How do I work on a transparent "canvas" instead of black?

I've been working with Sony Vegas for 5 years but after getting my first Macbook earlier this week I learned that Vegas and Mac aren't compatible!
One thing with vegas I was very used to was having the background of my project being the usual checkered white and gray transparency. Also, if I added an image that had a transparent background, such as a .png, the transparency was preserved.
On Premiere, my main workspace appears as black, and if I move an image with a transparent background, the transparency is replaced with solid black as well. What can I do to fix this to the way I'm used to? Also, if there's a way to make enabling a transparent "canvas" to start with as part of my default options, help with that would be great too.

Well, in PrPro, Transparency is shown as Black, and not as a "checkerboard," like with Photoshop. This is most readily seen, when one creates a Title. It will appear as a black background, which will be seen as Transparency, when it appears in a higher Video Track.
If your source material has an Alpha Channel, that will restrict the visibility. A PNG, TIFF, PSD, etc., with an Alpha Channel (same for Video), will have that Transparency, when used on a higher Video Track.
Good luck,

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    Does turning off »Use Graphics Processor« in the Performance Preferences and restarting Photoshop have any bearing on the issue?
    Please read this (in particular the section titled "Supply pertinent information for quicker answers"): t-issues.html

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    Zoom was not checked.  When I check it, it simply zooms in on the image (does not change the cropping).
    The source properties are:
    File Path: J:\IMPROMPTU PRODUCTIONS\Jamie\Jamie AVI Files\JF 10
    Type: MPEG Movie
    File Size: 1.4 GB
    Image Size: 720 x 480
    Pixel Depth: 32
    Frame Rate: 29.97
    Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - compressed - Stereo
    Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo
    Total Duration: 00;30;50;09
    Average Data Rate: 805 KB / second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 0.9091
    I believe it is an MPEG-2 file.  I've been working on several different formats and I've been up since 4 AM.
    As I said, the Sequence settings are:
    Jamie (HDV 720p30)
    1280 x 720
    00;00;48;18, 29.97 fps
    48000 Hz - Stereo
    Not sure this answers your question or not.
    I suppose I would have to render an image of what I'm talking about to the computer, then use the little camera button?  Here is the image without the effect turned on.  The one above, the effect is ON.
    Are you using hardware MPE? Any graphics in play (other than the title)?  Not sure what MPE is (I suppose I could Google it), but not knowing pretty much assures I'm not using it.  Not other graphics.  In these screen shots, only the video clip is in play, nothing else below or above, no titles.
    This is what I am going for, but without the drop shadow landing on the clip.  The image below is the clip with the Crop effect turned OFF.

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    Is it me or…why would anyone use photoshop for this process?
    place your QR code image over another image and select both and make it an opacity mask
    Then make it an inverted opacity mask
    Or place it over a white rectangle closed path filled with white and make it a simple uninverted opacity mask
    The actual selected masked arts bounding boxes are not showing but they are selected.
    James Talamage has pointed out on several occasions that an image can be used as an opacity mask.
    As I have done here.

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    The Workspace size is fixed, 16,384 points.
    I am afraid you will have to work in a suitable scale, which could be 1:2, 1:4, 1:10, or whatever is most convenient.

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    Message was edited by:

    Okay, it still doesnt work, heres what i did:
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    Any Ideas?
    Message was edited by:

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    Hi c,
    "Instinctive" (and "Intuitive", the more common term) seem to be often used where "what you're used to" would be a more accurate choice. Nothing about Page Layout is particularly instinctive if you've never done it before.
    Regarding 'greying out' some of the tools: Tools and menu items go grey when they aren't available. For example, you can't move an object to the front if you don't have an object selected (or if the selected object is the only thing in the document), or if the selected object is already further forward than anything else in the document. Anytime it is possible to use the tool/menu item in the current context, the tool/item will be active, and shown in dark type.
    You mention you are headed toward a "business plan/power point thing." The first (business plan) makes me think in terms of print, and something to be produced from a word processing template rather than page layout one. The second part say 'this will be projected on a screen' and says 'Keynote would be a better application for this task than Pages.'
    Keynote is a presentation tool, designed to produce documents that will be presented on a screen (ie. designed for the same type of documents as Powerpoint was built to produce).
    Pages has two basic document types, both aimed at producing documents that will be printed:
    Word processing—used for things like letters and reports. In general, documents that are mostly text, but that may have some illustrations, charts, or other graphics objects inserted into them.
    Page layout—used where there's a mix of graphics and text, with the text usually coming in smaller chunks.
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    A blank word processing document can also accept the objects and containers listed above, but also includes a text layer (where text can be entered directly, without the need to place it into a text box), and a background layer (where objects can be placed behind the text layer).
    If the above helps you choose the type of document you want to have as the end product, we can then take a look at one of the templates for that type and look at deconstructing it.

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    In your case as already suggested using the regular type tool is the best but your question can be generalized by asking how to center a selection. In that case you can fill it with foreground or background color (Ctrl + Delete or Alt + Delete). Deselect, center the layer, load its selection as suggested in the previous post or right clicking while using a selection tool, and if not needed delete the layer.

