How delete old letter in Pags?

how delete an old test letter from Pages? (OS V 10.6.8)

Drag it into the Trash, or select it (click it once) then press Command-Delete.
If it is not on the Desktop and you don't know where it is on your hard drive, with the letter open press and hold down the Command key and click on the name of the letter at the top of its window. A drop-down screen will appear, showing in hierarchical format where the file is.

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    By "sending" do you mean sending email?
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    Hello there, Syd_ma22.
    The answer to how to delete a song on your phone in iOS7 is found on page 62 of the iPhone User's Manual:
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    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.
    Pedro D.

  • How to delete old addresses

    Hello, I have had a good bit of time spent on this today, and with alot of input from paypal (to no avail) I have sorted it for myself. If you have loads of old addresses that are now redundant, this is how you get rid of them (its probably a bit long winded, but it is the ONLY way I have found to do it, not even 3 service representatives could do it.....). I will take you through baby steps (stick with me), its a bit odd, but it works. 1. When you have logged into paypal, click on the gear cog (near the log out button)2. Your name then appears in big letters on the middle-ish of the page3. Next to my name, it says "edit"4. Click edit.5. It will ask you if you want to change your name, click cancel6. It will then take you to a more in-depth "My Profile" page7. Third option down will be, "address" (Name, email, address). You can then see all your previous address and remove as necessary.8. Ta-dah! It should now be only the addresses you wish to keep I know its convoluted, but it worked for me. Good luck!!

    Hi, I have a little more info on this topic that I'd like to share.  I thought I had deleted all the old addresses a few months ago -- my current address was the only one that showed up on the main profile page.  Today, I used PayPal to make a purchase online, and it changed the shipping address to one of the addresses I thought I had removed! I found your post, and found the secret profile page.  It still showed 11 addresses, but I got an error when I tried to delete anything, so I called Customer Support.  After fighting with the automated system for a while, I finally got a person and explained it to her, including how to find the secret page.  It took her a while, but she was able to delete all the old addresses!  Much happiness and cheering ensued. So the moral of the story is that, if you can't delete them yourself, MAYBE an informed Customer Service person can do it.  

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    First, open Finder and select the Time Machine disk under Devices, in the sidebar. Then, go to Backups.backupdb > computers and delete the Time Machine backups you need
    WHOA!!!! That is extraordinarily bad advice! Messing with your Time Machine backups in the Finder can damage or even destroy your backups!
    The proper way to delete old backups is described here:
    Should I delete old backups?  If so, How?
    However, note that this is completely unnecessary. Time Machine will automatically remove the oldest copies of files when it needs more space. Rather than deleting them now and discovering in a month that you actually do need to restore them for some reason, just leave them there and let them be removed when necessary.

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    Thank-you for the help!

    beckyfromoz wrote:
    I do have the Time Capsule and spoke to Apple Care here in Sydney about it yesterday.  They told me my mail is not backed up there unless I create a special folder. I just tried ringing them again but Apple Care is closed today...
    Mail is backed up automatically. If you make backups automatically, open Mail application and then, open the Time Machine app (in /Applications/Utilities). You will access to the Time Machine interface, and you will be able to see all your mails of all the backups you have, and you will be able to restore them. It means that your mails are backed up onto the Time Capsule

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