How can I reshape a rectangle sign into a polygon shape?

I have made a sign that looks like a license plate.  to make it more interesting, I'd like to transform the rectangle into a polygon by lifting the top line from the center and dropping the bottom line from the center.  How can I do this?

You are short on replies because your question is ambiguous.  You'll need to be clearer about what you want to achieve, but I've made a guess.
noun: polygon; plural noun: polygons
a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more. 

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    There are two ways to do this ...
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    Use Adobe Acrobat to Convert the files into PDF. You can download the Free Trial and Use it for 30 days ...
    Please Refer :
    To Download Trial :
    Steps to Convert :

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    Hi Mithlesh,
    javascript runs on client side and you cannot assign the value to a Page attribute directly.
    As a workaround,you can use an Inputfield,hidden if required,and set the value using javascript.Then the form will have to be submit to be able to read the value in onInputProcessing and then can be assigned to any variable.
    In Layout
    <script language="javascript">
    function pass()
       txt1 = document.getElementById("ip_mrf");
       txt.value = "hello" ;
    <htmlb:inputField  id="ip_mrf"
    in onInputProcessing
    cha1 = request->get_form_field( 'ip_mrf' ).
    where cha1 is the page attribute
    hope this helps,
    Message was edited by: Siddhartha Jain

  • How can I insert an existing ApDiv into a tab in the Spry Tabbed Panel?

    I have 5 of them all containing nested Apdiv within nested ApDivs (a long storie ) that I would like to insert into 5 tabs in the Spry Tabbed Panel.
    Please help.

    "Hi Gramp,I realize I have made hard work for myself but I really don't know any better. I also realize now that taking on this project may have been a mistake :-)I taught myself how to use the design side of Dream Weaver. These five ApDivs were created in the content area of the spry tool and it worked fine. (yes a lot of work though)For the first time I looked at the code side. I wanted to try to bring a peace of code from another page for something unrelated and when it didn't work I took it out and without noticing, deleting a line from the Spry tool.Of course like a classic newbe I was working without a backup copy so here I am. Loosing hours of tedious work and on the verve of tears :-)I do have some  questions though.  My APDiv
      What does "apDiv1" stands for and what does "My APDiv" stands for?Is the only thing I have to do is changing this line for my five ApDivs and paste it in the appropriate places in the code? Thanks again,Gilaad
    Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 20:39:07 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: How can I insert an existing ApDiv into a tab in the Spry Tabbed Panel? 
        Re: How can I insert an existing ApDiv into a tab in the Spry Tabbed Panel? 
        created by Altruistic Gramps in Spry Framework for Ajax - View the full discussion 
    You have really made hard work for yourself by using APDiv's. I suppose it can be done, but I would not. To answer your question, I have create an example as per#apDiv1
    My APDiv
    Content 2
    Tab 1
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    If you are using LabVIEW 5.1.2 Real-Time (RT), launch Remote System Explorer and select Disks >> Create Format Hard Drive Disk. If you have LabVIEW 6 RT, launch the Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) and select Tools >> RT PXI Disk Utilities >> Create Format Hard Drive Disk (LabVIEW RT 6 has not be released yet). Once you have created the disk, boot the PXI controller with the Format Hard Drive Disk, and this will format the PXI's hard drive and install the real-time OS boot loader. Now you can reboot the PXI without a floppy disk and configure the PXI using Remote System Explorer or MAX. Be aware that this will remove all information from the hard drive, including other operating systems.

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