How to add custom user field in search result page

I want to display user defined field values in search users result page. For example, I am having USR_UDF_SSN user defined field. Now if i search users, the resultant table should display the default OOTB values (USER ID, FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, STATUS) and USR_UDF_SSN value.
We are using OIM 9.1.
- Kalyan Mutya.

You can't add this without having the source code. And on another note, i would highly suggest you DO NOT display a user's SSN unless you are in the HR system. These values should always be encrypted in OIM or you might have some bigger issues of private data being accessible.

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    I am trying to include some custom properties to our Search Results. These are the steps I have followed so far:
    Create User Profile Service Property and sync to AD. The property is populated for different users.
    Run full crawl
    Create managed property on the Schema, and map this to the crawled property
    Created a new version of the Item_Person.html template and changed its title.
    Upload to the Display Templates gallery, and created a new Result Type with this as its template
    Added the new property to the mso:ManagedPropertyMapping tag
    Went to Search Result Types, and selected "Update" on the Property Sync alert
    On the new template, the new property appears on the object ctx.CurrentItem, but its value is null.
    Am I missing something? Tried running full crawl and incremental crawl. Even tried removing the index first.

    Please try to add custom properties using Central Admin.
    I find a thread with the same question, check this:
    More information:
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Add Horizontal Line in People Search Results Page

