How set up Tomcat 5?

how do i set up tomcat 5 to be "JSF-enabled"?
Which jars must be shipped with my JSF-Webapp?
What have to be done?
Best regards,

Hi Matthias,
Sorry about my boring posts, but i think i must post everything:
It's a app called squarecalc:
Ok, first the web.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<web-app xmlns=""
    xsi:schemaLocation=" web-app_2_4.xsd"
     <!-- #############  Faces Servlet  #############  -->
          <servlet-name>JavaServer Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
     <!-- ############# Mapping ###############  -->
          <servlet-name>JavaServer Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
</web-app> The faces-config.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
  "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.0//EN"
</faces-config>The eingabe.jsf:
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
     <title>Berechnung eines Fl�cheninhaltes</title>
     <h3>JSF-Beispielanwendung zur Berechnung eines Fl�cheninhaltes:</h3>
    <i>Dieses Programm berechnet aufgrund der Eingabe einer
    Seitenl�nge den Fl�cheninhalt eines Quadrates.</i>
    <h:form id="inputForm">
          Bitte geben Sie eine Seitenl�nge ein:     
          <h:inputText value="#{Square.length}" />
          <h:commandButton value="Berechnen" action="success" />
</html>The ausgabe.jsf:
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
     <title>Berechnung eines Fl�cheninhaltes</title>
     <h3>JSF-Beispielanwendung zur Berechnung eines Fl�cheninhaltes:</h3>
    <i>Dieses Programm berechnet aufgrund der Eingabe einer
    Seitenl�nge den Fl�cheninhalt eines Quadrates.</i>
    <h:form id="inputForm">
          Ergebnis der Berechnung<br><br>
          Ihre Eingabe war: <h:outputText value="#{Square.length}" />
          damit ist der Fl�cheninhalt: <h:outputText value="#{Square.area}" />
public class SquareBean {
     private int length;
     private int area;
     public int getArea() {
          return length*length;
     public int getLength() {
          return length;
     public void setArea(int i) {
          area = i;
     public void setLength(int i) {
          length = i;
}The directory-structure:
----tldsIn classes is of course the SquareClalc-Bean.
In lib is:
In tlds is:
Sorry for the long and boring posting.
Best regards & thanks

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    Hi Raj,
    You can do this by creating a Login screen for the users and check the authentication of each user in PAI i.e. PROCESS AFTER INPUT.
    Store the user information in a database table and check the username and password when the user enters it.
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    Not an area I can help with but try this post.
    Also look through the forum. There are some detailed posts on this.
    Finally take a look at There are some relevant blogs there.
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    In your tomcat confiruration files there must be some file for setting the mime types. You can add the required mime types to that file.
    Or the mime type configuration can be a part of some configuration file, you can change it there. Please look in to the conf directory.

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    HEllo ,
    you can set up tomcat to run on diffrent port other than 8080.While running the set up of tomcat it asks for the port number you give it some other port number
    hope this will solve your problem
    Apratim Khandalkar

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    Have a look at . I believe it's works the same way as for Tomcat 4.1.
    The following steps briefly describe what to do:
    1. Install the mod_jk DLL (if running on Windows) in your Apache\modules directory. You can find it on as JK 1.2 'Binary Releases'. (Installing the JK2 Connector is more complicated.) Just copy it over.
    2. Create a file in you Tomcat\conf\jk directory with the following content:
    # Definiert worker fuer Tomcat
    # --- Settings for the ajp13 worker
    You may need to make amendments if you're not running it on the same host or port.
    3. In your Apache conf directory edit the httpd.conf file. Add the following lines:
    # load the module you just added
    LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk_xxx.dll
    # set path for your settings
    JkWorkersFile "D:/Programs/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/conf/jk/"
    JkLogFile "D:/Programs/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/logs/mod_jk.log"
    JkLogLevel info
    <VirtualHost *>
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    <Directory "D:/Programs/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/yourwebapp">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.jsp
    # all requests to this path will be forwarded to Tomcat
    JkMount /yourwebapp/* ajp13
    I hope that helps.

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    Finally we solve this.
    In startup.bat we've changed string
    call "%EXECUTABLE%" start %CMD_LINE_ARGS%
    call "%EXECUTABLE%" run %CMD_LINE_ARGS% 1>..\logs\catalina.out 2>..\logs\catalina-err.out
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    >I'm not at all sure that you CAN change the portal language in the way that you want.
    >Perhaps you should repost this question in the portal forum.
    No i manage the language of WebDynpro myself, with tables from R3.
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    The isn't an OBJECT CLASS STANDARD od WebDynpro that do that?
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    No one did something of similar?
    Message was edited by: giovanni angerame

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