How do I set proxy settings for a Java app behind a corporate server?

I have the source code of a Download Manager program written in Java. It has to be run within my college network in which we use the "Corporate Client" server to access the internet. The HTTP proxy is and Port number is 3128. How do I define these parameters in my java program so that it can download files from the internet?
The source code for the program is:
There are four classes:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
// The Download Manager.
public class DownloadManager extends JFrame
        implements Observer {
    // Add download text field.
    private JTextField addTextField;
    // Download table's data model.
    private DownloadsTableModel tableModel;
    // Table listing downloads.
    private JTable table;
    // These are the buttons for managing the selected download.
    private JButton pauseButton, resumeButton;
    private JButton cancelButton, clearButton;
    // Currently selected download.
    private Download selectedDownload;
    // Flag for whether or not table selection is being cleared.
    private boolean clearing;
    // Constructor for Download Manager.
    public DownloadManager() {
        // Set application title.
        setTitle("Download Manager");
        // Set window size.
        setSize(640, 480);
        // Handle window closing events.
        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
        // Set up file menu.
        JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
        JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
        JMenuItem fileExitMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Exit",
        fileExitMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        // Set up add panel.
        JPanel addPanel = new JPanel();
        addTextField = new JTextField(30);
        JButton addButton = new JButton("Add Download");
        addButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        // Set up Downloads table.
        tableModel = new DownloadsTableModel();
        table = new JTable(tableModel);
                ListSelectionListener() {
            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
        // Allow only one row at a time to be selected.
        // Set up ProgressBar as renderer for progress column.
        ProgressRenderer renderer = new ProgressRenderer(0, 100);
        renderer.setStringPainted(true); // show progress text
        table.setDefaultRenderer(JProgressBar.class, renderer);
        // Set table's row height large enough to fit JProgressBar.
                (int) renderer.getPreferredSize().getHeight());
        // Set up downloads panel.
        JPanel downloadsPanel = new JPanel();
        downloadsPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        downloadsPanel.add(new JScrollPane(table),
        // Set up buttons panel.
        JPanel buttonsPanel = new JPanel();
        pauseButton = new JButton("Pause");
        pauseButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        resumeButton = new JButton("Resume");
        resumeButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
        cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        clearButton = new JButton("Clear");
        clearButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        // Add panels to display.
        getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        getContentPane().add(addPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        getContentPane().add(downloadsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        getContentPane().add(buttonsPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    // Exit this program.
    private void actionExit() {
    // Add a new download.
    private void actionAdd() {
        URL verifiedUrl = verifyUrl(addTextField.getText());
        if (verifiedUrl != null) {
            tableModel.addDownload(new Download(verifiedUrl));
            addTextField.setText(""); // reset add text field
        } else {
                    "Invalid Download URL", "Error",
    // Verify download URL.
    private URL verifyUrl(String url) {
        // Only allow HTTP URLs.
        if (!url.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://"))
            return null;
        // Verify format of URL.
        URL verifiedUrl = null;
        try {
            verifiedUrl = new URL(url);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
        // Make sure URL specifies a file.
        if (verifiedUrl.getFile().length() < 2)
            return null;
        return verifiedUrl;
    // Called when table row selection changes.
    private void tableSelectionChanged() {
    /* Unregister from receiving notifications
       from the last selected download. */
        if (selectedDownload != null)
    /* If not in the middle of clearing a download,
       set the selected download and register to
       receive notifications from it. */
        if (!clearing) {
            selectedDownload =
    // Pause the selected download.
    private void actionPause() {
    // Resume the selected download.
    private void actionResume() {
    // Cancel the selected download.
    private void actionCancel() {
    // Clear the selected download.
    private void actionClear() {
        clearing = true;
        clearing = false;
        selectedDownload = null;
  /* Update each button's state based off of the
     currently selected download's status. */
    private void updateButtons() {
        if (selectedDownload != null) {
            int status = selectedDownload.getStatus();
            switch (status) {
                case Download.DOWNLOADING:
                case Download.PAUSED:
                case Download.ERROR:
                default: // COMPLETE or CANCELLED
        } else {
            // No download is selected in table.
  /* Update is called when a Download notifies its
     observers of any changes. */
    public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
        // Update buttons if the selected download has changed.
        if (selectedDownload != null && selectedDownload.equals(o))
    // Run the Download Manager.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DownloadManager manager = new DownloadManager();;
This example shows how to create a simple download manager in Java. It contains four classes in foru Java source files: Contains Download class which downloads a file from a URL. Contains the main class for download manager application. Contains the class which manages the download table's data. Contains the class which is responsible to render a JProgressBar in a table cell.
The contents of the listed files are written below.
import java.util.*;
// This class downloads a file from a URL.
class Download extends Observable implements Runnable {
    // Max size of download buffer.
    private static final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
    // These are the status names.
    public static final String STATUSES[] = {"Downloading",
    "Paused", "Complete", "Cancelled", "Error"};
