How do you recover damaged file?

Hi i have a file i can't open that is really important! How can i recover this file? using the latest adobe indesign!!!

Send me a link to the file, or a request for an upload link to my dropbox, by the private message system (click my avatar, then choose message). I'll see if the Windows tools will work (no promises).
The only other thing I know to try is (Bad InDesign or Quark File Recovery Submission Form), but it is not free.

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    Thanks Rob.
    I actually had no clue what the core problem was caused by. So it's Windows itself...that helps some.
    I'll resubmit there. It might actually have saved time for it to simply have been moved to there instead of off-topic, though I suppose you have to follow protocol.

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    Click Check Now.
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    iPodAccess Mac/Windows,
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    DPM do not care about the Source File has changed or deleted, so SCDPM does not know if a File has been changed or is deleted.
    So there is now known way to archive your Goal.
    I can imaging that you can archive this Goal with a Powershelgl Script, but would be not this easy
    Seidl Michael | | |

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    Do you have an iTunes backup?
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    If you make the backup using iCal>File>Back up iCal..., you will have a file named something like iCal 2008-12-30.icbu.
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