How do I edit my existing watermarks

I have recently added watermarks to a whole file of my photos but the watermarks are all the same size & colour font which doesn't suit all of the photos so I need to edit the watermarks. How can I do this in laymans terms. I have asked the adobe community and recieved answers but cannot find the options they are talking about. This has me at my wits end. Please I need to fix this problem.

If you still have originals without watermarks then regenerate the watermarks with different colors and styles of fonts.
If you don’t have any versions of the images other than the ones with watermarks, then those watermarks aren’t really watermarks anymore, they are just part of the images just like any other subject in the image, so you would deal with them the way you deal with any other unwanted image details, by replacing it with other image details via a clone or heal brush or hand-painting in details that you make up entirely from your mind.

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    For what you are trying to do that is probably what you want -- Replace Pages. There are a few more issues that you need to be aware of since this is a business form. If customers are using Reader XI, it is not an issue.
    On the renderable text, can you see the text list when you look at the font tab in the document properties (ctrl-D)? If not, they you do not really have fonts to edit. This may be the type of fonts you used in the original or the way in which you did the conversion to PDF. You need to have fonts that are on your system and then be sure to embed them (otherwise others may not be able to read them because of different OS or such).
    As to e-mailing the form, that is fine (though there are sometimes problems with various clients and PDFs -- but usually on the sending end).
    For collecting the data you may want to try a different route. For users of Reader XI, they can save the form with the data. Prior versions could not do that unless you enabled the form for Reader. However, this latter process has a 500 form use limit -- A license issue. If the data is submitted, then it does not make a difference. The folks with Reader XI can still save the form with the data, others will have to print a copy for their records.
    The data can be imported to the form on your end and so you would have the exact same results as what was filled out. However, the submission process should be set up to submit to a web script for your receipt and not use mailto. The latter has problems that you have no control over due to proper operation with the mail client on the user machine. Typically the mail client must be the default and use MAPI. In any case, it is not reliable (not for business use). So submission to a web script is useful. The data in AcroForms would be of the type FDF (or possibly XFDF). If for some reason use created the form with Designer, that limit any editing in Acrobat since it is no longer a real PDF, but an XML container that Acrobat and Reader can display and interact with, but not change. Again, submission to a web script is still preferred.
    For dealing with a web script and some coding for various languages, you can check out the FDF Toolkit. It has been around a while, but should still handle the CGI needs of the submission. In addition, it has tools for adding the data to a database and other typical operations for data collection. You can save the FDF files and import them to the form and deal with the data there also.
    The use of Replace pages would do the job if all your form fields will still need to be in about the same location. Form fields are mark up and the pages are referred to as the document. Thus the replace pages will just original page and leave all the form fields. You will still need to go back and fix the value within the fields themselves, but that is a field edit.

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    The fact that you edited one PDF doesn't mean you can edit another. There are many possible PDF "recipes" which may or may not result in direct edit-ability.
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    or we can use the SAX(simple API for XML)
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    Try not to push your changes through SharePoint Designer (SPD).
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    THosE wHo doN'T apPreCiATe LiFe, DOn't DeSerVe iT

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    Glad that helped.
    Enjoy your iPhone!

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    In Acrobat, open the file and then go to Tools - Forms - Edit.

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    Hi Everyone,    
    I'm pretty new hear and could use some help. I downloaded Muse back when it was still in beta and used it to create a website      I really liked it's ease of use since i'm a newb at writing html and haven't gotten the hang of Dreamweaver. I need to update the site and make changes. The pc i was using before was running XP and the version of Muse then worked on it fine. But Muse has left XP behind and will not install the update on that machine and so I've installed a new version of Muse on a laptop with Windows 7. The files i used to create the website are on the pc that has failed and so I need to try and find out if it is possible to edit the existing site I have uploaded on a hosting site (not muse or adobe) and make the changes that are needed. Can someone please help me answer this question?
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    Hello Sean,
    It is not possible to import the pages etc. from the hosting site to Muse for editing purposes. This is because Muse only opens files with the extension .muse (which is the extension for the muse website file that is created and saved in Muse). It is not possible to import .html files etc. in Muse for editing purposes, hence, you won't be able to edit your current website in it, however, if you are able to locate the .muse file that you created earlier (if you have a back up somewhere), you can simply copy that file in your new computer and open in it in Muse to start editing.
    Hope this helps.