    Hi everyone
    I have a modified people search results page (SharePoint Online) where I have added a few fields to the results page.  I would like to better organize the fields by placing a horizontal line in there somewhere.
    For instance, I would like to add a light gray horizontal line where I drew the red lines on this image:
    Here is a copy of my current people search results code:
    <html xmlns:mso="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:msdt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882">
    <title>UIF People Item with Work Phone</title>
    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
    <mso:TemplateHidden msdt:dt="string">0</mso:TemplateHidden>
    <mso:MasterPageDescription msdt:dt="string">Displays a result tailored for a person.</mso:MasterPageDescription>
    <mso:ContentTypeId msdt:dt="string">0x0101002039C03B61C64EC4A04F5361F385106603</mso:ContentTypeId>
    <mso:TargetControlType msdt:dt="string">;#SearchResults;#</mso:TargetControlType>
    <mso:HtmlDesignAssociated msdt:dt="string">1</mso:HtmlDesignAssociated>
    <mso:CrawlerXSLFile msdt:dt="string"></mso:CrawlerXSLFile>
    <mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'AboutMe':'AboutMe','AccountName':'AccountName','BaseOfficeLocation':'BaseOfficeLocation','Department':'Department','HitHighlightedProperties':'HitHighlightedProperties','Interests':'Interests','JobTitle':'JobTitle','Organization':'Organization','LastModifiedTime':'LastModifiedTime','Memberships':'Memberships','PastProjects':'PastProjects','Path':'Path','PictureURL':'PictureURL','PreferredName':'PreferredName','Responsibilities':'Responsibilities','Schools':'Schools','ServiceApplicationID':'ServiceApplicationID','SipAddress':'SipAddress','Skills':'Skills','UserProfile_GUID':'UserProfile_GUID','WorkEmail':'WorkEmail','OfficeNumber':'OfficeNumber','OfficeLocator':'OfficeLocator','WorkPhone':'WorkPhone','MobilePhone':'MobilePhone','HomePhone':'HomePhone','WorkId':'WorkId','YomiDisplayName':'YomiDisplayName'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>
    <mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview msdt:dt="string">, Conversion successful.</mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview>
    <mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded msdt:dt="string">True</mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded>
    <mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl msdt:dt="string"></mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl>
    <div id="Item_Person">
    if(!$isNull(ctx.CurrentItem) && !$isNull(ctx.ClientControl)){
    var id = ctx.ClientControl.get_nextUniqueId();
    var itemId = id + Srch.U.Ids.item;
    var hoverId = id + Srch.U.Ids.hover;
    $setResultItem(itemId, ctx.CurrentItem);
    var container_id = id + "_peopleContainer";
    var hhProps = Srch.U.createXMLDocument("<root>" + ctx.CurrentItem.HitHighlightedProperties + "</root>");
    var encodedPath = $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Path);
    var has_pn = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName);
    var has_sip = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress);
    var has_email = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail);
    var has_onumber = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber);
    var has_bolocation = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
    var has_olocator = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var has_wphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
    var has_mphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var has_hphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
    var has_jt = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
    var has_dp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
    var has_org = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
    var has_abme = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe);
    var has_resp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities);
    var has_pp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects);
    var has_ski = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills);
    var has_sch = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools);
    var has_int = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests);
    var has_vlm = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth);
    var has_vlw = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek);
    var has_query = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou);
    var isSelfSrch = (has_vlm == true || has_vlw == true || has_query == true);
    var delimiter = "";
    var userPersonaId = $htmlEncode(id) + "_peopleUserPersona";
    var uSip = ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress;
    var uEmail = ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail;
    var uName = ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName;
    var uPicUrl = ctx.CurrentItem.PictureURL;
    var hoverUrl = "~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_Person_HoverPanel.js";
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(container_id) =#_" class="ms-srch-people-outerContainer ms-srch-resultHover">
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(itemId) =#_" name="Item" class="ms-srch-people-item" onmouseover="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Init', event, '_#=$scriptEncode(itemId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverUrl) =#_');" onmouseout="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Hide');">
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(hoverId) =#_" class="ms-srch-hover-outerContainer"></div>
    <div id="UserPersonaContainer">
    <div id="UserPersona">
    <div id="_#= userPersonaId =#_"></div>
    <div id="UserInfoContainer">
    <div id="ContactInfo">
    <div id="NameField">
    var encodedName = (has_pn == true) ? $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName) : $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.YomiDisplayName);
    var displayName = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "preferredname");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayName)) { displayName = encodedName }
    <div id="NameValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis ms-textLarge">
    <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= encodedPath =#_" title="_#= encodedName =#_">_#= displayName =#_</a>
    if(has_jt == true) {
    <div id="JobTitleField">
    var encodedJtitle = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
    var displayJtitle = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "jobtitle");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayJtitle)) { displayJtitle = encodedJtitle }
    <div id="JobTitleValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedJtitle =#_"> _#= displayJtitle =#_ </div>
    if(has_dp == true) {
    <div id="DepartmentField">
    var encodedDept = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
    var displayDept = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "department");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayDept)) { displayDept = encodedDept }
    <div id="DepartmentValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedDept =#_"> _#= displayDept =#_ </div>
