How do I know which plugins are needed

Mozilla's newsletter has just prompted me to check my Firefox plugins. It found five that were up-to-date, all of which I recognise - sort of. I was surprised though that it found another 10 which it said were "unknown" and prompted me to "research". Some of these were pretty blue-chip, like McAfee SecurityCenter, and Google Update - some don't mean much to me. Four are "Real"Something.
I guess I should get rid of those I don't need. My problem is - how do I know what I need? If I disable RealJukeBox, am I likely to find that something I use suddenly stops working? Clicking "Research" may tell me how to remove a plugin, but does not seem to tell me what it does and what uses it. (I think BBC iPlayer uses RealPlayer, so I probably should not remove that.)

Find the ap in the App Store and tap on it to see more info. There will be a section with minimum system requirements.

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    Message was edited by: Marcelão

    please disregard this answer.
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    hope it will help you.
    Reward if help.
    REPORT zpo_bapi_purchord_tej.
    TYPE-POOLS slis.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_table,
    vendor TYPE bapimepoheader-vendor,
    purch_org TYPE bapimepoheader-purch_org,
    pur_group TYPE bapimepoheader-pur_group,
    material TYPE bapimepoitem-material,
    delivery_date TYPE bapimeposchedule-delivery_date,
    plant TYPE bapimepoitem-plant,
    END OF ty_table.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_alv,
    END OF ty_alv.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_alv1,
    END OF ty_alv1.
    *-----Work area declarations.
    DATA: x_table TYPE ty_table,
    x_header TYPE bapimepoheader,
    x_headerx TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
    x_item TYPE bapimepoitem,
    x_itemx TYPE bapimepoitemx,
    x_sched TYPE bapimeposchedule,
    x_schedx TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
    x_alv TYPE ty_alv,
    x_alv1 TYPE ty_alv1,
    x_alv2 TYPE ty_alv1.
    *-----Internal table declarations.
    DATA: it_table TYPE TABLE OF ty_table,
    it_commatable LIKE TABLE OF x_commatable,
    it_item TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem,
    it_itemx TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx,
    it_sched TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule,
    it_schedx TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx,
    it_alv TYPE TABLE OF ty_alv,
    it_alv1 TYPE TABLE OF ty_alv1,
    it_alv2 TYPE TABLE OF ty_alv1.
    DATA: po_number TYPE bapimepoheader-po_number,
    x_return TYPE bapiret2,
    it_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2,
    v_file TYPE string,
    v_succsount TYPE i VALUE 0,
    v_failcount TYPE i VALUE 0,
    v_total TYPE i.
    DATA: v_temp1(5) TYPE n VALUE 0.
    DATA: x_event TYPE slis_t_event,
    x_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
    x_list_header TYPE slis_t_listheader,
    x_event1 LIKE LINE OF x_event,
    x_layout1 TYPE slis_layout_alv,
    x_variant1 TYPE disvariant,
    x_repid2 LIKE sy-repid.
    DATA : it_fieldcat TYPE TABLE OF slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    *-----To fetch the flat file.
    PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE rlgrap-filename.
    IF p_file IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE text-001 TYPE 'E'.
    *-----To use F4 help to find file path.
    program_name = syst-cprog
    dynpro_number = syst-dynnr
    file_name = p_file.
    v_file = p_file.
    PERFORM gui_upload.
    LOOP AT it_table INTO x_table.
    PERFORM header_details.
    v_temp = x_table-v_legacy.
