How should I edit an alpha channel after saving?

I have a series of files in which I improperly modified the selection set prior to saving the selection, and now around the intended viewable area there is a hazy artifact that seems to correspond to where I manually edited the selection using Quick Mask (prior to saving).
In other words, within the area of the alpha channel that should be invisible, there is actually a visible, unwanted grey-ish artifact, and I think it's related to how I was using the brush to edit the selection in Quick Mask before saving.
Now I am unable to edit the alpha channel, although Adobe's own website says that in order to edit an alpha channel, all I need to do is select the alpha channel (which I am doing) and then paint at 100% black or white with a brush to either include or exclude parts of selection set.
When I choose the brush and start painting at 100% black or white, nothing happens and I can't figure out what is happening.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The exact steps that I'm taking are below:
1) click on alpha channel (visible and ready for editing), all other channels only visible not active.
2) selecting the brush at either 100% black or white
3) attempting to paint to alter the alpha channel (I've tried painting on the actual alpha channel in Channels, and I've tried painting on the alpha channel as it appears in Layers, and neither works for me).
I actually am able to "edit" the alpha channel HOWEVER I cannot remove the hazy artifact. I can use 100% black or white to remove the pink/light red areas on either the actual alpha channel (in the Channels area) or as it appears in Layers, but I cannot remove the areas that are grey-ish (well I can paint them white but I can't paint them black, i.e. fully pink).
A teacher showed me a quick fix process that basically involves activating the alpha channel, inverting the selection, and then deleting everything outside of the alpha channel, and then resaving the file. That worked at one point, but now that quick fix is not working either (I am just ending up with a completely visible, white space around the intended visible area, rather than an invsible area).
EDIT (07:22 3.20.13) Also, if you look at what Photoshop is registering as the actual alpha channle, it doesn't match with what I'm seeing above, that is the black and white alpha channel appears to be as expected, and there is not the weird distortion that I'm seeing above in the pink/grey image.
So I am super confused and would appreciate any help!

I greatly appreciate your help with this.
However, after adjustting the black from 99 to 100%, and double checking that the white is fully zero (right now I can't find any files with the white set to anything but "0," so I don't know why some of my screenshots showed that), I am still unable to use black to contract a selection, or white to erase unwanted areas of the alpha channel (this specific post's problem).
So, I'm completely baffeled and am wondering if there is anything else that could be accounting for these results (i.e. the black and white paint not producing the expected results).
Thanks again,
I attempted to make another alpha channel, this time without any manual adjustment of selection via the paint brush. Instead, I used the selection modification option of Contract and used it to contract the selection.
SAME problem. The area that I contracted using Contract, (never painted), is once again displaying a slight grey artifact in the area that is supposed to be completely transparent.