    if(has_org == true) {
    <div id="Organization">
    var encodedorg = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
    var displayorg = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "Organization");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayorg)) { displayorg = encodedorg }
    <div id="OrganizationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedorg =#_"> _#= displayorg =#_ </div>
    if(has_olocator == true) {
    <div id="OfficeLocator">
    var encodedolocator = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var displayolocator = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "OfficeLocator");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayolocator)) { displayolocator = encodedolocator }
    <div id="OfficeLocatorValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedolocator =#_"> <b>Office Locator:</b> <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator =#_">_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_</a></div>
    if(has_bolocation == true) {
    <div id="OfficeBaseLocation">
    var encodedbolocation = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
    var displaybolocation = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "BaseOfficeLocation");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaybolocation)) { displaybolocation = encodedbolocation }
    <div id="BaseOfficeLocationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedbolocation =#_"> <b>Office Location:</b> _#= displaybolocation =#_ </div>
    if(has_wphone == true) {
    <div id="WorkPhone">
    var encodedwphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
    var displaywphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "WorkPhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaywphone)) { displaywphone = encodedwphone }
    <div id="WorkPhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedwphone =#_"> <b>Office Phone:</b> _#= displaywphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_mphone == true) {
    <div id="MobilePhone">
    var encodedmphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var displaymphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "MobilePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaymphone)) { displaymphone = encodedmphone }
    <div id="MobilePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedmphone =#_"> <b>Mobile Phone:</b> _#= displaymphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_hphone == true) {
    <div id="HomePhone">
    var encodedhphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
    var displayhphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "HomePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayhphone)) { displayhphone = encodedhphone }
    <div id="HomePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedhphone =#_"> <b>Home Phone:</b> _#= displayhphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_resp == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true || has_sch == true) {
    <div id="MoreInfoShort">
    if(has_resp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "responsibilities", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="ResponsibilitiesValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Responsibilities) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_ski == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="SkillsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_pp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="PastProjectsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_int == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="InterestsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_sch == true){
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "schools", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="SchoolsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Schools) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(has_abme == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true) {
    <div id="MoreInfoLong">
    if(has_abme == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "aboutme"), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe, 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_ski == true && has_resp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_pp == true && (has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_int == true && (has_pp == true || has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(isSelfSrch == true) {
    <hr class="ms-srch-people-item-separator" />
    <div id="SelfSearchInfo">
    <div id="Heading">
    <a id="EditProfileLink" href="_#= $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.EditProfileUrl) =#_"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_EditProfileLink) =#_ </a>
    <div id="Frequency">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency) =#_ </span>
    <ul id="FrequencyCard">
    <li id="MonthlyViews">
    var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth)) :
    $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth));
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    <li id="DailyViews">
    var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek)) :
    $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek));
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(has_query == true) {
    <div id="Keywords">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchKeywords) =#_ </span>
    var encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou, 5, delimiter), 84));
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    var lastModifiedTime = ctx.CurrentItem.LastModifiedTime;
    var encodedLastModifiedTimeId = $htmlEncode(id + "_lastModifiedTime");
    AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function()
    Srch.U.renderFriendlyTimeIntervalString(lastModifiedTime, encodedLastModifiedTimeId);
    <div id="LastModifiedTime">
    <span class="ms-textSmall">_#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_LastModified) =#_</span>
    <span id="_#= encodedLastModifiedTimeId =#_" class="ms-textSmall ms-srch-ellipsis"></span>
    AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function(){
    EnsureScriptFunc("clienttemplates.js", "RenderUserFieldWorker", function() {
    var getUserPersona = function() {
    var renderCtx = new ContextInfo();
    renderCtx.Templates = {};
    renderCtx.Templates["Fields"] = {};
    var fieldSchemaData = { "PictureOnly":"1", "PictureSize": "Size_72px"};
    var listSchema = {"EffectivePresenceEnabled": "1", "PresenceAlt": Srch.Res.item_People_NoPresenceAvailable};
    var userData = {"title": uName, "email": uEmail, "picture": uPicUrl, "sip": uSip};
    var personaControlElement = document.getElementById(userPersonaId);
    if (!Srch.U.n(personaControlElement))
    personaControlElement.innerHTML = RenderUserFieldWorker(renderCtx, fieldSchemaData, userData, listSchema);
    if(typeof(ctx.EnqueueImnRequest) == "undefined") { ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = false; }
    if (ctx.EnqueueImnRequest == false) {
    ctx.ClientControl.add_oneTimeResultRendered(function(){ if (typeof(ProcessImn) != "undefined") { ProcessImn(); } });
    ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = true;
    I'm not a developer, so please keep that in mind. I do appreciate any help. Thanks!

