How do I encode to VP9 4K for Youtube?

I would like to find out How do I encode to VP9 4K for Youtube?

Well i have seen many videos in 4k 60fps turns out its something to do with vp9 encoded files. so i encoded one in 4k 60fps and uploaded still only went to 60fps in 1080 and didnt not process up to 4k. so how can i get this done?
site sources:
Star Citizen: Pieces of Eight (Piracy and Boarding) - YouTube
Redfoo - Juicy Wiggle (Lyric and Dance) - YouTube
Batman: Arkham Origins benchmark — 4K resolution - YouTube
[MV/HD 4K] SECRET (시크릿) - YOOHOO (유후) - YouTube
Star Citizen: Pieces of Eight (Piracy and Boarding) - YouTube
Terrifying Pyroclastic Flows Sinabung Volcano Eruption in 4K Ultra HD - YouTube
2013 怡保斗母宫九皇大帝出巡大游行 (超高清 Ultra HD 4K) - YouTube
How Paintballs Are Made at G.I. Sportz - YouTube

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    Since the file upload to YouTube becomes the source of their exported "Flash Video" you don't get much control over the end product.
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    I doubt that even a discerning ear to tell the original source Audio, after YouTube gets through Transcoding it for display. Also, viewers will be listening through their computer's speakers, and not a full home theater setup, where the Bit-Rate might make a slight difference. Also, most folk today, think that MP3's through ear-buds are "high fidelity."
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    Good luck,

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    Winston Churchill wrote:
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    3)  How do I set square pixels?
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    Thanks again for all the help!

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <service id="amfphp-flashremoting-service"
                <destination id="amfphp">
                        <channel ref="my-amfphp"/>
        <channel-definition id="my-amfphp" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
            <endpoint uri="http://localhost/" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
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            <endpoint uri="http://localhost/" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
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    paul.williams wrote:
    You are confusing "served from a web-server" with "compiled on a web-server". Served from a web-server means you are downloading a file from the web-server, it does not necessarily mean that the files has been generated / compiled on the server.
    The and server.port tokens are replaced at runtime (ie. on the client when the swf has been downloaded and is running) not compile time (ie. while mxmlc / ant / wet-tier compiler is running). You do not need to compile on the server to take advantage of this.
    Hi Paul,
    In Flex, there is feature that lets developer to put all service-config.xml file configuration information into swf file. with
    have tokens in it and user have not specified additional
    and this swf file is not served from web-app-server (like tomcat for example) than it will not work,
    Flash player have no possible way to replace token values of service-config.xml file durring runtime if that service-config.xml file have been baked into swf file during compilation,
    for example during development you can launch your swf file from your browser with file// protocol and still be able to access blazeDS services if
    have been specified durring compilation.
    I dont know any better way to exmplain this, but in summary there is two places that you can tell swf  about service confogiration,
    1) pass -services=path/to/services-config.xml  parameter to compiler this way you tell swf file up front about all that good stuff,
    or 2) you put that file on the webserver( in this case, yes you should have replacement tokens in that file) and they will be repaced at runtime .

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    import mx.controls.Alert; 
    public var selectedNode:XML; 
    public function myTreeOpening(event:TreeEvent):void { 
    //How to do the following selectively just for one node. For example if I want to just disable
    //further opening of "Marketing" node and leave the other two
    "Trying to disable the disclosureClosedIcon just for the Marketing node"); 
    <node label="Mail Box">
    <node label="Inbox">
    <node label="Marketing">
    <node label="Professional"/>
    <node label="Individual"/>
    <node label="team"/>
    <node label="Product Management">
    <node label="Professional"/>
    <node label="Individual"/>
    <node label="team"/>
    <node label="Sales">
    <node label="Professional"/>
    <node label="Individual"/>
    <node label="team"/>
    title="Tree Control Example" height="75%" width="75%" paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10">
    <mx:Label width="100%" color="blue" text="Select a node in the Tree control."/>
    <mx:Tree id="myTree" width="50%" height="100%" labelField="@label" showRoot="
    false" dataProvider="{treeData}" itemOpening="myTreeOpening(event)"/>

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    video and audio data rates, frame rate, codec used, etc, of a Flash
    video clip? If so, how? What tool/software I need to do this?
    I am able to find these (encoding) info for video clips if
    they are in Window Media or Real Media file formats. But I am not
    sure, whether there is way to find these info for Flash video clips
    as well.
    For example, we chose Flash Video format for one of our Web
    sites. Someone at work originally encoded a video clip for the site
    at nearly 900kbps (total data rate: video + audio). I asked it to
    be reduced to around 300kbps. Well, he resized the video and
    encoded the same clip at a lower data rate, but doesn't remember
    exactly what setting he used. Now, how do I find out the key
    information about encoding for this clip (i.e. data rate, fps,

    welcome to the mac side, im new also
    in windows we would right click and select 'properties' right?
    on apple you simply hold control 'ctrl' and then click on the folder you want, the control and click is macs equivanlent to windows' right click
    after you've 'ctrl' and clicked, select 'get info', get used to this 'get info' function as you'll probably use it alot, like i said, its like selecting 'properties' on windows
    another way of doing the control>click is clicking once on an item so that it is highlighted and then selecting 'file' at the top of your screen and then 'get info' too
    to view all pics in a slideshow yo simply highlight each one, or you can select multiple items by holding down the command key (⌘) then single clicking each pic you want to view, this selects it and then double clicking any one of them when they are all highlighted, in mac you will use the 'preivew' application which is an image viewer, sort of the replacement for your old 'windows fax and image viewer' on windows
    hope that helps

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