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    Reminds me of Yoshi from Mario Bros
    I know what you'd like to do but as the first reply mentioned, you can't do that. Until Photoshop is updated to copy with transparency intact to the Windows clipboard, you won't be able to do that. The reason I linked and showed a screenshot of the software GIMP is to prove that it's a Photoshop limitation, not a limitation of Flash or the Windows clipboard.
    Knowing that fact, there is no way for you to copy/paste drag/drop from Photoshop directly into Flash.
    Cartoon animating is essentially identical to how most games work. You create one large master image that contains all the possible variations of your subject (a face, a car, etc) and import that into a game. You do the same when animating, only you're keeping them all separate instead of one image.
    Knowing your experience with Flash is small and growing, I'm not going to make the most optimal recommendation. I'll stick to 2 things I mentioned before but elaborate on them.
    1) Save your assets to actual PNGs with transparency, then import into Flash.
    The reason I'd recommend this the most is because of Flash's update function (which I will explain) and it can be automated a bit (also will be explained).
    So I grabbed a Yoshi sprite sheet and say I made a new pose as you mentioned. In Photoshop I'd then select and copy this new pose alone, with transparency:
    As you know, once you do that you can bring up a 'New Image' dialog and it will already have the size of your copied pixels (with trimmed transparency):
    You can see the size is correct and the preset is clipboard. After that you just paste your new image in and turn off the background to gain transparency. Then you save it out as a separate file. I always use Save For Web for a pinch of file size optimization and overall control:
    Again, I realize this is a lot more than you want to do, but all of this can be automated which will be explained after making it virtually a single button push operation.
    Now we have the image as a separate new PNG image with transparency intact. This image should be imported into Flash's library:
    Now you both have a physical separate copy of this pose in a PNG file (which can be useful for many reasons) and Flash can use that file with it's built in update command for very quick changes.
    Now say you touch up a pose a bit. I'll make it really obvious and change the entire hue. You make your changes in Photoshop, follow the same process (even making size changes to the original image), eventually overwriting the PNG you created for that pose:
    Now in Flash, all you need to do is use the Update function. Right-click on the image in your library, select Update. Because this is a file with a physical location, that is all that is needed to change the image in Flash:
    The power in this is if you make sweeping changes to dozens or hundreds of PNGs, you can do this in one command in Flash. Select all the changed images and hit Update and all your changes will be done at once. You can't do things like this when you copy and paste directly into Flash.
    That said, almost all of the steps above can be automated using Photoshops Actions panel. No need to reinvent the wheel, Actions are fully explained here: tml
    I would recommend recording the action after you make your marquee selection around what you want to save as a PNG. Record right up to Save For Web and stop there. Then in the future you press the hotkey you assign and it will extract your selection, open a new document, paste it in, disable the background for transparency and bring you to the dialog you can name the image in. That's pretty easy and automated. Then just import into Flash and enjoy the benefits.
    2) Use Photoshop to create the assets, then a different program to copy/paste into Flash
    Not ideal to need 2 programs, however if you really want to copy and paste directly into Flash, this is the way to go. Get any program that can read the PSD file format, open your PSD in it. If you have enough RAM this really shouldn't be an issue (PS and GIMP side by side, same file open):
    As you make changes to the PSD, just hit reload or revert in your "copy with transparency" supporting program, copy what you need, paste into Flash:
    I'll explain some of the advantages of the previous workflow if you'd like but I think this is enough information overload for now.

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    Will this problems be covered ?
    2. I have no recipt but only the laptop ,original box and "HP Worlwide limited warranty and technical support" sheet.
    Are this enough to send it to HP ?
    Thank you.

    Welcome to the HP Community Forum.
    These are not questions for the Community Forum. 
    You must contact HP directly to ask questions about warranty service. 
    Only HP can tell you what HP will do for any individual situation. 
    It is worth making the call to get the answers you seek.
    Contact HP – USA - Phone Assistance
    HP tech support/ Customer Service Phone Numbers – Some English Speaking Countries
    Warranty Required – USA and Canada
    USA – Contact HP // Self-Help – Email - Chat
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to show you appreciate the help and time from our Experts.
    Although I strive to reflect HP's best practices, I do not work for HP. 
    Click Accept as Solution when the Answer is a good Fix or Workaround!
    Kind Regards,

  • How dose data work

    Im interested in understanding how internet/data work. When a data service is used dose the conection stay on or is it only packets, on and offs with the data service. Do you only get charged for info sent and recived.
    thank you adam Z.

