How oracle deal with  latch wait posting

I want to know when a long latch release,according to latch wait posting ,oracle post one process in latch wait list according fifo or post all processes in latch wait list
Edited by: jinyu on Nov 28, 2008 12:02 AM

I think steve dose not agree with metalink's viewFYI, you can ask Steve, he is a nice fellow. He hangs out on Oracle-l:

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    My wife uses Words With Friends on the iPad2 and this evening it is labeled "Waiting" and with a generic icon. We activated the jiggle  and all apps were jiggling with one exception, Words with Friends and did not have the flashing X.  I could not delete it and reload becaue I could not get it display a . The wireless connectioin looks good.
    I could use some help as we have never enountered the Waiting

    How did you get the Apps to jiggle?  If you pressed on one at the Home screen, some Apps will jiggle with an X, and others will not.  If you press on an X here, you will delete the App from the iPad.
    To deactivate an App that may be running in the background, go to the Home screen and double click the Home button.  A row of recent Apps will line up along the bottom of the screen.  Press and hold on one until they start to wiggle, and they ALL should have a red minus sign ().  Pressing the minus sign will remove it from the list, and deactivate it if it is still running.

  • How to deal with images stored in oracle

    can anyone help me to solve this issue please:
    in fact i am developping a swing based standalone application based on a TCP/IP client-server connection, so the point is to display on my frame for each student his information and also his personal picture
    first step : storing the personal picture into the oracle database from a specefic frame that allows to specify each NEW student's profile and his photo.
    step 2: as needed, a specefic frame allows to retrieve all the information related to a student and his photo to ( in a jlabel or other swing componenet)
    how to deal with this storing and then the retriving from the oracle DB
    any help please!

    If I understand well your problem, you need your client java application to store and retrive information from an oracle DB.
    This can be done via JDBC.
    Here's the tutorial:
    Look at
    for storing and retriving binary data (like java serialized objects (Images for example))

  • How to deal with "Error 1001. The specified service already exists" when install a service using installer package?

    Hi everybody,
    I wrote a "Class Library" project which is a service using Visual Stodio 2008 recently, then tried to use a Visual Studio 2008
    Setup Project to install it.
    Here is what I did for the "Class Library":
    1. Finish the program.cs, Service.cs
    2. Add Installer
    3. Change the serviceInstaller so that "StartType" to be Aotumatic
    4. Change the ServiceProcessInstaller2 so that "Account" to be LocalSystem
    6. Click in F5 (Start Debugging)
    Here is what I did for the Setup Project:
    1. Add the exe file built from the "Class Library" project to the Application Folder
    2. On the Custom Action Editor, add the exe file from 1 to Install and Commit
    3. Change the property of the project so that "RemovePreviousVersion" to be true
    4. Click on F6(Build Solution)
    Then I tried to run the msi file from the built of the Setup Project. Because I modified the two projects serveral times, I uninstalled the Class Library using "Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs" before I reinstall. Two things I notived:
    1. After unstall, the registry was not cleaned up about the installed program
    2. After several rounds install/uninstall, I got "Error 1001. The specified service already exists"
    My questions are:
    1. How to cleanup the registry when uninstall a program?
    2. How to deal with the "Error 1001. The specified service already exists"?
    3. Did I do anytbing wrong with the "Class Library" or the "Setup Project"?
    Thanks a lot!

