Only fan comes on

After removing, cleaning and reconnecting the keyboard on my satellite a655 laptop the computer doesn't power up. It sounds like only the fan comes on. It does not appear that the hard drive is starting and the monitor remains off

You are never below the radar here. Since responders are all volunteers, we come to the forums when we have the time. Besides, many of us respond in several forums, and we respond to questions about which we feel we have something to contribute. And, finally, some forums have a larger number of contributors than others, and that is especially true of the OS X forums. Harware forums tend to be less visited by most responders.
I agree with your thinking of either selling individual parts or keeping the parts and buying a 'Book with a good logic board and possibly needing parts you have. Take a look at PowerBookTech for an idea of prices for parts.
Please do not hesitate to post back should you have further questions.

Similar Messages

  • Only fan comes on with power after a drop

    My wife dropped her 12-inch G4 1.5GHz PB. Afterwards, it wouldn't boot. When I pushed the power button, the fans came on and kept running, but that was it. I tried to boot from my Tiger DVD, but there was no change (and now I can't eject the DVD!)
    I thought it might have been the hard drive, so I bought a new one and installed it. No change.
    What else might be wrong? I'm kind of thinking the shock of the drop broke something on the logic board, which would mean that this is not worth fixing. But if I am overlooking something simple ...
    Any ideas why the fan would come on with power but no screen, no gray apple, no DVD eject, etc.?
    Hate to see this one die - it was a really solid little computer!

    You are never below the radar here. Since responders are all volunteers, we come to the forums when we have the time. Besides, many of us respond in several forums, and we respond to questions about which we feel we have something to contribute. And, finally, some forums have a larger number of contributors than others, and that is especially true of the OS X forums. Harware forums tend to be less visited by most responders.
    I agree with your thinking of either selling individual parts or keeping the parts and buying a 'Book with a good logic board and possibly needing parts you have. Take a look at PowerBookTech for an idea of prices for parts.
    Please do not hesitate to post back should you have further questions.

  • Fans come on while asleep

    I am using a 21.5 iMac (bought in Nov 2009 I believe).
    While asleep, the computer fans will come on after variable time intervals. I hit the power button and the fan goes off only to come back on. The fans run only at medium levels.
    I do have wake on lan turned on but I have disconnected the Ethernet cable and turned airport off. When I wake the computer with the fans going, Activity Monitor shows no process going except Activity Monitor. The only peripheral attached is an empty usb-ipod cable.
    Any thoughts?

    Hi Lewis, Take a look at this thread:

  • What to do when fan comes on

    Hi all,
    The fan on my iBook has come on twice in the past couple of days. About the same number of apps open as usual - iChat, Safari, Mac Mail and MS Word were open both times...
    The past few days the weather has been fairly hot (around 32 C/90 F) - I'm not sure whether that has anything to do with it, only that the fan has only rarely come on in the past.
    So I put the computer to sleep to allow it to cool down.
    But I'm wondering if it would be better to leave it on with the fan running....
    What do others do?
    12 iBook G4,1.2 GHz, 768 RAM ; iMac 350 slot-loading   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Hi again,
    It should be OK to continue. The fan cuts in to cool things down so that you can continue working. Shutting down in the middle of something just because the fan comes on is rather defeating the object.
    Like I said above, I just carried on with the game when my fan came on, it stopped after 5 mins or so with no apparent ill effects.
    My iMac's fan is always noisier in the summer, (Must be a two stage fan or something). I've never worried about it. Just dismissed it as 'it's doing its job'.
    ibook G4 1GHz, 768mb; iMac 17" G4:768mb (10.3.9)   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Belkin WiFi F5D7632