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    const int32 IMAGE_DEPTH = 32;
    SPBasicSuite * sSPBasic = NULL;
    SPPluginRef gPluginRef = NULL;
    FormatRecord * gFormatRecord = NULL;
    intptr_t * gMxiInfoHandle = NULL;
    MXIInfo* gMxiInfo = NULL;
    int16 * gResult = NULL;
    #define gCountResources gFormatRecord->resourceProcs->countProc
    #define gGetResources   gFormatRecord->resourceProcs->getProc
    #define gAddResource    gFormatRecord->resourceProcs->addProc
    CmaxwellMXI* cMax;
    static void DoReadPrepare (void){
        gFormatRecord->maxData = 0;
    static void DoReadStart(void){
        char header[2];
        ReadScriptParamsOnRead (); // override params here
      if (*gResult != noErr) return;
        // Read the file header
        *gResult = SetFPos (gFormatRecord->dataFork, fsFromStart, 0);
        if (*gResult != noErr) return;
        ReadSome (sizeof( header ) * 2, &header);
        if (*gResult != noErr) return;
      // Check the magic number for avoid no-mxi files
        int headerID = CheckIdentifier (header);
        if( headerID != HEADER_MXI ) *gResult = formatCannotRead;
      if (*gResult != noErr) return;
      // The file is OK. Let's continue to obtain the data of the image.
      cMax = new CmaxwellMXI( 0 );
      gMxiInfo->filename = _strdup((char *)gFormatRecord->fileSpec->name + 1);
      bool res = cMax->getMXIIInfo(
                    (const char*)gMxiInfo->filename,
                    gMxiInfo->width, gMxiInfo->height,
                    gMxiInfo->burn, gMxiInfo->monitorGamma, gMxiInfo->iso,
                    gMxiInfo->shutter, gMxiInfo->fStop, gMxiInfo->intensity,
                    gMxiInfo->nMultilightChannels, gMxiInfo->lightNamesList,
                    gMxiInfo->widthPreview, gMxiInfo->heightPreview,
      if(!res) return;
      // Check the available extra buffers
      int count = 0;
      if( gMxiInfo->availableBuffersMask & CmaxwellMXI::ALPHA_BUFFER ){
        // We will use that string to obtain later the desired extra buffer.
        gMxiInfo->extraBuffersList[count] = "ALPHA";
        gMxiInfo->hasAlpha = true;
        gMxiInfo->hasAlpha = false;
      gMxiInfo->nExtraBuffers = count;
      switch( IMAGE_DEPTH ){
      case 8:
          gMxiInfo->mode = plugInModeRGBColor;
      case 16:
          gMxiInfo->mode = plugInModeRGB48;
      case 32:
          gMxiInfo->mode = plugInModeRGB48; //96 gives me an error
      VPoint imageSize;
      if( gFormatRecord->openForPreview ){
        // Preview always RGB8.
        imageSize.v = gMxiInfo->heightPreview;
        imageSize.h = gMxiInfo->widthPreview;
        gFormatRecord->depth = 8;
        gFormatRecord->imageMode = plugInModeRGBColor;
        gFormatRecord->planes = 3;
        gFormatRecord->loPlane = 0;
        gFormatRecord->hiPlane = 2;
        gFormatRecord->colBytes = 3;
        gFormatRecord->rowBytes = imageSize.h * gFormatRecord->planes;
        gFormatRecord->planeBytes = 1;
        // Configure the layers. All RGBA32.
        imageSize.v = gMxiInfo->height;
        imageSize.h = gMxiInfo->width;
        gFormatRecord->depth = IMAGE_DEPTH;
        gFormatRecord->imageMode = gMxiInfo->mode;
        gFormatRecord->layerData =
            2 + gMxiInfo->nMultilightChannels + gMxiInfo->nExtraBuffers;
        gFormatRecord->planes = 4; // RGBA.
        gFormatRecord->loPlane = 0;
        gFormatRecord->hiPlane = 3;
        gFormatRecord->planeBytes = IMAGE_DEPTH >> 3;
        gFormatRecord->rowBytes = imageSize.h * gFormatRecord->planes * ( IMAGE_DEPTH >> 3 );
        gFormatRecord->colBytes = gFormatRecord->planes * ( IMAGE_DEPTH >> 3 );
        gFormatRecord->transparencyPlane = 3;
        gFormatRecord->transparencyMatting = 1;
        gFormatRecord->blendMode = PIBlendLinearDodge;
        gFormatRecord->isVisible = true;
      gFormatRecord->imageHRes = FixRatio(72, 1);
      gFormatRecord->imageVRes = FixRatio(72, 1);
      VRect theRect;
      theRect.left = 0;
      theRect.right = imageSize.h; = 0;
      theRect.bottom = imageSize.v;
      // No resources for now.
      if (sPSHandle->New != NULL) gFormatRecord->imageRsrcData = sPSHandle->New(0);
      gFormatRecord->imageRsrcSize = 0;
    /// Called for prewiew only.
    static void DoReadContinue (void){
        // Dispose of the image resource data if it exists.
        DisposeImageResources ();
      if( gFormatRecord->openForPreview ){   
        VPoint imageSize = GetFormatImageSize();
        gFormatRecord->data = gMxiInfo->bufferPreview;
          if (*gResult == noErr) *gResult = gFormatRecord->advanceState();
        if( gFormatRecord->data != NULL ){
          delete[] (Crgb8*)gMxiInfo->bufferPreview;
          gMxiInfo->bufferPreview = NULL;
          gFormatRecord->data = NULL;
      // De momento nos olvidamos de los icc profiles [TODO]
        //DoReadICCProfile ();
    static void DoReadFinish (void)
        // Dispose of the image resource data if it exists.
        DisposeImageResources ();
        WriteScriptParamsOnRead (); // should be different for read/write
      // write a history comment