    Hi Simon, not a problem!
    I spent some more time on this and here are few more notes:
    it is called Major Upgrade, when you are installing new version of the product upon a previous one and
    MSI supports 2 strategies:
    Strategy 1. Install a new version and uninstall previous one. (Install a new version right upon previously installed version (file merging is performed based on dll version number) and the delete previously
    installed files)
    Strategy 2. Uninstall previous version and install a new one (Delete all previous files and install from scratch new files.)
    From the first look it seems that 1st strategy is weird and buggy. But, remember, MSI is great because it's transactional!!! That means that if once some of the phases (Installation, Uninstallation, Rollback, Comit) fails, your machine
    will be reverted to the previous state and it'll be still functional. 
    Let's consider both strategies:
    Consider you have installed product_v1.msi and you want to install product_v2.msi.
    Strategy 1
    1. MSI engine copies files from Product_v1 directory to TEMP directory
    2. MSI engine merges files based on the assembly version (between v1 and v2)
    3. Once merging is completed successfully it removes files in TEMP (RemoveExistingProducts  action triggers it) and you got product_v2 installed, otherwise if it fails MSI engine revert machine to V1 and copies previous files from TEMP.
    Strategy 2
    1. MSI engine tottaly removes all files from v1.
    2. MSI engine installs v2 files and if something goes wrong you cannot revert back, because RemoveExistingProducts  allready worked out and MSI doesn't have files to revert machine back
    I recommend to everybody to use Strategy 1 and leverage MSI transaction functionality. And you can set this strategies by defining sequence of RemoveExistingProducts action. See more info
    here.  So, I think it's not even a bug in VS as I said in the upper post it is default recommened behaviour.
    AND, you got "Error 1001. The specified service already exists"
    because if we follow Strategy 1 MSI engine tries to install Windows Service on top of the existing service and OF COURSE it fails MSI engine (StopServices, DeleteServices actions are executed before actual
    installation and  they look at ServiceControl table). In order to stop service first and delete them you have to fill ServiceContol table of the MSI (and then StopServices, DeleteServices actions will recognize what to they have to stop
    and delete), like this:
    ' see for more info
    ' Update the Service Entry to stop and delete service while uninstalling
    query = "INSERT INTO ServiceControl (ServiceControl, Name, Event, Arguments, Wait, Component_) VALUES ('MAD_Service', 'Service name', '160', '', '1', '"
    + componentName + "')"
    Set view = database.OpenView(query)
    : CheckError
    view.Execute : CheckError
    ' Update the Service Entry to stop and delete service while installing
    query = "INSERT INTO ServiceControl (ServiceControl, Name, Event, Arguments, Wait, Component_) VALUES ('MAD2_Service', 'Service name', '10', '', '1', '"
    + componentName + "')"
    Set view = database.OpenView(query)
    : CheckError
    view.Execute : CheckError
    We can uninstall service first by following Strategy 2, but then we lose transactional support.
    So, Simon did I encourage you to change your code a bit?:)
    And, btw, if you don't want to change the strategy, please don't rely on SequenceID in MSI table, it can be change, you have to get the at the runtime.
    Hope it will help to everybody!
    See also more advanced explanation of how MSI works
    Truly yours, Marat

  • Move of mailbox with over 30K of folders fails, how to deal with this.

    Hello all,
    I'm in the process of moving all Exchange 2010 mailboxes to newly created databases located on new storage.
    Every mailbox except one moved successfully, the "problem" mailbox keeps failing and I need some advise on how to deal with this.
    The mailbox that keeps failing is only 4 GB but has over 30K of folders that the users created manually over the years.
    They are unable to easelly delete folders as they have created many sub folders within the folders.
    I posted a part of the failed move request log below.
    Can anyone advise on how to solve this?
    Thanks in advance.
    21-2-2015 18:15:13 [EXHUB1] Fatal error MapiExceptionMaxSubmissionExceeded has occurred.
    Error details: MapiExceptionMaxSubmissionExceeded: Unable to save changes. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1242)
    Diagnostic context:
        Lid: 55847   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc called [length=7574]
        Lid: 43559   EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc returned [ec=0x0][length=360][latency=0]
        Lid: 23226   --- ROP Parse Start ---
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropWriteStream [45]
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropSetProps [10]
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropSaveChangesMessage [12]
        Lid: 17082   ROP Error: 0x4DA     
        Lid: 18273  
        Lid: 21921   StoreEc: 0x4DA     
        Lid: 27962   ROP: ropExtendedError [250]
        Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----
        Lid: 26426   ROP: ropSaveChangesMessage [12]
        Lid: 27420   dwParam: 0xE1F000B
        Lid: 36537   dwParam: 0xE1F000B
        Lid: 5587    StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0xE1F000B 
        Lid: 33375   StoreEc: 0x8004010F
        Lid: 27420   dwParam: 0x806684B0
        Lid: 36537   dwParam: 0x806684B0
        Lid: 5587    StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x806684B0
        Lid: 64931   StoreEc: 0x8004010F
        Lid: 46509  
        Lid: 40193   StoreEc: 0x8004010F
        Lid: 5587    StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x30130102
        Lid: 21970   StoreEc: 0x8004010F PropTag: 0x668F0040
        Lid: 64319   dwParam: 0x5000
        Lid: 39743   dwParam: 0x6730
        Lid: 45016   StoreEc: 0x4DA     
        Lid: 57304  
        Lid: 5041    StoreEc: 0x4DA     
        Lid: 4465    StoreEc: 0x4DA     
        Lid: 6926    StoreEc: 0x4DA     
        Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----
        Lid: 31418   --- ROP Parse Done ---
        Lid: 21457  
        Lid: 19665   StoreEc: 0x4DA     
       at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.ThrowIfError(String message, Int32 hresult, SafeExInterfaceHandle iUnknown, Exception innerException)
       at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiProp.SaveChanges(SaveChangesFlags flags)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MoveObjectInfo`1.CreateMessage(T obj, GetAdditionalProperties getAdditionalPropertiesCallback)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MoveObjectInfo`1.CreateMessage(T obj)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.LocalMailbox.Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.IMailbox.SaveSyncState(Byte[] key, String syncStateStr)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass57.<Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.IMailbox.SaveSyncState>b__56()
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.ExecutionContext.Execute(GenericCallDelegate operation)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxWrapper.Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.IMailbox.SaveSyncState(Byte[] key, String syncState)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MailboxCopierBase.SaveSyncState(SaveStateFlags flags)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.BaseJob.SaveSyncState(SaveStateFlags flags)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.BaseJob.SaveState(SaveStateFlags flags, UpdateRequestDelegate updateRequestDel)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.MoveBaseJob.SortMessages(Object[] wiParams)
       at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService.CommonUtils.CatchKnownExceptions(GenericCallDelegate del, FailureDelegate failureDelegate)
    Error context: --------
    Operation: IMailbox.SaveSyncState
    OperationSide: Target
    Primary (a4966c13-778a-4d70-9087-f077e2523f66)
    Key: FEF1D04E070AB74A99B809B7797674AE000000000000000000000000000000009B5540B45B37774CAB84806C1964B598
    SyncStateLength: 27050362
    21-2-2015 18:15:13 [EXHUB1] Relinquishing job.

