How connect Generator SMIQ02B to LabVIEW?

Hi, I must to connect my Generator SMIQ02B of
Rohde & Schwarz to my pc and control it by LabVIEW. It use a GPIB
USB B card to connect to my pc. I'm beginner and I don't know what I
must do.
So first of all I have downloaded drivers for  GPIB USB B and for VISA.
1) First of all. What is VISA?
I need to a driver for my Generator? If yes, where I must download it?
On site of Rohde & Schwarz I don't find it. Can u help me please?
3) After all istallation... how I must do? How I see my generator by LabVIEW? What I need to controll it?
Sweet, Beautiful and Young Female Physicist (SBYFP)
(I speak a not very good english, so If U are Italian LabVIEW expert speak in Italian, if U speak in Eglish... please speak easy )
My e-mail for personal contact: [email protected]_NO_SPAM_PLEASE

Excuse me Dannis. But I ask also here because I'm a little worried,
excuse me. I don't repeat this error again, can u respond me to
original location? I know labview tutorial, but i need to connect
instrumentation to pc.
Sweet, Beautiful and Young Female Physicist (SBYFP)
(I speak a not very good english, so If U are Italian LabVIEW expert speak in Italian, if U speak in Eglish... please speak easy )
My e-mail for personal contact: [email protected]_NO_SPAM_PLEASE

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    Please see the function "impulse" in signal processing --> Signal generation pallettes.
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    Dear Deano,
    I am unfamiliar with the use of BILBO cells, but am willing to help as much as I possibly can. I managed to find a rather helpful website, which described the 4 functions a BILBO register is capable of – including pseudo-random pattern generation. A very versatile little circuit, I must say.
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    Thanks you for your time,
    Best wishes and kind regards,
    Message Edited by RER on 04-07-2008 06:06 AM
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    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments UK & Ireland

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              try {
                   conn = dataSource.getConnection();
                   //Generate the report to bytes
                   File reportFile = new File(fileName);               
                   byte[] bytes =
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              ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
              File file = new File(outputFileName);
              // (if the file exists)
              boolean append = false;
              // Create a writable file channel
              FileChannel wChannel = new FileOutputStream(file, append).getChannel();
              // Write the ByteBuffer contents; the bytes between the ByteBuffer's
              // position and the limit is written to the file
              // Close the file
              } finally {
                   if (conn != null) {
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    Hi ,
    One 'simple' way is by using the DBMS_SCHEDULER db package and the procedure CREATE_JOB(....) using as job_type the value 'EXECUTABLE'...
    Read for further info in 'PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference'.
    If you have access to OEM ... you can configure this there using wizard.....
    Other way is to use the External Procedure call capabiblity of Oracle DB Server...:
    My greetings,

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      3  connect by level <= 10
      4  /
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    OK.  A gate window should be something which can be accomplished.
    The USB-6008 only uses software timing so fast pulses are not possible with that device.
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