How long do I run Prime95??

Just installed my SP94 and the terribly noisy Vantec Tornado (Aarghhhhh..56 db). Want to run the torture test on it to see if the upgrade from stock and the terrible noise is worth it.....(Used to get 65 degrees under full load after running Prime95 Priority 10 for six hours with my stock HSF, with Speedfan). How long do you guys suggest I run this test??
P IV 2.8c with HTT Enabled
MSI 875P Neo-FISR (BIOS ver 3.2)
512Mb x 2 Kingmax (MPXC22D-383) PC-3200 CL2.5184 pin DDR DIMMs Running in DUAL CHANNEL
ATI 9500 Pro 128 Mb DDR (AGP 8x / Fast Writes Enabled)
Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum
Pioneer 16x DVD ROM / Sony 52x CD-RW
80 Gb Seagate HDD 7200 RPM
Enermax EG475P-VE SFMA 470 W

Originally posted by deepmukherjee
Just installed my SP94 and the terribly noisy Vantec Tornado (Aarghhhhh..56 db). Want to run the torture test on it to see if the upgrade from stock and the terrible noise is worth it.....(Used to get 65 degrees under full load after running Prime95 Priority 10 for six hours with my stock HSF, with Speedfan). How long do you guys suggest I run this test??
umm, wouldnt 6 hours be the likely choice? considering you want to see the difference of installing a new heatsink - provided you havent changed the voltages or anything else  and you know that after 6 hours it ran at 65 with the stock.............

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    So, I would say for yours, that's about right.
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    Did someone help you? Pay it forward. Help someone else.
    NC4400, TC4400 Win 7 Ultimate, xp pro, both dual boot
    a bunch of thinkpads

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    How much capacity is remaining on your current battery?
    Check your power status
    From the  menu: Hold OPTION and click System Information... èHardware è Power
    Copy and Paste in your reply.
    The new battery will become less effective if you store it in a hot or humid environment. It should be stored at room temperature (22 C).
    Long term storage (6 months):
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  • What SQL Server Agent jobs are currently running and for how long

    Is there a way to tell what SQL Server Agent jobs are currently running and for how long?  View history isn't working in my case because it's only showing completed jobs.  John Schroeder

     You can use the "Job Activity Monitor" for doing this.  Do the following steps. It will open up the Job Activity Monitor.
    1.    In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.
    2.    Expand SQL Server Agent.
    3.    Right-click Job Activity Monitor and click View Job Activity.
    4.    In the Job Activity Monitor, you can view details about each job that is defined for this server.
    In Job Activity Monitor page, we have column called Status. It will indicate whether job is executing or idle. Last Run column will give you the last invocation time of this job.
    Use the following link for further reference.
    Mark Post as helpful if it provides any help.Otherwise,leave it as it is.

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    The restore has been running for about 12 hrs now but has not completed yet by the look of it (the cursor on the DOS screen has not returned to a prompt yet).
    Does anyone know
    a) Roughly how long it would take to restore a 7Gb MFC database. I realise we are restoring from a file on another network drive and this may slow it down and it also depends on the speed on of the disk subsystem being written to but a rough idea of time would be good.
    b) Are there any log files I can check to see if the restore is still happening or something has gone wrong.
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    The date/time attributes on the file are constantly changing so is this an indication the file is being written to ?
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    Can you login to the mysql prompt and run 'show processlist;' to see what commands are being executed?

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    Hi, all.
    I would like to check how long a job has run.
    dba_scheduler_job_run_details.LOG_DATE - dba_scheduler_job_run_details.ACTUAL_DATE
    = the time a job has run.
    Is this right?
    Thanks and Regards.

    Dear Chandra.
    Thanks for your reply.
    Have a good night.
    Best Regards.

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