How do I optimize the grid size?

GoLive 7x.
In the past, if I remember correctly, when done with a page, I could click the Optimize button in the Inspector, and extra length of the grid would be removed.
Now when I do it, extra length is indeed removed, but however, so is extra width, which I do not want to remove, and which, I think, was not removed wioth the Optimize button in the past.
How do I optimize only depth not width?
Thank you.

I do not understand what your question is; what do you mean by "print size"?

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    How to change fontsize in iTunes
    Take an XML-Editor and open:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.Resources\de.lproj\TextStyles.plist"
    For other languages change your country code (de, en, fr, pl ...).
    Example for english:  "\en.lproj\TextStyles.plist".
    Backup this File !!!
    To change the Text-Size, change the integer value of the following item:
    This means Text-Size 8
    This means Text-Size 12
    To change the font, change the integer value of the following item:
    This means the font changes to Arial
    This also works:
    Example of common Text Properties:
    <!-- Artist View, Text Size In Artist List , Unselected -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item table cell 3</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
      <!-- Artist View, Text Size In Artist List, Selected -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item table cell 3 (bold)</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Album View Text Size, Titles Of Track List, After Click On Album -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item track list 1</string>
            <string>Segoe UI Semibold</string>
      <!-- Artist View Text Size, Titels Of Track List -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item track list 2</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
      <!-- Track Number Size, In Album And Artist View -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item track list 3</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
      <!-- Artist Text Size, In Album And Artist View -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item track list 4</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Album View Text Size, Title Of Album Under The Cover -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item grid 1</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
      <!-- Album View Text Size, Artist Under The Cover -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>item grid 2</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Titleview Textsize In Table -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>List Contents (Small)</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Title View Text Size, Title Of Album Next To Cover -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>List Contents (Small Bold)</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Textsize Playlist Sidebar Left Selected -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>playlists outline small font (selected)</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    <!-- Textsize Playlist Sidebar Left Unselected -->
            <key>- loc hint -</key>
            <string>playlists outline small font</string>
            <string>Segoe UI</string>
    Hope this helps.

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    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
      2  AS
      3     r_emp emp%ROWTYPE;
      4  END package_name;
      5  /
    Package created.
      2     v_empno emp.empno%TYPE;
      3     v_ename emp.ename%TYPE;
      4  BEGIN
      5     SELECT *
      6     INTO   package_name.r_emp
      7     FROM   emp
      8     WHERE  ROWNUM = 1;
    11        'BEGIN ' ||
    12        '   :v_empno := package_name.r_emp.empno; ' ||
    13        '   :v_ename := package_name.r_emp.ename; ' ||
    14        'END;'
    15        USING OUT v_empno, OUT v_ename;
    17     DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('v_empno => ' || v_empno);
    18     DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('v_ename => ' || v_ename);
    19  END;
    20  /
    v_empno => 7369
    v_ename => SMITH
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    5. “Help” offers none that I can find.
    Can any of you Help?!?

    Maybe this extension helps:
    *Theme Font & Size Changer:

