How do I copy an iDVD disk?

My Cheesecake made an iDVD. Now I want to make copies. Shouldn't this be a simple task since the original was burned from iDVD?
iMac G5 17-inch: 1.9GHz 2GB SDRAM

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    You need to move enough 'things' from your start-up hard drive to your external hard drive to free up 10 to 20 GB if you want iDVD to work. Your start-up drive is where everything happens and you can't change that.
    F Shippey

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    Call Apple they will sent out iDVD at no charge.  (There are no realistic substitutes for iDVD.)
    If you are still within your 15 day return period,  nicely explain that you may return the computer without iDVD. That usually does the trick.  You MUST speak to a senior advisor to get a free copy. The first tier people cannot do it.
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    IDVD is a wonderful piece of software and well worth the low cost of $40.

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    I will never know if the problem was one of transfer or format compatibility.  The movie would not copy from one external hard diask to another, both attached to my MAC. But when the movie (which was in mpg by the way) was downloaded directly (without any other intermediary) into my external disk from the computer (a PC) where the movie was originated, the file did copy. And when I attached that external hard disk to my MAC, i could see it  using the MPEC streamclip app.
    Thank you anyway!

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    depending on processor (G4, 5, quad, dualcore, Intel), MHz/GHz, size of RAM, speed of hd … you have to calculate between realtime and 10x length of project.... (1h project=10h rendering)
    reading in your specs "macbook": make sure, 10 - 20 GB are free on internal drive to make iDVD working smooth..........

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    My advice, keep iDVD on your Apple Mac as it is a great software and let's hope Apple will introduce it again in imovie 10.  Since you may have imovie 10.0 (2013) up-dated from imvovie 9.0 (which included iDVD for burning your home made films on imvoie 9.0,)  you can proceed as follows to burn it on a DVD:
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    Can apply to iPhone as well >    'Disk cannot be read from or written to' when syncing iPod or 'Firmware update failure' error when updating or restoring iPod
    If you are using a Windows based computer >  iTunes for Windows: Gathering and using iTunes Diagnostics
    Ignore:  To repair an iPod disk—Restore the iPod or iPod shuffle using the latest version of iTunes.

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    Can I just give a friend a burned DVD of my movie to burn copies on their computer?
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    Any advice to a newcomer would be great!
    Summer has already begun and I would like to finish this project as soon as I can.
    Thanks so much, Deanna

    Yes, you can distribute a burned disk of the project to those who can create duplicate disks.  Or create a disk image of the iDVD project using the File ➙ Save as Disk Image menu option.
    Then you can distribute the disk image to those who will burn the disks.  For PCs you'll have to convert the .dmg file to a .iso file so they can burn it.  This website describer how: Mac Help - Convert and Burn Mac .dmg or .img to .iso Windows PC-Compatible Disk Image
    Suggest to them to burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.
    It would be prudent to rest your optical drive for about 30 minutes after burning 3 disks in a row. That will give the laser time to cool down before you start another batch.

  • How do I delete an idvd project from my hard drive?  If I do so, will it delete the raw videos/images from iphoto or imovie?  Thank you

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    iDVD only uses pointers to the media, photos and QT files, that it uses in its projects.  So if you delete a movie that you used in it that movie will be lost to iDVD.
    However you can use the File ➙ Archive Project... menu option and that will copy the media into the iDVD project package. Then if you delete the movie file the archived project will still have its copy of the movie to use.
    You won't be able to go back and make any changes to the movie if you do this.  So wait until the project is complete and burned to disk before archiving and deleting the movie files.
    Personally I would get an external HD and save those movies and other files that you might want to delete from your boot drive because you never know when you might want to go back and make changes.  Once they are deleted you can't go back.
    Happy Holidays

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