI/Explanation/Message=Want to upgrade a catalogue Photoshop Elements for use in Lightroom?"
    "$$$/PSEUpgradeCatalogUI/PSECatalog/CatalogChooser=Photoshop Elements Catalogue"
    "$$$/PSEUpgradeCatalogUI/UpgradeNeeded/Title=Upgrade Photoshop Elements catalogue"
    "$$$/PrefsWindow/BackUpLibrary=Save the catalogue:"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalog/Progress/Message=Upgrading the current catalogue"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalog/Progress/Title=Update Catalogue"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalog/RecoverablePartialUpgrade/Button/TryAgain/Button=Retry the upgrade catalogue"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalog/RecoverablePartialUpgrade/Hint=This problem is certainly due to the sudden closure of Lightroom during the upgrade of an old catalogue on Lightroom ^[^1^]."
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalog/RecoverablePartialUpgrade/Message=The catalogue is being opened an incomplete upgrade of an old Lightroom and can not be used. What do you do?"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalog/UnrecoverablePartialUpgrade/Button/TryAgain/Button=Delete the catalogue and select another"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalog/UnrecoverablePartialUpgrade/ChooseAnother/Button=Keep the catalogue and select another"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalog/UnrecoverablePartialUpgrade/Message=The catalogue is being opened an incomplete upgrade of an old Lightroom catalogue and can not be used. What do you do?"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalog/UpgradeCatalog/ChooseAnother/Button=Select another catalogue"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/BadDestination/FileExists/Message=Lightroom can not do upgrade to this location because a file by this name already in the same place. Select another catalogue name or other destination catalogue."
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/BadDestination/ParentFolderMissing/Message=Lightroom can not do upgrade to this location because the file does not exist. Choose a different destination folder for your catalogue."
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/BadDestination/PreviewCacheExists/Message=Lightroom can not do upgrade to this location as a preview file uses the same name. Choose a different catalogue name or other destination catalogue."
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/CannotMovePreviewCache/Lightroom=The location selected is on a volume different from the original catalogue. Lightroom does not support copying files between volumes preview through the upgrade of the catalogue."
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/NetworkDestination/NotAllowed/Hint=The upgrade of Lightroom catalogues can not be made to locations on network volumes, removable media or volumes read-only."
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/PreviewCopyingFailed/Hint=The previews will be recreated as you use the catalogue."
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/ReadOnlyDestination/NotAllowed/Hint=The upgrade of Lightroom catalogues can not be made to locations on network volumes, removable media or volumes read-only. Critical"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/UpdateFailed/GenericFailure/Message=Lightroom has encountered problems when updating the file format of the catalogue. This catalogue can be used in this version of Lightroom."
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/UpdateFailed/IOError/Message=Lightroom has encountered problems reading or writing to disk when trying to update the catalogue file format and can not currently update the catalogue."
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/UpdateNeeded/ChooseAnother/Button=Select another catalogue"
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/UpdateNeeded/Description=Lightroom will create a new catalogue file to the destination indicated below. The surveys will also be moved to that location and converted for use in Lightroom 3."
    "$$$/UpgradeCatalogUI/UpdateNeeded/Message=Upgrade the catalogue file ^[^1^] for use in Lightroom 3."
    "$$$/UpgradePSECatalog/OfflineImagesNotUpgraded/MultiplePhotosUpgraded/MultiplePhotosOffli ne/Message=Lightroom was able to update only ^1 photos in a Photoshop Elements catalogue, as ^2 additional pictures have been moved to an inaccessible Photoshop Elements catalogue.
    "$$$/UpgradePSECatalog/OfflineImagesNotUpgraded/MultiplePhotosUpgraded/SinglePhotoOffline/ Message=Lightroom has successfully updated ^1 photos in a Photoshop Elements catalogue, but was unable to update others because it has been moved to an inaccessible Photoshop Elements catalogue.
    "$$$/UpgradePSECatalog/OfflineImagesNotUpgraded/SinglePhotoUpgraded/MultiplePhotosOffline/ Message=Lightroom has successfully updated ^1 photos in a Photoshop Elements catalogue, but was unable to update others because it has been moved to an inaccessible Photoshop Elements catalogue.
    "$$$/UpgradePSECatalog/OfflineImagesNotUpgraded/SinglePhotoUpgraded/SinglePhotoOffline/Mes sage=Lightroom has successfully updated a photo in a Photoshop Elements catalogue, but was unable to update other because it has been moved to a backup of Photoshop Elements which can not be accessed.
    "$$$/UpgradePSECatalog/Progress/Hint=Wait for the creation of your Lightroom catalogue."
    "$$$/UpgradePSECatalog/Progress/Message=Creating a Lightroom catalogue from Elements catalogue."
    "$$$/UpgradePSECatalog/SomeImagesNotUpgraded/Message=Lightroom upgraded your Photoshop Elements catalogue. ^1 pictures were added to Lightroom, but ^2 files were in a format not supported by Lightroom. You can continue to view these files in Photoshop Elements."
    "$$$/UpgradeRedundancyWarning/ImportCurrent/Button=Import the current catalogue"
    "$$$/UpgradeRedundancyWarning/ImportUpgraded/Button=Import the catalogue upgraded"
    "$$$/UpgradeRedundancyWarning/ImportUpgraded/Message=Lightroom 3 has already upgraded the selected catalogue."
    "$$$/UpgradeRedundancyWarning/ImportUpgraded/Prompt=Want to import from the catalogue upgraded?"
    "$$$/UpgradeRedundancyWarning/OriginalCatalog/Title=Selected Catalogue:"
    "$$$/UpgradeRedundancyWarning/Title=Upgraded version of the catalogue found"
    "$$$/UpgradeRedundancyWarning/UpgradedCatalog/Title=Catalogue upgraded:"
    "$$$/UpgradeRedundancyWarning/UseUpgraded/Button=Using the existing catalogue"
    "$$$/UpgradeRedundancyWarning/UseUpgraded/Message=Lightroom 3 has already upgraded the selected catalogue."