        AddComment ();
      // Clean some memory.
      if( gMxiInfo->lightNamesList != NULL ){
        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < gMxiInfo->nMultilightChannels; i++){
          if( gMxiInfo->lightNamesList[i] != NULL ){
            delete[] gMxiInfo->lightNamesList[i];
            gMxiInfo->lightNamesList[i] = NULL;
        delete[] gMxiInfo->lightNamesList;
        gMxiInfo->lightNamesList = NULL;
      if( gMxiInfo->bufferPreview != NULL ){
        delete[] gMxiInfo->bufferPreview;
        gMxiInfo->bufferPreview = NULL;
      if( gMxiInfo->filename != NULL ){
        delete[] gMxiInfo->filename;
        gMxiInfo->filename = NULL;
      if( cMax != NULL ){
        delete cMax;
        cMax = NULL;
    static void DoReadLayerStart(void){
      // empty
    static void DoReadLayerContinue (void){
      int32 done;
        int32 total;
      VPoint imageSize = GetFormatImageSize();
      // Set the progress bar data
      done = gFormatRecord->layerData + 1;
      total = gMxiInfo->nMultilightChannels + gMxiInfo->nExtraBuffers + 2;
      // Dispose of the image resource data if it exists.
      DisposeImageResources ();
      uint32 bufferSize = imageSize.v * gFormatRecord->rowBytes;
      int nPixels = gMxiInfo->width * gMxiInfo->height;
      char* lightName = NULL;
      if( gFormatRecord->layerData == 0 ){
        gFormatRecord->data = (void*)new byte[bufferSize];
        for( int i = 0; i < nPixels; i++ ){
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 ]     =
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 1 ] =
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 2 ] = 0.0;
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 3 ] = 1.0;
        // Set the layer name.
        gFormatRecord->layerName = new uint16[64];
        gFormatRecord->layerName[0] = 'B';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[1] = 'a';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[2] = 'c';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[3] = 'k';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[4] = 'g';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[5] = 'r';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[6] = 'o';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[7] = 'u';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[8] = 'n';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[9] = 'd';
        gFormatRecord->layerName[10] = '\0';
      else if( gFormatRecord->layerData < gMxiInfo->nMultilightChannels + 1 ){
        void* lightBuffer = NULL;
        void* alphaBuffer = NULL;
        byte foob;
        dword food;
        // Get the light buffer.
        bool res = cMax->getLightBuffer(
                               gFormatRecord->layerData - 1, IMAGE_DEPTH,
                               gMxiInfo->width, gMxiInfo->height, lightName);
          *gResult = readErr;
        if( gMxiInfo->hasAlpha ){
          // Get the alpha buffer.
          res = cMax->getExtraBuffer(
                                "ALPHA", IMAGE_DEPTH, alphaBuffer,
                                food, food, foob);
            *gResult = readErr;
          alphaBuffer = (void*)new float[ gMxiInfo->width * gMxiInfo->height * 3 ];
          for( int i = 0; i < nPixels; i++ ){
            // Only need to set the red channel.
            ((float*)alphaBuffer)[ i * 3 ] = 1.0;
        // Put them together.
        gFormatRecord->data = (void*)new byte[bufferSize];
        for( int i = 0; i < nPixels; i++ ){
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 ]     = ((float*)lightBuffer)[ i * 3 ];
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 1 ] = ((float*)lightBuffer)[ i * 3 + 1 ];
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 2 ] = ((float*)lightBuffer)[ i * 3 + 2 ];
          ((float*)gFormatRecord->data)[ i * 4 + 3 ] = ((float*)alphaBuffer)[ i * 3 ];
        delete[] (float*)lightBuffer;
        delete[] (float*)alphaBuffer;
        // Set the layer name.
      if( ... ){
      if( ... ){
      // User can abort.
      if (gFormatRecord->abortProc()){
          *gResult = userCanceledErr;
      // Commit the layer.
      if (*gResult == noErr) *gResult = gFormatRecord->advanceState();
      // Update the progress bar.
      (*gFormatRecord->progressProc)( done, total );
      // Free memory.
      if( gFormatRecord->data != NULL ){
        delete[] (float*)gFormatRecord->data;
        gFormatRecord->data = NULL;
      if( lightName != NULL ){
        delete[] lightName;
        lightName = NULL;
    static void DoReadLayerFinish (void)
      // Nothing to do.
    And that's the image that I obtain loading a 8 layer image:
    The layers have transparency (when I set "transparencyPlane" to  -1, or 0, or 1, or 2, or 3, or 4....., I got the same result!). The blending mode is still "normal". I had set it to "linear dodge" The "isVisible" param works OK.
    Alpha 1 is still black.
    Is possible that I need to set something in the .r file? I had to add "FormatLayerSupport { doesSupportFormatLayers }," to manage layers, for instance.