    Data is small "packets"of information sent from your phone to an external source via the internet (kinda a computer version of SMS) or vice versa from an external source to the iPhone any application that accesses the Internet uses data this includes but is not limited to email, Safari, Weather app, Stocks App etc... (This also includes contacts and calendars if you are running a push service like MobileMe). This data is made up of the obligatory 1's and 0's of all computer/digital data which when resolved at each end become a message/instruction for the systems at either end (which is why we have standards to adhere to)
    Data is only sent and recieved when needed/arranged by the systems at either end, for example:
    You open the weather app, it sends a request via the internet for current weather conditions (data used "Up")
    The computer at the other end receives the request and sends the information back to your iPhone (data used "Down")
    Once the data has been recieved the connection between the outside computer/Internet and the iPhone is disconnected at least until you re-request or it refreshes (depending on program)
    So if you apply this to say Safari when you load a webpage you send a request out for the page, once again data is used here then the site sends the webpage to your iPhone, data once again used. Once this page has downloaded though you can continue to view the page without incurring any more data usage (until the page refreshes).
    Be aware some programs do not sever the Internet connection entirely and while you are not technically downloading anything they will send very small "packets"backwards and forwards say every 5 minutes (completely arbitrary figure) dependant on the program, this is just to make sure that the connection remains "Live" so it is ready as soon as you request new data and you do not have a wait time caused by the program having to re-establish a connection with the outside source.
    Any new phone especially those classed in the SmartPhone categories should have a data pack/Browsing pack as the ability to download and upload quite sizeable amounts of data is exceptionally easy with these handsets. Often these handsets will do this "transparently" without the user/consumer being fully aware of it doing so.

  • How do I work with FK in a data profile?

    Hello People:
    I am new in OWB tools and I have many doubts. Therefore, I would like to know if anyone can guide me a bit with the theme of FK and profiles.
    How do I work with FK in a data profile?
    If I have a table that has a FK to most of the tables, because it is like a parent table. What should I do to have that FK in the profile?
    - Table 1 FK Table 2
    - Table 1 FK Table 3
    - Table 1 FK Table 4
    - Table 1 FK Table 5
    - Table 1 FK Table 6
    - Table 2 FK Table 7
    - Table 2 FK Table 8
    - Table 8 FK Table 9
    You should have a data profile with each table or a data profile for all related tables?
    If I am all in a single profile, that it would have no problem but I would only slow every time that I have to add a new table, but if I got separated, I can not use the FK? What is the solution that will give this problem?
    - Table 1
    - Table 2
    - Table 3
    - Table 4
    - Table 5
    - Table 6
    - Table 7
    - Table 8
    - Table 9
    PROFILE 1 -> - Table 1
    PROFILE 2 -> - Table 2
    PROFILE 3 -> - Table 3
    PROFILE 4 -> - Table 4
    PROFILE 5 -> - Table 5
    PROFILE 6 -> - Table 6
    PROFILE 7 -> - Table 7
    PROFILE 8 -> - Table 8
    PROFILE 9 -> - Table 9
    PROFILE R -> Table 1 / Table 2
    PROFILE S -> Table 1 / Table 3
    PROFILE T -> Table 1 / Table 4
    PROFILE U -> Table 1 / Table 5
    PROFILE V -> Table 1 / Table 6
    PROFILE W -> Table 2 / Table 7
    PROFILE X -> Table 2 / Table 8
    PROFILE Z -> Table 8 / Table 9
    Thank you very much for your help!
    Best regard!

    Any idea, please?

  • How does this work?

    This is not a complaint, but a confused sigh of admiration. I've got an email account at the university where I teach. When I got my iBook, it took me a while, and a few conversations with IT at the school, to get this account working in the Mail application. (Since I have a Verizon DSL at home, I had to include that SMTP as the outgoing server.) Anyway, I synched this mail account (along with my AOL and .Mac accounts) onto the iPhone, and it works perfectly, both incoming and outgoing. I didn't have to change any of the settings. I thought I was computer savvy, but I can't wrap my mind around this. It seems like magic. How does it work?

    The sync process with iTunes transfers the email account settings (for your chosen accounts via your iPhone sync preferences) from the Mail application on your Mac to the iPhone's email application.
    The iPhone is running OS X and the iPhone's email client can be considered a mobile version of the Mail application.

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    Honestly? In the US (I can't speak to other countries, though I doubt it works much differently in a lot of the world) The police took your report and filed it either in their computers or, on paper. They will now not think of this again. The only time it will cross anyones mind is if, in the course of entering information into evidence about items recovered or seized at a crime scene, the serial number of an iPhone that was found/seized happens to match yours, in which case you will be contacted.
    The police in the US can and will do nothing to 'blok' the phone and it's not worth their time to try and locate it unless you know for a fact that it was stolen by a big time drug lord, master criminal, or some other such prime target and they can get a court order to track the location of the phone in order to locate this individual for your own purposes.  If they do that, they'll probably keep him under surveilance for a year or so before they act.
    Basically, the police don't care about your phone. If they find it, they will give it back to you. They are not, however, going to go looking for it. They have better things to do.
    I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.

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    Acrobat is not on the USB device - only Adobe Reader needed on the PC. How does this work? How can I fix this device if at all?

    You need to ask the people who sold it to you. Doesn't sound like it has anything to do with Reader.
    However, you should be wary of devices that automatically try to open files when plugged in. They can also infect your computers with all kinds of viruses or malware.

Maybe you are looking for