    // These are the status codes.
    public static final int DOWNLOADING = 0;
    public static final int PAUSED = 1;
    public static final int COMPLETE = 2;
    public static final int CANCELLED = 3;
    public static final int ERROR = 4;
    private URL url; // download URL
    private int size; // size of download in bytes
    private int downloaded; // number of bytes downloaded
    private int status; // current status of download
    // Constructor for Download.
    public Download(URL url) {
        this.url = url;
        size = -1;
        downloaded = 0;
        status = DOWNLOADING;
        // Begin the download.
    // Get this download's URL.
    public String getUrl() {
        return url.toString();
    // Get this download's size.
    public int getSize() {
        return size;
    // Get this download's progress.
    public float getProgress() {
        return ((float) downloaded / size) * 100;
    // Get this download's status.
    public int getStatus() {
        return status;
    // Pause this download.
    public void pause() {
        status = PAUSED;
    // Resume this download.
    public void resume() {
        status = DOWNLOADING;
    // Cancel this download.
    public void cancel() {
        status = CANCELLED;
    // Mark this download as having an error.
    private void error() {
        status = ERROR;
    // Start or resume downloading.
    private void download() {
        Thread thread = new Thread(this);
    // Get file name portion of URL.
    private String getFileName(URL url) {
        String fileName = url.getFile();
        return fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    // Download file.
    public void run() {
        RandomAccessFile file = null;
        InputStream stream = null;
        try {
            // Open connection to URL.
            HttpURLConnection connection =
                    (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            // Specify what portion of file to download.
                    "bytes=" + downloaded + "-");
            // Connect to server.
            // Make sure response code is in the 200 range.
            if (connection.getResponseCode() / 100 != 2) {
            // Check for valid content length.
            int contentLength = connection.getContentLength();
            if (contentLength < 1) {
      /* Set the size for this download if it
         hasn't been already set. */
            if (size == -1) {
                size = contentLength;
            // Open file and seek to the end of it.
            file = new RandomAccessFile(getFileName(url), "rw");
            stream = connection.getInputStream();
            while (status == DOWNLOADING) {
        /* Size buffer according to how much of the
           file is left to download. */
                byte buffer[];
                if (size - downloaded > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
                    buffer = new byte[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
                } else {
                    buffer = new byte[size - downloaded];
                // Read from server into buffer.
                int read =;
                if (read == -1)
                // Write buffer to file.
                file.write(buffer, 0, read);
                downloaded += read;
      /* Change status to complete if this point was
         reached because downloading has finished. */
            if (status == DOWNLOADING) {
                status = COMPLETE;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            // Close file.
            if (file != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {}
            // Close connection to server.
            if (stream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {}
    // Notify observers that this download's status has changed.
    private void stateChanged() {
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
// This class manages the download table's data.
class DownloadsTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
        implements Observer {
    // These are the names for the table's columns.
    private static final String[] columnNames = {"URL", "Size",
    "Progress", "Status"};
    // These are the classes for each column's values.
    private static final Class[] columnClasses = {String.class,
    String.class, JProgressBar.class, String.class};
    // The table's list of downloads.
    private ArrayList downloadList = new ArrayList();
    // Add a new download to the table.
    public void addDownload(Download download) {
        // Register to be notified when the download changes.
        // Fire table row insertion notification to table.
        fireTableRowsInserted(getRowCount() - 1, getRowCount() - 1);
    // Get a download for the specified row.
    public Download getDownload(int row) {
        return (Download) downloadList.get(row);
    // Remove a download from the list.
    public void clearDownload(int row) {
        // Fire table row deletion notification to table.
        fireTableRowsDeleted(row, row);
    // Get table's column count.
    public int getColumnCount() {
        return columnNames.length;
    // Get a column's name.
    public String getColumnName(int col) {
        return columnNames[col];
    // Get a column's class.
    public Class getColumnClass(int col) {
        return columnClasses[col];
    // Get table's row count.
    public int getRowCount() {
        return downloadList.size();
    // Get value for a specific row and column combination.
    public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
        Download download = (Download) downloadList.get(row);
        switch (col) {
            case 0: // URL
                return download.getUrl();
            case 1: // Size
                int size = download.getSize();
                return (size == -1) ? "" : Integer.toString(size);
            case 2: // Progress
                return new Float(download.getProgress());
            case 3: // Status
                return Download.STATUSES[download.getStatus()];
        return "";
  /* Update is called when a Download notifies its
     observers of any changes */
    public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
        int index = downloadList.indexOf(o);
        // Fire table row update notification to table.
        fireTableRowsUpdated(index, index);
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
// This class renders a JProgressBar in a table cell.
class ProgressRenderer extends JProgressBar
        implements TableCellRenderer {
    // Constructor for ProgressRenderer.
    public ProgressRenderer(int min, int max) {
        super(min, max);
  /* Returns this JProgressBar as the renderer
     for the given table cell. */
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
            JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected,
            boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
        // Set JProgressBar's percent complete value.
        setValue((int) ((Float) value).floatValue());
        return this;