  • On my Mac Pro how can I get voiceover to start reading at a specific point on a document?, on my Mac Pro how can I get voiceover to start reading at a specific point on a document?

    On my Mac Pro how can I get voiceover to start reading at a specific point in a document, and then continue on to the next paragraph and so on?  Thank you.  Ed

    Welcome to the Apple family!!!! 
    How can I cause the VO cursor(box) show-up/start?
    Press Control-Option and F5.   The F5 key is located on the top row of keys 6th key over.  This is a toggling "Keyboard Shortcut" for turning VoiceOver on and off.
    How can I move the VO cursor to various sentences or paragraphs of an article and have it start reading ... and perhaps even continue reading on to the next paragraph(s) ... even to the end of the article?
    How to read a website with VoiceOver
    Step 1:  Go to the Website
    A quick keyboard shortcut is Command-L.  This will jump you up to the address bar.  Start typing where you want to go.  i.e ""
    Step 2:  Working with Webpage
    VoiceOver will automatically start reading the website.  You can pause the speech by hitting the 'Control Button'. 
    If VoiceOver does not being reading the webpage, then you might have to "Interact" with it.  If VoiceOver say "HTML Content" then press Control-Option-Space-Down Arrow to interact with the webpage.
    Use Control-Option-Right Arrow to move throught the website.  This will speak "EVERYTHING" on the page.
    Most website that I've found have their articles labeled as 'Heading'.  You can jump from heading to heading, by pressing Control-Option-Shift-H.
    If you'd like an itemized alphabetical listing of the site, press Control-Option-I 
    Press Control-Option-Space on the link or article you want to view.
    Step 3.  Reading from Top to Bottom
    Once you found and clicked on the the article/link, use the same 'Heading' command, Control-Option-Shift-H to find the title. 
    After finding the title, press Control-Option-A will start reading from the title on. 
    Note:  If there are any other items (ads, pictures, etc) it will read those too. 
    Tip:  You might be able to activate a feature called the 'Reader'.  The Reader isolates the article and elimanates the ads  The keyboard command is Shift-Command-R.  You can also find it in the Menu Bar (Command-Option-M) under the word 'View' then 'Show Reader'. 
    I am using a MACPro with OSX, probably Mavericks 10.9 (where would I look to see if that is the correct information?)
    You can find this information under the 'Apple menu' in the Menu Bar.  To access the Menu Bar, press Control-Option-M. 
    Go to Apple Menu > About This Mac.  This will open up another window.  Use Control-Option-Right Arrow until you hear 'Version'.  If you purchased it brand new from Apple within the last six month, more than likely you have Mavericks. 
    Recommanded Articles. 
    AppleVis- Commonly used Keyboard Commands
    Chapter 2: Learning VoiceOver Basics
    Chapter 6: Browsing the internet
    Apple Accessibility Resource Page
    The  'Commands Help' Voiceover Menu. Control-Option-H-H.  (hit H twice)  is my best friend.  It's a searchable VoiceOver Menu with most of the VoiceOver command.  Example:  You are looking for the 'Read Current Paragraph' keyboard command.   Press Control-Option-H-H and then type Paragraph.  It will then bring up all the commands with the word paragraph.  I believe there are three.   
    As from the Trackpad Commands, I've copied and pasted below from Appendix A: Commands and Gestures
    VoiceOver standard gestures
    If you’re using a Multi-Touch trackpad, you can use VoiceOver gestures. VoiceOver provides a set of standard gestures for navigating and interacting with items on the screen. You can’t modify this set of gestures.
    NOTE:Gestures that don’t mention a specific number of fingers are single-finger gestures.
    Enable the Trackpad Commander and VoiceOver gestures
    VO-Two-finger rotate clockwise
    Disable the Trackpad Commander and VoiceOver gestures
    VO-Two-finger rotate counterclockwise
    Turn the screen curtain on or off
    Three-finger triple-tap
    Mute or unmute VoiceOver
    Three-finger double-tap
    Force the VoiceOver cursor into a horizontal or vertical line when you drag a finger across the trackpad
    Hold down the Shift key and drag a finger horizontally or vertically
    Move the VoiceOver cursor to the next item
    Flick right
    Move the VoiceOver cursor to the previous item
    Flick left
    Move content or the scroll bar (depending on the Trackpad Commander setting)
    Three-finger flick in any direction
    Go to the Dock
    This gesture moves the VoiceOver cursor to the Dock wherever it’s positioned on the screen
    Two-finger double-tap near the bottom of the trackpad
    Go to the menu bar
    Two-finger double-tap near the top of the trackpad
    Open the Application Chooser
    Two-finger double-tap on the left side of the trackpad
    Open the Window Chooser
    Two-finger double-tap on the right side of the trackpad
    Jump to another area of the current application
    Press Control while touching a finger on the trackpad
    Speak the item in the VoiceOver cursor or, if there isn’t an item, play a sound effect to indicate a blank area
    Touch (includes tap or dragging)
    Select an item
    Double-tap anywhere on the trackpad
    You can also split-tap (touch one finger and then tap with a second finger on the trackpad)
    Start interacting with the item in the VoiceOver cursor
    Two-finger flick right
    Stop interacting with the item in the VoiceOver cursor
    Two-finger flick left
    Scroll one page up or down
    Three-finger flick up or down
    Escape (close a menu without making a selection)
    Two-finger scrub back and forth
    Increase or decrease the value of a slider, splitter, stepper, or other control
    Flick up (increase) or flick down (decrease)
    Read the current page, starting at the top
    Two-finger flick up
    Read from the VoiceOver cursor to the end of the current page
    Two-finger flick down
    Pause or resume speaking
    Two-finger tap
    Describe what’s in the VoiceOver cursor
    Three-finger tap
    Change how VoiceOver reads text (by word, line, sentence, or paragraph)
    Press the Command key while touching a finger on the trackpad
    Change the rotor settings
    Two-finger rotate
    Move to the previous item based on the rotor setting
    Flick up
    Move to the next item based on the rotor setting
    Flick down
    To customize other gestures by assigning VoiceOver commands to them, use the Trackpad Commander.
    Assigning VoiceOver commands to gestures
    If you need a reminder about what a gesture does, press VO-K to start keyboard help, and then use the gesture on the trackpad and listen to the description.
    Learning about keys, keyboard shortcuts, and gestures
    Sorry lots of information.  Enjoy.  You

