How Incoterm XML tag will validate?

Hi all,
In SAP SNC, How the incoterm XML will validate. i.e from Inforecord it wil come? or it come from Idoc it self.
Awating your response
Many Thanks

Hi Nikhil,
Thanksfor your reply, When I tested RON_In XML will validate. But when we receive from Incoterm from backend system by inforeord, where it will sits in SNC?, As I don't see Incoterm field in T.Lane.
Can you please clarify me!
Kind Regards,

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         , count(*)
    from gcssmc_imports_data t
       , xmltable(
           xmlnamespaces('' as "p0")
         , '/p0:salesorderOutCollection/p0:salesorderOutRecord'
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         ) x
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    group by t.gcssmc_imports_data_id

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    Thanks for your reply. The line that you mention is added at the top of the message, and includes the original sender's email. I would like my name to appear, next to each line I add in the text of the original mail.
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    Assuming my name is Joe Smith, what I would like to have as the final reply is described below.
    The lines that start with "[Joe Smith]" are my replies, to the original items in the original mail.
    On 21 Feb 2013, at 09:03, Jon Doe wrote:
    We need an effort estimation for thenew feature
    [Joe Smith] It will be about 2 days
    and additional resources needed
    [Joe Smith] 2 new icons

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    QT 1
    QTS 0
    QTR 2
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    Edited by: 909577 on Apr 9, 2012 3:10 PM

    I'm sorry for being so dense, but I'm not quite following, although what I've tried makes me think if I can follow you, it will work :)
    To answer your initial questions, you are correct with both your assumptions:
    1) detailType is the parameter that specificies YTD/Weekly, this is a "report defined" parameter that I am using to determine which Row Group to display (either YTD or Weekly)
    2) SchoolDaysActiveWeek is the parameter that is being set to either true or false -- this is a field in the cube that states whether that record is for the current week or not
    So in following your instructions, well that's the problem I'm not quite following :)
    1) When you say Delete the SchoolDaysActiveWeek parameter from the report only, do you mean to mark the parameter as Hidden?  If so, I've done this.
    2) I'm not quite sure where to use the statement you provided me.  You said to put it in the dataset, but I don't know which dataset.  I assume you mean the "main" dataset (as opposed to the hidden dataset that gets generated when you mark a field
    as a parameter).  If this is the case, the only place I could see that would allow you to use such a statement is in the Filter section of the properties.  I tried this, and it did not generate any errors, but it also kept my report groups from displaying
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    I also tried going into the Expression section for the SchoolDaysActiveWeek parameter in the second screenshot and placing the statement there.  When I did this and ran the report, I would get the following error:
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    So what am I missing!? 
    Also, thanks for taking the time to respond!!

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    Script should do it in two steps:
    1. find all occurences of i.e. ">DEFAULT<"
    2. remove whole paragraph which is a found_text's container.
    For example this way -JS - (a textFrame filled with your text should be selected) :
    var mStory = app.selection[0].parentStory;
    app.findTextPreferences =  null;
    app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = ">DEFAULT<";
    var myF = mStory.findText();
    var count = myF.length;
    while (count--)

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    Thanks in advance.

    This works.  Thanks!
    I am still working through the implications of having a data connection defined.  I notice that every time I submit, it creates two records in my database, one with all the fields blank, and one with the data and attachment.
    I will have to do some more digging into the double submission, but at least it is uploading the file.
    Thanks again,

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    </xsl:for each>
    Many thanks in advance for reading this. Please assist to solve this. Point will be generously awarded!

    Hi Mr Raja!
    Thanks again for your help. I felt so embarrassed.
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    xslt_error     TYPE REF TO     cx_xslt_exception,
    xslt_message     TYPE     string.
    CLEAR xml_string .
        cx_xslt_exception INTO xslt_error.
          xslt_message = xslt_error->get_text( ).
    <xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:sap="" version="1.0">
    <xsl:template match="/">
    <asx:abap xmlns:asx="">
    <xsl:for-each select="myXML">
    <xsl:for-each select="PRODUCT_LIST">
    <xsl:for-each select="PRODUCT">
    <xsl:value-of select="PRODUCT"/>
    Message was edited by:
            swee chin

  • How to Read XML tags....

    Hi guys...
    Can any one here tell me how to read the XML tag in PL/SQL.
    In table Enquiry there are following fields.
    Id          number
    Status          varchar2(5)
    Request          XML
    Reply          XML
    Error          varchar2(10)
    Now the following XML will be in request column from the requester.
    I have to get the,
    ->request which is in BODY tag,
    ->ID number which is in from tag (its the persons unique ID to check his BILL)
    Fetch the request from the database and updates it into the REPLY field with the same syntax.
    <to> 123 </to>
    <body> unbill </body>
    <messagenumber> 01 </messagenumber>
    Can any one have the solution to this, how can I read the XML tags, process & again inserts as an XML.

    Maybe something like this will be a pointer...
      2  select 1 as id, 'C' as status, XMLTYPE('<message><to>123</to><from>789</from><body>unbill</body><messagenumber>01</messagenumber></message>') as request, XMLTYPE('<reply/>') as reply, 'NO ERROR' as error from dual
      3  ;
    Table created.
    SQL> SELECT * from t;
            ID S
             1 C
      2  SET reply = updateXML(request,'/message/body/text()','bill')
      3  ;
    1 row updated.
    SQL> SELECT * from t;
            ID S
             1 C

  • How to delete xml tags Urgent

    on release function i am inserting this value
    "(&-box*&", "&*box-&
    " in to my text box,
    in text box will display like this (squarebox), when i am
    trying to delete
    squarebox ,
    box deleting but
    (&-box*&", "&*box-&
    these xml elements are showing , what i have to
    do ? it has to delete,
    it amy have multipule box in my equation. how do delete xml
    elements in this case, this is my xml code. how to delete? any one
    can help me?