Thank you for the quick reply! But the solution provided by you, it seems, has still not been able to address my issue. I ran the program at command prompt with your said parameters, but the download still gave an error in the App window.
Also, is there some way of defining these parameters in the source code? I am keen in using NetBeans to run the program.

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    /* Server Support Specialist */

    Proxy settings are not set in Active Directory
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    Hi conectionist,
    This is taken if there is a proxy set up in your network settings on your OS. If you would like to test there may be an add on:
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    A possibility is to create a file user.js and place that file in the default template location (defaults\pref) in the Firefox program folder.
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    Kind regards,
    Mitch Vanhelden

    It seems like most or all of the FTP properties are exposed in the Global Property Schemas assembly.  The FTP properties are under the "FTP" namespace (see FTP property schema below).
    One thing you might try is to get it working (simple messaging) using a static FTP send port.  Once it is working, turn on send port tracking of message properties (before and after port processing).  Inspect the tracked message for the FTP
    related properties set during static transmission and try setting these within your orchestration.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns="" xmlns:b="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="">
    <b:schemaInfo schema_type="property" xmlns:b=""/>
    <xs:element name="RepresentationType" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="198b2027-4cde-4677-88f1-7b66caf6473a"/>
    <xs:element name="SSOAffiliateApplication" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="8045bcbe-3285-412c-8b5a-dc3be5978c9b"/>
    <xs:element name="UserName" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="6E789556-2F81-4fa6-B8E2-5214F1662289"/>
    <xs:element name="Password" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" isSensitive="true" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="FEFD9283-C98A-470d-8E0A-C00214EE4047"/>
    <xs:element name="BeforePut" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="58C0F130-2D2D-4374-8418-714A31046A58"/>
    <xs:element name="AfterPut" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="CFBD9956-B0C6-48af-9257-4E27C7771998"/>
    <xs:element name="ReceivedFileName" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="441B372A-23A1-4465-8329-F56AC0BDBFD8"/>
    <xs:element name="MaxConnections" type="xs:unsignedInt">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="0A580338-036A-411B-A28A-1BCC86E56458"/>
    <xs:element name="CommandLogFileName" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="CCE01F9B-8869-4216-BD7A-8F476FA40327"/>
    <xs:element name="AllocateStorage" type="xs:boolean">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="4945CA1F-A812-483B-B32F-C98513EBF51E"/>
    <xs:element name="PassiveMode" type="xs:boolean">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="74B6373E-550F-4434-B2D1-DE912ACDB3A7"/>
    <xs:element name="SpoolingFolder" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="1C703221-ADE1-4DF7-9D6E-1770903DC614"/>
    <xs:element name="UseSsl" type="xs:boolean">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="D032AB42-E927-470C-B5E8-E59A5E32851D"/>
    <xs:element name="UseDataProtection" type="xs:boolean">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="42E3D7F0-5FF5-4C6E-8E72-BD76D203C6DD"/>
    <xs:element name="FtpsConnectionMode" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="EDA0F134-3F42-4DD7-8428-75BA65E7C4CA"/>
    <xs:element name="ClientCertificateHash" type="xs:string">
    <b:fieldInfo propSchFieldBase="MessageContextPropertyBase" xmlns:b="" propertyGuid="423E6603-652E-4A61-B49F-B632031E3180"/>
    David Downing... If this answers your question, please Mark as the Answer. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful.

