How Can i use the key file Generated by RSACryptoServiceProvider to encrypt with php?

I need to be able to encrypt data in PHP using a public key generate by .NET(RSACryptoServiceProvider).  I will then decrypt the data later in C# using the private key.
Code Snippet
As you see this code snippet is a xml format private key. at .net platform,which can use encrypt or dencrypt.
i have try the Extension Crypt RSA ( ) to help me encrypt data by php.but it haven't return a currect result. the data encrypted by php cann't dencrypt by c#.
does the RSA algorithm provider by Crypt_RSA can give a stand result as c#?
BTW :i just use the xmlkeystring like this.
Code Snippet
    $public_key_string = simplexml_load_string("<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>xU5JyaPNDKXI/h/uo5Vk89wZSz3zsB1+c+1IMYIQa+mCmuRCRPuoBI7ODSV2ndP6grfhdrWEzhpZtkI3SThbBh/3t+tfZ2PF8Iyv9ECN07V64nPCiJGhAnfENE+J9UD9Kw5czXHgZcBbpM5N0VfXmLSleaS65DDoNPtoStVy7ss=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent><P>4ScAjVrPZii/6lICAP2yDQiNEmNL74+5AcxNVDI0IombfDPIygrqEWmuDu0pngApQak7XnEnLbaDChILFiHPZQ==</P><Q>4FaYlse+cjrlPD/jk+GsTJeuP7yuQx8ztjVnQWVh6GKQP+uk1dAl6kcZOfLNR6LWwE3CSygt8PthTEw96Zbabw==</Q><DP>XvXtNLE9UjATqYeHEtXtV7Pok/3PVC3A8PIzFzTJaluxeXP51sU9rbRt1hvO9rXIsMnooU+GH7Cfmgq8JEyERQ==</DP><DQ>HXkC/vwq9xLpvuqd2XXSjxV2XQVK16Knxo5pjFvnawJX9S3eMADymj7Q/534firUj9snZXxX3MsJ015I3AFnnQ==</DQ><InverseQ>AM0fVCE3n2FKf2zb3CcDEge1Ko35VvMEL+LXgR87QwO2HScZSuLevGLi2SSAkB1vu8RSNzB028SZReeOZWnq4Q==</InverseQ><D>fI+GKdRNOTTYhQZnw8Im74T+OvArjf2wvUMJlqfD8jyDBYIhDCfL1MTK9KW4Er+moSuxHR5Pb0ZXaKa4/HKlk0aJ1jB2C+jg7zTSuPRNuS16BpVHaJYsQurCwZwElXMum+GxeXK/h3wXWq5HwebjqZr0aLUMZKRcweDPRoVFiRE=</D></RSAKeyValue>");
    $key =new Crypt_RSA_Key(base64_decode($public_key_string->Modulus),base64_decode($public_key_string->Exponent),"public");
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    $rsa_obj = new Crypt_RSA();
    //try encrypt data
    echo "encrypted result is:<br/>".$rsa_obj->encrypt("this is a smple text.",$key)
but the encrypted data cann't decrypt by c#?where is the problem?what should i do with php codes?

