How debug with Ant

Hi All,
I am running my application with apache-ant-1.6.5.
Can anybody give suggestion to debug the my application using jdb with ant.
Is there setting in ant so that when i run my program using ant i can debug with jdb.
waiting for reply,

assuming you are running the app through ant using the <java> tag, you should be able to add a
               <jvmarg value="-Xdebug"/>
tag inside the <java> tag, to enable remote debugging with jdb

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    Thanks in advance,
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    He Peter,
    Thanks for your reply. I've made some steps, but still no perfect solution. I've managed to compile a swf with ant using only the AIR SDK.
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    - Compiled using Flash Builder release : 455 kb
    - Compiled with ant using mxmlc : 104 kb
    - Compiled with ant using compc : 139 kb
    Can you provide us an example, how to compile a swf using ant. For example, with an AIR mobile project.
    Thanks Peter.

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    My code is like that, I think it requires a little modification
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            <jar destfile="build/jar/Deneme.jar" basedir="build/classes" >             
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                 <fileset  dir="${lib.dir}" includes="**/*.jar"/>           

    I can see why your other "question" was likely deleted. You need to drop the editorial comments and just ask a question. I believe what you want to know is how to configure something using php on your Apache server so that it can be read. If that's your question, here's a couple of places that discuss the topic:
    For a general introduction to 'nix permissions, take a look at this: /
    And here's a whole book on the subject of Leopard permissions:
    Try doing a Google search on "leopard permissions php apache" and see if you find what you are looking for.

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    To use it after installation, set your path to your
    <ant_installation_dir>\bin, then navigate to the diectory containing the build.xml. then follow the instructions in the weblogic documentation for running ant.

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    Here you can download the newer versions of ODBC drivers with or without Oracle Universal Installer:
    I wait that this can help you!!
    Best Regards,
    Paola Pullas

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    Let us take your requirements as separate two requriements.
    1. Using the flexunit ant task - I think for this you needed a separate ant library to support this. So this may be missing in the ant available with FB. May be you can analyse this and add on your own and try out.
    2. Debuggin the results.
    Now FlexBuilder has the feature inbuilt as part of the IDE which provides more featuers like , source naviagation, rerunnig , saving results loading results etc.FlexBuilder uses its own set up to show the results details in IDE.
    Currently other than using the feature in FB, there is no way to debug the results of the tests. However if you would like to get the tests to be run by ant task, and analyse the results, the following can be used.
    Option 1 : Run outside FB, show and analyse results in FB
    a. Use the FB, create some sample testCases in FB.
    b. Use 'Execute FlexUnit tests' from the run,  or debug launcher
    c. Use the option Save configuration. This will get the configuration as xml or mxml file. You can use this file template and generate your test cases (may be you will configure your tests in a testSuite class and always use that as the input to the application, so that application syntax never changes). If you run the mxml created swf  (whch you can do by the simple ant tasks which does not use the flexunit task ) out side FlexBuilder and if the FlexBuilder is open, you can still see the results in the FB and analyse the results. (You need the library which is used by the FB to use the classes. You can get the location of swc file by inspecting the library path of a project in which you have added the testCase or testSuite class using the FB IDE)
    Option2:Run outside FB and  Analyse the results in FB.
    If you have the project for which you have run the tests, and you have the XML results of the run, you can still analyse the results in the FlexBuilder.
    a. Ensure that the report is in the required syntax of FB. (we have tried to use the similar syntax as that of the JUnit resutl report)
    b. Use FB, load your project, open the FlexUnit result view, use the open result option in the FB. This should load the XML in FB (we have only ensured to open the result files which were created using FB ,back in the result view. So if you are facing some issue in opening your XML, you can refer the required syntax by saving a sample run result from FB)
    Option 3: Run and analyse the results in FB.
    a. Have the input setup mentioned to FB. (If you would like to integrate changes, have a suite class which will take care of this and mention in the Execute FlexUnit tests to use this suite class. But there is no way to specify to run the FB commands outside FB.)
    b. So whenever you would like to anlyse the tests, you need to run your test in FB and then analyse the results shown in result view.
    Please let me know whether this is what you are looking for.