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    Two options.
    Export the gallery again but to your desktop. Find the Index page with the description on it and edit to the way you want. Dreamweaver will work fine but a text editor will suffice. Save the page and upload that page only- replacing the one online.
    Discard the exported gallery.
    Second option, download the offending page via FTP, edit it and replace on your site.

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    My questions are as follows:
    I presume I need to create and save my ODC files in a PWA > Data Connections folder.  I have English and French users in our environment.  Do I need save them twice?  Once in the French and again in the English Data Connections folder?
     Likewise for the Excel file? 
    How should I go about creating my ODC files within Excel?  By default, the ODC files are being created on my PC's > My Documents > My Data Sources folder.  I presume I need to get them saved or exported to the PWA > Data Connections
    folder. So, How should I be going about creating and saving and/ or exporting the ODC files???
    FYI...My oData Feeds that I wish to use and join in this particular Excel file are as follows:'$select=ProjectId,ProjectName,CAS_Classification,CAS_PCO,CAS_IT_Department,CAS_Program,CAS_SubProgram,TimeDayOfTheWeek$filter=TimeByDay ge datetime'2014-10-19T00:00:00'$select=ResourceId,ResourceName,Programs,Supplier,Source,Role,CostType
    Thanks in advance,
    \Spiro Theopoulos PMP, MCITP. Montreal, QC (Canada)

    Thank you Guilaume.  May I ask you to help clarify a bit more for me?  If I have to do it for both languages (the reports and ODC files), do I simply copy the same ODC files from e.g., the English to French folder in PWA (Odc files)?  Or does
    that defeat the purpose?  Or, do I need to create a new set of oData Feed Connection files with a French version of Excel 2013 and save them to the French Data Connections folder in PWA?  Do I need to have a French version of Excel 2013 to create
    French ODC files and ultimately French based reports and/ or vice versa?
    I did notice that the following oData metadata command from within a browser produces different results (ie., English versus French metadata returned) depending on who runs it (i.e., French or English user, etc).  As you can see I am a bit confused.
     Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.$metadata
    \Spiro Theopoulos PMP, MCITP. Montreal, QC (Canada)

  • How come AE cannot interpret Alpha Channel from ProRes4444 ?