    LOOP AT it_table INTO x_table WHERE v_legacy = v_temp.
    PERFORM lineitem.
    PERFORM schedule.
    DELETE it_table WHERE v_legacy = v_temp.
    PERFORM bapicall.
    MOVE po_number TO x_alv-success.
    APPEND x_alv TO it_alv.
    CLEAR x_alv.
    *-----To clear the item details in internal table after the operation for a header.
    REFRESH: it_item,
    CLEAR: v_temp1.
    v_total = v_succsount + v_failcount.
    PERFORM display_alv.
    FORM gui_upload .
    filename = v_file
    filetype = 'ASC'
    data_tab = it_commatable
    file_open_error = 1
    file_read_error = 2
    no_batch = 3
    gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
    invalid_type = 5
    no_authority = 6
    unknown_error = 7
    bad_data_format = 8
    header_not_allowed = 9
    separator_not_allowed = 10
    header_too_long = 11
    unknown_dp_error = 12
    access_denied = 13
    dp_out_of_memory = 14
    disk_full = 15
    dp_timeout = 16
    OTHERS = 17
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *-----To fetch the comma seperated flat file into an internal table.
    LOOP AT it_commatable INTO x_commatable.
    IF x_commatable IS NOT INITIAL.
    SPLIT x_commatable AT ',' INTO
    APPEND x_table TO it_table.
    CLEAR x_table.
    ENDFORM. " gui_upload
    FORM header_details .
    MOVE 'NB' TO x_header-doc_type.
    input = x_table-vendor
    output = x_table-vendor
    MOVE x_table-vendor TO x_header-vendor.
    MOVE x_table-purch_org TO x_header-purch_org.
    MOVE x_table-pur_group TO x_header-pur_group.
    x_headerx-doc_type = 'X'.
    x_headerx-vendor = 'X'.
    x_headerx-purch_org = 'X'.
    x_headerx-pur_group = 'X'.
    ENDFORM. " header_details
    FORM lineitem .
    v_temp1 = v_temp1 + 10.
    input = v_temp1
    output = v_temp1.
    MOVE v_temp1 TO x_item-po_item.
    input = x_table-material
    output = x_table-material.
    MOVE x_table-material TO x_item-material.
    MOVE x_table-quantity TO x_item-quantity.
    MOVE x_table-net_price TO x_item-net_price.
    MOVE x_table-plant TO x_item-plant.
    x_itemx-po_item = v_temp1.
    x_itemx-material = 'X'.
    x_itemx-quantity = 'X'.
    x_itemx-net_price = 'X'.
    x_itemx-plant = 'X'.
    APPEND x_item TO it_item.
    APPEND x_itemx TO it_itemx.
    CLEAR: x_item, x_itemx.
    ENDFORM. " lineitem1
    FORM schedule .
    MOVE x_table-delivery_date TO x_sched-delivery_date.
    MOVE v_temp1 TO x_sched-po_item.
    x_schedx-delivery_date = 'X'.
    x_schedx-po_item = v_temp1.
    APPEND x_sched TO it_sched.
    APPEND x_schedx TO it_schedx.
    CLEAR: x_sched, x_schedx.
    ENDFORM. " schedule
    FORM bapicall .
    poheader = x_header
    poheaderx = x_headerx
    exppurchaseorder = po_number
    return = it_return
    poitem = it_item
    poitemx = it_itemx
    poschedule = it_sched
    poschedulex = it_schedx.
    IF po_number IS NOT INITIAL.
    v_succsount = v_succsount + 1.
    MOVE x_table-v_legacy TO x_alv-v_legs.
    v_failcount = v_failcount + 1.
    MOVE x_table-v_legacy TO x_alv-v_legf.
    MOVE x_table-v_legacy TO x_alv1-v_legf1.
    LOOP AT it_return INTO x_return.
    IF x_alv1-v_msg IS INITIAL.
    MOVE x_return-message TO x_alv1-v_msg.
    CONCATENATE x_alv1-v_msg x_return-message INTO x_alv1-v_msg SEPARATED BY space.
    APPEND x_alv1 TO it_alv1.
    CLEAR x_alv1.
    ENDFORM. " bapicall
    FORM display_alv .
    PERFORM x_list_header.
    PERFORM build_fieldcat CHANGING x_fieldcat.
    x_repid2 = sy-repid.
    x_event1-name = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    x_event1-form = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    APPEND x_event1 TO x_event.
    i_callback_program = x_repid2
    is_layout = x_layout1
    it_fieldcat = x_fieldcat
    i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