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class CreditDialog extends Dialog implements ActionListener { // Begin Class
         private Label creditLabel = new Label("Message space here",Label.RIGHT);
         private String creditMessage;
         private TextField remove = new TextField(20);
         private Button okButton = new Button("OK");
         public CreditDialog(Frame frameIn, String message) { // Begin Public
              super(frameIn); // call the constructor of dialog
              setLocation(150,150); // set the location of the dialog box
              setVisible(true); // make the dialog box visible
         } // End Public
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Begin actionPerformed
    //          dispose(); // close dialog box
         } // End actionPerformed
    } // End Class
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class MobileGame extends Panel implements ActionListener { // Begin Class
         The Buttons, Labels, TextFields, TextArea 
         and Panels will be created first.         
         private int noOfGames;
    //     private GameList list;
         private Panel topPanel = new Panel();
         private Panel middlePanel = new Panel();
         private Panel bottomPanel = new Panel();
         private Label saleLabel = new Label ("Java Games For Sale",Label.RIGHT);
         private TextArea saleArea = new TextArea(7, 25);
         private Button addButton = new Button("Add to Basket");
         private TextField add = new TextField(3);
         private Label currentLabel = new Label ("Java Games For Sale",Label.RIGHT);
         private TextArea currentArea = new TextArea(3, 25);
         private Button removeButton = new Button("Remove from Basket");
         private TextField remove = new TextField(3);
         private Button purchaseButton = new Button("Purchase");
         private ObjectList gameList = new ObjectList(20);
         Frame parentFrame; //needed to associate with dialog
         All the above will be added to the interface 
         so that they are visible to the user.        
         public MobileGame (Frame frameIn) { // Begin Constructor
              parentFrame = frameIn;
              this.add("North", topPanel);
              this.add("Center", middlePanel);
              this.add("South", bottomPanel);
              The following line of code below is 
              needed inorder for the games to be  
              loaded into the SaleArea            
         } // End Constructor
         All the operations which will be performed are  
         going to be written below. This includes the    
         Add, Remove and Purchase.                       
         public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) { // Begin actionPerformed
         If the Add to Basket Button is pressed, a       
         suitable message will appear to say if the game 
         was successfully added or not. If not, an       
         ErrorDialog box will appear stateing the error. 
              if(e.getSource() == addButton) { // Begin Add to Basket
    //          GameFileHandler.readRecords(list);
                   try { // Begin Try
                        String gameEntered = add.getText();
                        if (gameEntered.length() == 0 ) {
                             new ErrorDialog (parentFrame,"Feild Blank");
                        } else if (Integer.parseInt(gameEntered)< 0
                                  || Integer.parseInt(gameEntered)>noOfGames) { // Begin Else If
                             new ErrorDialog (parentFrame,"Invalid Game Number");
                        } else { // Begin Else If
                             //ADD GAME
                        } // End Else
                   } catch (NumberFormatException num) { // Begin Catch
                        new ErrorDialog(parentFrame,"Please enter an Integer only");
                   } // End Catch
              } // End Add to Basket
         If the Remove From Basket Button is pressed, a  
         a suitable message will appear to say if the    
         removal was successful or not. If not, an       
         ErrorDialog box will appear stateing the error. 
         if(e.getSource() == removeButton) { // Begin Remove from Basket
              try { // Begin Try
                        String gameEntered = remove.getText();
                        if (gameEntered.length() == 0 ) {
                             new ErrorDialog (parentFrame,"Feild Blank");
                        } else if (Integer.parseInt(gameEntered)< 1
                                  || Integer.parseInt(gameEntered)>noOfGames) { // Begin Else If
                             new ErrorDialog (parentFrame,"Invalid Game Number");
                        } else { // Begin Else If
                             //ADD GAME CODE
                        } // End Else
                   } catch (NumberFormatException num) { // Begin Catch
                        new ErrorDialog(parentFrame,"Please enter an Integer only");
                   } // End Catch
              } // End Remove from Basket
         If the purchase button is pressed, the          
         following is executed. NOTE: nothing is done    
         when the ok button is pressed, the window       
         just closes.                                    
              if(e.getSource() == purchaseButton) { // Begin Purchase
                   String gameEntered = currentArea.getText();
                   if (gameEntered.length() == 0 ) {
                        new ErrorDialog (parentFrame,"Nothing to Purchase");
                   } else { // Begin Else If
                        new CreditDialog(parentFrame,"Cost � 00.00. Please enter Credit Card Number");
                   } // End Else               
              } // End Purchase
         } // End actionPerformed
    } // End Class
    import java.awt.*;
    public class RunMobileGame { // Begin Class
         public static void main (String[] args) { // Begin Main
              EasyFrame frame = new EasyFrame();
              frame.setTitle("Game Purchase for 3G Mobile Phone");
              MobileGame purchase = new MobileGame(frame); //need frame for dialog
              frame.setSize(500,300); // sets frame size
              frame.setBackground(Color.lightGray); // sets frame colour
              frame.add(purchase); // adds frame
              frame.setVisible(true); // makes the frame visible
         } // End Main
    } // End Class
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class EasyFrame extends Frame implements WindowListener {
    public EasyFrame()
    public EasyFrame(String msg)
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e)
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)
    public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)
    public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)
    public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
    public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e)
    } // end EasyFrame class
    class ObjectList
    private Object[] object ;
    private int total ;
    public ObjectList(int sizeIn)
    object = new Object[sizeIn];
    total = 0;
    public boolean add(Object objectIn)
    object[total] = objectIn;
    return true;
    return false;
    public boolean isEmpty()
    return true;
    return false;
    public boolean isFull()
    return true;
    return false;
    public Object getObject(int i)
    return object[i-1];
    public int getTotal()
    return total;
    public boolean remove(int numberIn)
    // check that a valid index has been supplied
    if(numberIn >= 1 && numberIn <= total)
    {   // overwrite object by shifting following objects along
    for(int i = numberIn-1; i <= total-2; i++)
    object[i] = object[i+1];
    total--; // Decrement total number of objects
    return true;
    else // remove was unsuccessful
    return false;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class ErrorDialog extends Dialog implements ActionListener {
    private Label errorLabel = new Label("Message space here",Label.CENTER);
    private String errorMessage;
    private Button okButton = new Button("OK");
    public ErrorDialog(Frame frameIn, String message) {
    /* call the constructor of Dialog with the associated
    frame as a parameter */
    // add the components to the Dialog
    // add the ActionListener
    /* set the location of the dialogue window, relative to the top
    left-hand corner of the frame */
    // use the pack method to automatically size the dialogue window
    // make the dialogue visible
    /* the actionPerformed method determines what happens
    when the okButton is pressed */
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    dispose(); // no other possible action!
    } // end class
    I Know there are alot of files. Any help will be much appreciated. Once again, Many thanks in advance