  • Intermittent Problem - Fans come on full

    Hello Members,
    A while ago I posted a kernel panic on this forum, and got some useful informtion.  Thanks.
    I have a new system, and what seems to me, a NEW problem.
    The fans (somewhere) come one full blast (or something, DVD drives??).  In any case the
    system makes a very loud noise, which sounds like fans coming on.
    The noise seems to be coming from the top of the system, near where the two DVD drives are.
    I checked the system, while it was making this noise.
         1.  I stopped the video card fan momentarily - not the problem.
          2.  Stopped the gray fan at the rear by the cards, not the problem.
          3.  Stopped the gray fan near the front of the system, not the problem.
    So it is not these three fans causing the noise. My latest issue with this system:
    I put the system to sleep over night.  At 8am, I hear the fans come on full (or whatever the noise is).
    The system was still "asleep".  I pressed keys on the keyboard, moved the mouse, etc.  The system
    would not wake up.  I depressed the power button part way, no wake up there either.
    Finally I pressed and held the power button down until system shutdown.  I restarted the system a few
    minutes later.  The restart was OK.
    I have (counting the system disk) 4 internal SATA drives
    2 DVD drives
    1 Lacie Quadra d2 running on the PCI ex - USB 3.0
    2 G-tech drives running on firewire 800 (for general backup, and one for timemachine)
    Processor: 2x2.66 6 Core Intel Xeon
    Memory: 24GB, 1333 DDR3 ECC
    Graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 5870.
    This is a REPLACEMENT system from Apple!  They could not fix a previous system (still under warranty), so they did
    provide a new system (thank you Apple).  BUT  the older replaced system exhibited similar problems!
    Any one have any ideas?  Yes, I plan to take this system to the apple store, but the issue is so intermittent, that it is unlikely that
    the system will make the noise in the store (plus I have to remove peripherals, etc)
    Any info will help,
    Kernal panic below:
    3rd Panic
    System was asleep for 12 hours apporx.
    at 8am the fans turned on full, but computer remained alseep.
    System did not repsond to keyboard input or mouse.  Had to
    hold power button until system turned off.  Restarted system
    later and booted in safe mode.  30 Nov 2012
    Interval Since Last Panic Report:  64783 sec
    Panics Since Last Report:          1
    Anonymous UUID:                    780984DB-855E-47E1-BEB5-7AE42F3E5F7A
    Fri Nov 30 08:20:43 2012
    panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff80002c4794): Kernel trap at 0xffffff80002af796, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0x0000000000000000, CR3: 0x0000000000100000, CR4: 0x00000000000206e0
    RAX: 0xffffff826f4b2000, RBX: 0xffffff82b05609e0, RCX: 0x0000000000000783, RDX: 0x0000000000003c1d
    RSP: 0xffffff82a5dbbd88, RBP: 0xffffff82a5dbbdc0, RSI: 0x0000000000000000, RDI: 0xffffff826f4b2000
    R8:  0x0000000000000000, R9:  0xffffff80008bfaa0, R10: 0xffffff829fc9d047, R11: 0xffffff800063dc04
    R12: 0xffffff82b056006c, R13: 0xffffff82b0560000, R14: 0x0000000000000003, R15: 0xffffff82b06020b0
    RFL: 0x0000000000010213, RIP: 0xffffff80002af796, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
    CR2: 0x0000000000000000, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Faulting CPU: 0x2
    Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff82a5dbba30 : 0xffffff8000220792
    0xffffff82a5dbbab0 : 0xffffff80002c4794
    0xffffff82a5dbbc60 : 0xffffff80002da55d
    0xffffff82a5dbbc80 : 0xffffff80002af796
    0xffffff82a5dbbdc0 : 0xffffff7f808e5711
    0xffffff82a5dbbdf0 : 0xffffff800063dd21
    0xffffff82a5dbbe50 : 0xffffff7f808e5f1e
    0xffffff82a5dbbe80 : 0xffffff7f8092021a
    0xffffff82a5dbbec0 : 0xffffff800062fd10
    0xffffff82a5dbbf50 : 0xffffff800063019e
    0xffffff82a5dbbf70 : 0xffffff800023dbbc
    0xffffff82a5dbbfb0 : 0xffffff8000820057
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
   [71AF5A29-1AE2-3812-A0FF-96DD1CC6534D]@0xffffff 7f808c5000->0xffffff7f8091afff
                dependency:[5C23D598-58B2-3204-BC03-BC3C0F00BD32]@0xffffff 7f808a7000
             com.LaCie.driver.PXHCD(1.0.11)[2E552B28-485D-26D4-8985-6423D39CB5D4]@0xffffff7f 8091b000->0xffffff7f80938fff
                dependency:[71AF5A29-1AE2-3812-A0FF-96DD1CC6534D]@0xffff ff7f808c5000
                dependency:[5C23D598-58B2-3204-BC03-BC3C0F00BD32]@0xffffff 7f808a7000
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: FF3BB088-60A4-349C-92EA-CA649C698CE5
    System model name: MacPro5,1 (Mac-F221BEC8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 9187389994944
    last loaded kext at 9138831405501:          4.1.22 (addr 0xffffff7f80841000, size 16384)
