How do I know if my I pad is secure when using the Internet.

How do I know if my I pad is secure when using the Internet?

Pretty much the same way you'd know with any other device. Are you using cellular data? It's pretty secure. Are you using WiFi? If so, is it public, unsecured wifi? Or private WiFi with a password? If you're doing any type of sensitive transactions, are you checking to make sure that the website is secure by checking to see that the address begins with https not just http? Are you making sure you're typing in address for banks and financial institutions rather than clicking on links in email?

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    same as it ever was
    do it like nothing is different.
    be sure to have an external trackpad keyboard or mouse as you will loose them on the computer once it is closed.

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    Repository Name with my user:
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    Jim Giffin.

    Hi Jim, Hi Matthias
    we are facing the exact same problem with our project.
    Jim, we had the same phenomenon that it worked for 1-2 reloads and then stopped at all.
    After looking into it, I figured out, that the browser was using cached files from all resources except from the "inactive" new files, which we could access with the cookie. This made it work, however, when we refreshed again, the browser eventually removed its cache and tried to load inactive versions from files that didn't had any.
    We ended up in empty responses (no content, no headers)
    We are really looking forward to find some answers here, as it constantly causes trouble to work with multiple developers on the same activated code base.
    Any input or suggestions are appreciated.
    Best Regards,

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    Hi, and Welcome to the Discussions!
    One way is to use Safari>Preferences>General>Download Files to..., and set it to another Location... I make a Folder in Documents called Downloads for this.
    To completely eliminate downloading it at all, try PDF Browser Plugin...