  • How can I get a drop-down list selection also be selected in another field with the same list but a different name?

    I have a street address and a billing address. A question is posed with a checkbox — "Is the billing address the same as the street address?" If Yes is checked, the street address automatically fills the billing fields. If No is checked, the user must fill in new information. In both the street address and billing addres, the State field is a drop-down list. How can I get the drop-down list selection in the street address State also be selected in drop-down list for the billing address State?

    Has anyone done this?

  • How can I get music REMOVED from iTunes Store?!

    I manage a band who has never been signed to a record label however, they had a distribution deal which has since expired and the company went under. Apparently they put a CD up of my band on iTunes Store and items look to have been purchased as the Popularity "meter" is maxed out on some. Where the money is going outside of Apple's cut... who knows. But how can I get my band's music removed from iTunes' Store? I can't find contact numbers anywhere. Thanks for any help!!

    I forgot to mention that the distributors with who we have an expired contract are no where to be found. yikes.

  • How can I get specific files back from my Time Machine backup?

    I wanted to make a fresh install on my MacBook Pro, in order to only have Java 8 instead of any older Java versions. So far so good. But now I want to get specific files/libraries from my external backup (USB):
    One Parallels Virtual Machine
    My old mail
    My iPhoto Library
    I don't need any settings for these, since I can easily configure them again.
    I already used the Migration Assistent to restore all apps.
    How can I get specific data back from the backup without restoring all stuff that I don't want anymore?
    I'm now working on a new account on the fresh system, called 'Admin'. My old account was called 'Hans' (or 'hans') and I'd like to create such an account again for all my tasks.

    How can I get specific data back from the backup without restoring all stuff that I don't want anymore?
    I'm now working on a new account on the fresh system, called 'Admin'. My old account was called 'Hans' (or 'hans') and I'd like to create such an account again for all my tasks.
    You will want to add the same User account(s) which hold the data you want to restore. So you will want to add a User account of 'Hans or hans'. Check your Time Machine back up drive to see how the User account is labeled (Hans or hans). Navigate to the Users folder and see how it's labeled.
    You can then use your Time Machine back up drive and navigate to the User Home folder to copy its data over (e.g. contents from Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, etc.). Repeat for other Users.