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    You may use one of those FM

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    Hello! New to the forums, here.
    I'll try to be brief. I've got a WordPress site in-place at that is hosted through HostGator. Basically, what I'm looking to do is get the site from the remote server and edit it in Dreamweaver CS5, previewing all changes on a local testing server before putting the updated contents back on the remote server.
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    If you know how to do exactly what I'm trying to do and have been successfully viewing and editing your existing WordPress site in Dreamweaver for upload, please take some time to explain the set-up. I'd be forever in your debt!

    Nancy O. wrote:
    I've been following this discussion for a while now and I don't understand why you hope to edit articles from DW.  That's what the WP Admin panel is specifically designed for.  Besides, you won't find your articles in any of the site files because they don't exist there.
    I agree I don't see any reason to want to edit a Wordpress site in Dreamweaver. If you are using Wordpress then you may as well put Dreamweaver in the bin. Although people do actually want to edit and manipulate the design in Dreamweaver (including myself) and from what I've read its possible but I've never found a source which explains fully how to achieve this and those that I have it seems too much effort to even bother about.
    I guess the Dreamweaver environment feels more like home and is more user friendly.
    To put it another way, a typical WordPress installation contains around 800 files in some 80 folders.  Those files don't contain any content, just a whole lot of PHP code.   In fact, the only page most people ever see on your site is the index.php page which is dynamically created over & over by the server with content from the MySql and various include files.
    For sure and that's why people who use Dreamweaver and feel the need to manipulate a Wordpress site in Dreamweaver because Wordpress is 'in vogue' get lost. Wordpress just containes a lot of pages with nothing to see apart from some php, many of who will not understand one jot.
    Unless you're a coding guru, you should definitely NOT touch any of the core WP files as this could cripple your site.  If you want to customize your Theme, look at the CSS and include files in your Themes folder.   See Anatomy of a WordPress Theme:
    lol your not wrong there!
    For a quick tip on Theming, open your remote site in Firefox equipped with the 'Web Developer Toolbar'.  Edit CSS on screen.  Save changes to your local site and upload it to the remote server.  No testing server required. 
    Wordpress is Wordpress and Dreamweaver is Dreameaver. As far as I can make out the two don't mix.
    Ideally you would just choose a Wordpress theme which most relates to the nice site you have designed in Fireworks of which you won't find any however goodthe themes are. Then manipulate the themes css that's if you can understand it. Even for a seasoned css expert its heavy going because everyone produces css differently to achieve the same results.
    Leave Wordpress well anlone unles you're going to use it out of the box so to speak or as a web-developer don't mind a bit of reverse engineering.

  • How do i edit my billing info if my credit card associated with apple id expired and i have a duty to app store from the time when i had the old credit card?

    how do i edit my billing info if my credit card associated with apple id expired and i have a duty to app store from the time when i had the old credit card?
    so the thing is a few days ago i made an app store purchase and i didn't know i was running out of money on my credit card. i realized that only when i tried to purchase another item and it didn't work. nothing special til here. the problem is that meanwhile my credit card was replaced by a new one by the bank because the old one was soon expiring. So the data associated with the old credit card no longer exist.
    i tried to edit my billing info associated with my apple id in order to enter the new credit card data, but the system doesn't allow me to do that.
    so i can neither pay my purchase, nor edit my info, nor access app store anymore.
    what's next? any ideas? thanks

    Servers down wait till status is fixed to change or add your data

  • How do I edit this script (newbie)