thank you for your reply, i also found this article by google.but this does not meet scene,  thank you all the same.
i have already solved the problem now,i'd like to post the Solution .infact it's so easy to use rsakey file generated by .net .
Code Snippet
 * Some constants
define("BCCOMP_LARGER", 1);
class RSA
  * PHP implementation of the RSA algorithm
  * (C) Copyright 2004 Edsko de Vries, Ireland
  * Licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL)
  * This implementation has been verified against [3]
  * (tested Java/PHP interoperability).
  * References:
  * [1] "Applied Cryptography", Bruce Schneier, John Wiley & Sons, 1996
  * [2] "Prime Number Hide-and-Seek", Brian Raiter, Muppetlabs (online)
  * [3] "The Bouncy Castle Crypto Package", Legion of the Bouncy Castle,
  *      (open source cryptography library for Java, online)
  * [4] "PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Standard", RSA Laboratories Technical Note,
  *      version 1.5, revised November 1, 1993
  * Functions that are meant to be used by the user of this PHP module.
  * Notes:
  * - $key and $modulus should be numbers in (decimal) string format
  * - $message is expected to be binary data
  * - $keylength should be a multiple of 8, and should be in bits
  * - For rsa_encrypt/rsa_sign, the length of $message should not exceed
  *   ($keylength / 8) - 11 (as mandated by [4]).
  * - rsa_encrypt and rsa_sign will automatically add padding to the message.
  *   For rsa_encrypt, this padding will consist of random values; for rsa_sign,
  *   padding will consist of the appropriate number of 0xFF values (see [4])
  * - rsa_decrypt and rsa_verify will automatically remove message padding.
  * - Blocks for decoding (rsa_decrypt, rsa_verify) should be exactly
  *   ($keylength / 8) bytes long.
  * - rsa_encrypt and rsa_verify expect a public key; rsa_decrypt and rsa_sign
  *   expect a private key.
  * rsa encrypt data
  * @param binary string $message
  * @param unknown_type $public_key
  * @param numbers $modulus
  * @param numbers $keylength
  * @return binary data
 function rsa_encrypt($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength)
  $padded = RSA::add_PKCS1_padding($message, true, $keylength / 8);
  $number = RSA::binary_to_number($padded);
  $encrypted = RSA::pow_mod($number, $public_key, $modulus);
  $result = RSA::number_to_binary($encrypted, $keylength / 8);
  return $result;
 function rsa_decrypt($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength)
  $number = RSA::binary_to_number($message);
  $decrypted = RSA::pow_mod($number, $private_key, $modulus);
  $result = RSA::number_to_binary($decrypted, $keylength / 8);
  return RSA::remove_PKCS1_padding($result, $keylength / 8);
 function rsa_sign($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength)
  $padded = RSA::add_PKCS1_padding($message, false, $keylength / 8);
  $number = RSA::binary_to_number($padded);
  $signed = RSA::pow_mod($number, $private_key, $modulus);
  $result = RSA::number_to_binary($signed, $keylength / 8);
  return $result;
 function rsa_verify($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength)
  return RSA::rsa_decrypt($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength);
 function rsa_kyp_verify($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength)
  $number = RSA::binary_to_number($message);
  $decrypted = RSA::pow_mod($number, $public_key, $modulus);
  $result = RSA::number_to_binary($decrypted, $keylength / 8);
  return RSA::remove_KYP_padding($result, $keylength / 8);
  * The actual implementation.
  * Requires BCMath support in PHP (compile with --enable-bcmath)
 // Calculate (p ^ q) mod r
 // We need some trickery to [2]:
 //   (a) Avoid calculating (p ^ q) before (p ^ q) mod r, because for typical RSA
 //       applications, (p ^ q) is going to be _WAY_ too large.
 //       (I mean, __WAY__ too large - won't fit in your computer's memory.)
 //   (b) Still be reasonably efficient.
 // We assume p, q and r are all positive, and that r is non-zero.
 // Note that the more simple algorithm of multiplying $p by itself $q times, and
 // applying "mod $r" at every step is also valid, but is O($q), whereas this
 // algorithm is O(log $q). Big difference.
 // As far as I can see, the algorithm I use is optimal; there is no redundancy
 // in the calculation of the partial results.
 function pow_mod($p, $q, $r)
  // Extract powers of 2 from $q
  $factors = array();
  $div = $q;
  $power_of_two = 0;
  while(bccomp($div, "0") == BCCOMP_LARGER)
   $rem = bcmod($div, 2);
   $div = bcdiv($div, 2);
   if($rem) array_push($factors, $power_of_two);
  // Calculate partial results for each factor, using each partial result as a
  // starting point for the next. This depends of the factors of two being
  // generated in increasing order.
  $partial_results = array();
  $part_res = $p;
  $idx = 0;
  foreach($factors as $factor)
   while($idx < $factor)
    $part_res = bcpow($part_res, "2");
    $part_res = bcmod($part_res, $r);
   array_push($partial_results, $part_res);
  // Calculate final result
  $result = "1";
  foreach($partial_results as $part_res)
   $result = bcmul($result, $part_res);
   $result = bcmod($result, $r);
  return $result;
 // Function to add padding to a decrypted string
 // We need to know if this is a private or a public key operation [4]
 function add_PKCS1_padding($data, $isPublicKey, $blocksize)
  $pad_length = $blocksize - 3 - strlen($data);
   $block_type = "\x02";
   $padding = "";
   for($i = 0; $i < $pad_length; $i++)
    $rnd = mt_rand(1, 255);
    $padding .= chr($rnd);
   $block_type = "\x01";
   $padding = str_repeat("\xFF", $pad_length);
  return "\x00" . $block_type . $padding . "\x00" . $data;
 // Remove padding from a decrypted string
 // See [4] for more details.
 function remove_PKCS1_padding($data, $blocksize)
  assert(strlen($data) == $blocksize);
  $data = substr($data, 1);
  // We cannot deal with block type 0
  if($data{0} == '\0')
  die("Block type 0 not implemented.");
  // Then the block type must be 1 or 2
  assert(($data{0} == "\x01") || ($data{0} == "\x02"));
  // Remove the padding
  $offset = strpos($data, "\0", 1);
  return substr($data, $offset + 1);
 // Remove "kyp" padding
 // (Non standard)
 function remove_KYP_padding($data, $blocksize)
  assert(strlen($data) == $blocksize);
  $offset = strpos($data, "\0");
  return substr($data, 0, $offset);
 // Convert binary data to a decimal number
 function binary_to_number($data)
  $base = "256";
  $radix = "1";
  $result = "0";
  for($i = strlen($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
   $digit = ord($data{$i});
   $part_res = bcmul($digit, $radix);
   $result = bcadd($result, $part_res);
   $radix = bcmul($radix, $base);
  return $result;
 // Convert a number back into binary form
 function number_to_binary($number, $blocksize)
  $base = "256";
  $result = "";
  $div = $number;
  while($div > 0)
   $mod = bcmod($div, $base);
   $div = bcdiv($div, $base);
   $result = chr($mod) . $result;
  return str_pad($result, $blocksize, "\x00", STR_PAD_LEFT);
Code Snippet
class RSAProcessor
 private $public_key = null;
 private $private_key = null;
 private $modulus = null;
 private $key_length = "1024";
 public function __construct($xmlRsakey=null,$type=null)
         $xmlObj = null;
           $xmlObj = simplexml_load_file("xmlfile/RSAKey.xml");
           $xmlObj = simplexml_load_file($xmlRsakey);
           $xmlObj = simplexml_load_string($xmlRsakey);
         $this->modulus = RSA::binary_to_number(base64_decode($xmlObj->Modulus));
   $this->public_key = RSA::binary_to_number(base64_decode($xmlObj->Exponent));
   $this->key_length = strlen(base64_decode($xmlObj->Modulus))*8;
  * get public key
  * @return string public key
 public function getPublicKey()
  //return base64_encode(RSA::number_to_binary($this->public_key,($this->key_length)/8));
  return $this->public_key;
 public function getPrivateKey()
  //return base64_encode(RSA::number_to_binary($this->private_key,($this->key_length)/8));
  return $this->private_key;
 public function getKeyLength()
  return $this->key_length;
 public function getModulus()
  return $this->modulus;
  * encrypt data
  * @param string $data
  * @return base64 encoded  binary string
 public function encrypt($data)
  return base64_encode(RSA::rsa_encrypt($data,$this->public_key,$this->modulus,$this->key_length));
 public function dencrypt($data)
  return RSA::rsa_decrypt($data,$this->private_key,$this->modulus,$this->key_length);
 public function sign($data)
  return RSA::rsa_sign($data,$this->private_key,$this->modulus,$this->key_length);
 public function verify($data)
  return RSA::rsa_verify($data,$this->public_key,$this->modulus,$this->key_length);
class RSAKeyType
 const XMLFile = 0;
 const XMLString = 1;
-------------- encrypt data with public key-----------------
Code Snippet
$processor = new RSAProcessor
$rs =  $processor->encrypt("Hello,It's Works.");
echo $rs;
with the front can easy to encrypt data by public key generate by .net programe.