    i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
    i_save = 'A'
    is_variant = x_variant1
    it_events = x_event
    t_outtab = it_alv
    program_error = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM. " display_master_data
    FORM user_command USING ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm selfield
    TYPE slis_selfield.
    READ TABLE it_alv INTO x_alv INDEX selfield-tabindex.
    CLEAR : x_alv2,it_alv2[].
    LOOP AT it_alv1 INTO x_alv1 WHERE v_legf1 = x_alv-v_legf.
    x_alv2 = x_alv1.
    APPEND x_alv2 TO it_alv2 .
    DATA : it_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    DATA : x3_fieldcat LIKE LINE OF it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR : x3_fieldcat,it_fieldcat[].
    CLEAR x3_fieldcat.
    x3_fieldcat-col_pos = '1'.
    x3_fieldcat-fieldname = 'V_LEGF1'.
    x3_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = text-111.
    x3_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'IT_ALV2'.
    APPEND x3_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR x3_fieldcat.
    CLEAR x3_fieldcat.
    x3_fieldcat-col_pos = '1'.
    x3_fieldcat-fieldname = 'V_MSG'.
    x3_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = text-112.
    x3_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'IT_ALV2'.
    APPEND x3_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR x3_fieldcat.
    x_layout1-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    x_layout1-zebra = 'X'.
    IF it_alv2[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    i_callback_program = x_repid2
    is_layout = x_layout1
    it_fieldcat = it_fieldcat
    i_save = 'A'
    i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP'
    is_variant = x_variant1
    it_events = x_event
    t_outtab = it_alv2
    program_error = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    FORM top.
    it_list_commentary = 'Commentry'.
    FORM build_fieldcat CHANGING et_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    DATA: x1_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
    CLEAR x1_fieldcat.
    x1_fieldcat-col_pos = '1'.
    x1_fieldcat-fieldname = 'V_LEGS'.
    x1_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = text-108.
    x1_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'IT_ALV'.
    APPEND x1_fieldcat TO et_fieldcat.
    CLEAR x1_fieldcat.
    x1_fieldcat-col_pos = '2'.
    x1_fieldcat-fieldname = 'SUCCESS'.
    x1_fieldcat-key = 'X'.
    x1_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = text-109.
    x1_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'IT_ALV'.
    APPEND x1_fieldcat TO et_fieldcat.
    CLEAR x1_fieldcat.
    x1_fieldcat-col_pos = '3'.
    x1_fieldcat-fieldname = 'V_LEGF'.
    x1_fieldcat-key = 'X'.
    x1_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = text-110.
    x1_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'IT_ALV'.
    APPEND x1_fieldcat TO et_fieldcat.
    CLEAR x1_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM. " build_fieldcat
    FORM x_list_header.
    DATA: x_list_header1 TYPE slis_listheader.
    *-----List Header: type H
    CLEAR x_list_header1 .
    x_list_header1-typ = 'H'.
    x_list_header1-info = text-105.
    APPEND x_list_header1 TO x_list_header.
    *-----List Key: type S
    x_list_header1-typ = 'S'.
    x_list_header1-key = text-106.
    x_list_header1-info = v_total.
    APPEND x_list_header1 TO x_list_header.
    *-----List Key: Type S
    CLEAR x_list_header1 .
    x_list_header1-typ = 'S'.
    x_list_header1-key = text-107.
    x_list_header1-info = v_succsount.
    APPEND x_list_header1 TO x_list_header.
    ENDFORM. " build_list_header
    FORM top_of_page.
    it_list_commentary = x_list_header.