    Then you should provide more details on what you want this new script should do.
    To "delete XML tags in already tagged text", all you need is use the "untag" command on an XML Element. But how would the script "know" what XML Element should be untagged?
    Disclaimer: This reply is in no way enforceable, legally binding, a promise or contract, an agreement (written, verbal, or otherwise), a commitment, obligation, or free or paid-for offer of any kind to further help, guide, aid, tip, or not hinder you, or contribute to, correct, investigate, comment on or assist with any existing, forthcoming, or planned project.

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    <part xmlns:xsi="" name="body">
    <Function_Response_body xmlns:oans="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <part xmlns:xsi="" name="header">
    <Function_Response_header xmlns:oans="" xmlns:xsi="">
    My resultant expression becomes
    <body> 1024976 SERVICEBEAN:/oracle/apps/fnd/rep/ws/IntegrationRepositoryService:getInterfaceFunction INTERFACE get InterfaceFunction Gets a InterfaceFunction based on its primary key attributes. NONE RESP getInterfaceFunction 1 PUBLIC ACTIVE R2V0cyBhIEludGVyZmFjZUZ1bmN0aW9uIGJhc2VkIG9uIGl0cyBwcmltYXJ5IGtleSBhdHRy aWJ1dGVz S S 509 </body>
    <header> blah </header>
    How to avoid this problem? Please advice.

    iPhoto Library Manager  is the only application available that can merge libraries and keep albums as well as keywords, comments, places and other meta data.    Keepsakes like books and slideshows will come across as albums.
    The following is from the iPLM help file:
    What can and can't be copied
    Due to technical limitations with iPhoto, not every type of item in an iPhoto library can be copied to another library. The table below summarized what can and can't be copied in each version of iPhoto, with more details explanations of each item below. This applies to copying albums and events between libraries via drag and drop, merging libraries, and rebuilding a library.
    iPhoto 6 or earlier
    iPhoto 7
    iPhoto 8
    iPhoto 9
    Photos with basic metadata (rating, keywords, date, description, title)
    Modified versions of photos paired with originals
    Individual photo edits (e.g. cropping, filters, color adjustments, etc.)
    Places data
    Faces data
    Regular albums
    Folder albums
    Smart albums
    Keepsake items (books, slideshows, etc.)
    MobileMe galleries
    iPhoto auto-syncs
    iPhoto auto-syncs
    iPhoto auto-syncs
    Facebook/Flickr galleries
    iPhoto auto-syncs

  • Assign paragraph-styles to xml-tags correctly. How to?

    I want to assign xml-tags to existing paragraph styles in InDesign CS6 on a Mac 10.6.8. The xml itself is organized like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <artikel id="32434">
    <img href="/bilder/32434.tiff" />
    <artikelheadline>Jeans ist super</artikelheadline>
    <artikeltext>Superjeans knallt rein.</artikeltext><artikelnummer>70238</artikelnummer>
    <artikelmaterial>100% Jeans</artikelmaterial>
    By selecting the option "Assign formats per name to the tags" (translated from German) I wanted to generate the desired look. But if I start this all I get is the whole textblock of <artikeltextgruppe> assigned to 1 formatstyle. And besides that the whole content of <artikeltextgruppe> looks like one single paragraph without any structure (no linebreaks) The content though is correctly structured because I can highlight the value of e.g. <artikelmarke>separately by doubleclicking this tag in the structure-view.
    a) What can I do to assign the formats correctly AND to have correct linebreaks?
    b) If I drag my node <img href="/bilder/32434.tiff" /> iin the layout I get a message displayed to search again for the correct reference location. And that happens independently on using relative or absolute references (Although I need to use relative ones) What can I do here?
    thanks so much

    First, I would probably do a search and replace to remove the group element using a text editor (the <artikeltextgruppe> and </artikeltextgruppe> elements). They really are not needed.
    Second, I usually create my styles with the same names as the elements themselves. Then, after the XML is imported, I use the "map tags to styles" command from the Structure pane.
    I copied and pasted the single artikel element to create 4 records, added a varition of an image to each element record. Once the paragraph styles were mapped, your XML looked like this in a two column format (to get all 4 records on a page)...
    By default, ID will create a single line to a single line in the XML. So if you desire elements to be on their own line, the XML needs to be formatted that way. If you need different styling within a paragraph, you need to create character styles and alter the elements within an XML group and or paragraph and add the code in the XML accordingly or post process once inside of ID.
    I always need to take the XML I am given and reformat, move elements with the tree, change links to images, remove tabs and or spaces where I do not want them, tag for character styles, etc., to get close to how I want the initial format to be.

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    resulting content of file:
    The point is, the the resulting file should not contain any xml tags but only the plain value of the tiff tag in the source document.
    Do I need to specify something in the receiver file adapter?
    tiff is an image format.

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    - <ns0:blob xmlns:ns0="">
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    <Dept Deptno="20">
       <Emp empid="201">
       <Emp empid="202">

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