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                        2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff915bfdfa +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 106
                        3   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff915bfd84 +[NSException raise:format:] + 116
                        4   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff9157cf3b -[__NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:] + 219
                        5   DFA                                 0x000000010a1aa1b8 DFA + 25016
                        6   DFA                                 0x000000010a1ad701 DFA + 38657
                        7   DFA                                 0x000000010a1a61de DFA + 8670
                        8   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff915af75d -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] + 61
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    otherwise,how can i use the project code instead of project xml file?i mean, in "session.xml", i can use the "<project-xml>" tag to refer to the project xml file,then in my session bean,i get the server session by read the "session.xml" file.but if i use the project code,how can i refer it from the "session.xml"?the examples that come with the toplink installation only tell me how can i use the project xml file within the session bean,it don't give me any clue about using the project code in the sesion bean,who can give me a step-by-step instruction and code snippet?
    thank you very much?

    There is a slight performance gain during session load at startup but there is no difference at runtime. The choice of which to use is dependent upon you build process. Whether it is easier to submit a new version of the class into the comile build process vs an XML file. In most cases it is just a preference of the development team.
    When you use the project-class you'll need to generate the source code and compile it into your system. Typically it is packaged with the persistent classes. You may need to configure your environment so that the class-loaders have access to these classes (same for the XML case).
    When using the project-class you simply replace the project-xml entry like this:
    The DTD for the session.xml file is found at <TOPLINK_HOME>\core\sessions_4_5.dtd. It is also in the documentation at:
    Doug Clarke
    Product Manager
    Oracle9iAS TopLink

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