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to add Horizontal Line in People Search Results Page.
    I recommend that you can use the
    HTML <hr> Tag in the display template file.
    You can add the code below to the html page under the <div id="NameField"></div>
    <div> Office:_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_ </div>
    <div> Department:_#= ctx.CurrentItem.Department =#_ </div>
    <div> Organization: _#= ctx.CurrentItem.Organization =#_ </div>
    <div> Organization:<img id="PicPreview" src="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.Organization =#_"/> </div>
    <div> OfficeLocator:<a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator =#_">_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_</a> </div>
    The result is as below:
    Linda Li                
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to Add Customer Class Field in WEB-IC

    Hi CRM Experts,
    Please provide me Solution on folooing queries.
    1)When ever i create a BP from WEB-IC, i need to enter Customer Class. Since this field is not available in the standard system i cant enter.
    So, Please tell me how to add new filed in the WebIC.
    Points will be Rewarded.
    Thanks in Advance.

    See Thread entitled "Links to CRM Documentation" - there you will find a link to Interaction Center (IC) WebClient Consultants Cookbook. This document gives you all the info you need to add fields to the ICWC.
    Please award points...

  • How to add standard "reason" field as search criteria for service orders?

    I would like to add the criteria "reason" in search tool for service orders.
    Would it be standard or woudl it need development?
    Many thanks,

    Hi Eli,
    Please go to the web ui configuration and search reason feild is available for the config view. If it is available please move from hidden to visible. If it is not available you can add using development or AET to add that feild in the view.
    karthik J

  • How to add Distribution channel in Activity search result

    Hi All,
    As i am new in BSP area need your help.
    My requirment is to add a ditribution Channel in activity Search criteria as well as in search result.i am done with adding a DC in search critaria but not able to understand how to add a DC in Search result.
    Component     : BT126S_APPT
    View              :  BT126S_APPT/ApptSR
    Context Node :  BTQRACT  - Under this CN there is no attribute called DC.
    To add i DC in above context node:
    1. Need to create a Z attribute in Context Node.
    2. In get method of attribute need to read the DC's attribute which entred in search to get this value.
    Please help me to solve this issue.
    DC = Disttribution channel.
    CN = Context Node.

    The cleaner approach in my view could be to provide a hyperlink and when the user presses the link option you can show the partner data in the key field.So for example some body wants to see the partners for a particular Sold to Party just do allow him/her a hyperlink access.For this the end user must be aware of the functionality.
    Alternatively make this view a part of the Viewset which will contain the search & result view.When you select a particular opportunity row from the result row , you can show the partners involved in this opportunity.When no opportunity is selected you can leave the partner field blank.

  • How to add custom action group in list settings page?

    I want to add one custom action in my custom group in list settings page. I have done following for that
    <Elements xmlns="">
    Title ="My Group"
    <CustomAction Id="Custom.Configuration.ListCustomSettings"
    Title="Library Admins">
    <UrlAction Url="_layouts/15/LibrarySettings.aspx?List={ListId}" />
    But custom group is not created in list settings
    Any idea what I am missing here?

    Per my understanding, you might want to add a custom action group into the list settings page.
    In the same way, we can add custom group into “Site Settings” page(C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\settings.aspx) by specifying
    the Location attribute to "Microsoft.SharePoint.SiteSettings".
    However, in the “List Settings” page(C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\listedit.aspx), the three groups “General Settings”,
    “Permissions and Management” and “Communications” are hardcoded there which occupy all the space, it is by design.
    As a workaround, you can modify the HTML source code of the “listedit.aspx” to generate a custom group there manually.
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • How to influence customer order (VA01) article search results

    Hey Gurus!
    We're running ECC 5.0 for retail and we have a business request to change the standard search within the ECC create/modify sales order (VA01/VA02) so that when a user searches for an article that the only articles that are returned that match the search criteria have inventory in the site.
    I've been looking for a badi or user exit specifically to affect the results of a search within the sales order functionality but I can't see to find one. Can you point me in the right direction, or let me know if something like this is available?
    If not, where would I insert a custom enhancement to make this work (i.e. which standard program would require modification)?

    Hello Don
    I don't have Retail knowledge or system ( with me)  to help you.
    But in standard ERP, you can set up new search help or match codes for materials and assortments.
    IMG Path:
    SPRO/IMG/Logistics - General/Material Master/Tools/Maintain Search Helps
    SPRO/IMG/Logistics - General/Assortment/Assortment/Matchcodes, Assortments
    I am sure you will have similar search helps in Retail IS also for Articles.
    Having said that, Search Helps are usually for static master data fields like Material Group, Product Hierarchy, class etc. and I am not sure if it will be easy to build a search help for a dynamic piece of information like availability of stock.
    In any case work with Basis/ABAP teams while building new, custom search helps.
    Hope this helps.

