How do I stop brigde from launching?

I just switched from PC to MAC and I got my Adobe Master collection. For some reason, Bridge just keeps on launching every time I start my computer, and it's driving me crazy.
I don't know how to tell it to stop doing that... so if anyone knows... I would appreciate the help:)

Hi Ramón,
Thanks for your reply. I did figure it out shortly after panicking.... hahahah... but thanks anyways:)
Just takes a little getting used to, but I'm sure I'll figure things out eventually:)
Thanks again,

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    99jon gave you the correct answer. If you are using Windows, you can check the same by using another approach:
    go to the AutoPlay settings (in Win 7, Start | Control Panel | AutoPlay).
    find any item that is marked as "Import photos using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4".
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    As far as i know you can not Delete the Mail.App!
    Try this Go back to system prefencses and go to mail, contacts, and calanders!
    On the left hand side you should see a box what list the installed accounts!
    View each and every one of them and make sure mail is unchecked for all of them!
    If you have no accounts installed iclould should be the only one on that list! Click it!
    Now  make sure mail is unchecked that way!

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