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    I must be something with ACL's or DBMS_EPG or maybe the default port 80 that I use?
    My configuration is
    Doing checks
    ############# Status/Version #############
    XDB Status is: VALID at version
    ############# OTHER DATABASE FEATURES #############
    Oracle Application Express is VALID at version
    OWB is VALID at version
    Oracle Enterprise Manager is VALID at version
    Oracle Ultra Search is VALID at version
    OLAP Catalog is VALID at version
    Spatial is VALID at version
    Oracle Multimedia is VALID at version
    Oracle XML Database is VALID at version
    Oracle Text is VALID at version
    Oracle Expression Filter is VALID at version
    Oracle Rules Manager is VALID at version
    Oracle Workspace Manager is VALID at version
    Oracle Database Catalog Views is VALID at version
    Oracle Database Packages and Types is VALID at version
    JServer JAVA Virtual Machine is VALID at version
    Oracle XDK is VALID at version
    Oracle Database Java Packages is VALID at version
    OLAP Analytic Workspace is VALID at version
    Oracle OLAP API is VALID at version
    ############# XDBCONFIG INFORMATION #############
    acl-max-age= = = 15
    acl-cache-size= = = 32
    case-sensitive= = = true
    call-timeout= = = 6000
    max-link-queue= = = 65536
    max-session-use= = = 100
    persistent-sessions= = = false
    default-lock-timeout= = = 3600
    xdbcore-logfile-path= = = /sys/log/xdblog.xml
    xdbcore-log-level= = = 0
    resource-view-cache-size= = = 1048576
    extension= = = au
    mime-type= = = audio/basic
    extension= = = avi
    mime-type= = = video/x-msvideo
    extension= = = bin
    mime-type= = = application/octet-stream
    extension= = = bmp
    mime-type= = = image/bmp
    extension= = = css
    mime-type= = = text/css
    extension= = = doc
    mime-type= = = application/msword
    extension= = = eml
    mime-type= = = message/rfc822
    extension= = = gif
    mime-type= = = image/gif
    extension= = = htm
    mime-type= = = text/html
    extension= = = html
    mime-type= = = text/html
    extension= = = jpe
    mime-type= = = image/jpeg
    extension= = = jpeg
    mime-type= = = image/jpeg
    extension= = = jpg
    mime-type= = = image/jpeg
    extension= = = js
    mime-type= = = application/x-javascript
    extension= = = jsp
    mime-type= = = text/html
    extension= = = mid
    mime-type= = = audio/mid
    extension= = = mov
    mime-type= = = video/quicktime
    extension= = = movie
    mime-type= = = video/x-sgi-movie
    extension= = = mp3
    mime-type= = = audio/mpeg
    extension= = = mpe
    mime-type= = = video/mpg
    extension= = = mpeg
    mime-type= = = video/mpg
    extension= = = mpg
    mime-type= = = video/mpg
    extension= = = msa
    mime-type= = = application/x-msaccess
    extension= = = msw
    mime-type= = = application/x-msworks-wp
    extension= = = pcx
    mime-type= = = application/x-pc-paintbrush
    extension= = = pdf
    mime-type= = = application/pdf
    extension= = = png
    mime-type= = = image/png
    extension= = = ppt
    mime-type= = = application/
    extension= = = ps
    mime-type= = = application/postscript
    extension= = = qt
    mime-type= = = video/quicktime
    extension= = = ra
    mime-type= = = audio/x-realaudio
    extension= = = ram
    mime-type= = = audio/x-realaudio
    extension= = = rm
    mime-type= = = audio/x-realaudio
    extension= = = rtf
    mime-type= = = application/rtf
    extension= = = rv
    mime-type= = = video/x-realvideo
    extension= = = sgml
    mime-type= = = text/sgml
    extension= = = svg
    mime-type= = = image/svg+xml
    extension= = = tif
    mime-type= = = image/tiff
    extension= = = tiff
    mime-type= = = image/tiff
    extension= = = txt
    mime-type= = = text/plain
    extension= = = url
    mime-type= = = text/plain
    extension= = = vrml
    mime-type= = = x-world/x-vrml
    extension= = = wav
    mime-type= = = audio/wav
    extension= = = wpd
    mime-type= = = application/wordperfect5.1
    extension= = = xls
    mime-type= = = application/
    extension= = = xml
    mime-type= = = text/xml
    extension= = = xsd
    mime-type= = = text/xml
    extension= = = xsl
    mime-type= = = text/xml
    extension= = = zip
    mime-type= = = application/x-zip-compressed
    extension= = = htc
    mime-type= = = text/x-component
    extension= = = xbl
    mime-type= = = text/xml
    extension= = = en
    lang= = = english
    extension= = = gzip
    encoding= = = zip file
    extension= = = tar
    encoding= = = tar file
    session-pool-size= = = 50
    session-timeout= = = 6000
    ftp-port= = = 0
    ftp-listener= = = local_listener
    ftp-protocol= = = tcp
    logfile-path= = = /sys/log/ftplog.xml
    log-level= = = 0
    session-timeout= = = 6000
    buffer-size= = = 8192
    http-port= = = 80
    http-listener= = = local_listener
    http-protocol= = = tcp
    max-http-headers= = = 64
    max-header-size= = = 16384
    max-request-body= = = 2000000000
    session-timeout= = = 6000
    server-name= = = XDB HTTP Server
    logfile-path= = = /sys/log/httplog.xml
    log-level= = = 0
    servlet-realm= = = Basic realm="XDB"
    welcome-file= = = index.html
    welcome-file= = = index.htm
    servlet-pattern= = = /Test
    servlet-name= = = TestServlet
    servlet-pattern= = = /oradb/*
    servlet-name= = = DBURIServlet
    servlet-pattern= = = /orarep/*
    servlet-name= = = ReportFmwkServlet
    servlet-pattern= = = /i/*
    servlet-name= = = PublishedContentServlet
    servlet-pattern= = = /apex/*
    servlet-name= = = APEX
    servlet-pattern= = = /images/*
    servlet-name= = = IMAGES
    servlet-name= = = TestServlet
    servlet-language= = = Java
    display-name= = = XDB Test Servlet
    description= = = A servlet to test the internals of the XDB Servlet API
    servlet-class= = = xdbtserv
    servlet-schema= = = xdb
    servlet-name= = = DBURIServlet
    servlet-language= = = C
    display-name= = = DBURI
    description= = = Servlet for accessing DBURIs
    role-name= = = authenticatedUser
    role-link= = = authenticatedUser
    servlet-name= = = ReportFmwkServlet
    servlet-language= = = C
    display-name= = = REPT
    description= = = Servlet for accessing reports
    role-name= = = authenticatedUser
    role-link= = = authenticatedUser
    servlet-name= = = PublishedContentServlet
    servlet-language= = = C
    display-name= = = Unauthenticated File Access Servlet
    description= = = Servlet for files for unauthenticated users
    param-name= = = RootFolder
    param-value= = = /images
    description= = = RootFolder
    role-name= = = anonymousServletRole
    role-link= = = anonymousServletRole
    servlet-name= = = APEX
    servlet-language= = = PL/SQL
    display-name= = = APEX
    database-username= = = ANONYMOUS
    default-page= = = apex
    document-table-name= = = wwv_flow_file_objects$
    document-path= = = docs
    document-procedure= = = wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
    nls-language= = = american_america.al32utf8
    request-validation-function= = = wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize
    role-name= = = anonymousServletRole
    role-link= = = anonymousServletRole
    servlet-name= = = IMAGES
    servlet-language= = = PL/SQL
    display-name= = = IMAGES
    database-username= = = APS
    role-name= = = anonymousServletRole
    role-link= = = anonymousServletRole
    allow-mechanism= = = basic
    nonce-timeout= = = 300
    xdbcore-xobmem-bound= = = 1024
    xdbcore-loadableunit-size= = = 16
    acl-evaluation-method= = = ace-order
    ############# XMLTYPE Tables #############
    XDB has 1 XMLTYPE TABLES stored as CLOB
    XDB has 11 XMLTYPE TABLES stored as BINARY
    ############# XMLTYPE Columns #############
    XDB has 3 XMLTYPE Columns stored as CLOB
    MDSYS has 24 XMLTYPE Columns stored as CLOB
    SYS has 1 XMLTYPE Columns stored as CLOB
    ORDSYS has 9 XMLTYPE Columns stored as CLOB
    ############# XMLTYPE Views #############
    ############# XMLTYPE INDEXES #############
    XDB has 1 XMLTYPE Indexes of type CSX
    ############# Items built with XML API's #############
    ############# XML SCHEMAS #############
    MDSYS has 4 registered.
    EXFSYS has 2 registered.
    ORDSYS has 17 registered.
    XDB has 25 registered.
    SYS has 43 registered.
    ############# Repository Resources #############
    MDSYS has 9 resources.
    EXFSYS has 3 resources.
    ORDSYS has 20 resources.
    XDB has 28 resources.
    SYS has 12634 resources.
    ############# Network ACLs Configured ############# has network acls configured for ports 25 through 25
    * has network acls configured for ports through
    * has network acls configured for ports through
    ############# DBMS_EPG DAD USAGE #############

