How do I add applications in Launchpad?

I recently just installed Adobe Creative Cloud (I had CS6 previously)  onto my Macbook Pro and noticed after I downloaded the creative cloud programs that the CS6 icons on the launchpad were gone (Only showing the Creative Cloud icons). The CS6 programs are still installed on my Macbook and show up in applications under the finder. How would I go about adding them back onto the launchpad?

Ahh - realised I don't need it - that's why it wasn't there. Please ignore... More coffee! Thanks

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    If the application has a GUI (Graphical User Interface), Apple has included methods for scripting that. Information about activating the UI Scripting, a UI Element Inspector (for figuring out what to call things), and some examples are located at .

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    1.Download the Flash setup file from here: <br />
    [ Adobe Flash - Plugin version]. <br />
    Save it to your Desktop.<br />
    2. Close Firefox using File > Exit <br />
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    There are two ways to get an application to show up in the LaunchPad... one is to install the application in your Applications folder.  This is where LaunchPad is looking for applications.  It doesn't care if you got it through the App Store or if it's an Apple application or not.  The second way is to drag the application over the LaunchPad icon residing on the dock and release it.  This will create a symbolic link to the application without actually moving the application into the Applications folder.  It has to be the application itself, not an installer for it, not a folder containing the application, the application.  The application should be added to the LaunchPad if you don't rush it, hold it over the LaunchPad icon for a second or two.
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    If that didn't do the trick, try resetting LaunchPad (note that any applications or folders you created/added in LaunchPad will have to be recreated/added):
    In Terminal, enter these two commands:
    defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true;killall Dock
    defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool false;killall Dock
    If that still isn't working, what is this app's name and where does it currently reside on your system?

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    To run an application automatically at startup use Login Items of Accounts preferences. StartupItems folders are for special types of items. Not used for what you want.
    Open Accounts preferences, click on the Login Items tab. Click the [+] button to add an item. A file Open dialog will appear. Locate the app you wish to add and click on the Open button.

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    It is the same as the iPhone and iPad. Apple puts its apps on the first page of launchpad and then other apps on the second page. You can drag and move them around the same way as on the mobile devices.

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    There are two ways to get an application to show up in the LaunchPad... one is to install the application in your Applications folder.  This is where LaunchPad is looking for applications.  It doesn't care if you got it through the App Store or if it's an Apple application or not.  The second way is to drag the application over the LaunchPad icon residing on the dock and release it.  This will create a symbolic link to the application without actually moving the application into the Applications folder.  It has to be the application itself, not an installer for it, not a folder containing the application, the application.  The application should be added to the LaunchPad if you don't rush it, hold it over the LaunchPad icon for a second or two.
    Check to make sure it's not already in there... you won't see the LaunchPad dock icon do anything, you will just see the app you are dropping disappear.  It could be on a second page.  Click on the little dots when you launch LaunchPad to see if it's on one of the other pages.
    If that didn't do the trick, try resetting LaunchPad (note that any applications or folders you created/added in LaunchPad will have to be recreated/added):
    In Terminal, enter these two commands:
    defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true;killall Dock
    defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool false;killall Dock
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    I believe he was answering what you were implying by implying that Automator would automatically be aware of the actions once you've used the application.
    If it doesn't have any actions, then the app won't show up in Automator. If you've downloaded actions for an app separate from it, you can add the actions using an option in Automator's File menu. More about that here.
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    If you believe an app should have Automator actions, then review the website of the developer of that app for info about what the actions are and whether they made them separate from the app for some reason. Another possibility is the actions might be available only in certain versions of the app you've installed. Definitely check the the app's developer's website for info about its actions.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    To add applications to Launchpad, just drag the application to the Launchpad icon.
    To remove applications from Launchpad, open Launchpad, hold the Option (Alt) key and press the X button above the application. This only works for App Store apps. To remove a non-Mac App Store application, you have to delete it in Finder

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    Ooops, my bad.  I did not realize that there was another dot at the bottom of Launchpad for a second page, and it contains my third-party apps!

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    Roland --
    Welcome!  Have you checked your Applications folder to see if they're all still in thre?

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    With respect, you actually cannot store folders on the left side of the Dock - only on the right side. I wonder if you're talking about Launchpad, which looks like a silver rocket and shows you your installed applications? It's not actually a shortcut to the Applications folder, though. You can certainly drag Launchpad into the left side of the Dock from the Applications folder.

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    Message was edited by: mgv2048

    We have experimented with doing this with some good success. We have been working on adding Cartweaver to a Facebook page by essentially adding a Cartweaver store to Facebook in an iframe.  The "store" would be pages with just your basic product display, cart, and checkout functionality, with none of the "window dressing" - just use CSS to match the color and general look of the design it's being added to.
    The one problem with this for Facebook is when it comes time to check out toy have to leave Facebook and go to your server where an SSL is in place.  Fortunately in this situation this would not be the case, you can have an SSL installed to the root of your site and you'll be okay.
    This is an interesting project.  Give this a try and let me know how it goes and if you run into any snags, please make a post on the Cartweaver forums: - I'm really confident that this can work, and not only work, but work well.
    Looking forward to hearing how this goes, and being of what help we can.
    Lawrence Cramer - *Adobe Community Professional*
    PHP & ColdFusion Shopping Cart for Adobe Dreamweaver
    Stay updated:

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