  • I have apps on my iPhone that I want to delete but do not want them deleted from my iPad.  How do I know which ones are iPhone specific?

    In order to save using data when traveling I want to delete apps from my iPhone that I don't need.  However I do want these apps on my iPad and with the new IOS8.0.2 and Yosemite I think they are all now integrated so that if I delete from one device it is deleted from all and if I add to one device it is added to all.  Is this correct?
    1.  How can I tell which apps are specific to iPhone and which are specific to iPad?
    2.  How can I tell how much data is being used per app?
    3.  How can I tell if an app is running in the background?
    4.  When I turn off cellular data does that limit the app from functioning always or just restrict it to wi-fi?
    5.  Do I benefit from having Bluetooth on if I don't use a head phone or other device?
    6.  Is a Personal Hotspot more secure than using paid hotel wi-fi?

    Deleting on one device does not affect another device.
    You can delete the App's on the iPhone and nothing will happen to the ones on the iPad.
    1.  You don't need to.
    2.  Settings->Cellular->"Use Cellular Data For" will show the data usage for each App since the last statistics reset
    3.  Settings->General->Background App Refresh Will show which Apps are allowed to get data in the background
    4.  It restricts it to Wifi.  If the App requires internet access and Data is turned off, it will have to wait until the device is connected to a wifi network.
    5.  Nope, You just use up battery since the BT radio will continuously look for nearby BT devices.
    6.  The Personal Hotspot uses your cellular internet connection from your phone or other cellular device; whether you consider that secure or not I cannot say.  It also depends on what you are doing while connected to the Hotel's wifi. I would not do online banking while on vacation though.

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    Your help is much appreciated.

    Deleting on one device does not affect another device.
    You can delete the App's on the iPhone and nothing will happen to the ones on the iPad.
    1.  You don't need to.
    2.  Settings->Cellular->"Use Cellular Data For" will show the data usage for each App since the last statistics reset
    3.  Settings->General->Background App Refresh Will show which Apps are allowed to get data in the background
    4.  It restricts it to Wifi.  If the App requires internet access and Data is turned off, it will have to wait until the device is connected to a wifi network.
    5.  Nope, You just use up battery since the BT radio will continuously look for nearby BT devices.
    6.  The Personal Hotspot uses your cellular internet connection from your phone or other cellular device; whether you consider that secure or not I cannot say.  It also depends on what you are doing while connected to the Hotel's wifi. I would not do online banking while on vacation though.

  • How do I know which iTunes area to use to transfer info from my old iPhone to my new iPhone? There are too many iTune areas specific for music or movies, etc. none specified for iPhone transfers.

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    Thanks for your reply but maybe it would be helpful if you could elaborate a bit on that or maybe I was not clear enough in my question. What I need to do is NOT stop using icloud. But gather everything that is already stored in my old icloud account (X) and save it in my device (iphone, ipad etc) and then continue using icloud but with my new account (Y).
    In a scheme:
    "->" = "becomes"
    Step 1) data from X -> independent device data, and then the X account is removed from the device while the data stays.
    Step 2) account Y is added to the device.
    Step 2 continued) now the device has a. "the independent device data" that was drawn from the account X and b. the litte piece of data from Y that I have already created.
    Step 3) independent device data -> data in account Y (along with everything that is created from now on, and everything that has been stored there. The little piece mentioned above.) Everything should now be merged in Y. Merged in a "good" way. Not overwritten, not deleted etc. Nothing should be lost (old or new, from the device or from X or from Y).
    The last step is kind of optional. If the best I can get is having data associated to Y (future and past) AND "independent device data" that is so independent to the point that it cannot be added to my Y account since icloud recognizes and stores only data that is created after the account's addition to the device, then I can deal with that.
    I hope I cleared everything out.
    I need my notes and pages documents from my old icloud account to become independent device data and just stick to the device. And then, if possible, be uploaded to my new icloud account.

  • How can I know which nodes are doing what?

    I have QMaster helping with a Compressor job, is there a way I can tell in the Batch Monitor (or maybe somewhere else) which nodes are working on the task?

