How do I add a variable into an object as xml

I have a xml document with 2 protection order numbers. I want to get the information for one of them which is **protectionOrderNumber="1400042"**. I would like to add strPoNumber variable to the object objXmlCaseDoc. Inside this object is the xml
that was read and put inside the object. I want at the beginning of the xml code inside the objXmlCaseDoc to add the protectionOrderNumber at the end of the first line. This should be added at the beginning of the xml document. In my object (objXmlCaseDoc)
there is no variable strPoNumber. This is why I want to add it at the top. The object has xml document in it. 
It should look like this:
<Integration xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:tsg="" xmlns:IXML="" xmlns:CMCodeQueryHelper="urn:CMCodeQueryHelper" protectionOrderNumber="1400042">
My vb code: I have the variable strPoNumber and the object where the xml document is. Object name is objXmlCaseDoc
I want to add the line of code where I have comment Tranform case information into the output format near the bottom of the code.
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.Xml
Public Class BcaPoRequests
Shared Sub Main()
Dim objMessageProcessor As New MessageProcessor
Dim objSchemasCollection As New Msc.Integration.MessageBroker.Library.v4.SchemasCollection
Dim objTransformsCollection As New Msc.Integration.MessageBroker.Library.v4.TransformsCollection
objMessageProcessor.ProcessInputQueue(False, False, objSchemasCollection, objTransformsCollection)
End Sub
Private Class MessageProcessor
Inherits Msc.Integration.ServiceCatalog.Library.v4.SoapMessageProcessor
Protected Overrides Sub ProcessMessage(ByRef aobjBroker As ServiceCatalog.Library.v4.Broker, ByRef aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc As System.Xml.XmlDocument, ByRef aobjInstantiatedObjectsCstrollection As Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection, ByRef aobjConsumer As ServiceCatalog.Library.v4.Consumer)
MyBase.ProcessMessage(aobjBroker, aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc, aobjInstantiatedObjectsCollection, aobjConsumer)
Dim objXmlMessageDoc As XmlDocument
Dim objXmlMessageNode As XmlNode
Dim objNameTable As NameTable
Dim objXMLNameSpaceManager As XmlNamespaceManager
Dim objXMLSchemaException As Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException
Dim strCaseNumber As String
Dim strPoNumber As String
Dim objXmlCaseDoc As XmlDocument
'create a namespace manager used for queries into inputmessage (because of namespace)
objNameTable = New NameTable
objXMLNameSpaceManager = New XmlNamespaceManager(objNameTable)
objXMLNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("ext", "")
objXMLNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("exc", "")
objXMLNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("soap", "")
objXMLNameSpaceManager.AddNamespace("wsa", "")
objXmlMessageNode = aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("soap:Body/exc:ProtectionOrderQueryRequest", objXMLNameSpaceManager)
objXmlMessageDoc = New XmlDocument
'Check authorization
'Validate the input message
objXMLSchemaException = aobjBroker.ValidateXmlDocument(objXmlMessageDoc, "ProtectionOrderQuery_1_0.xsd", "NiemExchanges\ProtectionOrders\Exchange", , False)
If Not objXMLSchemaException Is Nothing Then
'return fault if invalid
aobjBroker.Reply(aobjBroker.CreateSoapFault(Msc.Integration.Utility.Library.v4.Soap.udtSoapCodes.Sender, Msc.Integration.Utility.Library.v4.Xml.FormatXmlSchemaValidationErrorText(objXMLSchemaException), Msc.Integration.Utility.Library.v4.Soap.udtSoapRoles.RoleUltimateReceiver, aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc, "soap:InvalidMessage", "soap:Body", Msc.Integration.Utility.Library.v4.Soap.GetReplyEndpointReference(aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc), aobjXMLInputSoapEnvelopeDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("soap:Header/wsa:MessageID", objXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText, aobjConsumer))
Exit Sub
End If
'Get the case number and the PO number from the input message
strCaseNumber = objXmlMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ext:CourtFileNumber", objXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText
strPoNumber = objXmlMessageDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("ext:ProtectionOrderID", objXMLNameSpaceManager).InnerText
