How to add the data dynamically in data grid

I got a stuck up in using JSF as I am trying to retrieve a value of a text box on clicking a button in the datagrid.
Please suggest me a solution for his

Please consider filing bugs in Jira at [|]. Without your bugs being filed there is no guarantee we'll know to fix them! File them against 'runtime', for the 'control' component, and they'll turn up in my inbox.

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    In my application, i have a survey module.
    In that i have to change the question by every week, which iam getting
    from the Database.
    Iam using java,and mysql DB, framework struts.
    How can i update the question for every week ??
    What is the procedure to attain it.
    Give me suggestions and tips to startup.

    The cron command would do that on Linux and Solaris. On Windows, use a similar command.

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    Dear All,
    Here is procedure
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE pp1 (mstring in varchar2)
    -- vyearqtr NUMBER := myearqtr;
    -- vyearnum NUMBER := myearnum;
    vstring VARCHAR2(1000) := mstring;
    vnum VARCHAR2(10);
    CURSOR c1 is
    FROM TABLE(CAST(split(vstring,',')as split_tbl)) a;
    OPEN c1;
    FETCH c1 INTO vnum;
    exit when c1%notfound;
    INSERT INTO ibs_cbs_temp
    select a.YearQtr,a.cgs_name Groupname,a.Code,a.Name1,
    Round((nvl(bSum1, 0) + nvl(cSum1, 0) + nvl(dSum1, 0) +
    nvl(eSum1, 0) + nvl(fSum1, 0)) / 1000000) as TOTAL,
    Round((nvl(bSum1, 0)) / 1000000) as MaturityCode1,
    Round((nvl(cSum1, 0)) / 1000000) as MaturityCode2,
    Round((nvl(dSum1, 0)) / 1000000) as MaturityCode3,
    Round((nvl(eSum1, 0)) / 1000000) as MaturityCode4,
    Round((nvl(fSum1, 0)) / 1000000) as MaturityCode5,
    Round((nvl(gBank, 0)) / 1000000) as sBank,
    Round((nvl(hBank, 0)) / 1000000) as SPrivate,
    Round((nvl(iBank, 0)) / 1000000) as SPublic,
    Round((nvl(i1Bank, 0)) / 1000000) as SUnallocated
    from (Select distinct
    cg.cgs_name,aq.CTY_Code as Code,aq.CTY_Name as Name1,ibs_work_bankdata.bd_yrqtr as yearqtr
    from Ibs_Countrygroups cg
    INNER JOIN IBS_CountryMaster aq on cg.cgs_id=aq.cty_ctygrpid and cg.cgs_active=1 and aq.cty_active=1
    INNER JOIN ibs_work_bankdata ON aq.CTY_Code =ibs_work_bankdata.bd_councd
    INNER JOIN ibs_bankmaster bk on ibs_work_bankdata.bd_bkcode = bk.bnk_code
    INNER JOIN ibs_countrymaster cm on bk.bnk_countryofinc = cm.cty_id
    INNER JOIN IBS_ALCategory ON ibs_work_bankdata.bd_alcd = IBS_ALCategory.Alc_Code
    where ibs_work_bankdata.bd_yrqtr = vnum -- VARIABLE ASSIGNED vnum
    group by cg.cgs_name,aq.CTY_Name,aq.CTY_Code,ibs_work_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)a
    left join
    (select sum((case
    when ibs_work_bankdata.bd_matcd = 1 AND
    -- start
    ((CTY_Code = 'IN' and
    (((bd_forcd = 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN' and bd_sectcd <> '11') or
    (bd_forcd <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')))) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd = CTY_Code) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN'))
    -- end
    getvalueinusd(Abs(ibs_work_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +
    (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id
    from ibs_currencymaster
    where ibs_work_bankdata.bd_curcd =
    end)) as bSum1,
    when ibs_work_bankdata.bd_matcd = 2 AND
    ((CTY_Code = 'IN' and
    (((bd_forcd = 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN' and bd_sectcd <> '11') or
    (bd_forcd <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')))) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd = CTY_Code) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN'))
    getvalueinusd(Abs(ibs_work_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +
    (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id
    from ibs_currencymaster
    where ibs_work_bankdata.bd_curcd =
    end)) as cSum1,
    sum((case when
    ibs_work_bankdata.bd_matcd = 3 AND
    ((CTY_Code = 'IN' and
    (((bd_forcd = 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN' and bd_sectcd <> '11') or
    (bd_forcd <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')))) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and CTY_BIS_REPORTING_CBS = 'Y') and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd = CTY_Code) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and CTY_BIS_REPORTING_CBS = 'N') and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')) then
    getvalueinusd(Abs(ibs_work_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +
    (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id
    from ibs_currencymaster
    where ibs_work_bankdata.bd_curcd =
