How much SAP - SD has placement chances & potential ?

Dear All,
Please input your expert comments on SAP - SD placement chances & potential?
Moderator Message: Vague question. No effort from OP. Inadequate information. => Post Locked.
Message was edited by: kishan P

Hi Tulsidas,
SAP SD is core bread and butter of Supply Chain Management running companies.  There is no end for SAP SD Module but there are lot of guys entered in SAP SD and heavy competition in India.  If you want to stand out from crowd and your aspiration to go to onsite then you have to stand out from crowd to learn new dimensional products SAP CRM Sales or Service. 
Get the advise from others also, but if you are not in new dimensional product then it takes time to achieve a place what you want.  This is my personal experience as I am also in SD and move into multiple modules then landed in SAP Event Management.
So, we need to stand out from crowd if you want achieve fast.

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