    Hi Jules,
    You need a user with XDBADMIN rights to access the WebDav. Once you have access, you can open the URL as webfolder (in IE).

  • Firefox is using large amounts of CPU time and disk access, and I need to know how to shut down most of this so I can actually use the browser.

    Firefox is a very busy piece of software. It's using large amounts of CPU time and disk access. It puts my usage at low priority, so I have to wait for some time to be able to use my pointer or keyboard. I don't know what it uses all that CPU and disk access time for, but it's of no use to me. It often takes off with massive use of resources when I'm not doing anything, and I may not have use of my pointer for several minutes. How can I shut down most of this so I can use the browser to get my work done. I just want to use the web site access part of the software, and drop all the extra. I don't want Firefox to be able to recover after a crash. I just want to browse with a minimum of interference from Firefox. I would think that this is the most commonly asked question.

    Firefox consumes a lot of CPU resources
    High memory usage
    Check and tell if its working.

  • I currently run the Design and Web Premium CS6 on a first generation MacBook Air and want to buy a new MacBook Pro. How do I know whether I can install my Adobe programs onto the new computer? Because I know there is some kind of limit.

    I currently run the Design and Web Premium CS6 on a first generation MacBook Air and want to buy a new MacBook Pro. How do I know whether I can install my Adobe programs onto the new computer? Because I know there is some kind of limit.
    Also, I had to install the software twice on my same computer before because I had to reboot the computer. I don't know if this affects the limit.

    You are allowed to have two activated installations so there should not be a problem having working installations on the two machines.  If by chance you have somehow tied up two activations for the one machine you can have Adobe support help resolve that thru chat.
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) ( )

  • After updating my Macbook Pro retina display to os x yosemite 10.10.2, the mause and track pad locks, and do not respond especially when using the Mac for a long period, please help, how can I solve this, I do not like feel like in windows, so I paid

    after updating my Macbook Pro retina display to os x yosemite 10.10.2, the mause and track pad locks, and do not respond especially when using the Mac for a long period, please help, how can I solve this, I do not like feel like in windows, so I paid good money for this mack, I feel calm

    Hi Buterem,
    I'm sorry to hear you are having issues with your MacBook Pro since your recent Yosemite update. I also apologize, I'm a bit unclear on the exact nature of the issue you are describing. If you are having intermittent but persistent responsiveness issues with your mouse or trackpad, you may want to try using Activity Monitor to see if these incidents correspond to occupied system resources, especially system memory or CPU. You may find the following article helpful:
    How to use Activity Monitor - Apple Support
    If the entire system hangs or locks up (for example, if the system clock freezes and stops counting up), you may also be experiencing some variety of Kernel Panic. If that is the case, you may also find this article useful:
    OS X: When your computer spontaneously restarts or displays "Your computer restarted because of a problem." - Apple Support
    - Brenden

  • How do I know if a login site is secure? In Safari or Explorer there is a visual lock icon, but not so in Firefox. Is there an add-on that meets this need?