    ibs_work_bankdata.bd_yrqtr) else 0 end)) as dSum1,
    when ibs_work_bankdata.bd_matcd = 4 AND
    ((CTY_Code = 'IN' and
    (((bd_forcd = 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN' and bd_sectcd <> '11') or
    (bd_forcd <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')))) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd = CTY_Code) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')) then
    getvalueinusd(Abs(ibs_work_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +
    (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id
    from ibs_currencymaster
    where ibs_work_bankdata.bd_curcd =
    end)) as eSum1,
    when ibs_work_bankdata.bd_matcd = 5 AND
    ((CTY_Code = 'IN' and
    (((bd_forcd = 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN' and bd_sectcd <> '11') or
    (bd_forcd <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')))) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd = CTY_Code) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')) then
    getvalueinusd(Abs(ibs_work_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +
    (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id
    from ibs_currencymaster
    where ibs_work_bankdata.bd_curcd =
    end)) as fSum1,
    when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 0 AND
    ((CTY_Code = 'IN' and
    (((bd_forcd = 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN' and bd_sectcd <> '11') or
    (bd_forcd <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')))) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd = CTY_Code) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')) then
    getvalueinusd(Abs(ibs_work_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +
    (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id
    from ibs_currencymaster
    where ibs_work_bankdata.bd_curcd =
    end)) as gBank,
    when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 1 AND
    ((CTY_Code = 'IN' and
    (((bd_forcd = 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN' and bd_sectcd <> '11') or
    (bd_forcd <> 'IN' and ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31
    ') and bd_councd <> 'IN')))) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd = CTY_Code) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')) then
    getvalueinusd(Abs(ibs_work_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +
    (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id
    from ibs_currencymaster
    where ibs_work_bankdata.bd_curcd =
    end)) as hBank,
    when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 2 AND
    ((CTY_Code = 'IN' and
    (((bd_forcd = 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN' and bd_sectcd <> '11') or
    (bd_forcd <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')))) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd = CTY_Code) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')) then
    getvalueinusd(Abs(ibs_work_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +
    (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id
    from ibs_currencymaster
    where ibs_work_bankdata.bd_curcd =
    end)) as iBank,
    when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 3 AND
    ((CTY_Code = 'IN' and
    (((bd_forcd = 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN' and bd_sectcd <> '11') or
    (bd_forcd <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')))) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd = CTY_Code) or
    ((CTY_Code <> 'IN' and
    ALC_Code in ('11', '21', '31') and
    bd_councd <> 'IN')) then
    getvalueinusd(Abs(ibs_work_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +
    (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id
    from ibs_currencymaster
    where ibs_work_bankdata.bd_curcd =
    end)) as i1Bank,
    ibs_work_bankdata.bd_councd as Cty_Id
    FROM IBS_CountryMaster aq
    INNER JOIN ibs_work_bankdata ON aq.CTY_Code =ibs_work_bankdata.bd_councd
    inner join ibs_bankmaster bk on ibs_work_bankdata.bd_bkcode =bk.bnk_code
    inner join ibs_countrymaster cm on bk.bnk_countryofinc = cm.cty_id
    INNER JOIN IBS_Sector ON ibs_work_bankdata.bd_sectcd =IBS_Sector.Sec_Code
    INNER JOIN IBS_ALCategory ON ibs_work_bankdata.bd_alcd =IBS_ALCategory.Alc_Code
    INNER JOIN IBS_ALTypes ON ibs_work_bankdata.bd_typecd =IBS_ALTypes.Act_Code
    INNER JOIN IBS_MaturityCodeMaster ON ibs_work_bankdata.bd_matcd =IBS_MaturityCodeMaster.MCM_Code
    ibs_work_bankdata.bd_yrqtr = vnum -- VARIABLE ASSIGNED vnum
    group by ibs_work_bankdata.bd_councd) l on a.Code = l.CTY_Id
    order by total desc;
    Close C1;
    The condition between -- start and --end Here I want to pass this condition dynamically.
    Any one please give me soluion.
    I am in very tense.
    Thanks in advance.