  • I've overwritten my Mac OS with Windows Vista, how can I get my Mac OS back

    I Was downloading a Windows Vista OS on my Mac and I accidentally deleted the Mac OS. How can I get my Mac OS back? Can I use the CD's accompanied with my MAC
    when I put the DVD to Install the MAC system from vista...It doesnt give an option for ordinary installtion but it gives me an option for remote installtion (which it needs an network or internet connection or something like that...) what should i do ??

    You need to repartition the drive. While booted from the DVD, select Utilities > Disk Utility from the menu bar. In Disk Utility, select the boot drive from the list on the left. It will have a long name starting with the capacity in GB. Click on the Partition tab. Choose "1 Partition" as the volume scheme. Click on the Options button near the bottom of the window, then click on the button labeled "GUID Partition Table." Finally, click Apply. When the partition finishes, you can quit Disk Utility and go back to the Installer. You should now see your internal drive as available for installation.

  • How can I get video media .MOD into Premiere El. 9?

    Videos from my Canon 7d camera and from my Canon ADCHD camcorder (both SD cards) are .MOD files. I open Premiere Elements 9 and click GET MEDIA and it won't recognize the files. It says it cannot open the videos because:
    "your system does not have the required compression/decompression codec installed."
    When I bought this software a service rep assured me that it would take .MOD files. Why weren't these codecs installed with the program? How can I get these videos to work with Premiere Elements 9?

    First, I apologize - I meant .MOV files, not .MOD files. I did download the Quick Time update. Then other problems arose:
    Per an e-mail from a forum member, I downloaded an update of QuickTime, which should let me open .MOV files.
    Inserted an SD memory card from my Canon camcorder. I selected FLASH, ADCHD...  Then GET MEDIA.
    Thumbnails appeared labeled MOV001.MOD and ascending numerical order. Then Premiere stopped working and a message appeared: 
    There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive\device\Harddisk1\DR1
    So I must have picked the wrong device category?
    I couldn't close the error message or the software so used the Task Manager to get out of it.
    After a couple more tries I gave up.
    Then I tried my DSLR Canon 7d CF memory card. Selected NEW FILE. Clicked on "edit settings" and chose DSLR > GET MEDIA. The downloader began. Up came another message.
    Download failed because the files are TOO LARGE.
    These are CR2 (RAW) PHOTOS. Do I have to change the format to .jpg or .psd in Photoshop Elements first?
    Any suggestions?

  • TS1544 I am the administrator of my MacBook Pro, which I share with my kids. One of them forgot his password, so as the admin I changed it for his account, but  when I try to see his account, it says I need to provide the keychain password. How can i get

    I am the administrator of my MacBook Pro, which I share with my kids. One of them forgot his password, so as the admin I changed it for his account, but  when I try to see his account, it says I need to provide the keychain password. How can i get it? I have no idea how to sort this out...

    First, make sure caps lock is not on.
    You must back up all data before continuing, unless you've already done so. If you need to back up but can't log in, ask for instructions.
    If the user account is associated with an Apple ID, and you know the Apple ID password, then maybe the Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
    Otherwise*, boot into Recovery mode. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
    Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. In the Terminal window, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window opens.
    Select your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Follow the prompts to reset the password. It's safest to choose a password that includes only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
     ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.
    You should now be able to log in with the new password, but your Keychain will be reset (empty.) If you've forgotten the Keychain password (which is ordinarily the same as your login password), there's no way to recover it.
    *Note: If you've activated FileVault, this procedure doesn't apply. Follow instead the instructions on this page:
    If you forget the password and FileVault is on

  • How can i get value from tilelist?

    I have created checkbox in itemRenderer that use for TileList
    How can i get value (checked) from checkbox?

    "Marsza" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g6r6vj$di0$[email protected]..
    > Help me please....... T_T
    Could you rephrase the question?

  • FireFox won't auto-refresh specific site, other browsers do. How can I get FF to auto-refresh?

    I have a Help Desk application (everything HelpDesk) with a web interface. I keep my queue screen open so I can see new tickets come in and check status of existing tickets. FireFox does not auto-refresh this queue page so that new items or status changes show up. The page must be manually re-loaded in FireFox. However, other browsers (Chrome, IE, Safari) auto-refresh the queue page just fine. How can I get FireFox to auto-refresh this page?

    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Advanced > General : Accessibility : [ ] "Warn me when web sites try to redirect or reload the page"
    The setting in "Tools > Options > Advanced > General" is meant as an accessibility feature, as you can see by the label of that section, so that people with disabilities or people who use screen readers do not get confused and is not meant as a safety protection to stop redirecting.
    See also:

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