    last unloaded kext at 90435957275:          2.1.3b1 (addr 0xffffff7f80cb1000, size 110592)
    loaded kexts:
    com.LaCie.ScsiType00          1.2.13
    com.LaCie.driver.PXHCD          1.0.11
    com.ATTO.driver.ATTOExpressSASRAID2          3.0.4          4.1.22          1.7.2          1.9.5d0          3.0          122          3.5.9          1.0.33          2.2.5a5          2.2.5a5          1.59          1.0.2d2          100.12.75          7.3.2          323.3          1.0.0d1          4.0.8f17          7.0.0          1.2.3          3.1.33          5.0.0d8          7.3.2          1.6.0          4.0.8f17          3.0.6          3.2.1          1.0.0d1          1.0.0d1          33          404          2.1.0          2.0.3          4.9.0          5.1.0          561.7.22          2.2.0b3          2.3.1          5.1.0          5.1.0          1.6.1          1.5          1.7          1.5          1.9          1.5          1.6          195.0.0          3.2.30          1.4          8          195.0.0          1.0          2.2.5a5          1.0.10d0          2.2.5          80.0.2          10.0.5          2.2.5a5          2.2.5a5          1.8.6fc18          1.3          3.1.33          3.1.3d10          5.0.0d8          1.0.10d0          2.3.4          5.1.1d6          7.3.2          7.3.2          2.3.4          4.0.8f17          4.0.8f17          160.7          160.7          5.0.0          5.1.0          3.0.3          3.2.1          5.0.0          2.1.0          4.2.0          3.2.1          1.7          1.7.1          1.7.1          4.4.8          420.3          5.0.0          2.1          2.0.8          2.5.1          3.2.1          5.1.0          1.6.1          1.7.1          1.1          177.8          1.0.0d1          331.7          1.7.2          28.18          1.5          2.7          1.4
    Model: MacPro5,1, BootROM MP51.007F.B03, 12 processors, 6-Core Intel Xeon, 2.66 GHz, 24 GB, SMC 1.39f11
    Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5870, ATI Radeon HD 5870, PCIe, 1024 MB
    Memory Module: DIMM 1, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1333 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333531553742465238432D48392020
    Memory Module: DIMM 2, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1333 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333531553742465238432D48392020
    Memory Module: DIMM 3, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1333 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333531553742465238432D48392020
    Memory Module: DIMM 5, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1333 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333531553742465238432D48392020
    Memory Module: DIMM 6, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1333 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333531553742465238432D48392020
    Memory Module: DIMM 7, 4 GB, DDR3 ECC, 1333 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333531553742465238432D48392020
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8E), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.0.8f17, 2 service, 18 devices, 0 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en2
    PCI Card: pci1033,194, Slot-4
    PCI Card: ATI Radeon HD 5870, sppci_displaycontroller, Slot-1
    PCI Card: ATTO ExpressSAS R680, sppci_raid, Slot-2
    Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GH80N
    Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GH80N
    Serial ATA Device: ST31000528AS, 1 TB
    Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HDE721010SLA330, 1 TB
    Serial ATA Device: WDC WD1001FALS-41Y6A1, 1 TB
    Serial ATA Device: ST31000340AS, 1 TB
    USB Device: hub_device, apple_vendor_id, 0x911c, 0xfa200000 / 2
    USB Device: Keyboard Hub, apple_vendor_id, 0x1006, 0xfa230000 / 5
    USB Device: Apple Keyboard, apple_vendor_id, 0x0220, 0xfa232000 / 6
    USB Device: PTK-840, 0x056a  (WACOM Co., Ltd.), 0x00ba, 0xfa210000 / 4
    USB Device: Apple Cinema HD Display, apple_vendor_id, 0x921c, 0xfa220000 / 3
    USB Device: hub_device, apple_vendor_id, 0x911c, 0xfd300000 / 2
    USB Device: Microsoft IntelliMouse® Optical, 0x045e  (Microsoft Corporation), 0x0029, 0xfd330000 / 4
    USB Device: Apple Cinema HD Display, apple_vendor_id, 0x921c, 0xfd320000 / 3
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x5a100000 / 2
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x8215, 0x5a110000 / 3
    USB Device: Back-UPS ES 725 FW:802.n2.D USB FW:n2, 0x051d  (American Power Conversion), 0x0002, 0x1d100000 / 2
    USB Device: d2 Quadra v3, 0x059f  (LaCie), 0x104c, 0x04200000 / 2
    FireWire Device: built-in_hub, 800mbit_speed
    FireWire Device: Oxford ATA Device 00, G-TECH, 800mbit_speed
    FireWire Device: G-RAID Device 00, G-TECH, 800mbit_speed