    Thanks. Problem is that Apple Qadministrator tells me that information is not available for QuickClusters. Since I just let Qmaster sortof set itself up, that's what it is, a QuickCluster.

  • How do I know which VIs are marked as to require descendant​s to override?

    I have some object classes which have some VIs which must be overriden by child classes, and some which don't.
    Currently, the only way I know of to find out if a given VI is marked to be overridden is by going to "Class Properties" -> "Item Settings" and then browsing on each VI individually and inspecting if the little checkbox is checked or not.
    This is quite cumbersome, and for a complex program could prove unmanageable.
    Is there a way to either (a) get a list of the VIs and there "must override" state or (b) see the state of each visually, perhaps via a small icon glyph on the icon in the VI or Class hierarchy views?  I would prefer (b), because that would be much easer to interpret quickly and is more in line with Labview's graphical programming nature.
    Thanks for any help.

    I don't think there is a visible attribute which can be displayed in the LV class. However I would recommend that you use virtual folders to organize things. Its not perfect but it would accomplish what you are looking for. You will need to be diligent to place the methods in the correct virtual folders though.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

  • HT1420 Apple says I have 5 authorized computers how do I know which ones are authorized?

    I am trying to Authorize a computer and Apple says I already have five computers and to continue I need to deauthorize a different computer first. My question is how do I find out which PCs I may have previously authorized?

    I don't think that you can see a list anywhere, but if you've reached the 5 computer limit then you can log into your account and 'deauthorise all' (which you can do once every 12 months) and you can then authorise/re-authorise up to 5 computers : authorising and deauthorising.

  • Which plugins are needed/ good for firefox?

    I have several plugins listed that are followed by (?Research) what does this mean?

    Can you guide me on how to change it to adobe reader as the default.  I can't figure out where this option is.
    I have to get access to the computer with the probloem to pull up the error message when trying to open a pdf file in Explorer.  I think it says that it can`t find the program or to try shutting adobe down and try again.

  • HT1420 how do I know which computers are authorized

    Looking for help on how to know how many computers have my Itunes account as the program says I am maxed out.

    Such information is not available.
    About De-authorizing Computers (contributed by user John Galt)
    You can de-authorize individual computers, but only by using those computers. The only other option is to "de-authorize all" from your iTunes account.
    Open iTunes on a computer
    From the Store menu, select "View my Account..."
    Sign in with your Apple ID and password.
    Under "Computer Authorizations" select "De-authorize All".
    Authorize each computer you still have, as you may require.
    You may only do this once per year.
    After you "de-authorize all" your authorized computers, re-authorize each one as required.
    Also, see iTunes Store- About authorization and deauthorization.

  • How do i know which software i need to update my computer

    I can not access Itunes because it says that i need the latest version of a software. So i got the OSX update 10.8 and it says this  This package type requires Mac OS X 10.5.. I dont get it.. I am new to apple products. I dont understand what i need to do to update my software and be able to access ITUNES. Please help. i also have no idea what operating system i have all it says is Mac OS X

    Hello & welcome!
    Was it the 10.5 version of Itunes you downloaded?
    If you're in 10.8.x, under the Apple icon at top left, choose Sofware update, does that show a later iTunes & such?

  • How to know which systems are listed as requiring an update

    When I go into the "All Software Updates" under the Software Library Admin workspace and in my search criteria i use "Required" greater than or equal to 1, how do I know which systems are requiring the update? I cannot see the name of
    the computer in the search, just a number showing how many require it. I want to know if the test systems I deployed the SCCM 2012 client to are actually showing up and I don't know if they are by just seeing a number there and not computer names. 

    More specifically, you can use the report Compliance 1 - Overall compliance
    for a complete overview of the compliance for a software update group and you can use
    Compliance 2 - Specific software update for an overview of the compliance for a specific software update.
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

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