    Hi there,
    I exported a video clip using Final Cut Pro X with alpha channel using the ProRes4444 codec.
    I have tested his alpha channel works & it works in FInal Cut Pro X when I import it back to Final Cut Pro X to test it.
    However, when I bring this file to After Effects CS5, it cannot recognize the alpha channel because the transparent part are all in solid black.
    How do I make AE interpret the ProRes4444 file as transparent with alpha channel ?

    Rick Gerard wrote:
    ryan_khoo wrote:
    Q1. But how do I check the file interpretation in AE ?
    Q2. I am using AE CS5. Is it bcos you are using AE CS5.5 that you never have problem with ProRes4444 ?
    Q1. This is part of the basics. Select the file you want to interpret in the Project Panel then either right click or go to the menu File>Interpret Footage>Main or use the keyboard shortcut Alt/Option + Ctrl/Cmnd + G
    Q2. Nope... It's always worked. There were some gamma problems for a while, and a few other bugs here and there with ProRez, but if you're Mac is up to date you should have no problems with the alpha channel.
    Thanks Rick for your help, I really appreciate it as I am not quite familiar with AE.
    Q1. I did the steps you taught me & a new screen pop out. But under the "Main Options" tab, the section under Alpha, there are 4 choices (Ignore, Straight-Unmatted, Premutliplied-Matted with color, Invert Alpha). But all these was all greyed out. Any idea why ?
    Q2. I am using Mac & I just checked my AE CS5 is Version 10.0. I am a student and i bought the Student Edition. Student Edition not allowed to update, right ?

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    I don't use Edge, but since it is a web tool it stands to reason it would use standard web techniques, meaning it would rely on built-in transparency functions of formats like PNG and GIF, which you can easily produce by using Save for Web after creating normal transparency on a layer in Photoshop. No extra Alpha channel or otehr extra steps required. Perhaps Edge even has some stuff that does the conversion on the fly by allowing you to open a native PSD like in Dreamweaver, but beyond that I don't see what else it could/ would do - all the features it can provide are limited by standard specifications for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There is simply no way to do something sensible with a TIFF in a browser, if you get my meaning .

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    Thank you

    As far as I know you cannot change these saved details.
    Contact Toshiba directly and explain the situation. They can do this and change all data saved in their database.
    Send a mail on [email protected]
    You must contact Toshiba in your country. Contact details can be found at
    Dont forget to send exact notebook model, serial number and your full address.
    Explain also what should be changed.
    Message was edited by: ADMIN

  • Procedure for Integrating Alpha Channel when saving as .dds file

    I'll try to keep this brief but that may be tough...
    One project I use Photoshop CS4 for is painting aircraft used with Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX).  Here is some background for folks who aren't familiar with this.
    Each aircraft is downloaded as a "Paint Kit".  The kits look much like the "trees" that plastic aircraft model kit pieces come attached to (see picture below). 
    I paint and add layers onto the kit until the aircraft resembles the design I chose.  The paint kit includes a background,  base parts usually in white, and an assortment of layers adding physical wear, shading, lines and rivets you see on actual aircraft.
    Additionally, the kit includes an RGB Alpha Channel and Specular Maps.  In this application, the Alpha channel provides the reflectivity or gloss on the aircraft paint.  The Specular maps provide a sheen much like the subtle reflections you see from a metal flake paint job when the sun hits it directly.
    Once all painting and manipulation is complete, the kit is "cut" into specific sizes.  Once the kit is cut, each section is saved as a DDS file using NVidia tools.  The resulting DDS files are placed into folders within the main FSX program folder.  The FSX program "assembles" the sections and processes the different layers and channels resulting in aircraft that are incredibly detailed and realistic.
    My problem is I don't know how to properly integrate and preserve the Alpha channel during the "Flatten Image" and when saving the file as a dds file.  As you can see in the "Layers" section in the picture, the Alpha channel is already made.  I just don't know what to do with it to preserve it and ensure the reflectivity it provides is visible in the final product.
    Any help is appreciated - what I need to know isn't what the alpha does, but how to properly integrate it into the final product.  I've searched for this info for the last several days, but I've had no luck in finding specific information on how to do that.  I believe it's one of those procedures that is so simple, everyone knows how to do it.  I guess I'm the only idiot on the planet that doesn't know how... .
    The paint kit can be downloaded at  if you need it to answer my question or if you're just curious about it.
    Thanks for your time and consideration.