    Based on the description, please run the following commands to check if there are any message limit size. Try to increase the limit size then move this mailbox.
    Get-mailbox –identity “user name” | fl MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize
    Get-transportconfig | fl MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize
    Get-transportrule | fl MessageSizeOver
    Get-sendconnector | fl MaxMessageSize
    Get-receiveconnector | fl MaxMessageSize
    Note: Once we increased the value we need to wait for the AD replication and cache to be cleared and then test the move mailbox.
    If this doesn’t work, please try to move mailbox with the skip corrupted items. This will skip the corrupted items and move only the good items to the target mailbox.
    Similar thread:
    Best Regards.

  • How to deal with deadlock on wwv_flow_data table when http server times out

    There are some threads about a deadlock on the wwv_flow_data table. None of them contain a real explanation for this behaviour. In my case I will try to explain what I think is happening. Maybe it helps somebody who is hitting the same matter.
    In my case with APEX 3.2.1 I am navigating from one page to another. Doing this APEX will lock the table wwv_flow_data. As soon as the other page is shown the lock will be released. But now this other page contains a bad performing query (standaard report region). After 5 minutes the http server (modplsql) will time out and present the message "No response from the application server" on the screen. In the meanwhile the query is still running on the database server and the lock stays on the wwv_flow_data table.
    Normal user behaviour will be that the user will use the back button to return to the previous page and tries it again to navigate to the other page or
    the user will try to refresh the page with the bad performing query.
    And voila now you will have a deadlock on the wwv_flow_data table since a second session is trying to do the same thing while the first hasn't finished yet.
    How to deal with it?
    First of all. Have a good look at the bad performing query. Maybe you can improve it that it will succeed before the http server will timeout.
    In my case the 11gr1 optimizer couldn't handle a subquery factoring clause in the best way. After changing it back to a classical inline query the problem was solved.
    Secondly you could increase the timeout parameter of the http server. Although this not the best way.
    Maybe it would better if APEX in a next version would release the lock on the table wwv_flow_date earlier or do a rollback just before the moment that the http server is timing out.
    Mathieu Meeuwissen

    Hello Shmoove,
    I saw your reply here and you probably understand the problems the HTTP 100 response may cause.
    I am trying to send image that was taken by getSnapshot. The problem is that the server respond with this HTTP 100 message.
    I suspect that the reason that my server doesn't recognize the file that I'm sending from J2me is that the "server to client" response to the 100 message comes after the second message of (see what the TCPIP viewer shows down here):
    POST /up01/up02.aspx HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=xxxxyyyyzzz
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Content-length: 6294
    User-Agent: UNTRUSTED/1.0
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    400: Client to Server (126 bytes)
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="pic"; filename="david.jpg"
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream
    400: Connected to Server
    400: Server to Client (112 bytes)
    HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.1
    Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 00:47:02 GMT
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Any help will be appreciated,

  • How to deal with OpenCL grey out issue.

