How do Shift Operators work?

Pls I am just beginning to write simple programs in java,
and would like to know how precisely shift operators
(e.g >> << >>>) work.
Thank you in anticipation.

I am a student, and have read my notes yet could not be
clear about the shift operators actually work (function).
Pls assist!Here's a start:
Compile and run the following line:System.out.println("33 << 4 == "+(33 << 4));which should print something like this:33 << 4 == 528Now, if you write down the binary representations of the numbers 33 and 528, you'll get: 33 == 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100001
528 == 00000000 00000000 00000010 00010000 Do you now see how the 4 is related to the operation?

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    Thanks for your response.
    I've managed to fix it but I wouldn't recommend the following as I'm sure its unsupported and I'll probably have problems down the line
    On the host
    * mv /etc/zones /etc/zones.bak
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    In addition to the above post, you need to identify that:
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    Revert for clarifications

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    Dear Chaikaru,
    The only other option I had in my mind. Good then, you might like to close the thread then.

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    Welcome to the forum.
    I can think of three basic ways to accomplish what you wish to do:
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    Good luck,
    Message was edited by: Bill Hunt to correct formatting

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    Hi Adrian,
    Why don't you try any another software for opening CSV files then Notepad ? According to my experience, you can use these softwares to open an CSV files and they are:-
    Microsoft Excel
    Open Office Calc
    Google Docs
    Also there is an additional tool available known as CSV viewer. You may try this, download it from here
    I've never used Notepad for opening CSV files, because sometimes it contains some symbols which are not not at all compatibile with Notepad.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

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    In Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Search, index partitions are groups of query components, each of which holds a subset of the full text index and which return search results to the query originator. Each index partition is associated with a specific property
    database containing metadata associated with a specific set of crawled content.
    The index server manages the crawling and indexing of SharePoint Server content and maintains the index file. The index service works with the query service to let you search SharePoint Server content.
    Every SharePoint Server deployment must have at least one index server. Additional index servers may be necessary as the deployment grows. There can only be one index server per server farm.
    If you use the web front end as your query server.  This tells the index server to propagate its index to the WFEs that are set as query servers so that they have a local copy of the index.
    When someone does a search (this is done on the WFE), then that WFE will search itself locally instead of going across the network to query the index server.  
    This increases speed at the time of query, but it of course introduces additional overhead in terms of having multiple full copies of the index on the network and the network demand of propagating those index copies all the time. 
    If you select the query role on your index server, then the index will not get propagated and all searches will query the index server across the network.  
    For more information, you can refer to the following article.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    You will need an external drive that is formatted as MAC OS EXTENDED (journaled).
    Move the Project, Events, and any photos and music to the external drive by following the instructions in this post.
    Be sure to use CONSOLIDATE MEDIA to get the photos and music. Then plug this drive into your computer and you will be able to edit.

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    Several ways to get similar results.  Image > Adjustments > Posturize with low values similar to what you'd use n Cutout.  This is the most flexible way I can think of as you keep the image in RGB mode with layers intact.  A more radical approach would be to reduce bit depth using Indexed Colour.  You'll need to experiment with settings, try changing Forced to Primaries, and Matte to Foreground Color.  There's no going back from this route, although you can change the mode back to RGB to re-enable layers, adjustment layers etc.
    A nice thing about the Filter gallery filters is that you can change the layer to a Smart object with all the control that gives you.
    Now if only this forum could filter out bizarre content.

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    I am using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 on windows 7.

    There is no feature for that in Premiere Pro.  I suggest that you keep a project log either in a spreadsheet, database, Notepad or Wordpad file, or a hand written one.
    You can file a feature request here:
    Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form

  • How Do Mobile Codes Work? FAQ

    You may have seen them in our weekly ads, on, or on signs in our retail stores: two-dimensional images that look similar to traditional bar codes, but are irregular and often square. Ever wonder what they are? They’re Mobile Codes!
    What is a Mobile Code?
    A Mobile Code is any two-dimensional (DataMatrix or QR code) or linear bar code (UPC) which can be read by a smart phone, linking the physical world with the on-line world. Some bar code symbologies are in the public domain, such as UPC and DataMatrix and some symbologies are proprietary (e.g. Microsoft’s Tag and EZ codes).  Bar Code scanners today are “image scanners,” and since most smart phones have cameras built into them, we can now use them as personal bar code scanners!
    Do I need software to read a Mobile Code?
    Yes. The Best Buy Mobile App is free software you can download to your phone that contains a bar code reader. The reader will scan UPC and QR codes for products carried by Best Buy. To download the reader, simply follow these instructions:
    1)      Text “APP” to 332211.
    2)      Click on the link that is returned
    3)      Download and install the Best Buy Mobile App on your phone
    4)      Launch the app, push the Product Scan button, and hover the phone over the code.
    Try this one: 
    You can also download the app through several platform-specific app stores:
             iPhone via Apple App Store
             Android Phone via Google Play
             Windows Phone and Touch Screen PC via Windows Phone Store
    Additional app features can be found on
    What phones are supported?
    The Best Buy Mobile App is available on most iPhone, Android, and Windows Mobile devices. It is also available for Touch Screen PCs. iPad version coming soon!
    What service plans will I need?
    The service relies on a data plan from your provider or the free Wi-Fi network available in each of our retail stores. The amount of bandwidth consumed varies based on the product experience rendered. If you do not have an unlimited data plan, please plan accordingly. Remember, watching videos can use more bandwidth than viewing mobile web pages.
    What type of bar codes can I scan with the Best Buy Mobile App?
    The Best Buy Mobile App reads QR (Quick Response) Codes, which are the square two-dimensional bar codes with the three smaller squares in the upper right and left of the bar code and in the lower left.   The Best Buy Mobile App can also read UPC codes (the codes used at cash registers in stores). The app does not currently read Data Matrix codes which are square two-dimensional codes, but they don’t have the three smaller squares in them.
    What will happen when I scan the Mobile Code?
    After reading a Best Buy Mobile Code, you will be taken to a mobile web page that contains item specific information. You can use the Best Buy Mobile App to compare a number of products or narrow your selection of items based on parameters you select while in the store.
    Is there any personal information involved?
    No personal information is obtained from your phone. If you have the Best Buy Mobile App and have logged in, your My Best Buy membership information may be used to create a personalized experience.
    How do mobile codes work?
    The Best Buy Mobile App includes the software required to turn your phone into a scanner. All you need to do is initiate the scanner and hover the phone over the code. The app scans the code and launches the corresponding experience. It’s the best of both worlds: you can be online and in the store at the same time!
    How do I save the data for use later?
    On the iPhone and Android, add the product to your cart. Products added to your cart are available until removed. A list of recently viewed products can also be accessed through the main app menu.
    What prices will I see on my mobile device?
    You will see our regular prices.  In some cases they may vary from the in-store price.

    If you touch the left side of the telephone number field, you get a drop down Label from which you can select the type of number it is to be.

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