'Get the case information from Mncis
'Code for calling the case
objXmlCaseDoc = Msc.Integration.Mncis.Library.v4.Case.GetIxmlForCaseNumber(strCaseNumber, "CourtCaseHeader,ProtectionOrder,SubjectParties,HearingTrialSetting", False)
'Tranform case information into the output format
End Sub
End Class
End Class
xslt code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?altova_samplexml file:///Z:/Training%20with%20Tim%20XML%20code%20various/BcaRequestIxml.xml?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="3.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:fn="" xmlns:poq="" xmlns:ext="" xmlns:nc="" xmlns:j="" xmlns:mscef="" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:exsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" extension-element-prefixes="exsl" exclude-result-prefixes="mscef msxsl exsl">
<xsl:import href="../General/ExtensionFunctions.xsl"/>
<xsl:import href="MNCIS_PO_BCA_ProtectionOrder_1_0.xsl"/>
<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
<!-- Path to environment folder used by document function. Relative to location of stylesheet. -->
<xsl:param name="gEnvPath">../..</xsl:param>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="vPoNumber">
<xsl:value-of select="Integration/@protectionOrderNumber"/>
<xsl:for-each select="//Integration/ProtectionOrder[ProtectionOrderNumber=$vPoNumber]">
<xsl:call-template name="ProtectionOrder"/>
XML document output  from my xslt code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<poq:ProtectionOrderQueryResponse xmlns:xs="" xmlns:fn="" xmlns:poq="" xmlns:ext="" xmlns:nc="" xmlns:j="">
<ext:ProtectionOrder xmlns:exc="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:usps="">
<nc:Location s:id="DB1618611387">
<nc:StreetFullText>3434 Bohnsack Way</nc:StreetFullText>
<nc:StreetFullText>Unit 75 B</nc:StreetFullText>
<nc:LocationCityName>New Prague</nc:LocationCityName>
<ext:PersonBirthDate ext:approximateDateIndicator="false" ext:currentIndicator="true">1987-11-21</ext:PersonBirthDate>
<nc:PersonFullName>O'Brien, Jennifer Marie</nc:PersonFullName>
<ext:PersonBirthDate ext:approximateDateIndicator="false" ext:currentIndicator="true">2008-03-24</ext:PersonBirthDate>
<nc:PersonFullName>Noir, Eli Rose</nc:PersonFullName>
<ext:ConditionText>Respondent must not have any contact with the Protected Person(s) whether in person, with or through other persons, by telephone, mail, e-mail, through electronic devices, social media, or by any other means except as follows: [] </ext:ConditionText>
<ext:ConditionText>Respondent must stay a reasonable distance away from the residence(s) of the Protected Person(s), specifically as follows: [distance]; and Respondent must stay a reasonable distance away from ANY FUTURE RESIDENCES of the Protected Person(s). </ext:ConditionText>
<ext:ConditionText>Respondent shall not call or enter Petitioner's place of employment which includes all land, parking lots, and buildings at: </ext:ConditionText>
<ext:FindingText>Respondent personally appeared or had reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard. The procedures for service upon Respondent set forth in the Minnesota Domestic Abuse Act (Minn.Stat. 518B.01) were followed, and the court has jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter. </ext:FindingText>
<ext:FindingText>Acts of domestic abuse have occurred, including the following: [] </ext:FindingText>
<nc:PersonFullName>Ande, Do P.</nc:PersonFullName>
<ext:QualifyingRelationshipText>Lived Together</ext:QualifyingRelationshipText>
<ext:AddressReference ext:currentIndicator="true">
<nc:LocationReference s:ref="DB1618611387"/>
<ext:PersonBirthDate ext:approximateDateIndicator="true" ext:currentIndicator="false">1990-12-23</ext:PersonBirthDate>
<ext:PersonBirthDate ext:approximateDateIndicator="false" ext:currentIndicator="false">1989-12-23</ext:PersonBirthDate>
<ext:PersonBirthDate ext:approximateDateIndicator="false" ext:currentIndicator="true">1991-12-23</ext:PersonBirthDate>
<ext:PersonName ext:currentIndicator="true">
<nc:PersonFullName>Noir Jr , Guy Andr</nc:PersonFullName>
<ext:SupersededProtectionOrderID xmlns:exc="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:usps=""/>
<ext:Hearing xmlns:exc="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:usps="">
<ext:HearingLocationText>Scott County</ext:HearingLocationText>