    setSize (600, 200);orpack ();Kind regards,
        int i;
    parses to
    int i;
    , but
    [code]    int i;[code[i]]
    parses to
        int i;

  • How do I get the full size of my pics or video into the time line?

    I've nener been part of a forum before and an wondering if this will actually be taken seriously. I'm new to video editing and know little about the program I am using (Adobe Premiere Pro CC). Would someone please advise me as to how I can add the full size video or pics to the time line. It appears whenever I add something from my Gopro 3 HD camera I only get a partial of the video / pic.
    The Powered Parachute Guy

    Click the NEW ITEM link on reply page #5 in the PPro/Encore tutorial list in message #3 may also help, with more help in message #5
    Also read below...
    Some of this is from the Premiere Elements forum, but the idea of sizing pictures is the same for PPro or Encore
    Pictures that are "overly" large may cause video editing problems
    Photo Scaling for Video
    -HiRes Pictures to DVD
    -PPro Crash

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    Select the album, Select all photos in the album, then click on the info button.   Number of photos and total size are on  top of info pane.

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    If you want to make the itunes tab so you can see the dock
    you press the
    button if your in full screen mode
    if you want to get into full screen mode you press the arrows facing away from eachother in the top right corner
    there is another way to get to the normal tab if your in full screen
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    it will have two arrows facing together highlited in blue
    if u tap that it will take you to the normal tab

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    I think there may be more to this question than you say.
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    Thank you

    It does show the aggregate size.
    Command-Option-I opens the Inspector window. (Or open the File menu and hold the Option key. Get Info turns into Show Inspector.) The Inspector is similar to the Get Info window but it shows aggregate info for multiple selections. It is also dynamic — if you change the selection while the Inspector is open, the info changes to reflect the current selection.

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    In the Print dialog window, click the small reveal-button to the right of the printer's name -
    The window will expand to show additional settings (similar to 'old' Page Setup) -
    Be sure "Scale:" is set to 100% and the 'Keep apparent font size' item is checked.

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    Can you drag the bottom right corner? You can in Snow Leopard, and I imagine you can in Lion.

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    How do I increase the font size in my standard email and document views without losing resolution.  Right now my font size in email, headers and text is less than that on my iPhone, it rather defeats the point of having a 27" screen if most of it is blank and I have to sit with my nose to the screen to read email.  Thanks for your help, once you have stopped laughing.  C

    Two things you can do to easily aid with readability in Mail are as follows:
    1) Increase the size of folders in the sidebar:
    a) select "system preferences" from the Apple menu
    b) select "general settings"
    c) select small, medium or large under "sidebar icon size"
    2) Increase the text in the main body of the email (both sent and received):
    a) select "preferences" from the Mail menu
    b) select "fonts and colors"
    c) adjust font size for "message list font" and "message font".  I have noticed this works properly while in classic mode, but in regular mode the message list font doesn't appear to change size.
    Select classic mode by accessing Mail preferences and selecting the "viewing" tab.
    Another shortcut is to right click on the toolbar, then select "customize toolbar", and then drag the "smaller / bigger" buttons onto the toolbar.  Now you can decrease and increase font size as desired on the fly.

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