    I used dynamic sql but I got missing right parenthesis error.
    Here is my procedure;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PRAT(mstring in varchar2, mconditions in varchar2)
    -- vyearqtr NUMBER := myearqtr;
    -- vyearnum NUMBER := myearnum;
    vstring VARCHAR2(1000) := mstring;
    vnum     VARCHAR2(10);
    vconditions VARCHAR2(4000) := mconditions;
    v_strvar varchar2(32767);
    CURSOR c1 is
    FROM TABLE(CAST(split(vstring,',')as split_tbl)) a;
    OPEN c1;
    FETCH c1 INTO vnum;
    exit when c1%notfound;
    v_strvar:= 'INSERT INTO ibs_cbs_temp3';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' select a.YearQtr,a.cgs_name Groupname,a.Code,a.Name1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(bSum1, 0) + nvl(cSum1, 0) + nvl(dSum1, 0) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' nvl(eSum1, 0) + nvl(fSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as TOTAL,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(bSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as MaturityCode1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(cSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as MaturityCode2,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(dSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as MaturityCode3,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(eSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as MaturityCode4,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(fSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as MaturityCode5,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(gBank, 0)) / 10000000) as sBank,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(hBank, 0)) / 10000000) as SPrivate,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(iBank, 0)) / 10000000) as SPublic,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(i1Bank, 0)) / 10000000) as SUnallocated';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from    (Select  distinct';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' cg.cgs_name,aq.CTY_Code as Code,aq.CTY_Name as Name1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr as yearqtr';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from Ibs_Countrygroups cg';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_CountryMaster aq ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' on cg.cgs_id=aq.cty_ctygrpid and cg.cgs_active=1 ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' and aq.cty_active=1';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN ibs_org_bankdata ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON aq.CTY_Code =ibs_org_bankdata.bd_councd';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN ibs_bankmaster bk ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' on ibs_org_bankdata.bd_bkcode = bk.bnk_code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN ibs_countrymaster cm ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' on bk.bnk_countryofinc = cm.cty_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_ALCategory ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON ibs_org_bankdata.bd_alcd = IBS_ALCategory.Alc_Code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr = '|| vnum ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' group by cg.cgs_name,aq.CTY_Name,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' aq.CTY_Code,ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)a';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' left join';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd = 1 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as bSum1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd = 2 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as cSum1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case when';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd = 3 AND '||vconditions;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr) else 0 end)) as dSum1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd = 4 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as eSum1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd = 5 AND '||vconditions;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as fSum1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 0 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as gBank,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 1 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as hBank,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 2 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as iBank,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 3 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as i1Bank,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_councd as Cty_Id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' FROM IBS_CountryMaster aq';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN ibs_org_bankdata ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON aq.CTY_Code =ibs_org_bankdata.bd_councd';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' inner join ibs_bankmaster bk ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' on ibs_org_bankdata.bd_bkcode =bk.bnk_code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' inner join ibs_countrymaster cm ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' on bk.bnk_countryofinc = cm.cty_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_Sector ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON ibs_org_bankdata.bd_sectcd =IBS_Sector.Sec_Code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_ALCategory ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON ibs_org_bankdata.bd_alcd =IBS_ALCategory.Alc_Code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_ALTypes ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON ibs_org_bankdata.bd_typecd =IBS_ALTypes.Act_Code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_MaturityCodeMaster ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd =IBS_MaturityCodeMaster.MCM_Code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr = '||vnum ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' group by ibs_org_bankdata.bd_councd) ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' l on a.Code = l.CTY_Id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' order by total desc';
    CLOSE C1;
    /please help.

  • How to add the date field in the dso and info cube

    Hi all.
    I am new to bi 7. in the earlier version v hav to button to add the date field. but in the bi 7 der is no option so can any body tell me how to add the date field in the data targets
    Thanks & Regard

    my prob is solved

  • How to add the Date Track Button

    How to add the Date Track Button on a customized Form ?
    1. Profile of Datetrack:Enabled = Yes
    2. All HR Forms includes the Date Trak Button
    3. On the Customized Form "Alter Date Track" can be activated from Menu :Tool --> Alter Date Track.
    I'd Like the Button to appear on button ruller.
    Thanks for help

    Please review the following notes, it may be helpful.
    Note: 177733.1 - How Date Track Works
    Note: 169059.1 - Understanding the Flow of Date Track Dates Through the Forms

  • I-photo:  I used 2 cameras to take pictures on a trip --- i have put the pictures from both cameras into an album --- when i click on view and then sort by date, the pictures do not sort by date --- any ideas on how to get the pics sorted by date?

