How do i drag notes into i pod folder and what i pod folder


u need to quit posting the same things over and over
iPods- 4gb Balck Nano, 60gb Black 5g}{Black Moto Razr}{PSP}{iPod Radio Remote   Windows XP   <img src=""align="right

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    ilesCount += rFiles.size();
    int subCntr=0;
    nt subCntr2=0;
      //get folder B      
    IInfoObjects rSubFolders = infoStore.query ("SELECT * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_PROGID = 'CrystalEnterprise.Folder' AND SI_PARENTID=" + regFolder.getID() );
    //get files from subFolders of Folder A
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              IInfoObject subFolder=(IInfoObject)rSubFolders.get(subCntr);
              IInfoObjects subFiles = infoStore.query ("SELECT * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS "
          + " WHERE SI_PROGID != 'CrystalEnterprise.Folder'" AND SI_PARENTID=" + subFolder.getID() );
             filesCount += subFiles.size();
             //get subFolders of Folder B                   
             IInfoObjects rSubFolders2 = infoStore.query ("SELECT * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_PROGID = 'CrystalEnterprise.Folder' AND SI_PARENTID=" + subFolder.getID() );
                         //get files from subFolders of Folder B
         while (subCntr2 < rSubFolders2.size())
              IInfoObject subFolder2=(IInfoObject)rSubFolders2.get(subCntr2);
              IInfoObjects subFiles2 = infoStore.query ("SELECT * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS "
                   + " WHERE SI_PROGID != 'CrystalEnterprise.Folder'  AND SI_PARENTID=" + subFolder2.getID() );
                                               filesCount += subFiles2.size();
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    Thank you,

    For detailed information, please refer to the BI 4.0 developers guide here.
    You can find the section "Setting up the development environment" in developers guide that have every single instruction to execute a java code specific to BI 4.0 environment.
    Also, here are the instructions for BO 3.1 environment:
    To configure a WAR file for a J2EE application that uses the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 and 3.1 Java SDK, complete these steps:
    Create a lib folder in the WAR file's WEB-INF folder.
    Copy the Enterprise XI 3.0 or 3.1 Java SDK JAR files from the appropriate location below to the WAR file's WEB-INF\lib folder:
    ...\Program Files\Business Objects\common\4.0\java\lib
    Copy the log4j.jar file from the appropriate location below to the WAR file's WEB-INF\lib folder:
    ...\Program Files\Business Objects\common\4.0\java\lib\external
    Copy the entire crystalreportviewers12 folder from the appropriate location below to the WAR file's root folder.
    ...\Program Files\Business Objects\common\4.0
    Open the web.xml file located in the WAR file's WEB-INF folder.
    Specify the location of the utility files used by the report viewers contained in the crystalreportviewers12 folder by inserting the following code below the <display-name> and <description> tags but within the <webapp> tag definition:
    Deploy the WAR file to the J2EE application server.
    You are now able to run an application using the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 and 3.1 Java SDK on a J2EE web application server.
    Hope it helps.

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    To put notes on to your iPod, make sure you set your iPod to manually managing your music and video. Afterwards, you can use Windows Explorer to access it, just find your iPod in the devices, double-click and there should be a folder called "Notes". The only files it allows are .txt. On your iPod, the notes folder can be accessed from Main Menu > Extras > Notes. Hope that helps.

  • How to move Event (not necessarily connected to Projects ) and projects to new external drive

    I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and iMovie11 9.0.4 have a had very stressful time trying to clear down the Movies folder from my internal drive and get it across to a new external hard drive, as my 700gb drive on my 2009 iMac is practically full. I have taken a full back-up and also created a new 1.5 TB partition on the external drive. However I do not know how to get the Events and Projects across, and for iMovie to know that every thing is now on the new drive.
    Initially I copied the 2 folders using finder, which seemingly worked but then I discovered that iMovie did not display the the new events, so I deleted the 2 folders from the external drive and tried manually moving the events in iMovie. This was very slow, with lots of spinning wheels and eventually iMovie crashed. So I moved the new Event copies I did manage to create into trash, but still iMovie was crashing.
    I then, thinking something had become corrupted, I  tried to restore the Events folder and Projects folder from my backup, but that did not work as I got a message saying the there was not enough space to do the copies (why does it need extra space as I assume it would be overwriting the existing folders ?). So in desperation I did some forum searching and ended up deleting the Now iMovie seems to be working fine, and is displaying al the events from my internal drive (I have ejected all other drives), and I am back to square one (hopefully), however for some reason the 'month' folders I had previously created in each Event 'Year' have disappeared and all the, for example 2013 events, are now under the 2013 folder with no Month sub folders( I assume this is something to do with the preferences I had deleted ?)
    I am hoping someone can direct me on the right path for getting the Events (not all of which are used in Projects) and Projects across to the new external drive, so I can free up space on the internal drive (and install Mountain Lion - my end goal).
    I have been  trying to do all this since 0600 this morning, so if anyome can help it would be very much appreciated.
    Jim (now grabbing a much needed beer !)

    Do the external drive show up in iMovie 11?? I just drag and drop in iMovie and don't touch it or change in finder.

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