How do i fing out about my mother boeard

i have just been given a G5 tower without a hard drive and i would like to install an operating system to it how do i find out about the mother board specs and what type of RAM i need and how much RAM can i install
please help as i am new to apple mac and i could use all the help i can get.
Thank you

If you don't know the model, find the Serial# & use t on one of these sites...
If a G5, then this is likely the latest OS you can run...
Leopard requirements/10.5.x...
    *  Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 (867MHz or faster) processor
minimum system requirements
    * 512MB of memory (I say 1.5GB for PPC at least, 2-3GB minimum for IntelMacs)
    * DVD drive for installation
    * 9GB of available disk space (I say 30GB at least)
You have to call Apple & likely ask for a Product Specialist to get it, if they still have it! Helps to tell them you have an iPad/iPhone & you can't run 10.6.

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    Joe D
    Verizon Telecom
    Fiber Solution Center
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supercede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or Plan.Follow us on Twitter™!

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    Disk drive
    Service: disk
    Status: OK
    SystemName: MEINER
    Caption: Samsung YP-U2 USB Device
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    @echo off  
    :: GetLetterOFmyUSBstick.cmd  
    :: Bye Gastone Canali  
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion  
    set PNPDeviceID=4002FDCCE0E4D094 
    set Q='wmic  diskdrive where "interfacetype="USB" and PNPDeviceID like "%%%PNPDeviceID%%%""    assoc /assocclass:Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition' 
    echo %Q%  
    for /f "tokens=2,3,4,5 delims=,= " %%a in (%Q%) do (  
      set hd=%%a %%b, %%c %%d  
      call :_LIST_LETTER !hd!)  
    goto :_END  
    (echo %1 |find  "Disk ") >nul|| goto :_EOF   
    for /f "tokens=3 delims==" %%a in ('WMIC Path Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition  ^|find %1') do set TMP_letter=%%a  
    set Part_letter=%TMP_letter:~1,2%   
    echo %Part_letter% %1  
    goto :_EOF  
    ' ' GetLetterOFmyUSBstick.vbs
    strComputer = "." 
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")  
    strPnPdevID = "USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_SAMSUNG&PROD_YP-U2&REV_0100\4002FDCCE0E4D094&0" 
    strPnPdevID = Replace(strPnPdevID, "\", "\\")  
    Set colDiskDrives = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive where PNPDeviceID like '"& strPnPdevID &"' ")  
    For Each objDrive In colDiskDrives  
        Wscript.Echo "Physical Disk: " & objDrive.Caption & " -- " & objDrive.DeviceID   
        strDeviceID = Replace(objDrive.DeviceID, "\", "\\")  
        Set colPartitions = objWMIService.ExecQuery _  
            ("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID=""" & _  
                strDeviceID & """} WHERE AssocClass = " & _  
        For Each objPartition In colPartitions  
            Wscript.Echo "Disk Partition: " & objPartition.DeviceID  
            Set colLogicalDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery _  
                ("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID=""" & _  
                    objPartition.DeviceID & """} WHERE AssocClass = " & _  
            For Each objLogicalDisk In colLogicalDisks  
                Wscript.Echo "Logical Disk: " & objLogicalDisk.DeviceID  

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    You can change the order of the boxes on the about:newtab page and drag an item to a different tile to pin it to that position or you can remove a website by clicking the close X to block that URL.<br />
    You can drag a bookmark or history item and drop them in a tile on the about:newtab page to pin them and have your own favorites sites showing.
    Changes made manually on the about:newtab page are stored in the browser.newtabpage.pinned (default = [null]) and browser.newtabpage.blocked prefs that you can check/modify on the about:config page.
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    *name: browser.pagethumbnails.capturing_disabled with value: true
    *name: pageThumbs.enabled with value: false
    Delete the thumbnails folder in the Firefox profile folder to remove already stored web page thumbnails.
    See this knowledge base article about the about:config page.

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    Can anybody help? my point is I don´t want my XY graph to have pan function.
    I mean the XY graph cannot pan neither running VI nor not running. If it´s impossible to do that two ways, just only when running VI that cannot pan the graph.
    Thanks in advance

    What you can do is edit the graph palette to hide the panning tool.
    Click on the graph
    LabVIEW menu >> Edit >> Customize Control
    In the new window, click on the left button in the tool menu (Change to Customize Mode). Sorry but my mothertongue is not English and I ignore the name of the illustrated tool.
    Select the panning tool in the graph palette
    Press Ctrl + Shift + J to move the panning tool to back (or click on the square with two arrows (Reorder) and select Move to Back)
    Move the panning tool under the zooming tool
    Resize the graph palette decoration
    Switch back to Edit Mode
    Menu >> File >> Apply Changes
    Close the customizing window
    You have now a graph with a customized graph palette. See the LabVIEW help for more details about customizing controls.
    Graph without panning tool.ctl ‏9 KB

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    If you are an artist, then you should have contact information for someone at iTunes that handled getting your music on iTunes.
    No one here can assist as we're just users.
    You could try the "Contact Us" link at the bottom.

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    Theu used my phone # to get into my account..

    If there is a problem with the security of your Facebook account, you should check with Facebook on whether they can trace the access to a particular device. This isn't something you can determine on your own. (Help on Hacked Accounts)

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    You most likely have some corrupted files in other. Restore it and resync.

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