    I-photo:  I used 2 cameras to take pictures on a trip --- i have put the pictures from both cameras into an album --- when i click on view and then sort by date, the pictures do not sort by date --- any ideas on how to get the pics sorted by date?

    Select all the photos that you need to change, then click the "Photos" menu and choose "Adjust Date and Time".
    If you add a year, it will adjust all the photos that you selected by adding a year (so if you accidentally select one of the photos that already has "2012", that will change to "2013"). 

  • How to add 2 days to a date field?

    How to add 2 days to a date field if a Saturday was selected on a different date field?

    I am attempting to add a date field and then have a another field add an amount to a box if the date is less than 30 days. Later I want to update the form to have the today's date is less than 10 days.
    Early Registration Fee is $10.00 if posted by February 25, 2008
    Late Registration Fee is $20.00 if posted by March 17, 2008
    It seems simple, but, when you get to be 71 years old, it seems difficult. Any help will be appreciated.
    Here is a link to the form I'm working on:
    I am using a trial version of Adobe Acrobat 8.
    Andy Anderson

  • How to set the timezone in a DATE datetype?

    How to set the timezone in a DATE datetype?

    10.5 Date, Time, and Timestamp
    The JDBC API follows the Java platform's approach of representing dates and times as a millisecond value relative to January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. Since most databases don't support the notion of a time zone, the JDBC 2.0 API adds new methods to allow a JDBC driver to get/set Date, Time, and Timestamp values for a particular time zone using a Calendar. For example,
    ResultSet rs;
    Date date1 = rs.getDate(1);
    returns a Date object that wraps a millisecond value which denotes a particular date, like January 3, 1999, and a normalized time 00:00:00 in the default time zone. The time component of the Date is set to zero in the default time zone since SQL DATE values don't have a time component. Since a Calendar was not supplied explicitly to getDate() , the default time zone (really the default Calendar) is used by the JDBC driver internally to create the appropriate millisecond value assuming that the underlying database doesn't store time zone information.
    The following example retrieves a date value in GMT-Greenwich Mean Time.
    ResultSet rs;
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date date2 = rs.getDate(1, cal);
    In the example above, a Calendar is passed explicitly to getDate() to inform the JDBC driver how to calculate the appropriate millisecond value. Note that the same result could have been achieved by simply changing the default time zone, and not passing the Calendar explicitly since the JDBC driver will use the default time zone by default.
    Note that the two Date objects created above will not compare as equal assuming that the default time zone is not GMT, even if they represent the `same' date.
    if (date1.equals(date2))
    //never get here
    This is because each Java language Date object really just wraps a normalized millisecond time value and these millisecond values will differ across time zones. If an application wishes to compare dates in different time zones it should first convert them to a Calendar.
    An application should create a Date object using a Calendar. The application is responsible for specifying the time as 00:00:00 on the desired date when using the Calendar since JDBC uses this convention. In addition when creating a Time value the application must specify a date of January 1, 1970 to the Calendar used to create the millisecond value for the Time as this is the convention specified by JDBC for time.
    Above from:
    I hope it can help you!

  • How to find the table in which data from a structure sits

    I want to know how to find the exact table where data sitting in various structures during runtime are stored.
    For instance,in ME23N we have various tabs and data in those are held in various structures. This we can see by checking the technical setting of each field.
    I want to know in which table the data is actually stored for each field and how to find them.
    Any other means other than using "WHERE USED" option?

    After checking for technical field from the screen, when you reach out to structure, you can dbl click on the particular field's data element. From this data-element you can get to know in which tables it is used. Also if the data element refers to some master data field then you can check out its domain and in the domain you can refer the<b> value table</b> for that domain. This is what i will do if i am not sure about anything.
    Hope it will help a little.

  • My iPhone 5 has broken and is being replaced with a new iPhone tomorrow. However, My carrier (orange) will b picking up my broken iPhone and I am unsure how to secure the content and icloud data on the broken phone. Is there a way to display the data?