    First off, I'm not native english speaker.
    I have Nvidia GeForce 550 Ti video card, and its support OpenCL v1.1.
    I'm also face a "random" OpenCL grey out issue like other people here, but I found the "issue" and how to deal with.
    open a command windows (using WinKey + R, and type cmd <enter>)
    type "cd C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)" <enter>
    type "sniffer_gpu" <enter>  -->> to check your GPU has OpenCL in Photoshop?
    When GPU is in power-saving mode (core running in 51Mhz, using MSI Afterburner monitor), I running sniffer_gpu, got this report
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)>sniffer_gpu
    Device: 0000000000328D68 has video RAM(MB): 1023
    Vendor string:    NVIDIA Corporation
    Renderer string:  GeForce GTX 550 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
    Version string:   3.0.0
    OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
    OpenGL Version 3.0
    Has NPOT support: TRUE
    Has Framebuffer Object Extension support: TRUE
    OpenGL ok
    Return code: 1
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)>
    No OpenCL support
    Then, I switch GPU back to normal status (core running at 900Mhz)
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)>sniffer_gpu
    Device: 00000000001F8D68 has video RAM(MB): 1023
    Vendor string:    NVIDIA Corporation
    Renderer string:  GeForce GTX 550 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
    Version string:   3.0.0
    OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
    OpenGL Version 3.0
    Has NPOT support: TRUE
    Has Framebuffer Object Extension support: TRUE
    OpenGL ok
    OpenCL ok, version=1.1 CUDA 4.2.1
    Return code: 3
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)>
    OpenCL support !!
    Nowadays, most of new GPUs were support power-saving, but when sniffer_gpu running at GPU power-saving state, the OpenCL computing report maybe "time-out", cause the detector "guess" the GPU does not support OpenCL. This is why many people says "OpenCL" sometimes work, sometimes grey-out.
    I hope this bug can be fixed, or at least people can understand how to "enable OpenCL everytime when you launch photoshop".

    Do check the following link

  • How to deal with credentials for external applications using a Java Client/

    Hi Guys,
    This is the case. I am integrating an external application with an ADF Application. I have implemented some programmatic ViewObjects that are being filled up by a REST Java Client Wrapper. Everything is working fine but the issue is that the credentials the wrapper is using are hard coded inside the java class. I am thinking to ask for the credentials at the beginning of my taskflow and then store them somewhere and use them then to create my client wrapper (passing them in the constructor).
    However, I don't know if my approach is good and I would like you to share your experiences or how to deal with this.

    You can use Credential Store Framework to store the credentials securely in the weblogic server instead of hardcoding in the java class.
    The Credential Store Framework:
    - enables you to manage credentials securely
    - provides an API for storage, retrieval, and maintenance of credentials in different back-end repositories
    Check the documentation on CSF API -
    Major Steps -
    1. Create a credential map and key in em console to store the password (
    2. Use CSF API to retrieve the stored password
    3. In jazn-data.xml give permissions to access CSF key and map

  • How to deal with hindi lang

    I am storing text messages in a PropertyResourceBundle as follows
    txt_EmailAdd = {mel ADres
    txt_Password = pasvDR
    I made the above file in MSword using hindi fonts
    The folllowing text is supposed to be in hindi
    {mel ADres
    but it does not show the text in hindi it still shows in English but when I open the above text file in MSword it shows the text in hindi
    Please tell me how to deal with this problem . I hope you people reply as eaarly as possible.
    I also have another prob, I am developing a website using jsp+servlet now I have made the above mentioned property file and stored it in c:\tomcat5.0\webapps\emailreadersevice\
    but when I access it from my application's index.jsp file Tomcat gives me following exception
    My index.jsp file is stored in c:\tomcat5.0\webapps\emailreaderservice\index.jsp
    In my index.jsp file i have written the following statement to get the IndexMessagesBundle but tomcat gives me the above exception.
    ResourceBundle IndexMessages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("IndexMessagesBundle",currentLocale);  
    Please guide me abt how to go abt it. Also tell me whether I am doing the right thing or not. If no then please tell me the right steps to follow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Hi one_dane
    I have made the property file using hindi fonts to type the following thing
    { m e l A D r e s
    p a s v D R
    No the above values are not place holders Infact in order to type EmailAddress and Password in hindi I had to type the above keys. so when I put system.out.println in my jsp page it does not display any hindi text but the above keys which i used to type in order to display hindi text in my txt file.
    But I think i am not going on the right track should i type the unicode values for hindi text which is of the form \udddd in my property file. I have the unicode chart for hindi fonts so I can look up the chart and type appropriate unicodes(\udddd) to display Email Address and Password in hindi. Or am i still not getting how to do it? If not then please tell me how did you create your hindi property file. Is the following that you typed in your property file or is it the output of converting your property file into unicode using native2ascii
    title=\u090f\u0926\u0938\u093e \u092a\u0917\u0932\u094d\u0917 \u0942\u093e\u0902\u0942JSP i18n issues
    Please reply as soon as possible and hanks a lot for your help.
    Eagerly waiting for a reply,
    Heti shah