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    Below is the code , what i am trying.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Elements xmlns="">
    Title="Move Documents">
    <CommandUIDefinition Location="Ribbon.PublishTab.Publishing.Controls._children">
    Alt="Check Linked Page Assets"
    LabelText="Check Assets"
    ToolTipTitle="Check Linked Page Assets"
    ToolTipDescription="Checks each image, document and page linked to from this page and verified if the asset is both working (not a broken link) and published. You may also use that page to publish all unpublished assets at once."
    <CommandUIHandler Command="CheckLinkedPageItems" CommandAction="javascript:alert('button clicked!);" />
    any thoughts?

    Check the secquence number . I don't see any issue in your code. Try with different sequence numbers.
    Did you find this Helpful? Please Mark it So! Thank you. Sachin Kumar

  • Search keywords on Advanced Search Box in SharePoint 2010 cleared on Search Result Page

    I migrated SharePoint 2007/Windows 2003/MS SQL 2005 to SharePoint2010/Windows 2008 R2/MS SQL 2008 system.  New system does not work just like old system and requires some configuration changes.  The search keyword
    on Advanced Search Box is appended to browser address bar instead of remain static in the search field on Search Result page.  Anyone has fix for this so it will work just like SP 2007 version?

    does it give you search results ? Can you provide us the exact string when keyword jumps to browser address bar ? Also provide browser and OS versions.
    Pratik Vyas | SharePoint Consultant |
    Posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights
    Please remember to click Mark As Answer if a post solves your problem or
    Vote As Helpful if it was useful.

  • How to add a User Defined Field in OUBI

    Dear Experts
    I would like to find out how to add a user defined field into OUBI from a Customer Care & Billing source system. If anyone could list the steps involved or point me toward a source of documentation that sets out the steps involved it would be much appreciated.

    Is there anyone out there who has had experience using OUBI with CC&B?

  • How to Add a user defined field in transaction-PKMC?

    Could anyone tell me the step by step process of how to add a user defined field in transaction-PKMC?
    Moderator message: please do some research before posting.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Jan 16, 2012

    Is there anyone out there who has had experience using OUBI with CC&B?

  • 11.5.9/OAF 5.7 : how to add new fields in iProc "search results" page

    We need to add new fields into iProc "search results" page - "Personalize Self-Service Defn" is et, we can enter the personalization screens (from both the "master" link at top/right page level or from the link above the region) - anyway cannot find how to add new fields. Do we have to go to AK developer and/or XML files or is it feasable from OAF (as it is with 11510) ? TIA.

    It depends on what fields you want to add.
    1. If Oracle has included the fields, just render them via personalizations
    2. If they are brand new fields:
    a) you will need to extend the VO (I do not know the exact name).
    b) change the query to get your extra db columns if necesary
    c) add transient attributes to the VO and map them to b).
    d) Then you need to add the items via personalization and map them to the attributes you created in c)
    Check on metalink for the lates version of OAF Dev Guide and Personalization guide.

  • Office 365 - sharepoint: In Advanced search Page, How to add custom column under property restrictions

     In Advanced search Page, How to add custom column under property restrictions?

    The Navigation control can be added into your HTML page in the Snippet Gallery:
    The two links below about how to create HTML master page and adding snippets needed into it for your reference:
    Feel free to reply if there still any question.
    Best regards,
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to add a user defined HTTP header field?

    Hi, everyone!
    I want to add a user defined HTTP header field to a HTTP
    response header.
    I use the following statements in testHeader.jsp
    response.addHeader("myheader", "123");
    in middleHeader.jsp,
    But the output in middleHeader.jsp is null!
    How to add a user defined HTTP header field to a HTTP
    response header? Are there some sample codes?

    the send redirect actually creates a new request (through the client) and thus a new response
    thus the headers you set in the response are gone for the next request/response
    You can try servletDispatcher.forward

Maybe you are looking for

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