    Editing a script
    I found a script that creates a reminder event based upon the birthdays of my contacts in Address Book. It looks forward one week at a time.
    I'm not familiar with creating scripts. How would I edit this to do the following (if possible)
    1- I set up a contact list in Address Book for only those people whose birthdays I want to be reminded of. Is it possible to have this script only look through this contact list, not every contact.
    2- Can it also be set up to delete the previously set events (so that the only events that appear are the ones for the ensuing week)
    3- Can it be set up to remind me of anniversaries also? How would I edit it? (I tried to find and replace the term birthday with anniversary, but all it did was notify me of forthcoming week's birthdays but called them anniversaries)
    User set variables
    set numberDaysNotice to 1 -- how many days before the birthday to alert you, 0 is that day
    set timeOfNotification to 5 -- the hour you want the notification
    set selectedCalender to "Birthday Reminders" -- the calender in iCal you want to add the events to
    set birthdayPeople to {}
    set birthdayDates to {}
    Get the current date & next week
    set today to current date
    set nextWeek to today + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7)
    Loop through everyone in the Address Book
    tell application "Address Book"
    set peopleArray to the name of every person
    repeat with i from 1 to count of peopleArray
    set thisPerson to person i
    set thisBirthday to birth date of thisPerson
    Check if they've got a birthday entered on their card
    if thisBirthday is not equal to (missing value) then
    set year of thisBirthday to year of (current date) -- otherwise it uses their birth year
    See if it's in the next week
    if (thisBirthday is greater than today) and (thisBirthday is less than nextWeek) then
    set thisBirthday_day to day of thisBirthday
    set thisBirthday_month to month of thisBirthday
    Add them to our list
    set birthdayPeople to birthdayPeople & name of thisPerson
    set birthdayDates to birthdayDates & birth date of thisPerson
    end if
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    If we have birthday's go into iCal and add the alerts
    if (count of birthdayPeople) is greater than 0 and ((count of birthdayPeople) is equal to (count of birthdayDates)) then
    tell application "iCal"
    tell calendar selectedCalender
    repeat with i from 1 to count of birthdayPeople
    set thisDate to item i of birthdayDates
    set year of thisDate to year of today
    set time of thisDate to (60 * 60) * timeOfNotification
    set day of thisDate to (day of thisDate) - numberDaysNotice
    set thisEvent to make new event at end with properties {description:"", summary:(item i of birthdayPeople) & "'s Birthday", location:"", start date:thisDate, end date:thisDate + 15 * minutes}
    tell thisEvent
    make new display alarm at end with properties {trigger interval:0}
    end tell
    end repeat
    end tell
    end tell
    end if

    1- I set up a contact list in Address Book for only those people whose birthdays I want to be reminded of. Is it possible to have this script only look through this contact list, not every contact.
    Sure - if you created a specific group of the people you want to track then just change the line:
    set peopleArray to the name of every person
    set peopleArray to the name of every person of group "Birthdays"
    (or whatever group name you used). You see, as written your script just grabs everyone's name as opposed to just the names of people in the specific group.
    2- Can it also be set up to delete the previously set events (so that the only events that appear are the ones for the ensuing week)
    Yes, but that's a little trickier since you need some way to denote which events are birthday events vs. other events from last week. If you're using a specific calendar for this then you could just delete existing events in that calendar, or you could implement a minor change to the way you create events - use the description to identify this is one of your auto-created birthday alarms:
    set thisEvent to make new event at end with properties {description:"birthday", summary:(item i of birthdayPeople) & "'s Birthday", location:"", start date:thisDate, end date:thisDate + 15 * minutes}
    So now the events will have a specific description, so it's easy to start your new script off with a line that deletes existing 'birthday" events, via:
    tell application "iCal"
      delete every event of calendar selectedCalendar whose description = "birthday"
    end tell
    (you can nix the '... whose description = "birthday"' element if you just want to delete all existing events in the calendar).
    3- Can it be set up to remind me of anniversaries also? How would I edit it? (I tried to find and replace the term birthday with anniversary, but all it did was notify me of forthcoming week's birthdays but called them anniversaries)
    Sure, that's because you specifically ask Address Book for birthdays:
    set thisBirthday to birth date of thisPerson
    To track anniversaries you need to ask Address Book for different data. This one's a little tricker since anniversaries are tracked via the custom date element, so you'd need something like:
    set anniversaryList to {}
    tell application "Address Book"
      repeat with eachPerson in (get every person) -- add 'of group "anniversaries' if you use a specific group
        repeat with eachDate in eachPerson's custom dates
          if label of eachDate = "anniversary" then
            -- this person has an Anniversary set, so add your code here to check if eachDate is in the next week if it is:
            copy eachPerson to end of anniversaryList
          end if
        end repeat
      end repeat
    end tell
    At the end of this you'll have a list of people whose anniversary is upcoming and you can duplicate your iCal code to add anniversary events in addition to birthdays.

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