  • JSP problem with ANT

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    session.setAttribute("user", request.getParameter("userName"));
    And if the user's name and password are correct, the user is directed to home.jsp, where i have the following statement to retrieve the user's name:
    String id=session.getAttribute("user").toString();
    In order to test the above 2 pages with ANT, I have the following code in builder.xml:
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <project name="proj" default="test" basedir=".">
    <target name="test">
    <get src="http://path/login.jsp?userName=id&passWord=1111" dest="1.html" />
    When I run the script, I get the error that the home.jsp cannot be opened (see below)
    [get] Error opening connection Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://path/home.jsp
    I am pretty sure the above error is caused by the "session" statement, because if I remove the statement in home.jsp, the page can be correctly opened. But I really need the "session" statement, Can someone tell me how to deal with it?
    thanks a million.

    Usually with a 500 error there's more detail in a server log somewhere. Can you find anything in stderr.log or some such?

  • Test jsp pages with ant

    I built up a web site and I want to test them using ANT. It works fine with other web page, however it doesn't work with web pages with "session" statement. For example in login.jsp I have the following statement
    session.setAttribute("user", request.getParameter("userName"));
    And if the user's name and password are correct, the user is directed to home.jsp, where i have the following statement to retrieve the user's name:
    String id=session.getAttribute("user").toString();
    In order to test the above 2 pages with ANT, I have the following code in builder.xml:
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <project name="proj" default="test" basedir=".">
    <target name="test">
    <get src="http://path/login.jsp?userName=id&passWord=1111" dest="1.html" />
    When I run the script, I get the error that the home.jsp cannot be opened (see below)
    [get] Error opening connection Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://path/home.jsp
    I am pretty sure the above error is caused by the "session" statement, because if I remove the statement in home.jsp, the page can be correctly opened. But I really need the "session" statement, Can someone tell me how to deal with it?
    thanks a million.

    One mistake i find in your code is while retreiving the session value its session.getAttribute("userName"), as you stored the value using the parameter 'userName'. Is it not causing problem. Please check...

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  • Wlcompile - nested javac elements not working with ant 1.6.1

    I have a problem with Ant 1.6.1 and wlcompile.
    I get the following error: The <wlcompile> type doesn’t support the nested “javac”
    Heres the error msg I get in debug mode:
    C:\P2Development\dev\testing\test.xml:3: The <wlcompile> type doesn't support
    the nested "javac" element.
    I’m using windows 2000. I’ve tried with weblogic.jar from Weblogic Server 8.1
    SP1 and SP2. I’ve tried with JDK 1.4.1_02 and 1.4.2_04. If I’m using Ant 1.5.3
    then everything works perfectly.
    I’ve tried to remove the WLS included Ant version to avoid conflicts with Ant
    1.6.1 and Ant 1.5.3 (that comes with Weblogic server). I’ve tried to uninstall
    Weblogic Server and just keep weblogic.jar, but I still get the same error. I’ve
    tried to put weblogic.jar on the classpath, still not working. I’ve tried to remove
    all jar files from $ANT_HOME/lib except those jar files needed to run my test
    project - ant.jar and ant-launcher.jar, but still doesn’t work. If I change $ANT_HOME
    to Ant 1.5.3 and run Ant 1.5.3 then everything works. So it seems to have something
    to do with Ant 1.6.1.
    Here’s my example code:
    <project name="wlcompile_test" default="test" basedir=".">
         <target name="test" depends="init">
    <wlcompile srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}">
    <javac debug="${build.debuginfo}" debuglevel="${build.debuglevel}"
    nowarn="${build.nowarn}" deprecation="${build.deprecated}" source="${build.source.version}"/>
    <target name="clean" depends="init">
    <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
    <target name="init">
    <taskdef name="wlcompile" classname=""
    <property name="src.dir" value="src"/>
    <property name="build.dir" value="classes"/>
    <property name="build.compiler" value="modern"/>
    <property name="build.compiler.pedantic" value="true"/>
    <property name="build.debuginfo" value="true"/>
    <property name="build.debuglevel" value="lines,vars,source"/>
    <property name="build.deprecated" value="false"/>
    <property name="build.nowarn" value="off"/>
    <property name="build.source.version" value="1.4"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
    And I try to run “ant test”
    It doesn’t work with Ant 1.6.1 and weblogic.jar from WLS 8.1 SP1 and SP2. But
    it works perfectly if I change to Ant 1.5.3.
    Here’s a link to the Ant wlcompile task documentation from BEA:
    Tobias Wallter