  • How to deal with multiple language SQL script?

    Hi All,
    We now want to create a SQL script that contains multiple languages(English, Chinese, Japanese), this script need to be run at there different database installed on different OS, for example, Oracle9i on Windows 2000 English Edition/Chinese Edition/Japanese Edition.
    If I save the file as ANSI format, this file will only be recognized at local OS(e.g. the Chinese and Japanese character will not be normally displayed on other OS, if I run the script, the CH/JP characters will not be stored normally in DB).
    If I save the file as Unicode format, this file can be recognized by all three OS, but Oracle SQL Plus will not recognize it, thus we can't run the script.
    Who can tell me how to deal with this issue? Is it possible to save only one script that can run on different language OS?

    The ISQLplus supports multiple languages, but there will be following problems for my case:
    1.ISQLplus don't support Unicode format script too, so I must save the file as ANSI format.
    2.To display the characters normally depends on the database server's platform. I create a script contain three languages with ANSI format in Chinese OS, but if I want to load this script to database server installed on English OS via ISQLplus, the Chinese characters will not be displayed normally too.
    So, I think this is not only related with Oracle but also the Windows OS, it is hard to create one file with ANSI format that can be displayed normally in different platforms.
    Thank you all the same,

  • How to deal with this problem while Flex Integration   SSH

    Error creating bean with name '_messageBroker': Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: flex/messaging/AbstractFlexSessionProvider……
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: flex.messaging.AbstractFlexSessionProvider
    I have  exist project used  SSH ,and now need flex to be use in some new unint.
    I hava follow these step to write my code , please help me to pickup the misstake  i had token.
    (flex4.0  spring 3.6 strust2.2 **)
    1. download the Blazeds file  and spring-flex-core-1.5.2.RELEASE.jar
    (org.springframework.integration-1.0.3.RELEASE.jar also include)
    2. unpack the Blazeds copy the flex folder to WEB-INF 
    3.add the lib/*  to my project lib folder
    4.add some declaration in the web.xml a flex-application-config.xml 
    ^^^^ and so on.  I don't know how  to deal with this problem!!!
    Waitting for help!

    The information you provided is totally useless for determining the problem.
    If it helps, I think the message you are getting is related to BlazeDS not being able to find the service class you are calling. You either have a typo somewhere, or you didn't set up a secure channel in your service config (I am assuming you meant SSL and not SSH).

  • How to deal with dynamic IP address changes

    I have installed Fodero C3 and Oracle 10g successfully. Oracle 10g use web OEM console to manage database. However, my internet provider only provided me a dynamic IP address. When I installed Fedora C3, Linux server automatically picked a Hostname like "". After I created database, all database files also used this hostname. Then Oracle web OEM console worked fine. Due to the dynamic IP address assigned by ISP, their DHCP server changed the first part of IP address(ip12-345-678-90)frequently to another one. After IP address changed, I couldn't start up web OEM console and listener because they couldn't find correct hostname (IP address). I have talked to my ISP. It seems that it can not be solved. Anyone knows how to deal with this problem through 10g and OEM console themseleves. I also think about to configure Linux server to solve the problem. I really need your help. Thanks in advance

    Thank all of you so much to respond my questions. I think I have solved the problem. Since the key point was that Oracle 10g OEM console could not work with the frequent changes of IP address made by my ISP. I just bought a 54G wireless router. Then connecting router to cable modem. The cable modem still gets the dynamic IP from ISP, but the router automatically assigned a static IP address to my Linux system with the range from - This IP was control by my router. It is nothing to do with ISP. So I re-created Oracle database with this new static IP. Then OEM console and listener can startup and connect to database without problem. I do think other guru's methods also will work. I just have no time to try them one by one. Thanks again. Your inputs make me learn many things.