    I know nothing about Nvidia DDS file format or 3D.  From you screen capture you have no Alpha Channel.  You do have a normal layer named Alpha Channel with its visibility turn off. Why are you flatting ? When I use Save As and use the file type pull-down and select DDS format to save I get the Nvidia DDS save Dialog that I do not know how to use or understand the buttons options or pull-down menu items. The file instruction and its background make no does not seem to match up with the parts.
    I think you have to read the documentation for the Nvidia DDS plug-in. and the normal map plug-in

  • How to get accounting data when miro after saving?

         As subject. Because I want to print credit memo when miro after saving for transaction is credit memo and need to determine GL account and posting key. Then this data need to insert to add-on table for reprint using.
        Thanks a lot!!
    Best Regards,
    Nicole Chen
    Edited by: Nicole Chen on Mar 11, 2009 11:19 AM

    don't need its.

  • How to create editable .mov files from After Effects

    I am creating videos for my clients using after effects.
    The requirment is that they should be able to edit the .mov files e.g adding their company name, text or logo without using after effects without losing any effects.
    How can I accomplish this?

    1.Baljeet S. Juneja, 
    Jun 18, 2012 1:36 PM   in reply to leesando
    Editing video is not possible with Photoshop Elements.
    Photoshop Elements is for photo editing
    In order to edit videos , you should use Premiere Elements or Premiere Pro
    However, Adobe does offer a combined package of Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements, which might work perfectly for someone who just needs the most basic tools for editing both photos and video.

  • How do you edit the event title after importing?

    I still have not figured this one out. It's not double click, not control click, not command click, not the "info" or "edit" buttons. What is it?
    I am also frustrated with merging and splitting events after import. I am now doing all that in the finder before I import. What a pain! Any tips?

    I don't like iPhoto '11 either.
    1. I can't change the name of the multiple events in the import window as it was possible in earier versions of iPhoto.
    2. It is not possible to merge events anymore in the import window.
    3. When I get back to the Events view directly after importing new pictures, the most recently added events do not show up.
    4. Worse, multiple earlier events seem to have disappeared all together.
    5. When quitting iPhoto, I get the message 'updating library'. After restarting iPhoto, the recently added events do show up without a name but just with a date. Then I can rename and merge these events. The events that had disappeared do show up again.
    All together, this feels like a very crappy and cumbersome upgrade...
    How do I get the correct functionality back, apart from downgrading to an earlier version of iPhoto?

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    Thanks guys, those are good tips. I have tried this on my laptop, and your tips work. However, I have noticed that upon creation of a b-spline or bezier mask on my desktop machine, I do not enter edit mode upon closing the mask points. The points are simply not there. The "Edit points" option in the contextual menu (control click) is selected, but no points are visible. However, on my laptop (MacBook Pro), all works as it should, and the masks are immediately converted to edit mode upon closure of the mask.
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    Any ideas about what is happening here? Thanks for any help at all. Getting a little frustrated here...

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    I have a flat jpg with areas of solid color that I successfully made spot channels from. I don't want the CMYK channels in there any more
    because they show up in the print dialog under output. I could just turn them off, but isn't it possible to just have a file with just
    the spot channels. When I delete the CMYK channels I get an error message that the file uses an "unsupported color space".

    I didn't make one thing clear. I'm trying to place the art in an InDesign file. That's where I'm getting the "unsupported color space" message.
    The multichannel .psd won't place...

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    I have CS5 Master Collection (S&T edition)
    HP pc

    Yes - that did exactly what I wanted.  Thank you.
    BTW do I have to reply to each person who commented or will they see the thread?  I just wanted to say thank you for all the replies!  + ask for an answer for my other?
    you are all great!

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