    My iPhone 5 has broken and is being replaced with a new iPhone tomorrow. However, My carrier (orange) will b picking up my broken iPhone and I am unsure how to secure the content and icloud data on the broken phone. Is there a way to disable the data held on it and ensure that if it is fixed, nobody can use/see my data and access my account?

    Hi Gazpan,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    I recommend using the steps in this article to back up your iPhone if possible:
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    You may also find this advice helpful for your situation:
    What to do before selling or giving away your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    If you no longer have your iOS device
    If you're using iCloud and Find My iPhone on the device, you can erase the device remotely and remove it from your account by signing in to, selecting the device, and clicking Erase. When the device has been erased, click Remove from Account.
    If you're unable to complete either of the above steps, you should change your Apple ID password. Changing your password won't remove any personal information that is cached on the device, but it will make sure that the new owner can't delete your information from iCloud.

  • How to download the ALV Hierchial Tree Data to an Excel sheet.

    Hi All,
    Can any body please let me ,if there is any possibility to know How to download the ALV Hierchial Tree Data to an Excel sheet.
    If yes, please let me know how could this can b acheived.

    Hi Rohini
    There is no such functionality provided by SAP to download ALV Tree Hierarichal Tree into excel sheet .
    If you had this kind of senario then i can propose one solution create two radio buttons one is to display in ALV Tree Format and the other is classical report which you can download it for futher process
    Hitesh Batra

  • How to get the difference of two dates in years,months and days

    Hi friends,
    how to get the difference of two dates in years,months and days
    for ex 2 years 3 months 13 days
    select (sysdate-date_Start) from per_periods_of_service

    Something like this...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select to_date('17-nov-2006','dd-mon-yyyy') as c_start_date, to_date('21-jan-2008','dd-mon-yyyy') as c_end_date from dual union all
      2             select to_date('21-nov-2006','dd-mon-yyyy'), to_date('17-feb-2008','dd-mon-yyyy') from dual union all
      3             select to_date('21-jun-2006','dd-mon-yyyy'), to_date('17-jul-2008','dd-mon-yyyy') from dual
      4             )
      5  -- end of test data
      6  select c_start_date, c_end_date
      7        ,trunc(months_between(c_end_date, c_start_date) / 12) as yrs
      8        ,trunc(mod(months_between(c_end_date, c_start_date), 12)) as mnths
      9        ,trunc(c_end_date - add_months(c_start_date, trunc(months_between(c_end_date, c_start_date)))) as dys
    10* from t
    SQL> /
    C_START_D C_END_DAT        YRS      MNTHS        DYS
    17-NOV-06 21-JAN-08          1          2          4
    21-NOV-06 17-FEB-08          1          2         27
    21-JUN-06 17-JUL-08          2          0         26
    SQL>But, don't forget that different months have different numbers of days, and leap years can effect it too.

  • How to get the name of a Data Element of a generic Table!

    Hi guys!
    In my function i have the following import paramenter
    i_outtab type standard table
    now i import a table and i want to get the dataelement of the fields.
    is there a way to do this??

    Hello Thomas
    Perhaps the following sample report may be useful for you.
    *& <a class="jive_macro jive_macro_thread" href="" __jive_macro_name="thread" modifiedtitle="true" __default_attr="1145711"></a>
    *& Thread: How to get the name of a Data Element of a generic Table!
    REPORT  zus_sdn_rtti_struct_components.
    TYPE-POOLS: abap.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_outtab.
    TYPES: bukrs    TYPE bukrs.
    TYPES: kunnr    TYPE kunnr.
    TYPES: END OF ty_s_outtab.
    DATA: gdo_data    TYPE REF TO data.
    DATA: gs_outtab   TYPE ty_s_outtab.
    DATA: go_typedescr  TYPE REF TO cl_abap_typedescr,
          go_structdescr  TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
          go_datadescr    type ref to cl_abap_datadescr.
    DATA: gs_comp        TYPE abap_compdescr,
          gd_dtel        type string,
          gt_dfies        type ddfields.
      <gs_struct> TYPE ANY.
      GET REFERENCE OF gs_outtab INTO gdo_data.
      ASSIGN gdo_data->* TO <gs_struct>.
      go_typedescr = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( <gs_struct> ).
      go_structdescr ?= go_typedescr.
      LOOP AT go_structdescr->components INTO gs_comp.
        go_datadescr = GO_STRUCTDESCR->GET_COMPONENT_TYPE( gs_comp-name ).
        gd_dtel = go_datadescr->get_relative_name( ).
        write: / syst-tabix, 'Data element =', gd_dtel.