Inert to root as first nood.
Dim doc As New XmlDocument()
doc.LoadXml("<book genre='novel' ISBN='1-861001-57-5'>" & _
"<title>Pride And Prejudice</title>" & _
Dim root As XmlNode = doc.DocumentElement
'Create a new node.
Dim elem As XmlElement = doc.CreateElement("price")
elem.InnerText = "19.95"
'Add the node to the document.
root.InsertBefore(elem, root.FirstChild)
Console.WriteLine("Display the modified XML...")
remember make the reply as answer and vote the reply as helpful if it helps.

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    Re: How to pass a jsp variable into javascript??Here is the sameple one, hope it will solves your problem.
    <form name=f>
    String str = "A String"
    var avariable = <%=str%>
    Let me know if you face any problem

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    Do anyone of u mind if let me know hows the code look like?This isn't intended to be an alternative to the previous reply: in fact it's worthless unless you read the information in the link given.
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.InputMismatchException;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class ListListEg {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Scanner in = new Scanner(;
            Random random = new Random();
                // create the mainList outside the for loop
            List<List<Integer>> mainList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
            System.out.print("How many lists would you like? ");
            try {
                int num = in.nextInt();
                if(num <= 0) {
                    // populate the main list inside the loop
                for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                    mainList.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
            } catch(InputMismatchException ime) {
                // later do stuff with the lists, which you access with get()
            for(int i = 0; i < mainList.size(); i++) {
                for(int times = 0; times < 3; times++) {
            System.out.println("The first list is " + mainList.get(0));
            if(mainList.size() > 1) {
                System.out.println("The second list is " + mainList.get(1));
            System.out.println("The last list is " + mainList.get(mainList.size() - 1));
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    Photos does not support to add location information yet.
    Add the GPS before you import the photos to Photos. I hope this will change with the next release.
    You could ,for example, first import to iPhoto, add the locations, batch change the titles and captions, do all the things that are not yet supported in the new Photos, then export the photos from iPhoto and import them to Photos.
    Or use the free exiftool, if you like the Terminal.
    See: es
    To install exiftool:
    Other convenient apps are Jetphoto Studio, Geotagalog, there are many more ..
    I use Jetphoto Studio, but it is not free.

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    If you scroll down, you'll see a heading entitled : Screenshots of Comic Story. Notice how there's 3 pictures (divided by borders). 2 of those pictures are side by side, and 1 of them is below the first 2 pictures.
    I want to know how to add different pictures/images and put them into one picture.