  • How to deal with this problem?

    How to deal with this problem?
    We plan to use Oracle Coherence (In Memory Data Grid) for a large-scale application. In order to keep the database table data in Coherence caches, we will create all the corresplonding Java objects (entities) and construct the persistence system using JPA/EclipseLink+JDBC. In this way, any in-memory object update will be persisted to the corresponding database tables.
    The problem is that some existing application codes are updating these database tables directly now. If the direct-database-table update is not permmited in the persistence environment, we have to discard most of the existing application scripts.
    I want to know, in this situation, should I discard most of the existing scripts?
    Are there any other solutions?

    Allowing writes from both cache & DB is possible with its own set of issues.
    The main issue to consider is conflicts from updates on same record via both cache and DB. If your caches are write-through the conflict decreases - but then cache writes become slower. If your caches are write-behind potentially the older cache update will overwrite the latest DB update. Now you are back to Database 101 -- timestamps, versions, etc...
    If you use a DB trigger to initiate the resync request you might want to distinguish whether the update has come from the cache-store (in which case, you may choose to do nothing), or if the update was from the 'existing apps', etc...
    If you choose to inject the resync logic at the application code level - you have the usual sourcecode issues - can you modify the code, is all the DB code localized, what options do you have to link with Coherence functionality (DLL, external proc, webservice, etc), etc... Naturally though, if you have to make substantial changes to signal a might consider taking the extra step and change the code to write to the cache.

  • How to deal with user session when power goes off

    One day I had 170 oracle session connected on oracle database server and and suddenly electricity went off. but server was still running. and after power back on ther same bunch of user try to connect it.So I don't know what happen to those 170 session. does anybody know how to deal with this? I did shutdown and restart of database but I am not sure that is correct way to deal with this kind of situation.

    If the database server is still running, the sessions will remain there, but it depends on how they got connected to the server. If they got access through a middle tier which maintains the session and this MT is still running the sessions will still be visible from the database perspective, unless the MT handles the disconnection event.
    If the sessions are working on a Client-Server basis, then PMON will mark the sessions as abruptly broken and it will get rid of them. Sessions may eventually remain hanged, but it depends on the topology, so the way you proceed was a clean database restart.
    ~ Madrid

  • How to deal with the situation when the database change into ms-sqlserver ?

    Hi,dear all,
    How to deal with the situation when the database change into ms-sqlserver or other database?
    Now, i want to build a j2ee project with ORACLE ADF bc,but this project may be used in several diffrent databases for example oracle db,ms db,mysql and so on.however,if i have developer this project in jdeveloper and this project connection was config as a oracle database,and then,can this project be reused for other databases espasially including the model codes? if yes,how should i do?
    all who know how to resolve this,tell me pls,thanks.
    bruce Li,
    Message was edited by:

    Hi Paulbin,
    Do you want to supply a function-pointer to a DLL so it can call[back] your VI?  Here's how it can be done with .NET, though, that solution requires a C compiler.   A single "VI_to_function-reference" utility could handle all cases where the callback passes no parameters.  Maybe someday somebody will share that dll.
    Did you know that LabVIEW can use Events for some COM-signals change?  See pic.  (Note: DTR is not listed - - )
    Another question is another function's prototype is WORD SetTestType(WORD comHandle, bool type1, bool type2, bool type3),   I tried to use a boolean control and a Boolean to (0,1) node in labVIEW to pass parameters to CLF, I config the bool input value as U8(according to C++ bool type) and U32(according to WIN32 BOOL type), it dose not help, when I execute the VI, LabVIEW will be disappeare, it seems to be closed, I must start it again.
    Could someone has similar experience on this points?
    It's easy to crash LabVIEW misusing CLF - maybe there's another reason for the crash besides bool mis-match(?)  Do you know which "Calling convention" is required?  What type is comHandle? (where does comHandle come from?) 
    Message Edited by tbd on 03-23-2007 09:34 PM
    Message Edited by tbd on 03-23-2007 09:35 PM
    "Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out." (attributed to Tony Hoare)
    evt.jpg ‏7 KB

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