  • IPad and proxy settings for more than AppStore and Safari?

    Why am I having problems w/ most apps and the proxy settings?  My corp. network requires proxy settings to get to the internet and only the AppStore and Safari (and a few specifically designed apps) will use the proxy settings.  All other apps simply do not work.
    Is this an Apple problem?  Why was this not addressed by Apple?

    NestOfRobins wrote:
    That sounds like a "cop-out" to me.  Do individual applications on desktop machines have to be "proxy aware"?
    Yes, they have. Not only on iPad, but every internet application, on Mac or on PC or on *nix, have to be coded internally to use proxies. Some are, and are also smart enough to check for any proxy info on network options of your system, some other will have the proxy info to be given in internal application setup, and some other, simply does not know what proxies are.
    NestOfRobins wrote:
    How can Apple expect to compete in the Enterprise space with this glaring hole in their operating system?  Why can't there be a setting, e.g., "all internet traffic to use proxy server".?
    That is a SOCK, and is another different stuff. There is no hole in the O.S., it is the app you want to use, because that app wants connect the internet by herself, without using your proxy.
    Best advice is, you ask that app's developer, to add in future releases, proxy connectivity or (best) to check if network requires a proxy and act accordingly without bother the user on the issue
    Anyway, I'd like answer also your other questions:
    NestOfRobins wrote:
    Why am I having problems w/ most apps and the proxy settings?
    You have problems because that apps don't think about the proxy setting you have in your network configuration (app poorly coded), or they require direct internet access in their specs (app aware of proxy, and do not want use it), access that you don't have because of proxy. Not your fault. Nor Apple's
    NestOfRobins wrote:
    this an Apple problem?  Why was this not addressed by Apple?
    Not an Apple problem, so there is nothing to address.

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    Hello Richard,
    Download MozBackup and make a backup of your bookmarks and passwords. Uninstall firefox and remove ALL folders with the name "Firefox".
    Install Firefox and restore your bookmarks and passwords. Now you should have a fresh install so you have to make all settings again.

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    I am also getting this "error".  The printer (8500 A910) connected to the web well enough that it went out and supposedly downloaded a new update, but then it was supposed to print a page showing the email address, but did not.
    So I go in and try to set up the eprint, and it tells me it cannot connect to the sever and I'll need to enter a proxy address and port number.  But my ISP's cable modems do NOT have any static IP address nor do they provide any sort of proxy service.  Everything works just fine with "automatic discovery" (DHCP) for every computer in the house.  No problems there.
    So, since  that's the case, of course I cannot look up some proxy address and port number in my web browser because they're all set up for "automatically detect settings".
    What's baffling is that the printer connected to something at HP to download the "update", and it went through a process that appeared to be what I'd expect it to do if it was updating its firmware.  But it won't connect to whatever it's supposed to connect to to have an email address assigned.
    Does HP supply a proxy server?  If so, what's its IP address or URL, and what port should a person set the printer to try to use?
    It appears that the HP site must have just been "down" for about six or seven hours while I was trying to get the printer to connect because it now connected and I got an email address asigned without needing to have any "proxy" stuff set up at all.  It's a shame that the printer does not simply report "HP Site down - try again later" instead of reporting that you need to use a proxy when that's impossible.
    "Now, on to the next problem which is that my emails to the assigned address are all bouncing with a "550 5.7.1 Command rejected" error!