    How do I know if a login site is secure? In Safari or Explorer there is a visual lock icon in the web browser window, but not so in Firefox. Is there an add-on that meets this need?

    The padlock only shows that there is a secure connection and doesn't guarantee that you are connected to the right server. So you might still be connected to the wrong server if you make a typo in the URL and someone has claimed that mistyped URL. The functionality of the padlock has been replaced by the Site Identity Button on the left end of the location (address) bar.
    This has actually existed since Firefox 3.0
    If you still want a padlock icon also then there is this Extension.

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    You have a 3rd generation iPad. And yes it is a Retina model.
    Introduced     March 2012
    Discontinued     October 2012
    Model Identifier     iPad3,1
    Model Number     A1416
    Order Number     MC705LL/A (16 GB Black) MD328LL/A (16 GB White) MC706LL/A (32 GB Black) MD329LL/A (32 GB White) MC707LL/A (64 GB Black) MD330LL/A (64 GB White)

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    How do I know if my purchased music is being saved to the "cloud" so I don't need to do any other storage?

    You're purchased music is not so much saved to the cloud, but rather indexed, since it is already in the cloud by virtue of being in the iTunes store.
    If you want to check whether your purchases are being indexed or not, go to the purchased section on the main page of the iTunes store. There you will see a list of all your purchased items.

  • Has anyone experienced problems with Mackeeper? I did not complete downloading this software. Yet, occasionally when on the internet, I will have the MacKeeper multi-colored circle replace my pointer. How do you deal with this?

    Has anyone experienced problems with Mackeeper? I did not complete downloading this software. Yet, occasionally when on the internet, I will have the MacKeeper multi-colored circle replace my pointer. How do you deal with this?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Don't download MacKeeper. Users complain about this app and it damages OS X. Also, Mac OS X knows how to take care of itself, so you don't need any other cleaning application that may damage OS X. See >

  • How can I access my home security DVR from the internet?

    My Time Capsule (as a router and not a bridge) blocks me from accessing my home security DVR from the internet.  I can access it from other computers connected to my LAN but not from the internet.  I guess it's a firewall setting issue.  I can't add the home security application to the list of firewall allowed incoming connections since it's a Windows app that I cannot install on my Mac.  On the other hand, the app is installed on my old PC but I can't access the Mac firwall settings from the PC and add the security app (If that's the problem).
    My DVR is connected to a Netgear switch which is connected to the Time Capsule which is connected to a Cisco modem provided by Comcast. I thought one of the modem ports had to be opened by Comcast. That was not the issue.  After spending 2 hours on the phone with Comcast going in circles talking to 10 different overseas agents, they concluded the Netgear switch was blocking me from accessing the DVR.  I think they are wrong and that it's a Mac firewall problem.  HELP!!!  Does anyone know what could be the problem and how to solve it?

    Did you forward the required ports in the TIme Capsule? If not it won't work.. it has nothing to do with firewall unless the DVR is plugged into the Mac. If it is plugged into a switch you need to lock the IP of the DVR and find out what ports are required.. usually just port 80, ie html.. but it could be some others.
    Since Apple do not use upnp to open ports.. the TC will have to manually be provided with the ports.. Apple use PMP-NAT that is not used by the rest of the known world.. Just to ensure you stay in the camp.

  • How do I transfer itunes music to my iphone 4 without using the restore from this backup function?

    How do I transfer itunes music to my iphone 4 without using the restore from this backup function?  I cannot use the back up function as have been advised that therer are bugs in it and restoring it back to my phone will bring the bugs with it and phone will be back to apple again as will start playing up again.  But I need the music.  Whn I plug it in laptop and go to itunes icon it gives me 2 options:  Set up as new iphone? OR Restore from backup.
    Do I pick set up as new phone?  I dont know as the guy at the genius bar told me there would be an option asking if i want to sync itunes only...but there isn't.

    Set up as New and then... Re-Sync your Content from iTunes.
    SYNCING with iTunes
    See here  >
    From Here  >

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