    One way is to create template PSD files and populate them with your images using Photoshops scripts.
    Photo Collage Toolkit UPDATED June 12, added Picture Package Support via PasteImageRoll and BatchPicturePackage scripts.
    The package includes four simple rules to follow when making Photo Collage Template PSD files so they will be compatible with my Photoshop scripts.
    There are eleven scripts in this package they provide the following functions:
    TestCollageTemplate.jsx - Used to test a Photo Collage Template while you are making it with Photoshop.
    CollageTemplateBuilder.jsx - Can build Templates compatible with this toolkit's scripts.
    LayerToAlphaChan.jsx - Used to convert a Prototype Image Layer stack into a template document.
    InteractivePopulateCollage.jsx - Used to interactively populate Any Photo Collage template. Offers most user control inserting pictures and text.
    ReplaceCollageImage.jsx - use to replace a populated collage image Smart Object layer with an other image correctly resized and positioned.
    ChangeTextSize.jsx - This script can be used to change Image stamps text size when the size used by the populating did not work well.
    PopulateCollageTemplate.jsx - Used to Automatically populate a Photo Collage template and leave the populated copy open in Photoshop.
    BatchOneImageCollage.jsx - Used to Automatically Batch Populate Collage templates that only have one image inserted. The Collage or Image may be stamped with text.
    BatchMultiImageCollage.jsx - Used to Automatically Batch Populate Any Photo Collage template with images in a source image folder. Easier to use than the interactive script. Saved collages can be tweaked.
    BatchPicturePackage.jsx - Used to Automatically Batch Populate Any Photo Collage template with an image in a source image folder
    PasteImageRoll.jsx - Paste Images into a document to be print on roll paper.
    Documentation and Examples

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    String letters=""+leter1+letter2+letter3;is fine and dandy. What it actually compiles to is
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    urlArray[0] = sample1;
    urlArray[1] = sample2;
    URL[] urlArrayB = new URL[5];
    urlArrayB[0] = sample3;
    urlArrayB[1] = sample4;
    URLClassLoader urlClassLoaderA = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urlArrayA);
    URLClassLoader urlClassLoaderB = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urlArrayB);
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    I make a PL/SQl like below to automate logminer to find out DMLs done in a schema (SCOTT) after a specific time.
    v_user_name varchar2(50) := 'SCOTT';
    V_ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST VARCHAR2(50) := '/var/tmp/arch';
    V_sequence_max number;
    v_start_query_time TIMESTAMP := '08-JAN-2010 00:00:00';
    --Create DICTIONARY file on the SOURCE database's redo files OPTIONS => sys.DBMS_LOGMNR_D.store_in_redo_logs);
    select MAX(sequence#) into V_sequence_max from v$archived_log WHERE DICTIONARY_BEGIN = 'YES' AND dictionary_end = 'YES';
    --add dictionary log files
    dbms_logmnr.add_logfile( logfilename=> 'V_ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST/1_3715_573231463.dbf',
    --add log files
    exec dbms_logmnr.add_logfile( logfilename=> 'V_ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST/1_3716_573231463.dbf');
    exec dbms_logmnr.add_logfile( logfilename=> 'V_ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST/1_3717_573231463.dbf');
    --start LogMiner, also (by the way) enable ddl tracking
    exec dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr(options => dbms_logmnr.dict_from_redo_logs + dbms_logmnr.ddl_dict_tracking);
    --To query
    execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format = ''dd_MM_yyyy hh24:mi:ss''';
    execute immediate 'SELECT username, sQL_REDO, SQL_UNDO FROM V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS WHERE username = ''v_user_name'' AND TIMESTAMP > ''v_start_query_time''';
    My question,
    After find out the redo logs SCN which include snapshot of data dictionary like below,
    select MAX(sequence#) into V_sequence_max from v$archived_log WHERE DICTIONARY_BEGIN = 'YES' AND dictionary_end = 'YES';
    I try to
    --add dictionary log files
    dbms_logmnr.add_logfile( logfilename=> *'V_ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST/1_3715_573231463.dbf'*,
    options=>; ---how can I add the logfile with above SCN# here automatically, above is just manually added.
    --add log files,
    exec dbms_logmnr.add_logfile( logfilename=> 'V_ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST/1_3716_573231463.dbf');
    exec dbms_logmnr.add_logfile( logfilename=> 'V_ARCHIVE_LOG_DEST/1_3717_573231463.dbf');
    ---how can I add all the files with SCN numbers after (>MAX(sequence#) ) here automatically?? --above redo files are just manually  added
    Edited by: ROY123 on Jan 11, 2010 12:40 PM

    Is there any reason to not use [Fine Grained Auditing|] for something like this?
    Why reinvent the wheel in a more complex fashion ?

Maybe you are looking for