  • How do I set numbered lists for headings in Pages 5.2, and keep that system of numbered lists saved?

    I have tried to set numbered lists for headings in Pages 5.2 but have not succeeded. I have read similar questions concerning this but this has not helped me...
    When I say numbered lists I mean something extremely important and simple, for instance:
    1. Introduction
    1.1. Background
    1.2. Purpose and Questions
    2. The Legality of Clause X
    2.1. Legality under Article 101.1
    2.2. Legality under Article 101.3
    And so on...
    Heading 1. is selected as "Heading", 1.1 is selected as "Heading 2", and if I had 1.1.1 it would be selected as "Heading 3" and so on...
    I have navigated my way to the Format window, and under the tab "Style" and down to "Bullets & Lists". I have here selected the following: Numbered, Numbers, 1. 2. 3. 4., Tiered Numbers, Continue from previous.
    There are several problems with this currently.
    First, based on the example it becomes "2. Background" when it should be "1.1 Background" instead.
    Second, after writing some body text between the headings and then select a new heading, all the previously selected settings I mentioned above in "Bullets & Lists" have to be reselected.
    So, how do I set numbered lists for headings, or so called sub-headings, in Pages 5.2? And how do I keep that selected system of numbered lists saved so I don't have to retype it for every new heading I type? (e.g. so that Pages knows that every time I choose Heading 2, I want it to number the heading in the way selected)
    Obviously, manually writing the numbers for every heading is not a viable option, as it makes table of contents problematic and is simply tedious. You need an automatic way of doing it, especially if you write long documents where keeping headings in order is absolutely essential.
    Also, reverting back to previous Pages versions (like v. 9 I think?) is not an option as that does not exist on my recently purchased Macbook Pro.
    I need to be able to do this on Pages 5.2 and do it automatically.
    I appreciate any help with this.

    iWork '09 is not "outdated" it still works and works extremely well and whilst not perfect with MsWord it is far far better than Pages 5.2 which has a stream of major issues with exporting. It is also way better and faster to use than Microsoft Office.
    So what is your time and work actually worth? If it is less than $19.99 for 6 months, you may as well just chuck it in and take that job on minimum wages.
    You are assuming things for Office 2014 with absolutely no inside knowledge. Much as we assumed Pages 5 was going to be the long awaited improvement, but ended up being a downgrade to match the iOS version, Microsoft is headed the same way with their mobile versions.
    This is not like getting the "latest" pair of pants where you go with the crowd and throw out your cigarette legs which replaced the flares, which replaced your low cuts which replaced your cigarette legs, which replaced…
    This is work.
    If it does the job and does it well, use it. There is nothing out there to really match what Pages '09 does. Yet.
    LibreOffice can do most but not all, but has a UI that only a mother could love. It's great redemption is that it uses both open formats and the standard Microsoft formats and is under active development. It also opens and saves to just about everything. When they finally work out the Pages formats, I'm sure they will open those as well.
    I use a lot of professional software. Just because the publisher's marketing department says change the product so we can sell more, doesn't mean you have to pay any attention whatsoever. Adobe being a classical example. Most designers are just ignoring their latest subscription based bloatware and getting on with their work.

  • How can i set a layout for MIGO screen

    Hello all,
    How can i set a layout for MIGO screen. & make that layout default. Like i want to drag Requistioner column next to quantity in MIgo screen. temporarily I can drag but is there a way to save as layout & save it.

    First you arrange however you want and then go to table settings which is there in the right corner of the item details and create a variant and save.
    Find a button with blue yellow and white at the top end above the vertical drag bar when put the cursor it will show you as Configuration.
    After creating the variant tick the check box use as standard setting below the variant
    Hope it helps
    Edited by: Girish  Adaviswamy on Mar 3, 2010 1:27 PM

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