    Hello Linc,
    Thanks for the confirmation.  I ended up removing the PCI card and uninstalling the driver.
    I am now running the drive from the USB 2.0 port on the computer.  Lacie never owned up to
    the fact that the PCI express card and USB 3.0 are not "safely" functional on Mac Pro with Lion.
    I am testing the system, only time will tell.
    Thanks again,

  • Macbook fans come on a lot

    Hi everyone. Eversince my macbook came back from the random shutdown problem repair, I think that my fans come on a lot. For example, if I am just watching anything with flash (e.g. youtube, google videos, etc) or watching a DVD, the fans will come on full blast.
    Is this normal? Do ya'll also have the fans coming on when doing something slightly intensive?

    I have the same problem. Very very annoying. I'm
    running 10.4.8, and since this upgrade, my fan ALWAYS
    comes on full blast with any movie, video ichat,
    flash video, etc.
    I'm contemplating switching to a MBP because of this
    as well as some poor performance with my MB.
    That's the way it's supposed to work. Unfortunately, with the graphics circuit used in the MacBook, it puts a load on the processors causing the fan to ramp up when viewing most video.
    I play poker with a 3-D software application that causes my fan to run loud when there are a lot of players present, and video action going on. I may upgrade to a pro too when the CoreDuo 2 models come out. About the only thing I don't like about the MacBook is the weaker graphic performance.
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  • Its just stops, freezes, and the fans come on.....

    This the third time in 2 days. I have been using my Imac for a year with no problems. So I'm not freaking out but like an a** I didnt get apple care. Oh I have a business so I can buy it. Whatever. In cases any fellow mac-ers didn't know if you have a business you can buy apple care after the original warrenty runs out.
    My (baby) Imac will just freeze and about 30 seconds go by, and the fans come on like a helicopter. I let it sit for a cople of mins and saw no change. I just turned it off. Has anyone experianced this?

    Shifty, could you please post where you got the information that you can buy AppleCare after your warranty runs out? As fas as I know, it can only be purchased before or on, the last day of your original warranty.
    As to your fan problem, look and see if your serial number is among those in Apple's Repair Extension Program, if so, your repairs, which probaly will include a new Power Supply Unit and logic board, will be made under the extended warranty.
    Please post back with the information,

  • Imac G5 will not boot up. there is power but the screen is black. About 30 sec after turning it on, the fan comes on loudly.

    I have an old imac G5 (non Intel) The screen went blank but the fan turns very loudly. I cannot reboot the computer.  whenever I start it I get power and black screen and the fan comes on loudly after about 30 secs. I have tried rebooting pressing varius keys, but no luck. I once got the flashing question mark, but I can't get that either. I'd like to reboot from the disc, but I cannot insert a disc. Any help out there??

    If zapping the PRAM does not get it working, it's time for a new iMac.  Repairs will not be worth the cost.  Put it towards a new iMac.
    I've been there, done that.  Had my burial last summer.

  • PS and CPU fan comes on merely by plugging in AC power

    I am repairing a friends Athlon xp machine and have tested everything with extras.
    I put a new MSI KM4M-V board in.  The pc runs xp fine, etc., etc., however, when shut down the pc, Windows shuts down, but the ps and cpu fan stays on.  Indefinitely.  I have to either flip the on/off switch on the back of the ps or pull the damn plug.
    What gives?
    When I plug the thing in cold, same thing; the fans come on and then I press the start button whenever I want and the system posts and boots normally.
    A motherboard Short?  I checked the switch and even pulled the connector; the fans still come on when I plug it in.
    Any thoughts?
    J Romulus

    Yes, I've let it run for hours after Windows shuts off, it simply doesn't go off.
    Simply plugging it in or flipping ps switch, the same thing; ps and cpu fans come on automatically.
    I've read all the APIC threads; if I were strictly having problems shutting down, maybe it be that.  But it is so strange that it does it from a cold start.
    Got to be some kind of short, or else a bad board.