  • How to control the size of live data in Coherence?

    How to control the size of live data in Coherence?
    See the following statement:
    Pause times increase as the amount of live data in the heap increases. We recommend not exceeding 70% live data in your heap. This includes primary data, backup data, indexes, and application data.
    --Excerpted from                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    In any Java program, it is good practice to make sure your live objects leave some room in the heap for "scratch space." Without this, you will spend too much time in GC, and, in the worst cases, run out of memory. In the general case, you can see how much live data your application requires by looking at the heap used after a full GC's. For Coherence, you should ensure that live data, as you say, is under 70% of the maximum heap size.
    Coherence provides you tools to help enforce this policy. [] describes how to size limit your cache. By implementing an eviction policy, you can control what happens when a size limit is exceeded.

  • How to check the records in Master Data Table?

       I am trying to load the Master Data Table using the Flat File.Now how to check the records in Master Data Table?
    I done the following way:
    Info Provider->Info Object->Right Click->Display Data or Maintain Master Data
    But it's not showing the records.It's asking like CID from......To......
                                                                         here CID means customer id(characteristic).
    and showing some settings.
    Please guide me.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Sri,
    Go to T- code RSD1 and type your info object name and open the P- table in the infoobject then select execute symbol to see the updated  data in to master data info object.

  • How to get the today's julian date in java?

    how to get the today's julian date in java?
    hi can any one tell me how to get the todays julian date using Calender class or GregorianCalender class....
    Julian date for 2006.November.01 AD 05:54 PM : 2454041.0
    i have tryied with
    calJ.setGregorianChange(new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE));
    Message was edited by:

    thanks a lot....for intrest....
    I have found some details about the Julian calendar as follows:
    The Julian date for 2006: JAN: 01:12:01:59 is 2453737.00138
    245 represent the year digits for year 2006
    3737 represent the date fir 1 Jan
    .00138 represents the time for 12:01:59
    Julian date change as per every day 12 noon it increase one digit in it.
    As per ref from
    Also chk this calendar where Julian date is 20. October 2006 for 02 November 2006
    As per ref from
    I have tried the pure �GregorianCalendar� class from jdk1.4 API and its setGregorianChange method but not getting as per the expected Julian date format. Using the �setGregorianChange()� i have setting the cutover date to Long.MAX_VALUE it means GregorianCalendar now have to act as per the Julian calendar after setting the cutover date it return me changed date using �getGregorianChange()� but that was not the Julian date of the current expected or as per above both scenario. Even though the last two digits are nowhere equal to the actual Julian date.
    GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
    cal.setGregorianChange(new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE)); // setting the calendar to act as a pure Julian calendar.
    // cal.set(Calendar.DATE, new Date().getDate()); // seting the current date
    // Date todayJD = cal.getGregorianChange(); // getting the changed date after the setGregorianChange
    Date todayJD = cal.getTime(); // getting the calculated time of today�s Julian date
    SimpleDateFormat sdfJulianDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyDDD");
    SimpleDateFormat sdfJuliandayOfYear = new SimpleDateFormat("DDD");
    System.out.println("today Date = " + new Date());
    System.out.println("Today as julian date = " + sdfJulianDate.format(todayJD));
    System.out.println("Today as day of year = " + sdfJuliandayOfYear.format(todayJD));
    USING : Date todayJD = cal.getGregorianChange();
    Today Date = Thu Nov 02 15:17:05 IST 2006
    Today as julian date = 94229
    Today as day of year = 229
    USING : cal.set(Calendar.DATE, new Date().getDate());
    Today Date = Thu Nov 02 15:19:22 IST 2006
    Today as julian date = 06319
    Today as day of year = 319
    USING : Date todayJD = cal.getTime();
    Today Date = Thu Nov 02 15:17:59 IST 2006
    Today as julian date = 06306
    Today as day of year = 306
    There is one another concept i found to get the Julian day of the year as per the Julian day chart mention on nasa site ( and i m getting the moth of the year that is 306 for nov 02 2006 using getTime() method in above code then the out put is right for Julian day. But it was not as per the expected Julian date format. So in conclusion we can only able to retrieve the day of year for the Julian calendar. hope their will be a solution for this problem in java api ....else we allways have to depend upon the third party api that was not accepteble some times.....
    Kindly chk chart on the site
    Tushar Lad

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