How do you disable favorite icons?

Hey all,
I noticed that in Safari (5.1.7) (I'm guessing thats the latest) there are icons for your favorites. Most people said they have them on all of their book marks, but I only have them in bookmark folders. I've tried what I can find on the web to get rid of them, with no working way.
May someone please post a way to remove them forever?
Thank you!

Hi Christopher ...
If you are comfortable using Terminal located in Applications/Utilities try here >  Permanently disable Safari favicons

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    Thank you ... however it was already set for "normal window".  I deleted the icon and recreated and that seemed to fix it though, not sure why.
    As for the splash ... its a waste of time ... the application loads faster than "they" would expect so all it does is extra advertizing for Access without having a purpose.  And again, its not just a second or so, its 3 to 5 seconds depending on what else I'm doing.. and if I'm reading an email while double clicking the icon to have it start on my second monitor.. the spash covers my email till the program's running.
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