    Yes, this one is fixed in 8.1 SP3. If you need a patch before then,
    contact [email protected] and reference CR136493.
    -- Rob
    Tobias Wallter wrote:
    I have a problem with Ant 1.6.1 and wlcompile.
    I get the following error: The <wlcompile> type doesn?t support the nested ?javac?
    Heres the error msg I get in debug mode:
    C:\P2Development\dev\testing\test.xml:3: The <wlcompile> type doesn't support
    the nested "javac" element.
    I?m using windows 2000. I?ve tried with weblogic.jar from Weblogic Server 8.1
    SP1 and SP2. I?ve tried with JDK 1.4.1_02 and 1.4.2_04. If I?m using Ant 1.5.3
    then everything works perfectly.
    I?ve tried to remove the WLS included Ant version to avoid conflicts with Ant
    1.6.1 and Ant 1.5.3 (that comes with Weblogic server). I?ve tried to uninstall
    Weblogic Server and just keep weblogic.jar, but I still get the same error. I?ve
    tried to put weblogic.jar on the classpath, still not working. I?ve tried to remove
    all jar files from $ANT_HOME/lib except those jar files needed to run my test
    project - ant.jar and ant-launcher.jar, but still doesn?t work. If I change $ANT_HOME
    to Ant 1.5.3 and run Ant 1.5.3 then everything works. So it seems to have something
    to do with Ant 1.6.1.
    Here?s my example code:
    <project name="wlcompile_test" default="test" basedir=".">
         <target name="test" depends="init">
    <wlcompile srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}">
    <javac debug="${build.debuginfo}" debuglevel="${build.debuglevel}"
    nowarn="${build.nowarn}" deprecation="${build.deprecated}" source="${build.source.version}"/>
    <target name="clean" depends="init">
    <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
    <target name="init">
    <taskdef name="wlcompile" classname=""
    <property name="src.dir" value="src"/>
    <property name="build.dir" value="classes"/>
    <property name="build.compiler" value="modern"/>
    <property name="build.compiler.pedantic" value="true"/>
    <property name="build.debuginfo" value="true"/>
    <property name="build.debuglevel" value="lines,vars,source"/>
    <property name="build.deprecated" value="false"/>
    <property name="build.nowarn" value="off"/>
    <property name="build.source.version" value="1.4"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
    And I try to run ?ant test?
    It doesn?t work with Ant 1.6.1 and weblogic.jar from WLS 8.1 SP1 and SP2. But
    it works perfectly if I change to Ant 1.5.3.
    Here?s a link to the Ant wlcompile task documentation from BEA:
    Tobias Wallter

  • Error opening test scripts in Build and Debug with Screens

    I am testing scenarios in the Build and Debug with screens mode in OPM. I save each scenario as a test script by clicking the Export button and saving. Some test scripts are able to be opened again, yet when I try to open others, I get the error message shown at the link below and am unable to load the test script.
    This did not happen previously, it just started today. All of these test scripts were created today, and the attributes have not been changes since the test scripts were created. This is seriously hindering my scenario testing ability.
    Does anyone know how to rectify this problem?

    Hi Kristy,
    I am in OPM 10.2.
    To troubleshoot, I tried redoing the test scenarios that werent working from scratch (rather than building off a previous scenario), and this time it worked. I am not sure why it works now and didnt before, and I am also not sure if they will continue working.
    I will continue creating the scenarios and will be sure to update if it fails again. In the case it does fail, I will try your export recommendation.

  • Debug and ANT

    I just discovered the power of ANT and i'm quite enthusiast about it. I found a bit obscure a thing, though..
    I managed to receive traces in the ANT output but i need a deeper debug environment, of course.
    Is there a way to use the breakpoints and the profiler compiling with ANT?
    ..or is ANT something to use just to automate tasks and compiling release versions?

    This turns out to be a non-issue. I re-installed JDK 1.6,
    thinking this might have been the problem, but as it turns out,
    this Windows machine was a VM, and there haven't been any issues
    with other VM's, only this one, leading me to conclude the problem
    was the VM. We've since migrated off this machine and recycled

Maybe you are looking for