How do i set my TOC to a different page numbering system - eg i, ii,

I am attempting to add a Table of Contents to a long manuscript.  The manuscript's pages are numbered 1,2 ...  However, I want the first section (TOC) to have a different numbering system - i, ii, iii...  I cannot find a way to do this.  Please help.

christifromPortland wrote:
This certainly was NOT covered in the Pages User Guide but your answers and some other reading on this forum gave me all the pieces of the puzzle.
I apologizes what was answered by Fruhulda (and flagged as correct answer) is covered in Pages User Guide :
christifromPortland wrote:
The Table of Contents area of Pages needs some work.
Here you aren't speaking to Apple representatives but to end users like you.
If you want to say something to Apple, use the dedicated channel :
Go to "Provide Pages Feedback" in the "Pages" menu , describe what you wish.
Then, cross your fingers, and wait at least for iWork'12 ;-)
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 5 janvier 2012
iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
My iDisk is :

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    Found it!
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    I have a similar requirement. I have several tabs (Operations, Maintenance, Safety, etc.) and users get individually assigned rights. I have a table where I have all the users listed and I added one column for each tab so I can set whether or not that user has access to that tab. You could go the same thing with groups if you want.
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    where each of the _TAB fields is set up as a VARCHAR2(2) for just Y/N.
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    using the following query:
    select SAFETY_TAB from APEX_USERS
    where SAFETY_TAB = 'Y'
      and USER_ID = :G_USER_IDThis example would be for the Safety tab, but you can easily substitute others. It works pretty slick.

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