  • HT4847 I'm new to iPhone and iCloud... I have lots of pics on my iPhone but only some appear on my iPad, they're in Camera Roll on the phone but random ones only have come into Photos on the iPad - can anyone help? Thanks!

    I'm new to iPhone and iCloud... I have lots of pics on my iPhone but only some appear on my iPad, they're in Camera Roll on the phone but random ones only have come into Photos on the iPad - can anyone help? Thanks!

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Photostream when enabled will only add photos from the camera roll that were taken post photostream activation. (Photostream does not currently share video)
    Photostream only syncs photos over Wi-Fi, make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi to begin with.
    Photostream only syncs when the camera app is closed, ensure it is closed.
    Photostream only syncs when the battery is above 20%, try recharging the device
    Try disabling photo stream on your device (settings > iCloud), restarting your device and then re-enabling photo stream.

  • My MacBook Pro (mid 2010) has cursor problems when the fan comes on.

    Hi, I have been trying a variety of recommendations to see why my MacBook Pro seems to be having slowness issues.  yes, I took it in to the Mac store and they found nothing.  I have tried some other things that I think may have helped but now I see that specifically the cursor goes crazy when the fan kicks in and when the fan goes off it is okay again.  I have run SMART Utility & I didn't see anything from that. 

    The fans coming on and the cursor going crazy are a correlation, not a cause-and-effect.
    The fans come on when measured temperatures inside your computer are getting too high. The fans come on to try to exhaust the excess heat. If the cursor goes crazy at the same time, this is likely to also be caused by the computer getting too hot, not by the fans.
    This is one possible cause:
    Runaway applications can shorten battery runtime, affect performance, and increase heat and fan activity

  • 24" iMac - fan comes on, Mac won't sleep

    Sometimes when I try to "sleep" my Mac, the fan comes on, the screen blanks, and then immediately it comes to life. Other times the fan comes on, even though I don't think it's overheating, and then maybe I can sleep it, and maybe I can't.
    Anyone else seen this problem? It's not the end of the world, but it's pretty annoying!!

    I spent 25 minutes on the phone with AppleCare and we did a lot of things like resetting the PMU, the PRAM, reparing the hard drive, trying to do the same with another user account. It turns out it's a hardware problem and I need to send the computer to a service center...
    Basically: no solution we can find on our own.
    My iMac is 20 days old so that makes me quite unhappy...

  • My G5 wont boot.  The fans come on slow and then get faster.  Any ideas?

    I was given this Mac G5.  It will not boot.  The fans come on slowly, then get faster.  I am not sure where to start.  Not even sure what software to try to load... any ideas would be great... thanks  OIIIO

    Hello, did you get any OSX Install Discs with it?
    Hold option or alt key at bootup, do any boot choices show up?
    Any other Macs with Firewire around?

  • T43 – Model 1871-FU1: Will not boot with blank screen. Only Fan is running. Any ideas?

    T43 – Model 1871-FU1: Will not boot with blank screen.  Only Fan is running.  Any ideas?
    Go to Solution.

    What lead_org is referring to is commonly known as "re-balling" which involves unsoldering the Southbridge chip from the planar, replacing all (6-700) solder balls with new ones and then re-attaching it under heat/pressure.
    This is the place that you need:
    Good luck.
    In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
    Collecting dust: T60
    Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
    Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

  • Running hot, fan comes on every few minutes

    I have recently had my powerbook G4 in for repairs to the LCD 5 times in the past few months. Now, it has started running hotter than usual and the fan comes on every few minutes while I am working.
    Any ideas about what might be going on would be appreciated.

    Maybe a short circuit somewhere at the LCD panel that causes the PB becoming hot very soon. Was the LCD issue a warranty repair ?
    I would ask the company that did the repair, respectively Apple (if it was a warranty) for assistance.

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